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1、英语a字母开头同义近义词辨析大纲词汇表以A开头的部分名词、动词的同义、近义词词义辨析 一、同义、近义名词考试重点(1)ability capacity ability 是指人的“本领,技能;才能”;并且是后天学会的。如:He has the ability to make a very good ship.他能够制造很好的轮船。A man of ability 一个有本领、有能力的人 capacity 也指人的“能力,才能”,但这种能力常常是与生俱来的,是一种天赋。She shows a great capacity for learning English。 她显示出了学习英语的天资。另外,

2、capacity常常表示“装,容纳,收容的能力和数量”,如:The hall has a capacity for 500 people. 这座大厅能容纳500人。最后,还有“职位、身份”的意思:I am your friend, but in my capacity as an official of the law, I must put your into prison.我是你的朋友,但以一个司法人员的身份,我必须把你投入监狱。(2) anger , indignationanger 指“愤怒,生气”,常因个人受损害或侮辱而引起,含有报复的意味,强调个人内心情感上的反应。 He show

3、ed anger at the insult.他因受到侮辱而表示愤怒。indignation 意为“义愤,愤慨”,指因正义感而发的愤怒,如为残酷、非正义、罪恶等所引起的愤怒。如:The bombing of undefended cities aroused considerable indignation.轰炸不设防的城市激起了莫大的义愤。(3)activity, act, actionactivity 表示所参加的具体“活动”,所组织的具体“活动”,所做的“事情”,为可数名词。如:social activities, 社会活动,political activities政治活动, outdo

4、or activities户外活动, practical activity实践活动, mental activity精神活动。act是可数名词,表示具体的、个别的、一时的简单行为,动作。也表示“法令、法案,(剧中的)幕”。如: an act of cruelty残酷行为, an act of friendship友好行为, a play in five acts 一个五幕剧,a one-act play 独幕剧,pass an act通过一项法令。action 指长期的、复杂的或连续的“活动,行为,动作”,强调的是动作的完成过程,既可作可数名词有可作不可数名词。如:, judge a man

5、by his actions根据行为判断某人, a man of action实干家, take action采取行动, the action of medicine药物的作用, the heroic action英雄行为。注意:这三个词中,只有act可用作动词用,表示“行动,扮演”。如:act on sb.s advice按某人的劝告行事,act well at school在学校表现好,act the woman doctor in the play在剧中扮演女医生。(4)avenue, street, road , laneavenue 指市区宽阔而两侧有树的街道、林荫道。He walk

6、ed down a stately avenue of elms. 我们沿着一条两旁有榆树的大道行走。北京的长安街可译为“Changan Avenue”。street一般指两旁有房屋的街,这种街道常位于市区繁华的地段。This is the busiest street in town.这是市区最繁华的街道。road 指供行人、车辆通过的道路。一般位于城镇与城镇、城镇与乡村之间。它的规模、路况当然不如avenue和street。但road也常用于引申义,表示“途径”。Does this road lead to the main street? 这条路通大道吗?There is no roya

7、l road to learning. 对于求知来说是没有坦途的。lane指胡同、弄堂或小巷。在乡村则指两旁有篱笆、树木的小径。Many crooked lanes in this city have been widened.这座城市里的许多弯弯曲曲的胡同已经加宽了。(5) accident, incident,eventaccident特指不幸的意外事故,如车祸、火灾、跌伤等。He lost both his legs in a train accident when he was a boy.incident 普通用语,指“事件”;也可表示“事端”,指政治上的引起国际纷争或战争的事件。T

8、he Pearl Harbour Incident珍珠冈事件。event指大的活动,重大事件或具有历史意义的大事件。Chinas opening her door to the outside is a great historical event.中国对外开放是一个重大的历史事件。(6) address, place, location, site, positionaddress地址,住址,地点place位置,地方location 场所,地点 With the address I still cant find my friends location.凭这地址,我仍然找不到朋友的住址。si

9、te(施工、工厂)场地,地点position位置,职位(7) area, region, district, zonearea一般用语,边界不十分分明,可大可小。这组词中,不论是region, district, zone还是更小的范围,都可笼统称area。region指比较大的地理范围或人体大的(/部)位;a development region,开发区(没有严格限制地域的)district, 指行政区可以分得比较细,也可以是大的具体的行政区。Londons West End and East End are entirely different districts of the city.

