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1、四六级热门话题训练热门话题训练及分析与范文一 说明文 1 The Advantages of Hunting for jobs on Internet1) 越来越多的人开始通过网络找工作2) 通过网络找工作有很多好处3) 我认为。破题:根据题目所提供的3点提示,本篇文章第一段应该讲现实的情况,即”越来越多的人开始通过网络找工作”. 应该注意的是,不要只用一句话就构成第一个段落的的全部内容,因为这样会使文章的开篇显得单薄。文章的开篇段除了有点明主题的作用外,还有另一个重要作用,那就是引出下文,吸引读者继续读下去。这一作用往往容易被考生忽视,所以要特别注意。为了实现上述的两个目的,第一段中的内容就

2、应该有所侧重为下文的论述作些铺垫,这样就可以自然的过度到第二段。弟二个段落的重点应该放在对这些好处的有层次,有条理的说明上。在本篇文章中可以采用列举法,也可以采用对比法。无论采用哪种方法,其目的只有一个,那就是透彻清楚的说明通过网络找工作的好处。文章的第三段有点类似议论文的结论段,其实这也是四级作文的一个特点:几种体裁可以综合体现在一篇文章中,所以写作方法与议论文结论段的写作方法也是一样的,只须要清楚明了地表明自己的观点即可。范文: The Advantages of Hunting for Jobs on Internet Recently many people begin to hunt

3、 for a job by surfing the internet instead of looking for a job in a job market or in the ads of newspapers. In fact, more and more people now resort to this new way of hunting jobs, less depending upon the traditional way.There are many advantages that lure people to adopt this modern scientific an

4、d technological product_ 。internet. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation from this friends, bosses or teachers. In the second place, its quite simple. A job hunter can get a job by simply clicking the ads online and sending ones resume through an E-mail. Lastly, It

5、s fair, for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his or her opportunities, even if one fairs to find a job.In a word, I suppose, with the ever-increasing popularity of internet, this new way of hunting jobs will win popularity among more and more job hunters in China. 2 Choosing Career1) 择业

6、的重要性。2) 如何正确择业。3) 其他应注意的问题。 破题: 分析题目给出的写作大纲,确定要写的是一篇介绍关于选择职业的说明文,给作者发挥的余地相对比较大。 作者需要通过自己的说明,给读者准确的知识和正确的思想,使读者深受启发,否则这篇文章就没有价值,得分也不会高。 开篇第一段说明择业恰当对生活,前途和事业发展的重要影响。 既然如此重要,那该如何正确择业呢? 这样就顺利地过度到第二段。 这段从内容上要求作者开阔思路,集思广益,在论述的各个方面要有恰当的衔接。第三段写其他要主意的问题,这实际上是第二段的一个延伸,只需要把第二段想到的一些内容留下来即可,但应该注意的是,要按逻辑,或主次,或类别将

7、这些内容分别放到第二段和第三段中,切忌想到哪写到哪,眉毛胡子一把抓。 范文: Choosing Career The career you choose will affect the future course of your life, such as your range of friends, your choice of husband and or wife ,your recreational activities, and other important aspects. To make a wise decision, your must firstly have to cl

8、ear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims. Then, try to find out the kind of occupation in which you can find success and satisfaction. Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospect offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your

9、parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestions and try to make full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications. In order to have a clear idea about the work that you suits you the best, you should make a thorough study of jobs available, and examine them from every angle

10、before you make the final decision. 二 议论文1 Should English be a Compulsory Subject For Colleges Students?1) 英语是大学生的必修课。2) 英语是否应该成为大学生的必修课。3) 我认为。破题: 一般情况下,写议论问要开门见山,提出论点;然后再摆事实,讲道理;最后得出结论。一篇好的议论文,通常要使用几种不同的论证方法。就这篇文章来说,应该好好将列举法与对比法互相结合互相补充,这样才能更加清晰,同时也更加有力地论证论点,也就是说把,把持不同看法的人的不同观点列举出来,同时对这些不同的观点进行对比,

