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英语二 UNIT2 课件.docx

1、英语二 UNIT2 课件02-A. Black Holes复习UNIT 1: TEXT B 词组 apply for/ have no take the trouble to do put oneself in sbs ones advantage/ a ask make sure of/ turn soon as第1段What is a black ho

2、le? Well, its difficult to answer this question, since the terms (that/which) we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate (a. 不适当的)here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing) into which matter has fallen and from which noth

3、ing can escape - not even light. So we cant see a black hole. A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space - or so we think. How can this happen?1. exert: vt. 尽(力);发挥(威力);施加(压力);产生(影响);行施(职权)例句:见书P34.2. or so we think : 我们就是这样认为的。本句不表倒装,表对同一事实的确信、证实之意。比较

4、:You asked him to leave, so did I. 你要他离开,我也要他离开。You asked me to leave, so I did. 你要我离开,我这样做了。Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape not even light. 天文科学家和科学家认为黑洞是一个空间区域(而不是某个东西),物质掉进去就难逃罗网,甚

5、至连光也跑不了。关系代词在从句中作介词宾语时,若介词随着关系代词提前,关系代词不能使用that,若介词不提前,则不受此限制。 例如:I didnt know the matter that/which you referred to. 我不知道你说的那件事。第2段The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs. From earth, a supernova looks

6、like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime. Supernovae were reported by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem(圣诞星)could have been a supernova. The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star

7、- a star, whose matter is so dense that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity. But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun) this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results. Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still having the same

8、 mass and a stronger gravitational pull, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole. Any matter near the black hole is sucked in. It is impossible to say what happens inside a black hole. Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the event horizon. We know nothing about event

9、s which happen once objects pass this boundary. But in theory, matter must behave very differently inside the hole. behaviourBroarden horizon behave yourself! 1.collapse: 见课本P34-35例句n. 倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解; (健康等) 跨掉, (因精疲力竭)倒下.v. 倒塌, 崩溃2continually 屡次地、频繁地 continue, continualIt is raining continually. 派生词:con

10、tinual 不断的、连续的He had continual complaints about our manner.近义词:continuously 不断地、连续地 He continuously made mistakes.3. shrink (使)缩短,(使)收缩,畏缩 shrink+副词/介词短语 :That sweater shrank in the wash. The girl shrank back in fear.shrink+名词: This detergent wont shrink wool 这种洗洁剂不会使毛料收缩。100% cotton4result 1) resul

11、t+from+名词 :由造成结果、 由引起 The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness. 那桩可怕的事故是因他的疏忽大意引起的。2) result+in+名词:导致、引起 lead toHis attempt resulted in failure. 他的尝试终于失败了。5reduce 1) reduce+名词:把。减少、下降、减弱 She reduced her weight by 5 kilograms.2) reduce+名词to+名词/动名词 :使。变为/成为(可用于被动语态) The bombs reduced the c

12、ity to ruins炸弹使那座城市变为废墟 She was reduced to tears at the sight. 她看到那情景就哭了起来。From earth, a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime. 从地球上看,超新星就像是天空中一盏明亮的灯,即使在白昼中也闪闪发光。1) supernova的复数形式是supernovae.2) in the daytime 与at night 相反,表示“在白昼” 例如:Stars are invisible

13、in the daytime.But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun)this process of shrinking may be so dense that a black hole results. 如果恒星非常大(比太阳还大的多),那么其收缩过程就极为剧烈,以至产生了黑洞。sothat在此引导一个结果状语从句,从句谓语动词用陈述语气,若引导目的状语从句,从句谓语动词则用虚拟语气(can/could/may/might+动词原形)。例如:The writer explained so carefully that

14、the reader could understand better.result 在这里是不及物动词,表示“作为结果发生”,经常与介词in和from搭配分别表示“导致”和“是由引起的”。例如:His illness resulted from eating bad food. 第3段For example, if a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. However an observer at the event horizon would th

15、ink that the man never reached the center at all. Our space and time laws dont seem to apply to objects in the area of a black hole. Einsteins relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable, so that there is no absolute

16、 time and space. There are no constants (常量) at all, and measurements of time and space depend on the position of the observer. They are relative. We do not yet fully understand the implications of the relativity theory; but it is interesting that Einsteins theory provided a basis for the idea of bl

17、ack holes before astronomers started to find some evidence for their existence. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. In August 1977, a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way. And a