10、zone, 指与外部有严格界限的行政区或地区。例如:a development zone开发区(严格限制地域的)如:Shenzhen is a special zone. 二、同义、近义动词考试重点(1) argue, dispute, debateargue 以逻辑的论点去证明一件事,主张或反对某一个观点。主张时用argue for,反对时用argue against。The Arabian delegates argued for an immediate ceasefire. 阿拉伯代表主张立即停火。dispute指激烈的争论,有时指争吵。They were still disputin

11、g the rights and wrongs of the case at midnight. 他们午夜时还在争论这个事实的真相。debate指正式地摆出双方的观点进行辩论。如议会、委员会两个不同观点的成员就某个问题进行辩论。The students of the History Department were debating the role played by Zhu Yuanzhang in history. 历史系地学生公开辩论朱元璋在历史上的作用。另外,这个词有时指个人仔细推敲、考虑。After debating the matter in his mind, he reache

12、d a solution. 经过考虑后,他得到了答案。(2)award, rewardaward 指正式地或官方地颁发、授予、给予。也可指法庭裁决给予。Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954 for literature. 1954年,海明威获得诺贝尔文学奖。reward“酬劳,给予报酬”。指因对方的工作,服务、帮助而给予对方的报答。He rewarded the boy with 100$ for bringing back the lost dog.因为那小孩给他找回了丢失的狗,他就给小孩100美元的奖赏。(3)admit, confes

13、s, acknowledge admit和confess都有“承认”的意思,且用法也比较相同。He admitted (confessed) his crime. 他承认了自己的罪行。但是confess有“向牧师忏悔之意”,用于教徒向上帝忏悔,这个含义是admit没有的。Wont you confess and be at peace with God?难道你不想忏悔以回到上帝的怀抱吗?acknowledge指对某事物的存在或真实性作公开承认。They now have acknowledged defeat.现在他们承认失败。(4) accomplish, complete, finisha

14、ccomplish多用于书面语中,指圆满地完成任务,达到目的。常与purpose, aim, goal, journey, plan等词搭配。The new Five-Year-Plan may be accomplished ahead of time. 新得五年计划能提前完成。complete 比accomplish的含义更具体。含有把不足、缺少或未完成的东西补足完成的意思,一般用于工程、建筑、著作的完成,常有“使完整”的含义。The hospital building will be completed in a month. 医院大楼一个月后完工。finish普通用语,指一个过程的最后

15、完成。He finished reading the novel last night. 昨晚他看完了那部小说。注意:finish和 complete有时可通用,但 finish后可接名词或动名词,complete后只可跟名词;finish常指“读完、用完、吃完,结束”(强调reach an end);complete常指“完成(工作,工程),写完(著作)”(强调make sth. whole)。 (5)attempt, endeavour, tryattempt指作一次性的而不继续的尝试,不强调做事过程中所花的精力或遇到的困难;往往暗示这种尝试是达不到目的的。endeavour书面用语,常对

16、有价值的和困难的目标而言,含有必须付出巨大的努力,克服较大的困难的意味。He endeavoured to compose himself. 他竭力使自己镇静下来。try是指付出一定努力去做某事,查明事实或验证事情;后跟不定式和动名词时意义相同。She tried cooking her food with a solar cooker. 她试着用太阳灶做饭。(6)acquire, attain, obtain, get acquire指经过一点点的积累而获得,如获得知识,技能等。You must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of a forei

17、gn language.要获得很好的外语知识你必须发奋学习。attain主要指达到目的、职位、繁荣等。attain to prosperity走向繁荣attain to power掌握大权attain ones object达到某人的目的obtain是书面用语,通常指通过努力,尤其是相当的努力、恳请、或要求而得到;强调达到目的的这一点。有时也可指借助于他人的努力而达到目的。Oil can be obtained from peanuts. 可以从花生中取油。get是这组词中最普通的词,不管何种方式得到,都可用get。 (7) accuse, charge, indict这三个词都有“控告、指控

