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1、上海英语八年级阅读首字母填空 We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a n_(1)_ for each Chinese year - the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey, the year of the tiger, etc. Before New Years Day, people are b_(2)_ cleaning their houses and doing some shopping. On New Years Eve, there is a bi

2、g family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to w_(3)_ the New Year. On the f_(4)_ day of the New Year, people put on their new c_(5)_ and go to visit their relatives and friends. They sayHappy New Year!a_(6)_ some other greetings to each other. People u_(7)_ have a very good time duri

3、ng the festival.1. _2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _Key:1. name2. busy3. welcome4. first5. clothes6. and7. usually首字母填空小技巧:找关键词或符号(1)所谓近指的是指横线部分与重要信息属于同一句句中,而(1)题中,破折号起解释说明的作用,是解题的关键,“the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey, the year of the tiger, etc.”这部分明显是对a+名词,其中名词的解释,根据这点,判断应填name(2)还是用“近”的方

4、法,关键在于此句中cleaning,are _ doing,这个词组我们就立刻可以想到be busy doing的结构(3)to是表示目的,目的是为了迎新,故就填welcome(wait这个词后面是要跟for的哦,所以此处不能用wait)(4)、(5)在这句话中同时出现了两个空格,这时就需要纵观全句进行首字母填空,从最完整的先看and go visit their relatives and friends去拜访他们的亲戚和朋友,and与前半部分有着承接的关系,put on这个词组表示穿上,穿上的必然是衣服,所以填clothes(注意不能填cloth,要用复数)再通过已填的空与the我们可以得

5、出应该是在新年的第一天,所以应用first(6)“Happy New Year”与greetings属于同类,都是表示问好,所以用and连接(7)从整句句子来看,在行为动词前应该常用副词修饰,通过全句的解释,应用usuallyA:Hi,how are you?B:Fine,thanks. Yesterday morning I saw your father in the street, I went up to takl to him, but he said he didnt know me. I was confused.A: It c_(1)_ be him! My father wa

6、s at home studying English at that time.B: Oh, sorry! I must have made a mistake. But why is your father studying English now?A: He wants to i_(2)_ his English. Last month he went to New York, U.S.A. He couldnt go anywhere alone because he didnt understand people there. Once he was almost l_(3)_. An

7、d when he felt h_(4)_, he even didnt know i_(5)_ theres a good place to eat.B: What a pity! He should have studied English really hard if he often goes to English-speaking countries.A: Youre right. Now he is studying English b_(6)_ listening to tapes.B: Good. By the way, are you free tonight? How ab

8、out having dinner and then see the latest 3D m_(7)_?A: OK, thats great! See you later.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _Key:1. cant(couldnt)2. improve3. lost 4. hungry 5. if 6. by 7. movie首字母填空小技巧:揣测句意(结合语境)(1)It c_(1)_ be him! My father was at home studying English at that time.在上篇完型中我们讲到了符号的重要性,此处

9、各位注意找一下,关键符号“!”,我们知道感叹号可以表示惊讶、非常肯定等,我们在把视线移到后半句,我的爸爸那个时候正在家里学习英语,结合两者,我们可以确定“那不可能是他”,应该用cant来表示不可能(2)He wants to i_(2)_ his English. Last month he went to New York, U.S.A. He couldnt go anywhere alone because he didnt understand people there. 所谓有因必有果,如果读完以上三句句子,我们不难发现后面两句是第一句的因,从后两句来看,上个月他去了美国纽约(去干吗

10、呢?)。他不能单独地去任何地方因为他不能理解那里的人。(其实就是语言不通)由此可见,他想要的是提升自己的英语水平,want to后要跟动词原形,故用improve(3)、(4)、(5)需要结合起来来看,Once he was almost l_(3)_. And when he felt h_(4)_, he even didnt know i_(5)_ theres a good place to eat.首先我们要知道Once是什么意思,这里的once解释为曾经,然后我们又可以发现在后半句开头有个And,前后句子之间存在着并列关系,他曾经几乎_。并且当他感到_,他甚至不知道_有好的吃饭的地

