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1、高中牛津英语M6单词汇总情况M6 Unit 1 1. stand up for支持;维护We all must stand up for democracy and human rights. 我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。 You must stand up for your rights. 你必须维护自己的权利。stand for 代表;支持; 主张 stand out 突出;站出来; stand by袖手旁观 stand in the way 阻碍stand still 站着不动;静止不动 stand firm 挺立;站稳立场 stand against vt. 反对;抵抗 stand

2、back 退后;往后站;不介入2, tease vt.、vi 戏弄,逗弄;取笑;欺负 ( make fun of/play tricks on/ toy with)The dog may bite you if you keep teasing it. 要是你不停地逗惹那条狗,它也许会咬你。 Dont take it seriously - he was only teasing. 别当真,他只是在戏弄你。 3. variety n. (同一事物)不同种类,多种样式a variety of / varieties of 多种多样的,种类繁多的, 1) There are a wide vari

3、ety of patterns to choose from. 有种类繁多的图案可供选择。2) This tool can be used in a variety of ways. 这种工具有多种用途。vi. varyadj. various4.behave v. 表现 The doctor behaved very unprofessionally. 那位医生的做法违反职业道德。He behaved like/as a true gentleman. 他的行为像个真正的绅士。behave (oneself) 表现得体;有礼貌I want you to behave yourself whi

4、le I am away. well-behaved 行为良好的badly-behaved 行为欠佳的behavior n. 行为,举止5. trip n/vt/vi (使)绊倒He tripped over/on a brick. 他被一块砖头绊倒了。 He tripped the pickpocket up with the heels. 他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。 6.perform vt. vi. 表演,履行,运转When will the play be performed?The surgeon was performing a dangerous operation.The mach

5、ine performs well. perform on the flute 吹奏长笛perform a trick 表演戏法perform an experiment 做实验perform ones promise 履行承诺performer n.performance n. 演出;演奏;表演 履行;实行;完成.He failed completely in the performance of his duty. 他完全没有履行他的职责。 put on performances 演出7. make fun of 开的玩笑,嘲笑 Dont make fun of people with d

6、isabilities. 不要嘲笑残疾人。have fun =have a good time 玩得开心It is fun to do sth. 做某事有趣What fun it is to do sth! 做某事多有趣啊!8. affection 爱,情爱,钟爱( for/towards)She has a great affection for her hometown. 她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。 Her affections were centered on her cousin. 她的爱全都倾注到她的表兄弟身上了。9. come up with 想出;拿出1) She came up

7、with a new idea for increasing sales. 2) How soon can you come up with the money? 你什么时候能拿出这笔钱?come up 发芽;(太阳)升起; 被提及,被讨论come out (太阳,星星或月亮)出现,露出;开花;出版,发行come to 合计,总计come across (偶然)遇见,发现1) The bill came to $30. 账单金额总计为30元。2) When is his new novel coming out? 他的新小说什么时候出版?3) The subject came up in co

8、nversation. 谈话中提到了这个话题。11. pass away 消逝,去世 (时间)过去;消磨(时间)As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away. The old man passed away peacefully. Ten days passed away and still there was no news about them. pass by 经过;过去pass down 使世代相传,流传pass on 转交,递给,传给M6U2 Words in reading 1. surround vt. 包围,围困 (

9、 常与by, with 连用)The house was surrounded by high walls. They have surrounded the town with(用包围) troopssurrounding adj. 周围附近的surroundings n. pl 周围的物体 、环境 2. junior adj. 资历较浅的, 年少的, 下级的 n.晚辈, 年少者,地位较低者 (to)The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.He is junior to me by two

10、years. = He is two years junior to me.Tom is a junior officer/gymnast.反: senior a.地位高的;年长的 n.年长者;毕业班学生 (to)She is senior to me, since she joined the firm before me.相似表达:be superior to sb./sth 比好,强;比级别高be inferior to 比差;级别低 3. apart from 远离;除了(还)She is always keeping her children apart from other stu

11、dents.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he had his both legs broken.(= aside from/as well as/in addition to/besides)The boy has finished the novel apart from (except for) the last two pages.Can you tell Tom apart from his twin brother?Dont tear the envelope apart.4. in good spirits 心情好,

12、情绪高Although Tony is an orphan, he is always in good good/high spirits in a good mood情绪高昂in bad/poor/low spirits in a bad mood情绪低落raise ones spirits 鼓舞情绪keep ones spirits up/ cheer sb. up 使振作精神5. accomplish vt. 完成, 实现,达到(目的) completesuccessfully 1)They did not accomplish the purpose desire

13、d.2) He accomplished the task by his single-handed(单枪匹马的)efforts.辨析: 1) accomplish 指成功的完成预期的目标, 任务等, 通常接task, aim, journey, voyage 等名词,有时兼有“达成(效果)”之意 2) finish 多指日常事务的完成, 强调事情的了结, 终止. 3) complete 强调事物完整的完成或终结. 4) achieve 多指排除困难完成宏伟计划或大业.e.g. The journey was accomplished in 5 weeks.He finished his ho

14、mework within two hours.He was not satisfied with what he had achieved.The whole project will have been completed by the end of this month. n. accomplishment(s)6. adapt 适应(to),适合; 改编,改写1) adapt (oneself) to new circumstances 使自己适应新环境2) Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.3) These are books ad

15、apted for junior students.adapt/ adjust (oneself) to 适应be adapted from/into由改编/改编成be adapted for 为改编7. go after vt. (1)chase or follow sb. He had left his wallet on the table, so I went/ran after him.(2)try to get sb or sth We are both going/running after a common dream.常用表达: go against 违背;不利于 go in for 喜欢;从事;参与 go by 走过;(时间)流逝 go oyer 越过;复习 go around/round 四处走动;传播 go through 经历;仔细检查8. advocate vt.+n./doing sth./that-clause support sth publiclyThe group doesnt advocate the use of violence Many ex

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