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1、A6Chapter 4 Selecting a Topic and a PurposeTrue-False Questions Students are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter.1.TFUsually the speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience, and the speakers qualifications. 2.TFThere a

2、re three broad categories of potential topics. 3.TFIf you started out free-associating from movies, you would doubtless end up somewhere completely different.4.TFUsually general purpose will fall into one of two overlapping categoriesto inform or to persuade.5.TFYour specific purpose is not necessar

3、ily appropriate for your audience.6.TFIf you find that you cant fulfill your specific purpose without relying on technical words and concepts, you should reconsider your purpose.7.TFThe central idea is what you hope to accomplish.8.TFThe central idea usually emerges after you have done your research

4、 and have decided on the main points.9.TFThe central idea should be expressed either as a full sentence or an infinitive phrase.10.TFThe characteristics that make a well-worded central idea are essentially the same things that make a well-worded specific purpose.Multiple Choice QuestionsStudents are

5、 to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.1.Which of the following people is likely to give a speech on curriculum and textbooksa.The head of a travel agency.b.The real estate agent.c.The movie director.d.The middle-school principal.2.Most people speak best about

6、subjects which they are most interestedb.with which they are most familiarc.about which they are most which they are most surprised3.For _ speeches, you can think of subjects about which you hold strong opinions and beliefs.a.persuasiveb.informativememoratived.introductory 4.If yo

7、u are having trouble selecting a topic, there are a number of _ procedures you can follow to get started.a.creativeb.regularc.identifyingd.brainstorming5.If personal inventory doesnt work, try a technique called _.a.groupingb.clusteringc.categorizingd.classifying6.Which of the following topic ideas

8、is NOT likely to be included in the sublist for Three Gorgesa.Academy Awards.b.Yangtze River.c.Chongqing.d.Mountains.7.All of the following topic ideas are relevant to the category of plans and policies EXCEPT _.a.Develop Solar Powerb.Cook Yunnan foodc.Change graduation Requirementsd.Build a New Com

9、puter Center8.When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as advocate or a partisanb.a politician or a academician or a researcherd.a marketer or an advertiser9.All of the following specific purpose statements are effective EXCEPT inform my audience about recent dis

10、coveries of dinosaur inform my audience that yoga is extremely persuade my audience that harsher penalties are needed to prevent the practices of fraudulent land inform my audience about the scientific uses of hot-air balloons10. Which of the following tips for sp

11、ecific purpose statements is falsea.Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase.b.Avoid figurative language in your purpose statement.c.Express your purpose as a question, not as a statement.d.Make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general.11.No matter how well you construct

12、 your speeches, they are likely to _ unless you speak about matters of interest to your listeners.a.fall flatb.become illogical12.You should choose a specific purpose you can achieve no more than an the allotted the least possible no less than

13、 10 minutes13.A six-minute speech will consist of roughly _ words.a.120 to 150b.300 to 350c.520 to 800d.720 to 90014.Which of the following specific purpose statements is NOT likely to be handled well in the time allotted for classroom speechesa.To inform my audience about the rise and fall of ancie

14、nt Rome.b.To persuade my audience to convert to vegetarianism.c.To inform my audience of the history, styles, and cultural impact of qipao.d.To inform my audience about the role of technology in Chinese history.15.Which of the following tips for central idea is falsea.Make sure the central idea is n

15、ot too specific.b.Express the central idea as a full sentence.c.State the central idea as a declarative sentence, not as a question.d.Avoid figurative language in the central idea.16.The central idea “Banning violent content on television is a good idea” is considered ineffective because is n

16、ot a full is a is too includes figurative language17.According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble _.a.determining the general purposeb.determining the specific purposec.phrasing the central idead.choosing a speech t

17、opic18.After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparationa.Phrasing the central idea.b.Analyzing the occasion.c.Determining the general purpose.d.Selecting the specific purpose.19.Using Yahoo or other subject-based search engines on the Internet is recommended in your textbook as on

18、e method of _ for a speech topic.a.siftingb.consultingc.brainstormingd.deliberating20.Which of the following is out of place in a speech to informa.Advocating.b.Explaining.c.Reporting.d.Telling.21.When the general purpose of your speech is to _, you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer.a.convinceb

19、.entertainc.informd.persuade22.Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to _.a.inspireb.persuadec.entertaind.inform23.“Improving personal relationships” is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a speech because it is _.a.too technical for a classroom speec

20、hb.written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrasec.written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrased.expressed in figurative language24.“Knowing how to deal with stress” is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a classroom speech because it too technicalb.does not include a

21、reference to the audiencec.contains figurative languaged.written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrase25.According to your textbook, what is the most important early step in the process of developing a successful speecha.Creating a preliminary bibliography.b.Researching for speech materials

22、.c.Formulating the specific purpose.d.Brainstorming for a central idea.26.As a specific purpose statement, “To inform my audience about computer technology” is too _.a.trivialb.broadc.technicald.detailed27.“To inform my audience about the basic steps in car maintenance and how to protect their inves

23、tment with auto insurance” is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it too specificb.contains figurative languagec.contains more than one distinct written as a statement instead of a question 28.“To inform about saving for retirement” is a poorly

24、phrased specific purpose statement because it too specificb.does not include a reference to the audiencec.contains figurative written as a statement instead of a question29.As a specific purpose statement, “To inform my audience about global warming” is too _.a.scientificb.broadc

25、.personald.detailed30.Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroom speech: “To inform my audience about the solar system.”a.Its too shallow.b.Its too c.Its too remote.d.Its too impersonal.31.Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroo

26、m speech: “To inform my audience about the stock market.”a.Its too figurative.b.Its too detailed.c.Its too general.d.Its too technical.32.The specific purpose of Stephanies informative speech is “To inform my audience about ballet.” Are there any flaws in Stephanies specific purposea.Yes. Stephanies

27、 specific purpose is too broad.b.Yes. Stephanies specific purpose is too impersonal.c.Yes. Stephanies specific purpose is written as a statement rather than a question.d.Yes. Stephanies specific purpose mentions her audience. 33.“To inform my audience about the three basic steps in preventive medici

28、ne” is an example of a _.a.specific purposeb.thesis statementc.central idead.general purpose34.“To inform my audience about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome” is an example of a _.a.thesis statementb.general purposec.specific purposed.main point35.“To inform my audience

29、 how our local water treatment facility ensures the safety of our drinking water” is an example of a _.a.specific purposeb.transition statementc.general purposed.central idea36.“To inform my audience about the four major elements in rope climbing” is an example of a _.a.speech topicb.general purpose

30、c.specific purposed.thesis statement 37.According to your textbook, “Getting an internship at a major corporation requires a great deal of work, but the rewards are well worth the effort” is an example of a(n) _.a.speech proposalb.specific purposec.informative thesisd.central idea38. “The three main methods of harvesting trees in professional logging are selective cutting, clear cutting, and row thinning” is an example of a _. a.specific purposeb.transitionc.central idead.signpost39.“The three major factors to consider when purchasing a bicyc

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