18、stronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars believed to be black holes.1. apply to sth.1) 把应用于Students are to learn to apply to practice. 学生们应学会把理论应用于实践.2) 致力于You only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.你只有真正专心用功, 考试才能及格.2. basis 基础、根据(复数为

19、bases) His theory has a solid basis in facts. 他的理论有很多事实根据。3. launch 见课本P35。vt. 发射,投射;使(船)下水vt./vi. 发动,发起(运动等)It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 是最近天文学家才真正开始研究黑洞。 这里的强调句式强调的是一个副词短语only recently.名词research与介词into 搭配表示“对的研究”,例如:Scientists carry out a res

20、earch into the causes of cancer. 第4段The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems. Binary stars, as their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other. In some binary systems, astronomers have shown that there is an invisible com

21、panion star, a partner to the one which we can see in the sky. Matter from the one which we can see is being pulled towards the companion star. Could this invisible star, which exerts such a great force, be a black hole? Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black hole

22、s as companions.Binary stars, as their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other 顾名思义,双星就是一对恒星,其空间位置相互影响。as在这里是一个关系代词,as their/its name suggests/ implies表示“顾名思义”。例如:Watchdog, as its name suggests, is kept to guard property. 看家狗,顾名思义,是用来看家的。In some binary systems, astro

23、nomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star, a “partner” to the one which we can see in the sky. 在一些双星系中,天文学家证明有一种看不见的伴星,即我们能够在天空中看到的那颗星的“伙伴” a partner to表示“是的伙伴” 例如:He is a good partner to me in business. 第5段The story of black holes is just beginning. Speculations about them are end

24、less. There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate. Mankind may one day meet this fate. On the other hand, scientists have suggested that very advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. These specul

25、ations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers. They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.1. speculation n.1) speculation+

26、about/on upon+名词: 深思、揣想、推测He made speculations on the purpose of life. 他对人生的目的进行深思。2) peculation +in+名词: 对。投机 Speculation in stocks is a dangerous way of making a fortune. 股票投机是一种危险的发财方式。2swallow v.1) swallow+up+名词 :吞没、吞。 He swallowed up the medicine with water.2) Swallow+名词: (口语)轻信、忍受She couldnt sw

27、allow his insults.3operate v. 见课本P35-36 vi. 运转,起作用;动手术(ON, UPON) vt. 操作,操纵,经营;对动手术On the other hand, scientists have suggested that very advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. 而科学家们认为,有朝一日高度发达的技术或许能利用黑洞的能量造福人类。1) one day既可指(过去)有一天,也可以指(将来)总会有一天。例如:One da

28、y well get ourselves a new car. 2) Make use of 表示“利用”,与putto use意思相同,use前可以有形容词修饰。例如: We should make full use of our natural resources. They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.他们向我们展示了一个与我们这个世界运行方式完全不同的

29、世界,并对我们最基本的时空体验提出了质疑。1) Totally 是副词修饰different, 相当于completely.2) A totally different way from our own 也可以说成a way totally different from our own. Question作及物动词用,表示“向某人提问,质问” She openly questioned the truth of this statement. 她公开对这件事的真实性表示怀疑。02-B. Worlds within Worlds第1段First of all let us consider th

30、e earth (that is to say, the world) as a planet revolving round the sun. The earth is one of nine planets which move in orbit round the sun. These nine planets, together with the sun, make up what is called our solar system. How this wonderful system started and what kept it working with such wonder

31、ful accuracy is largely a mystery but astronomers tell us that it is only one of millions of similar systems in space, and one of the smallest.1. revolve 1) 旋转(与around,about连用) : The wheel is revolving about its axis. 轮子在轴上转动。 The earth revolves round the sun. 地球绕太阳转。2)围绕、以为主题:Their troubles revolve

32、 around money management. 他们的麻烦围绕着金钱管理2. largely 1)大部分地;主要地:It is largely a matter of conjecture. 这多半是猜测。 2)大量地:We dislike him in that he drinks largely. 我们不喜欢他主要是因为他酗酒。3. These nine planets, together with the sun, make up what is called our solar system. 这九大行星和太阳一起组成了所谓的我们的太阳系。1)together with的意思是“与一起”,由它引导的短语在句子中往往作状语,而在本句中它作插入语。2)what is called 是一个宾语从句,在句子中作插入语。4. How this wonderful system sta

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