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1、公开阅读高考备考研讨会英语科讲座2012年全国高考模拟参考部分2004年高考备考研讨会英语科讲座北京钢铁学院附中 张铁城 一、2004年“考试说明”要点不变:基本“指导思想:稳定中,求发展”。 (1) 向国外先进外语教学寻求发展:只考查语言能力。不考查语言知识。 (2) 考虑我国外语教学的现状:还要以考查知识为辅,以求稳定。 (3) 要求考查实际情景中的交际能力以及相关能力,逐步加大力度。 (4) 现实局限:只考听、读、写以及“语言知识”四部分,暂时不考“口试”。 (5) 听力理解部分:“该项语言技能的重要性日益明显。” (6) “语言知识”部分:“单项填空”“强调应用”,其“情境理解和语言运

2、用的味道浓厚”。 “完形填空”“是综合性题型,既考查词汇知识,也考查阅读理解能力。” (7) “阅读理解”“在试卷中占比重较大”。 (8) “短文改错”题,既考查知识又考查阅读能力,没有整体理解便不能完成。 (9) “书面表达”题,测试在“特定情景中,按特定要求”的表达能力。 二、 004年高考复习的基本方法 1.英语备考须知 例一:All the larky toapes frabjously breadled into a paraful groal. 例二: 路透社讯:2003年7月9日在意大利北部城市帕多瓦举行第七届世界机器人足球锦标赛,图为赛前球员们站在足球面前各就各位。(Team

3、of robots positioned in front of the ball prior to the start of their match during the Seventh Soccer World Championship for Robots in Padua, northern Italy, on July 9. REUTERS )从以上的两个例子可以看到,英语的三项语法基本要素。 (1)三项语法基本要素: 其一,英语与汉语的“词序”word order或“语序”不一样; 其二,汉语没有英语那样的“结构词”structural words,如:介词、连词、代词、关系代(副

4、)词、情态(助)动词、冠词、常用副词等等“小词”或虚词。 它们仅占英语词汇总量的1%以下,但是在语篇(文章,书刊、对话)中却占全部词数的50%左右。 其三,汉语没有英语那样的“词形变化和构词法”(inflexion and word building)。 词形变化包括:名、代词性、数、格以及动词变位、时态和形、副词比较级、最高级等等。构词法有三种: compounding(composition)合成,conversion转换 and derivation派生。 (2)七百至一千个基本词汇:掌握700-1,000个单词,便能够听懂、读懂75%-80.5%的英语。加大复现率 包括:结构词,常用动

5、词(包括特殊变化的约90多个动词) 、名词 、形容词。 2. 英语备考活动模式-“交际法模式”之九要素:CLOUD FREE 其含义简述如下: (1)内容(Content):要重点关注语篇内容,不仅关注其形式(即:语法,词汇,语音)。更要关注“交际话题”,以“报刊杂志原汁原味原文”语料为教材;“英语学习”,“英语文摘”,“参考消息:周一版”,“简易对照阅读文学”,“21st century”等等都是“高考备考主力材料”。也可使用一套“托福试题”。 (2)学生(Learner):学生自主学习,以“英英辞典”为师,培养学生的学习策略、方法与情感态度。介绍三本“英英辞典”: (“交际法模式”详见:“

6、中国教育报”2003年3月12日及4月9日) 1、ALD: OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNERS DICTIONARY / 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 2、LONGMAN: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH / 朗文双解词典 3、LONGMAN(百科全书类): LONGMAN MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY (3)口语(Oracy):永远坚持听说领先,以“口语”为中心,带动听说读写,以“口试模式”全面备考。 (4)使用(Usage):坚持“综合使用英语”。时时处处以学过的英语为工具,经常参与交际交流。 (5)语篇 (

7、Discourse):无论水平高低,均以语篇为备考单位,切忌背诵“英汉对照单词表”。以近12年(1992-2003)的高考试题语篇为备考精读材料。阅读聆听“全国公共英语等级考试2、3级”教材。 (6)流利(Fluency):“取法于上,仅得其中。取法于中,故为其下。”口笔语要高标准,做到流利流畅。 (7)真实性(Realistic):多接触,多听、多读“原汁原味的真实的英语原文原著。”重点不是“课本” (8)趣味性(Entertaining):以英语为友,为己所好,培养兴趣,加深情感,端正态度。选材要广博。 (9)高效率(Efficiency):输入输出英语不追求表面形式,要求:高标准,高速度

