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1、探讨情景教学法在小学英语中的应用探讨情景教学法在小学英语教学中的应用一、情景法的核心内容1时代背景情景教学法(Situational Method),从20世纪60年代开始已经为英国的外语教学界所采用。这种方法认为“语言结构”和使用语言的“时空情景”有密切的关联性,注重语言习得与说话时的社会环境的密切关系。把所教语言与特定环境中的人联系起来,不强调预设的固定教学目标,不对学生提出统一的教学要求,而是强调学生借着老师的引导,在各种因素的互动中主动地探索和掌握知识。同传统教学法相比,情景教学法除了强调教学生掌握语言结构外,更加注重能力的掌握和在情景中习得语言。所谓情景,就是人们进行语言交际活动中的

2、一切内部条件和外部条件的总和。具体地说,是指使用语言形式进行交流信息的社会环境。语言学家弗斯认为,在有人类的交际活动中,语言环境对语言来说是必不可少的。语言功能的掌握,依赖于真实情景,创设情景不仅为训练学生语言创造条件,而且也能有效地促进学生思维能力以及其他品质的协调发展。它通过再现教材的或新创设的情景,引导学生理解和运用,在模拟真实或者说更加接近真实的环境中实现对于能力的培养。既然具体的语言都是在一定情景下使用的,那么情景的创设就必然有助于学生在真实的场景中使用。 赞同2理论基础心理学理论基础:从当代心理学角度看,情景认知理论是情景教学法的理论基础之一。它认为个体的情感对认知活动至少有动力、

3、强化、调节三方面的功能。动力功能是指情感对认知活动的增力或减力的效能,即健康的、积极的情感对认知活动起积极的发动或促进作用;消极不健康的情绪对认知活动的开始和运行起阻碍或抑制作用。而情景教学法就是要在教学过程中引起学生 积极健康的情感体验,直接提高学生对学习的积极性。3基本特征和优缺点特点:语言教学应从口语开始,先听说,后读写;以外语教授外语;以情景方式把新语言点引出;词汇选择以常用为原则。在教学材料的安排上要按语法结构、句型,由易到难来安排。优点:1 消除学生的紧张心理。情景教学法重视学生的情绪情感生活,集直观性、启发性、形象性、情感性于一体。情景教学的创设切合学生实际、切合教材内容、切合语

4、言交际的实际,新颖而富于启发性。教师在课堂上使学生感到和蔼可亲、可信,学生就会消除紧张恐惧心理,踊跃发言,变被动学习主为主动学习,为学好该科奠定了可靠的心理基础。2吸引学生的注意力。 “注意”是学生认知客观世界,获取知识,发展智力和培养能力的基础。而情景教学法就是设法创设各种生动有趣,贴进学生生活的情景、画面,集中学生的注意力,调动他们的积极性,使他们寓乐于学,寓学于乐;学有所乐,学有所得。3降低学生的理解难度。情景中创设的语境是语言赖以生存和发展的环境,也是语言交际所依赖的环境。语言意义的理解,以及语言功能的实现皆需通过语境。情景教学法正是要想方设法利用各种手段为学生创设一种学习英语的语言环



7、熟练掌握并运用所学知识,培养合作和交流的意识,提高口语交际能力。4链接迁移这是小学英语情景教学模式的最后环节,在这一环节中,教师把课堂向社会链接,为学生提供真实的生活情景,将学习场地从教室迁移至室外,培养学生的实践能力,拓宽英语学习界面。三、教学活动设计(一) Activity one: sing a song to teach new words 1Teaching material: words from new PEP English for primary school students book 1 unit5 about colors.2. Activity name: sing

8、a song to teach new words.3. Introduction: the activity mainly aims to help the students to read and recognize the different colors; whats more, by the end of the lesson students can use the words to make a short dialogue. The teacher will first let the students to warm up by singing a song they hav

9、e learned before, and then teach the new words by teaching a new song with the help of some pictures. Therefore, there is some pictures draw with different color clothes used at the beginning of the lesson. At the middle of the lesson, teacher will check the new words students have mastered by letti

10、ng the students to read the color of stationery and color the pictures, and teach students to learn and make dialogue. At the end of the lesson, teacher organizes the whole class to sing the new song together. 4. Procedures:Step 1: warm up (2 minutes) Teacher: greeting to the students.Students: gree

11、ting to the teacher.Teacher: asks the students together to sing the song “Hello! How are you?”Students: to sing the song with teacher.Hello! How are you?Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you?Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you?Im fine. Im fine. Thank you. Thank you.