11、这样才不会出现“一说一,二说二, 互不搭界”的局面。 从本文第二段中对正反两个方面的分析可以看出,这一点要求得到了很好的体现:“ And only do we set English as the compulsory subject, students can pay great effort to learn itIn their opinion, students and colleges emphasize the English study too much.”议论文以逻辑思维为主要的思维方法,所以要更加重视篇章整体的连贯性,因为篇章整体的连贯性使论证过程更加富有逻辑性。为了实现连贯

12、,可以采纳以下的3种方法:首先要在内容上实现连贯,这一点不难做到;其次可以使用代词或有意的重复一些词语以实现语感和逻辑上的连惯,如第二段中 some people argue 和some people hold;第三就是通过使用关联词语来实现连贯,如本文中使用的on the one hand, on the other hand 。范文:Should English be a Compulsory Subject For Colleges Students?Nowadays ,English has become one of the compulsory subjects for all c

13、olleges students in China. Both students and colleges pay great attention to the study of English.So far as the present students is concerned ,is it a good or bad thing to set English as one of the mandatory subjects for colleges students ? Different people have different opinions. On the one hand ,

14、some people ague that it is a good thing for the students to concentrate on study if English, which has become the most beautiful and useful language in the world. IN order to ensure a satisfactory job and a promising future, it is a necessity to learn English well. And only do we set English as the

15、 compulsory subject, students can pay great effort to learn it .In their opinion, students and colleges emphasize the English study too much , which to some extent results in the adverse consequence that some other main subjects are compelled to give way to English study. In my opinion, that English

16、 should be or should not be the compulsory subject depends on the students themselves. If they have self-discipline to urge themselves to learn and have capability to study on their own, it will be the most wonderful thing to abolish English as the college compulsory subject. Otherwise , it will not

17、 be the same case.2 My View On Golden Week.1) 有人认为黄金周利大于弊。2) 有人认为黄金周弊大于利。3) 我的看法。 破题: 本意论文的篇章结构特点是:从正反两方面对一个问题进行分析,并最终得出自己的结论。为了突显出这种对比性,在句式上可以侧重采用对照句,如第二段中的:“Some people believe golden week brings much more advantages than disadvantages” 和第三段中的:“However, some people believe golden week brings much

18、more disadvantages than advantages.”同时,在进行单独分析时,也要主要逻辑性和层次性。这一点主要体现在主题句和关联词的使用上。另外,如果考生在最后一段中要得出同意提纲中观点一,那么,分析和论述论点一的文字就应该相应的长于对论点二的分析和论述,反之亦然。如果考生要得出一个中立的观点,那么这两段在篇幅的长短上要尽量相当。这一点看似无关紧要,但如果能很好的把握,就能够让读者感觉到向最后结论的过度很自然,否则,就会有突兀之感。 范文: My View On Golden WeekThe golden week holidays were first implement

19、ed by the Chinese Government several years ago. After experiencing dozens of golden week, Chinese people began to carry on a heated discussion about the disadvantages and advantages of golden week. Some people believe golden week brings much more advantages than disadvantages .On the one hand, it of

20、fers a perfect chance for people to relax and go on holidays with family members . After a seven-day holiday, people will be more energetic and work more efficiently. On the other hand , this new vocation schedule helps boosts the economy and spur the development of the tourism industry. Actually, C

21、hina has come to rely on this golden week national holiday to spur the economy by encouraging people to travel and spend. However, some people believe golden week brings much more disadvantages than advantages. It has led to traffic and transport congestion, lowered service quality in certain indust

22、ries and serious pollutions.Taking all factor into account, I think the golden week holiday is still a must at present. Even though certain undesirable phenomena exist, we cant call it off since it brings more benefits than harmful effects to the whole society. And what we can do now is to try our u