11、方。关键的地方在于“eat”这个动词,关于吃,那肯定是感到饿了,(3)应该填hungry,(5)这个词根据前后判断应该是连词,i开头的连词,我们初中就学到的一个,那就是if,犹未注意这里的if是表示是否的意思。后半句语意完整了,那我们就通过揣测后半句来推前半句,后半句的句意为并且当他感到饥饿的时候,他设置不知道是否有好的吃饭的地方。用and并列两个相同的情况,除了饥饿之外,那就是迷路了,所以要用到词组be lost,(3)处应该填lost(6)Now he is studying English b_(6)_ listening to tapes.(6)前后的关系,我们知道现在他正在学习英语通

12、过听磁带的方式。(7)By the way, are you free tonight? How about having dinner and then see the latest 3D m_(7)_? 现在最流行的就是3D电影了,所以出现了3D,那后面又是以m字母开头,显然应该填movie,此处应该用单数,因为前面有最高级 Dreams may be more important than sleep. Some people dont need much sleep. H_(1)_, we all need to dream according to the scientists. D

13、reams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams e_(2)_ night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are l_(3)_ old films. They come to us over and again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a w_(4

14、)_ of trying to find an answer. Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They could have been t_(5)_ about their work all day. Then these things go into their dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we cant remember the dream. Dreams can d_(6)_ quickly

15、 from memory.Too much dreaming isnt good. The m_(7)_ we sleep, the longer we dream. Our mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _Key:1. However2. every3. like 4. way 5. thinking6. disappear 7. more首字母填空小技巧:判断词性

16、与句子成分(1)通过这个空格,大家很容易判断在逗号前常出现的就是转折副词However然而,我们在将结合上下句意思进行检验,一些人不需要太多的睡眠。然而,根据科学家所说,我们都需要做梦。前后句子的关系是转折关系。(2)从句子成分而言,e_ night在句子中做时间状语,从词性来讲,night是跟名词,前应用形容词来修饰,所以此处应该填的是every(3)Some dreams are l_(3)_ old films.在句子成分中,此处要不做的是状语,要不做的就是表语,若做表语(3)处填的就应该是一个形容词或者名词,但是从整句句意来看,(3)应该填的是介词,在整句句子中作状语,表示的意思为一些

17、梦就像是老电影(4)a冠词后面往往跟的是名词短语,而在(4)有介词of,所以(4)填的是一个名词,结合整句句子来看,做梦也许是尝试找到一个答案的方法(5)have been t_,这个结构中很容易看出是一个时态的结构,在be动词后如果跟现在分词表示进行,如果be动词后跟过去分词,则表示被动,从此处来看不存在被动关系,所以此处应该用现在分词thinking,整句话的意思为他们却不能一整天在谈论他们的工作(6)Dreams can d_(6)_ quickly from memory. 在can情态动词之后应该跟动词原形,所以(6)应该填的是一个动词,从整句话中可以看出,梦能够从记忆中快速消失,所

18、以用disappear(7)The m_(7)_ we sleep, the longer we dream. 此句中用了一个the+比较级,the+比较级的结构,从后一句来看longer是副词的比较级,所以前者应该也用副词的比较级,整句句意表示为我们睡的越多,我们做梦的时间就越长,所以此处填more Should children stop playing computer games or not? Thats always a hot topic. Computer games may h_(1)_ you learn how to use computers skillfully. A

19、nd they are more f_(2)_ than going to acomputer class. You will learn all kinds of things through playing games on your computer. Games a _(3)_ get your brain(脑子)to work fast. When you play games, you have to work out w_(4)_ to do in a very short time. Your brain, eyes and hands must work quickly. I

20、t makes you free from schoolwork and helps you e_(5)_ yourself and relax. But wait, youd better not take that as an excuse and play computer games all day. If you sit before your computer for a long time, your hands, back and eyes will get h_(6)_. Children shoudnt use a computer for more than 30 min

21、utes w_(7)_ a rest.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _Key:1. help 2. fun 3. also 4. what 5. enjoy 6. hurt 7. without首字母填空小技巧:(1)may后应该跟的是动词原形,通过整句话的意思应填help,而在初中要学到一个词组help sb(to)do sth,从而验证此处应填help(2)根据比较连词than,这里应该填的是一个形容词的比较级(be+形容词),而前面有more这个形容词的比较级,后面应该填一个名词,比起去上电脑课他们更有趣些。所以此处填名词fun(3)通过句意与词性判断

