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1、TED英语演讲稿不幸也许是个机会1TED英语演讲稿:不幸也许是个机会id like to share with you a discovery that i made a few months ago while writing an article for italian wired. i always keep my thesaurus handy whenever im writing anything, but id already finished editing the piece, and i realized that i had never once in my life l

2、ooked up the word disabled to see what id find.let me read you the entry. disabled, adjective: crippled, helpless, useless, wrecked, stalled, maimed, wounded, mangled, lame, mutilated, run-down, worn-out, weakened, impotent, castrated, paralyzed, handicapped, senile, decrepit, laid-up, done-up, done

3、-for, done-in cracked-up, counted-out; see also hurt, useless and weak. antonyms, healthy, strong, capable. i was reading this list out loud to a friend and at first was laughing, it was so ludicrous, but id just gotten past mangled, and my voice broke, and i had to stop and collect myself from the

4、emotional shock and impact that the assault from these words know, of course, this is my raggedy old thesaurus so im thinking this must be an ancient print date, right? but, in fact, the print date was the early 1980s, when i would have been starting primary school and forming an under

5、standing of myself outside the family unit and as related to the other kids and the world around me. and, needless to say, thank god i wasnt using a thesaurus back then. i mean, from this entry, it would seem that i was born into a world that perceived someone like me to have nothing positive whatso

6、ever going for them, when in fact, today im celebrated for the opportunities and adventures my life has, i immediately went to look up the XX online edition, expecting to find a revision worth noting. heres the updated version of this entry. unfortunately, its not much better. i find the

7、 last two words under near antonyms, particularly unsettling: whole and, its not just about the words. its what we believe about people when we name them with these words. its about the values behind the words, and how we construct those values. our language affects our thinking and how

8、 we view the world and how we view other people. in fact, many ancient societies, including the greeks and the romans, believed that to utter a curse verbally was so powerful, because to say the thing out loud brought it into existence. so, what reality do we want to call into existence: a person wh

9、o is limited, or a person whos empowered? by casually doing something as simple as naming a person, a child, we might be putting lids and casting shadows on their power. wouldnt we want to open doors for them instead?one such person who opened doors for me was my childhood doctor at the a.i. dupont

10、institute in wilmington, delaware. his name was dr. pizzutillo, an italian american, whose name, apparently, was too difficult for most americans to pronounce, so he went by dr. p. and dr. p always wore really colorful bow ties and had the very perfect disposition to work with children.i loved almos

11、t everything about my time spent at this hospital, with the exception of my physical therapy sessions. i had to do what seemed like innumerable repetitions of exercises with these thick, elastic bands - different colors, you know - to help build up my leg muscles, and i hated these bands more than a

12、nything - i hated them, had names for them. i hated them. and, you know, i was already bargaining, as a five year-old child, with dr. p to try to get out of doing these exercises, unsuccessfully, of course. and, one day, he came in to my session - exhaustive and unforgiving, these sessions - and he

13、said to me, wow. aimee, you are such a strong and powerful little girl, i think youre going to break one of those bands. when you do break it, im going to give you a hundred, of course, this was a simple ploy on dr. ps part to get me to do the exercises i didnt want to do before the prospe

14、ct of being the richest five-year-old in the second floor ward, but what he effectively did for me was reshape an awful daily occurrence into a new and promising experience for me. and i have to wonder today to what extent his vision and his declaration of me as a strong and powerful little girl sha

15、ped my own view of myself as an inherently strong, powerful and athletic person well into the future.this is an example of how adults in positions of power can ignite the power of a child. but, in the previous instances of those thesaurus entries, our language isnt allowing us to evolve into the rea

16、lity that we would all want, the possibility of an individual to see themselves as capable. our language hasnt caught up with the changes in our society, many of which have been brought about by technology. certainly, from a medical standpoint, my legs, laser surgery for vision impairment, titanium

17、knees and hip replacements for aging bodies that are allowing people to more fully engage with their abilities, and move beyond the limits that nature has imposed on them - not to mention social networking platforms allow people to self-identify, to claim their own descriptions of themselves, so the

18、y can go align with global groups of their own choosing. so, perhaps technology is revealing more clearly to us now what has always been a truth: that everyone has something rare and powerful to offer our society, and that the human ability to adapt is our greatest asset.the human ability to adapt,

19、its an interesting thing, because people have continually wanted to talk to me about overcoming adversity, and im going to make an admission: this phrase never sat right with me, and i always felt uneasy trying to answer peoples questions about it, and i think im starting to figure out why. implicit

20、 in this phrase of overcoming adversity is the idea that success, or happiness, is about emerging on the other side of a challenging experience unscathed or unmarked by the experience, as if my successes in life have come about from an ability to sidestep or circumnavigate the presumed pitfalls of a

21、 life with prosthetics, or what other people perceive as my disability. but, in fact, we are changed. we are marked, of course, by a challenge, whether physically, emotionally or both. and im going to suggest that this is a good thing. adversity isnt an obstacle that we need to get around in order t

22、o resume living our life. its part of our life. and i tend to think of it like my shadow. sometimes i see a lot of it, sometimes theres very little, but its always with me. and, certainly, im not trying to diminish the impact, the weight, of a persons struggle.there is adversity and challenge in lif

23、e, and its all very real and relative to every single person, but the question isnt whether or not youre going to meet adversity, but how youre going to meet it. so, our responsibility is not simply shielding those we care for from adversity, but preparing them to meet it well. and we do a disservic

24、e to our kids when we make them feel that theyre not equipped to adapt. theres an important difference and distinction between the objective medical fact of my being an amputee and the subjective societal opinion of whether or not im disabled. and, truthfully, the only real and consistent disability

25、 ive had to confront is the world ever thinking that i could be described by those our desire to protect those we care about by giving them the cold, hard truth about their medical prognosis, or, indeed, a prognosis on the expected quality of their life, we have to make sure that we d

26、ont put the first brick in a wall that will actually disable someone. perhaps the existing model of only looking at what is broken in you and how do we fix it, serves to be more disabling to the individual than the pathology not treating the wholeness of a person, by not acknowledging thei

27、r potency, we are creating another ill on top of whatever natural struggle they might have. we are effectively grading someones worth to our community. so we need to see through the pathology and into the range of human capability. and, most importantly, theres a partnership between those perceived

28、deficiencies and our greatest creative ability. so its not about devaluing, or negating, these more trying times as something we want to avoid or sweep under the rug, but instead to find those opportunities wrapped in the adversity. so maybe the idea i want to put out there is not so much overcoming

29、 adversity as it is opening ourselves up to it, embracing it, grappling with it, to use a wrestling term, maybe even dancing with it. and, perhaps, if we see adversity as natural, consistent and useful, were less burdened by the presence of it.this year we celebrate the 200th birthday of charles dar

30、win, and it was 150 years ago, when writing about evolution, that darwin illustrated, i think, a truth about the human character. to paraphrase: its not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent that survives; it is the one that is most adaptable to change. conflict

31、is the genesis of creation. from darwins work, amongst others, we can recognize that the human ability to survive and flourish is driven by the struggle of the human spirit through conflict into transformation. so, again, transformation, adaptation, is our greatest human skill. and, perhaps, until w

32、ere tested, we dont know what were made of. maybe thats what adversity gives us: a sense of self, a sense of our own power. so, we can give ourselves a gift. we can re-imagine adversity as something more than just tough times. maybe we can see it as change. adversity is just change that we havent adapted ourselves to yet.i think the greatest adversity that weve created for ourselves is this idea of normalcy. now, whos normal? theres no normal. theres common, theres typical. theres no normal, and would you want to meet that poor, beige person if they ex

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