23、tmost to shun its disadvantages and make best use of the advantages. 3 Working or Studying Further After Graduation.1) 有些人认为大学生毕业后应该直接工作。2) 有些人认为大学生毕业后应该继续深造。3) 你的看法。 破题:根据提纲首先要针对两个选择项进行单独分析,并分别从几个方面出发来分别说明。文章采用的模式一般是比较与对照,发现两者的不同之处,从而自然的过渡到第三段,得出自己的观点和看法。 写此类型的题目作文关键就是要条理清晰,清楚地说明第一个问题之后,再说明第二个问题,切忌

24、相互缠绕交叉。如果出现这种现象,一个重要的原因就是这类考生缺乏逻辑分析能力,或者缺乏实际生活经验,一遇到需要自己分析原因的情况就会感到力不从心。所以考生平时准备考试时一定要注意观察和积累,只有这样,写出的作文才能更眼说服力。 在文章的结构和布局方面,虽然文章对起始段没有什么要求,但是,为了篇章的整体和谐,也为了避免行文的突兀,可以自行加上起始段,其功能主要是引出正文。 对于结构段落来说,你即可以支持观点A 也可以支持观点B ,当然,也可以采取折中的态度。但无论你支持的是哪种观点,都要把自己的观点明确的表达出来,不要含糊其词。范文: Working or Studying Further Aft

25、er Graduation. When it is time for college students to graduate, it is inevitable to meet the choice between working immediately or studying further. Before making the right decision, we had better make a close comparison and contrast between them. Some people think that working immediately after gr

26、aduation is the right choice. The following reasons can account for this idea. To begin with, doing so can lighten the economic burden of the students parents. Besides, if the student can support himself financially ,he will surely boast more chances to become mature. In addition, working immediatel

27、y after graduation doesnt mean that the study chance will be lost forever. Actually, many people are pursuing their study while they are working. However, some people believe that studying further after graduation is the wise choice. It can attribute to the following reasons. First, youth is the bes

28、t period of time to study and actually it will get the twice result with the half effort. Moreover, competition is so fierce/ intense that more knowledge is required if a person want to find an idea job and get satisfactory income. As far as I am concerned, it depends on the specific situation and t

29、he different view of life of different persons. If the financial condition of my parents is not very good, I will choose to work after graduation; but if my parents can afford the tuition for my further study, I will turn to pursue study. 三 图表作文1. Changes in the Ownership of Houses1) 根据上图描述该市住房产权的变化

30、。2)分析产生这些变化的原因。3) 说明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响。 破题: 首先要看懂图中要说明的含义。本图表把不同年份中国有房屋产权和私人产权所占的比例进行对比。仔细分析可知,图表的意图在于说明私有产权房屋所占的比例在不断上升,而国有产权房屋比例在不断下降。而且这种变化速度比较快。这是第一段需要描绘的内容。 第二段要分析变化的原因。运用主题句统领下文,完成这一过度。如范文中用了“There might have been two main reasons”引出这些变化的原因,一是政府政策的作用,二是人们生活水平的提高。 最后一段要写出这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响。要使得文章行文连贯流

31、畅,就要再使用一次过度句,比如范文中使用了“Such changes have had grate impact on individuals as well as the society.”这一句平稳的过度到了下文。 最后一段分别论述对个人和对社会的影响,使用平行结构,明了自然。范文中的“on the one hand ., on the other hand ”就写得不错。范文: Changes in the Ownership of Houses As can be seen from the chart, ownership of houses in the city has sign

32、ificantly changed in the 1990s. In 1990, 75percent of the houses were state-owned. Five years later, the rate of state-owned houses to private ones was 60 to 40. But from then on, the ownership changed dramatically and by the end of the century, 80 percent of houses were private. There might have been two main reasons. One of them was the policy of the government. In the 1990s, China carried on with its reform policy and the government called for privatization of the st

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