8、,高密度,高效率。 三、2004年高考复习具体方法-英语学科备考特色 1、 把单词放在语篇中学习与记忆的方法符合语言心理学的原则 怎样记忆的,便怎样回忆起来。 语言心理学家M. Anisfeld认为:“Things that are stored together tend to be recovered together.” 译文:“一起储存起来的东西往往一起被回忆起来。” 语言心理学家M.L. Hunter认为:“Present together things to be remembered together.” 译文:“规定一起记忆的东西,要一起讲授。” 2、以3/4的精力操练“真实语

9、篇”,以1/4的精力搞课本。2000高考试题分析一书p.225:指出:高中学生在学习过程中所见到的文章-“课本语篇”-较多温室中的花朵,这类文章通常:(1)较少特定性,较多普遍性;(2)较少修辞文采(真实语篇的修辞),较多直接阐述;(3)较少真实性,较多通用性;(4)较少个性,较多共性;(5)较少隐蔽性,较多明确性;(6)较少模糊性,较多清晰性;(7)较少暗义,较多明义;(8)较少想象空间,较多说明解释。最好阅读12本英汉对照杂志“英语文摘”(订购处: 邮局, 代号:2716) 3、高考备考要纠偏:偏了语言,应重视内容。偏了例子,应重视数量。偏了分析,应重视朗读。偏了理解,应重视背诵。(每日利

10、用次分钟零碎时间,朗读背诵默写英语语篇)。 四、备考策略口诀: 1、背默语篇一百天,高考应试不再难。2、熟读真题十二年,整体输入三百篇。 3、关注内容自主学,查阅英英大辞典。4、对镜口笔实景练,改写拓展善应战。 5、真实英语流利记,崇尚情趣讲效率。6、研读锤炼七百词,复现之中补差距。 唐太宗“帝范四”:“取法于上,仅得其中,取法于中,故为其下。” 心理学:以超常智学生的标准,要求常智学生。(阅读聆听杭州出版的“英语画刊 高中版” 订购邮局, 代号:4-717/8 价格:4元一本) 五、“高考听力”为中心,强调应用,注重实际,搞综合能力训练(听、读、说、写、译、背、演) 2003年听力首次全面按

11、30分计入总分。听力大题难度0.64, 比2001的0.58和2002的0.54容易许多。 (1)03 全国卷1.What is the man going to do? A. Open the window. B. Find another room. C. Go out with the woman.(但是,第一题,第2句语速明显过快。六个词连读成一片。) Key: A 原文:(务必背诵,表演,默写这个对话。)(27words,12seconds,135wpm.) - Excuse me, but its a bit hot in here. Isnt it any care if I o

12、pen the window? (值得注意!) - Fine with me. I feel a little hot, too. (但是题干部分速度适中,不影响答题。) (2)98.10托福1. What will the woman probably do on Saturday? (造成心理压力与03-1相似。) A. Go to the basketball game. B. Try to postpone the game. (37words,11seconds,198wpm.) C. Go to work. D. Change her work schedule. Key: C 原

13、文:(务必背诵,表演,默写这个对话。) - A bunch of us are getting together to go to the basketball game on Saturday afternoon. You want to come? (建议:购买精听一套“托福”等国外考试真题或模拟题) - Oh, Id love to, but I have to work. (不求完全听懂,听毕,以其原文为阅读材料。) (3)03 全国卷3. What do we know about mother and son? 答案:C (全国:34.1%) A. She wants to tel

14、l him the result of the game.(15.4%考生误选A) B. She doesnt like him to watch TV. C. She knows which team he supports. Text 3原文: - Mum, Im watching todays football game on tape. If you happen to know the score, please dont tell me. (31 words, 13 seconds, 156wpm.) - OK. But its not youre not going to lik

15、e it. (连读) 分析: 听力理解能力与阅读理解相近-需要“改写能力”的支持。Question 3. What do we know about mother and son?(常识:知子莫如母。)与其正确选项C. She knows which team he supports.之和是听力原文中母亲对儿子说的话But its not youre not going to like it.这个句子的改写,或“换句话说i.e., in other words, that is(to say)”。 (4)03全国卷最难小题:(江苏:33.33%, 全国:33%) Text 8 (170 wor

16、ds, 70 seconds, 144wpm) Question 12.Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate? A. He often goes to work in a friends car. B. He doesnt need to go shopping by bus. C. He lives close to the bus station. 答案:A(全国:37% 考生误选C项) 原文:Text 8(务必背诵,表演,默写这个对话。)(Text 8中出现一定数量的连读,值得注意。) - Hello, Mrs. Smith. I

17、m from the Daily Mirror. Im right doing reports on public opinion about the city bus service.(连读)So, what do you think about the bus service? - The bus service? Actually I dont use yet bus often unless I have to go shopping. - Whats er How could the bus service be improved? - Well, they could turn u