18、”的意思。其中indict是正式的法律用语。charge与with连用;accuse 与of 连用;indict与for连用。He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。The policeman accused him of theft. 警察指控他犯有盗窃罪。The mayor was indicted for bribery. 市长因受贿而受到起诉。(8) amplify, enlarge, expand, extendamplify特别指音量或电流的增大,有时表示对故事、叙说、报告等加以更为详尽解释、展开,使之更为完善。His voice was amp

19、lified by means of an amplifier. 他的声音通过扩要求扩音器放大了。enlarge指尺寸或空间的扩大,如把照片放大,将房子扩大等。expand指范围、体积的扩大、增大和膨胀,也可指内容或细节的充实。Iron expands when it is heated. 铁加热后就会膨胀。 extend指在一个方向上的伸展、加长、延伸。它既可用于空间,也可用于时间。(9) arise, rise, raisearise指出现、发生,这种出现、发生常是偶然或不曾预料到的,如事态、问题、困难、疑虑、迫害、结果等;是不及物动词。A strong wind arose and bl

20、ew our boat onto the rocks. 忽然刮起了大风,我们的船触礁了。rise,“起来、升起”,是不及物动词,不能带宾语。The sun rises in the east. 日出东方。raise,“举起,提升。”是及物动词,后面带宾语。She raised her finger to her lips as a sign of silence. 她把手指举到嘴唇边以示安静。(10) arouse, rouse, provokearouse“唤醒,激起”。这个词的愿意是“将弄醒”,再转移到唤醒某人的激情,同情,兴趣,疑虑等。He was aroused from his de

21、ep sleep. 她从沉睡中被叫醒过来。Their terrible suffering aroused our pity. 他们遭受的痛苦引起了我们的同情。rouse意义与arouse接近。表示从睡觉中弄醒或叫醒时,他们没有区别。但它可用到其它意义,如惊醒、鼓励、激动、激发、惹怒、搅动。这时rouse就表示更为具体、更为强调的意义,而arouse就不能用于这些具体的意义了。 What she said roused us to fury. 她的话使我们大为愤怒。provoke“触怒、激怒,使愤怒,煽动”。它既可指有意挑逗、招惹,也可指物一时的激怒或引起;但不管是有意还是无意,provoke

22、的程度都高于arouse和rouse。If you provoke the dog, it will attack you. 如果你把狗惹急了,它会咬你的。习题:1、Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, or a question of new knowledge.A obtaining B gaining C getting D acquiring 2、 The Prime Minister had to resign as he was of bribery.A charged B blamed

23、C indicted D accused3、 He always takes full of the mistake made by his rivals.A chance B advantage C interest D charge4 、Many difficulties have as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel.A raised B risen C arisen D roused5、The board of the company has decided to its operation to include all

24、 aspects of the clothing business.A enlarge B expand C amplify D extendXX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我6、 Martin Luther King, the great Black leader in the movement against racial discrimination, was the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstanding contribution to world peace.A rewarded B given C a

25、warded D offered7、 At the interview for the job, he gave a good of himself.A opinion B idea C account D appearance8、 My camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A treated B adjusted C adopted D remedied9 、The headmaster has to improve the lighting in the school corridors.A accept

26、ed B allowed C agreed D affirmed10、 I dont think he is the sort of man who will ever much money.A make B gain C obtain D acquire11 、Niagara Falls is a great tourist , drawing millions of visitors every year.A attention B attraction C appointment D arrangement12、My father seemed to be in no to look a

27、t my school report.A feeling B attitude C emotion D mood13、 Over a third of the population was estimated to have no to the health service.A assessment B assignment C exception D access14、 You will see this product whatever you go.A advertised B advertise C advertising D to be advertised15、Everybody

28、in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A piled B joined C assembled D accumulated16、 The project by the end of 2000, will expand the citys telephone network to cover 1000 000 users.A accomplished B to be accomplished C being accomplished D having been accomplished17、 Those gifts of ra

29、re books that were given to us were deeply .A appreciated B approved C appealed D applied18、 The shy girl felt and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A amazed B awkward C curious D amused19、 Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are in grocery stores.A ready B approachable C probable D available20、 She was so in her job that she did not hear anybody knocking at the door.A attracted B absorbed C drawn D concentrated习题参考答案:1 D 2D 3B 4C 5B 6C 7C 8B 9C 10A 11B 12D 13D 14A 15C 16C 17A 18B 19D 20B

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