12、 Im fine.Im fine. Im fine. Thank you. Thank you. Im fine.Step 2: lead in (20 minutes)Teacher: tells the students that they are going to learn a new song about color and say out the name of the song, then the teacher sing the song one time by herself. Who is wearing green today?Who is wearing green t

13、oday? Green today? Green today?Who is wearing green today? Green today?While singing, the teacher will present the first picture draw with green cloth.Students:be quiet and listen to the teacher.Teacher: teaches the song sentence by sentence for two times.Students: learn the song following the teach

14、er.Teacher: sticks the picture to the blackboard, and writes down the word “green” on the blackboard and teaches the students how to read it.Students: read the word after the teacher.Teacher: uses the above way to teach other five new words (red, blue, and yellow, orange, purple). Step 3: practice (

15、15 minutes)Teacher: shows the relevant colors of real stationery object, and review the words (pencil, pen, bag, sharpener, eraser, and ruler) one words two times.Students: read the six words after the teacher.Teacher: shows an object to ask student say out the color and the word. For example: when

16、teacher shows a green pencil, student should say green pencil. Students: say out the color and the word according to the color and object the teacher shows.Teacher: gives a picture which including pencil, pen, bag, sharpener, eraser, ruler to every student, and then ask the students to color the pic

17、ture according to their favor.Students: color the picture according to their favor.Teacher: teaches the students to make a short dialogueA: I have a ruler.B: what color is it?A: Guess!B: Yellow? Green?A: Yes. / No, its.Students: make a dialogue with their partner according to their real situations.S

18、tep 4: (3 minutes)Teacher: organize the whole class to sing the new song and change the key word of color when it necessary.(二)Activity two: role play1. Teaching materials: words and sentences from PEP English for primary school student book 1 unit 5 lets eat.Words: chicken, bread, cake, French frie

19、s, hamburgers Sentences: What do you like to eat? I like to eat. - What about? Yes, I like it very much. /No, I dont like it. Could I have? - Here you are. -Thank you. -You are welcome.2. Activity name: role-play3. Introduction: In order to consolidate the words and sentence structures the students

20、learned last period. The teacher applies The Situational Approach to this role-play activity at the beginning of the lesson. In this 25-minute activity, some pictures about foods, chalks, and blackboard will be used. Through this activity, the teacher will know about the students understanding of th

21、e words and sentence patterns. On the other hand, its a good chance for the students to practice using the target language smoothly. Furthermore, students communicative ability will be developed.4. Teaching procedures:Step1: revision (1 minute)The teacher will show the pictures about foods which the

22、y learned last lesson to the students and ask them to say out the words one by one( The teacher ask the students question: “whats this in English?,pointing at the picture about foods on the teachers hand, guiding the students to answer according to the pictures on the teachers hand and say out which

23、 foods they like or they dont like)Step2: before- activity (6 minutes)The teacher writes down the sentence structures they learned last lesson on the blackboard and tell the students they will do an activity named role-play Provide a specific situation to the students(Situation: Mary and Lucy and Li

24、ly are classmates. One day, they are going to see a movie, before this, they want to have some foods; therefore, Lily goes to buy the tickets and waits at the cinema, Mary and Lucy go to the MacDonald to buy some foods,.)(3) The teacher tells them the rules to do this activity and then divide the st

25、udents into several groups of four members.(Teacher may say: “There are three members in each group, one acts as a waiter, and the other two are customers. You all should make a conversation according to the situation, using the words that we just review and the sentence structures on the blackboard

26、. I will give you 5 minutes to prepare”.)When the whole class are preparing, the teacher should walk around to provide help if necessary.(Possible situation: Some students may ask the teacher how he/she can describe when he/she wants to ask Lucy what does Lily like to eat. The teachers possible answ

27、er, “You can say what does Lily like to eat?) Step3: during- activity (approx. 13 minutes)Ask the students whether they have finished the preparationInvite one group to perform in front of the class as an example.(Possible conversation between four students: student A(act as Lucy),student B(act as M

28、ary ), student C(act as Lily), student D(act as waiter), student A, student B, student C and student D are abbreviate to A,B,C,D respectively in the following description) A: I am hungry; I want to buy some foods first.B: Ok, lets go to the MacDonald.C: I go to buy the ticket.D: What can I do for yo

29、u?A and B: We want to buy some foods.D: OK, what do you like to eat?A:I like to eat hamburger and chicken.B: What does Lily like to eat?A: Lily likes to eat bread and hot dogs, what about you?B: I like to eat cake.A: What about French fries?B: No, I dont like it. Could I have a cup of coke?D: sure!

30、Hamburger, chicken, bread, hot dogs, and a cup of coke .Here you are.A and B: Thank youC: You are welcome.(3)Ask other groups to give performanceStep4:after-activity (5 minutes)The teacher makes conclusion about students performance and the grammar points.(1)The teacher prizes students excellent per

31、formance(2)Guide the students to understand grammar point initially: the usage of the third personal singular(Teacher may say: “Ok,after your acting, can you get some points that are different from our last lesson.”Students possible answer, we also use the “does” and “likes” in the conversation.Teac

32、her may answer: “Yes, so clever, this is a grammar points, the third personal singular.The teacher explains the grammar point by listing more examples on the blackboard(Teacher may says, please look at more examplesExamples:Sentence1: What does your sister likes to eat?Sentence2:My sister likes to eat cake .etc.)When we want to ask someone else which food she/he likes,

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