18、p(连读)on time. I mean, you look at the timetable and you think:“Oh, well, five minutes to wait.”And it turns(连读)out to be an hour. - Do any other people in your family use the bus service? - My husband, he uses that more often. But fortunately a girl who works in his office often gives him a lift int

19、o work. That when he does use it(连读)then hes often angry at it. Once he waited up to fifty minutes at the station for a bus. So I think there should be some way of warning people when a bus is not going to arrive. And secondly much more frequent bus services. 分析:听力理解能力与阅读理解相近-需要“改写能力”的支持。Question 12

20、.Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?与其正确选项A. He often goes to work in a friends car. 之和,是听力原文中But fortunately a girl who works in his office often gives him a lift into work.这个句子的改写,或“换句话说i.e., in other words, that is(to say)”。 (5)03全国卷Text 10的Question 19. How long will the program last

21、? A.8 days. B. 12 days. C. 20 days. 答案:B(全国:37%, 64%的考生误选C.) Text 10原文:(速度不快,但有些书面语言词汇。) (150words, 75seconds, 120wpm.) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to take a little of(连读) your time to let you know about the short training programme the company is now planning. The programme is called

22、 learning from adventure and it is designed to develop leadership skills. There will be lectures on public relations and management as well as outdoor activities such as climbing mountains, long-distance running and camping. You dont need any past experience. There will be no end-of-programme test.

23、However, the company will receive a full report on your performance. Youre sure to improve your ability to help others to realize their goals and to deal with difficult tasks under difficult conditions. The twelve-day programme will be in July. If you like, you can use part of your twentyday paid ho

24、lidays. Theres no charge for this programme. If youre interested please write your name (连读)on this piece of paper after the meeting. Thank you. 分析:因为本文有不少大长词汇,有的长达15个字母。故,单词数量相对较小,因此,平均每分钟的读速似乎不快。但是聆听近似书面语言的长篇独白,必须具备较高的整体理解能力,否则,顾此失彼,便会产生类似第19小题的严重误选错误。如果平时进行大量的以“百词以上长度的独白”和“长对话”为“听说读写”训练单位,重视四化教学(

25、语篇化,整体化,交际化,实用化), 则长篇“整体听力能力”必然会得到提高。2001年听力Text 1018. Who is the speaker? A. A student. B. A teacher. C. An office clerk. 原文: What happened to me that day is just unbelievable. The first thing to go wrong was that all the parking spaces were taken, so I had to park on the grass and hoped that I wou

26、ld not get a parking ticket. When I got to the admissions office, there was already a long line of students waiting. By the time it was my turn, two of the courses I needed were filled, and I had to go back to my advisor and make out a whole new timetable. Although I did sign up for all my courses,

27、I missed lunch. The next thing to go wrong was that the bookstore had sold out one of the textbooks required. As I was leaving I wondered what else could possibly happen. Then I saw a policeman standing beside my car and writing out a ticket. 答案 A 通过率17.4% 误选B, C项的考生分别多达24%, 58.3% 失误原因:“绝大部分考生对国外学校课

28、程情况了解甚少,对学生情况也了解很少。考生认为,既然说话人涉及了停车问题,那么,说话人肯定不是学生。考生这样判断问题说明他们部分地听懂了这段独白。关于背景知识问题,实在是一个应当探讨的问题。 ” (6) 03北京卷Text 9【答案】BBB (66 words, 23seconds, 208wpm.) 15. Who is going to visit the place? A. Customers. B. Reporters. C. Tourists. 16. Where will the woman meet the visitors? A. At the office. B. At th

29、e factory. C. At a restaurant. 17. What is the relationship between the man and the woman? A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and assistant. C. Visitor and host. 原文 (务必背诵,表演,默写这个对话。) - You know these people who want to write about this company? - Yes, youre meeting them next week, arent you? - Huh, whe

30、re should I take them? The factory, perhaps? -I suppose you prefer the office, because it is more comfortable. -Well, I did think here. Yes, but maybe a restaurant somewhere. - I think they prefer to see where our products are made. - OK. Ill meet them there. (7)03北京卷Text 10【答案】ACA (180 words, 40 se

31、cond, 180wpm.) 18. Why is the man angry with the woman? A. She hasnt kept a place for him. B. She hasnt got any idea who he is. C. She hasnt given him a phone call. 19. How is the problem solved? A. The woman helps the man find another room. B. The man calls to tell his friends not to come. C. The woman manages to get the man a table. 20. What does the man do? A. Hes a businessman. B. Hes the head waiter. C. Hes a policeman. 原文 (务必背诵,表演,默写这个对话。) - I understand how you feel sir, but there simply isnt any room. The person wh

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