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1、有关朋友的英文名言有关朋友的英文名言有关朋友的英文名言 朋友就像是你生命中的一盏灯,在你最需要温暖的时候给你送来温暖,没错,我们在逆境中认识了朋友,认识了他们的伟大。下面是我为你精心推荐的 的内容,希望你喜欢! 最新 谁为时代的伟大目标服务,并把自己的一生献给了为人类兄弟而进行的斗争,谁才是不朽的。 Who for the great goal of the era of service, and dedicate his life to the struggle for human brothers, who is immortal. 珍惜身边的每一份友情,也许会淡忘,也许会疏远,但是却从来

2、都不应该遗忘。 Cherish every friendship, around may forget, may alienate, but never be forgotten. 很多显得象朋友的人其实不是朋友,而很多是朋友的倒并不显得象朋友。 Many people who is not a friend to appear like friends, and many are friends does not appear like friends. 如果朋友是盲人,我就从侧面看他。 If a friend is a blind man, and I will see him from

3、the side. 人之间的友谊,并非由于说不尽的好处,倒是说不出的要好。 The friendship between people, not because the untold benefits, but could not say. 单单一个有智慧的的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。 Only a wise friendship, than all the stupid people friendship is more valuable. 爱情是友谊的精华,书信是爱情的妙药。 Love is the essence of friendship, is the medicine

4、 of the love letter. 不坚强,就只能做摇尾乞怜的小狗,永远等待着主人的赏赐。爱情也好,友情也罢。 Is not strong, can only do fawning dog, always waiting for the masters reward. Love, or friendship. 朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。 Between friends, the opportunities of foes. 在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊为最重要。 In wisdom for the whole life happiness, is the mos

5、t important for friendship. 勤奋是智慧的双胞胎,懒惰是愚蠢的亲兄弟。 Diligence is the twin of wisdom, lazy stupid brother. 真正的友谊无论从正反看都应一样,不可能从前面看是蔷薇而从后面看是刺。 True friendship should be from your sides, impossible is rose from the front and is seen from behind. 由友谊进而为恋爱易,由恋爱退而为友谊难。 By friendship, in turn, to fall in love

6、 easily, by the love back into friendship. 如果友谊一旦破坏了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。 If friendship once destroyed, even the love also can not make it back again. 人世间,爱情也许使人怦然心动,但惟有友谊,真切而又执著,让你生命有多长,回忆就有多长。 In the world, love may make the person become really interested, but only friendship, true and persistent, let y

7、ou how long the life, recall how long. 友谊不能成为一种交易;相反。它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship cant be a deal; On the contrary. It needs the most thoroughly of no interest concept. 谁都会无力付出一切,怕结果狼狈倒自己都无法承担。无论友情还是爱情。 Who will be powerless to do anything for fear of the mess that I cant bear. Whether friendship or love

8、. 在幸运上不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 On the lucky not to share with people, in the disaster is not faithful friends. 推荐 真诚的友谊如同完好的健康,其价值往往只有在失去之后才被意识到。 Sincere friendship is like sound health, the value is often only after losing be aware of that. 仇恨终将泯灭,友谊万古长青。 Hatred will eventually disappear, friendship la

9、st forever. 须知胜友真良约,莫作寻常旅聚看。 Information about friends is really good, dont make unusual journey together. 在“友谊”的机械装置上使用“礼貌”这种精炼油实为明智之举。 On the mechanism of friendship with polite this kind of refined oil is wise. 忠厚是友谊的桥梁,欺骗友谊的敌人。 Faithfulness is the bridge of friendship, to deceive the enemy of fr

10、iendship. 我服从理性,有必要时,我可以为它牺牲我的友谊,我的憎恶,以及我的生命。 Me to obey reason, when necessary, I can sacrifice my friendship for it, I hate, and my life. 我相信友谊,并且愿意首先表示出我的友谊。 I believe in friendship, and willing to show my friendship first. 友谊是一个神圣而又古老的名字。 Friendship is a sacred and ancient name. 友谊是一种生长缓慢的植物,它只有

11、嫁接在彼此熟识,互相敬爱的枝干上才会枝繁叶茂。 Friendship is a plant of slow growth, it only grafting in the familiar with each other, respect each others branches will flourish. 真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。 Sincere friendship is like health, the loss is less than the, unable to appreciate the precious. 友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。 F

12、riendship can only be created in the practice and keep in practice. 酒肉朋友易找,患难之交难逢。 Fair-weather friends is easy to find a friend in need is difficult to meet. 友情能打开人们的心扉,让双方的心儿靠近。 Friendship can open the hearts of people, let both sides of the heart is near. 友情是天堂,没有它就象下地狱;友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡;你在人间所做的一切,

13、无一不是为了友情。 Friendship is heaven, is like hell without it; Friendship is a life, without it means death; You for everything on earth, all for the sake of friendship. 当朋友之间互相都觉得比对方稍稍优越时,友谊便能长久下去。 When each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other, the friendship can continue for a long

14、time. 在紧急时舍弃你的朋友不可信赖。 In an emergency to abandon your friends do not trust. 大全 友情是平等的人之间,离开利害关系所结的交际,而欺诈却是暴君和奴隶之间的卑鄙关系。 Friendship is equality between people, leaving an interest of communication, and fraud is mean relationship between tyrants and slaves. 帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。 To help a friend, to

15、keep the friendship; Forgive an enemy, for influence. 人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的是友谊。 Lifes most precious is life, life need most is to learn, work is the most happy life, the most important thing in life is friendship. 自制的友谊要比买来的友谊更持久。 Homemade friendship than to buy more durable. 伤心难过时,朋友

16、怎么都刚好消失无影。 How sad, friends are just disappear without a shadow. 世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。 The world of this rare friendship, equality and friendship harder to find. 爱情本来就是突发的,只有友情才有因累积而深厚。 Love is a sudden, only is due to the accumulation and deep friendship. 想与所有人交友的人,不是任何人的朋友。 Want to make friends with al

17、l people, not anyones friend. 友谊就好比一颗星星,而爱情只是一支蜡烛。蜡烛是要耗尽的,而星星却永远闪光。 Friendship is just like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is exhausted, and the stars never flash. 兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。 A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers. 好感是友谊的先决条件,但不能把两者混为一谈。 Goodwill is t

18、he prerequisite of friendship, but not to confuse the two. 友谊不容草率断绝,再恢复也留症结。 Friendship should not be cut off in haste, and also stay again. 信任是友谊的桥梁,而自重则是友谊的催化剂。 Trust is the bridge of friendship, and the weight is the catalyst of friendship. 真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。 True friendship is a plant of slow gro

19、wth. 一个结婚以后的朋友,无论如何不是从前的朋友了。男人的灵魂现在羼入了一些女人的灵魂。 A friend after the marriage, no matter how not her former friends. A mans soul now pitcher into some of the womans soul. 朋友之义,务在切直以升于善道者也。 Friend, transaction is cut straight to rise to good also. 友谊,那心灵的神秘的结合者!生活的美化者,社会的巩固者! The combination of the friendship, the heart of the mystery! The beautifier of life, the consolidation of society! 保持友谊的最好办法就是任何事情也不假手于他,同时也不借钱给他。 The best way to keep friendship is anything nor the rubber hand in his, also dont lend money to him.

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