22、,这里应该填一个副词,而整句句子意思为游戏也能使你的脑子快速地工作(4)疑问词+不定式的结构,因为do后应跟的是宾语,所以应该用what to do,句意是你不得不在很短的时间内找出做什么(5)词组enjoy oneself,通过and这个表示并列的连词,而后面relax表示and前面也应该有表示娱乐的意义在里面(6)词组get hurt,if这个连词引导的是条件性状语从句,如果你在电脑前坐很长的时间,你的手、背和眼睛会受到伤害,所以此处填hurt(7)从句意进行判断:孩子们不应该用电脑超过30分钟没有休息的情况下,这里应该填without这个介词,表示在没有. When the Chines

23、e swimmer Liu Zige won the gold medal in the womens 200-meter butterfly at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, many people said her success was just good l_(1)_. Now, Lius talent and effort has proved that she is no falling star in world swimming. At the World Cup short-course meet in berlin on November 15,

24、2009, Liu broke her own world record that had been set four days earlier in Stockholm, Sweden, in the womens 200-meter butterfly. During the past month, she has won gold medals andb_(2)_ the world record three times in this event. Liu attributes her great success to her tough training. The 20-year-o

25、ld girl says she hasnt had a day off s_(3)_ she won the silver medal at Rome World Championships in July, 2009. When shes not training, Liu keeps herself away from the noisy world outside. Thats w_(4)_ she never appears on front pages but wins top results in competions. Unlike most players who strug

26、gle for victory, Liu doesnt care too m_(5)_ about setting the world record. Even tiny progress can makea new record, which is very common in the pool, Liu sai.I believe hard work pays off. Liu started swimming at the age of seven. A_(6)_ being trained at a sports school in Benxi, Liaoning for two ye

27、ars, she joined a swimming club and began her career. In 2007, Liu joined the national s_(7)_ team.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _Key:1. luck2. broken3. since4. why5. much6. After7. swimming首字母填空小技巧:推理法(1)many people said her success was just good l_(1)_.Now, Lius talent and effort has proved tha

28、t she is no falling star in world swimming. 这个空要填出来,我们需要先结合语言环境进行判断,这里我们用从后往前推的方法:现在,刘的天赋和努力已经证明了她在世界泳坛并不是一个失败的明星。从这句话我们看,说明之前有人说她是失败的明星,前句表示许多人说她的成功只是好运(与后一句推测的意思相吻合),所以此处应该填luck,因为good是形容词后应该填的是名词(2)During the past month, she has won gold medals and b_(2)_ the world record three times in this even

29、t.在过去的几个月,她已经赢得了多枚金牌,这里的并列连词and表示前后应该是并列的关系,后面我们也可以想到一个词组break the record 打破记录,由此应该填break,但要注意时态的变化,这里与前面的won共用一个has,所以应该填过去分词broken(3)The 20-year-old girl says she hasnt had a day off s_(3)_ she won the silver medal at Rome World Championships in July, 2009.这题我们可以通过语法点来解题,前句用的现在完成时态,后句用的一般过去时态,那连接这

30、一时态的连词在我们初中学习的s开头的只有since(4)When shes not training, Liu keeps herself away from the noisy world outside. Thats w_(4)_ she never appears on front pages but wins top results in competions.这里运用到推测法的从前往后推的模式,前一句很明显是有一句的原因,其实这里考到的是表语从句,应用why(5)Liu doesnt care too m_(5)_ about setting the world record. 跟在

31、too这个副词以m开头的字母有两个,一个是many,一个是much,这边它表示的是一个抽象的概念,意思是刘并不关注太多关于创造世界记录。所以应该用much来修饰抽象的概念(6)A_(6)_ being trained at a sports school in Benxi, Liaoning for two years, she joined a swimming club and began her career.通过语法知识来解题,A之后是一个动名词的被动语态,在这里考查的是介词后加动名词,通过推测法,后面句意比较完整,从后向前推,她加入了一个游泳俱乐部并开始她的职业生涯。由此看前面的意思为在辽宁的本溪的一所运动学校被锻炼了两年。前半部分是在后半部分之前,所以

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