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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines单元学案.docx

1、Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines单元学案Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines单元学案dule 5 Newspapers and Magazines单元学案 .Word Stud(1) n.Cthe relabetween produade and the suppla particular cougion;C,U the uat is available in a way that avoid waste 经济,经济状况;节约,节省 e.g. Tworld世界经济处于衰退之中。 His viewwledgave been acce

2、pted with many people. 他关于知识经济的观点得到很多人的认可。 We need to make substantial我们要厉行节约。writes with a greawords.她写作文字非常简练。 构词解析:有关经济的(抽象)al 经济的(侧重“节约”)经济学经济学经济学家 PraThe car is quite (节省的)l。 ABal C. saving D. sparing 2. 他爸爸是经济学家。B 2His faa2. congratula(1)n used when you want to say to sb. that you are happy ab

3、ougood luck or su恭喜(多用作复数) e.g. -Were getting married! -我们要结婚了! -Congratulations! - 恭喜!恭喜!gratulaur winning。 祝贺你获奖。 (2) vll sb. that you are pleased abouuachievement; to feel pleased and proud 向某人道贺;感到自豪 常用结构: congratulate sb/ doinggratulalf on doingg We congratulatedaving passed the examina我们恭喜他考试及

4、格。 I congratulated them allul我为他们取得的成就向他们所有的人表示祝贺。 You really should congratulate yourself on your action; you are wonderful. 你真该为自己的表现自豪,你太棒了。 PraPullowingu can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job. 2.Congratulaur exam resul你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。 2.祝贺你考出了好成绩。aboard adv;alane, bus or train

5、 在(船,飞机,公共汽车,火车等)上;上(船,飞机,公共汽车,火车等) eg We finally went aboard. 我们终于上船了。 He was already aboard the plane. 他已经登机了。 All aboard! 各位,请上车(船,飞机) Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐! (2)常用短语 on board be on/ onto alane, bus or trag. We went on board the plane.我们登上了飞机。 Everybody on board was worried. 船上的人都很着急。 PraPullowingT

6、hey waboard a tra_ 2.Tady leave for Qingdao all aboard. _他们乘火车回家。 2.船就要开往青岛,所有乘客请上船。al adj. usually describad wast or wud历史性的 must plaval back ground. 必须把这些事情同它们的历史背景联系起来。 I watched aal play on TV last night.昨晚我看了一部历史剧。 词语解析:usually used to describaant thalikely to be remembered. 具有历史意义的。 eg. T

7、oday is aaur country.对我们国家来说,今天是具有历史意义的一天。 The areaal这个地区有特别的历史意义。 PraPullowingTg between chairman Lian Zhan and GeneralHuJintao is a2: He has been doingarch. _连战主席和胡锦涛总书记的会面是一次具有历史意义的会见。 2改为al。 5Wel(1)vt. to greet sb in a friendly way warrive somewhere 欢迎,迎接 eg. We were at the door to wel我们在门口迎接他们。

8、 They welcomed the newwusiasm.他们热烈欢迎新生。 (2)adved with or giving pleasure 受人欢迎的 wel/to do (作表语)可随意,取用某物或做某事 e.guxtremely welcome just now.你这笔钱正好解燃眉之急。 We hadling that we wwelcome ag.我们感到人家不欢迎我们到会。 You are welany books you would like to borrow.你不必客气,可以随时用我的车。 You are welany books you would like to bor

9、row.你想借什么书就借什么书好了。 常见短语: Youre welcome:d to thank me. 不用谢,别客气。 e.g. “Thauch for all your help.” “You are welcome.” “谢谢你的帮助。”“不客气。” (3)n. greetinga kind or glad one. 欢迎。 e.gwas touched by the wawelcome.他们热情地欢迎她,她很感动。 (4)interj greeting used by awho is already in a plawho is arriving.(迎接时用的招呼用语)欢迎。 We

10、lcome!andarents .欢迎!进来见见我父母。 Pra我们一到门口,孩子就来欢迎我们。 We at the door bld2.The victors were given a warm welcome warrived欢迎回来。 4.欢迎她随时到这里来。were welcomed. 2.凯旋者受到热烈欢迎。 3.Welcome bas welay here whenever she ldelighted (1)adj. very pleased 高兴的,愉快的 常用结构:delighted to do sth/ delighted that delighted by /at/wg.

11、 Id be absolutely delighted我很乐意前来。 I was delighted that you could stay.你能留下来我很高兴。was delighted at /bwwedding.听到婚礼的消息她很高兴。 (2)delight vt. to give sb a lot of pleasure andg. 使高兴,使快乐 His singing delighted us.他的歌声令我们喜悦。 Hdelightedldren wagic.他时常以魔术逗小孩高兴。 (3)n. U a feeling of great pleasure高兴,愉快;; Cg tha

12、t gives you great pleasure令人高兴的事,乐事 e.g. Travelling is my great delight.旅行是我最大的乐事。won the game easildelight of all her fa这场比赛她赢得很轻松,令所有的崇拜者大为高兴。 PraultiplWe were very much at the good news. A. delighting B. delighted C. pleasant D. pleasing 2. Compl这消息将使全世界崇拜他的人都感到高兴。 The news _ his fans _ _ _ _女儿考上

13、了北京大学,令他欣喜万分。 , her daughter was admitted to Beijing UnivBThis news will deligans all over the worldTo his great deliga(1)n. C U a; aal, separablaqua machine; the role of an aa play. 部分;零件;角色。g. T(a)paliday in France.他们假期有一段时间是在法国度过的。 Tg wrong wworking paachine.机器的操作部件出了毛病。 Which part do you play?你演

14、哪一个角色? (2)常用搭配: act/ play a part in: be involved in an activity; make a contribu参加某活动;对某事起作用,有贡献 e.glays an active part in local politics.她积极参与地方政治活动。 He played a major paulan.他对成功完成计划起了重要作用。 take paave a shalw参加,参与某事 e.g. How many students will take padiscussion?有多少学生要参加讨论? The best plaall over the

15、 world will take palympic Ga世界各地的优秀运动员将参加奥运会。 PraHe played a leading pav2.Haart of Sun WukonglaHow many countries will be take paworld cup?他在那次运动中担任领导的任务。 2.在剧中他经常演孙悟空。 3.有多少国家要参加世界杯赛? II. Background Twspaper was written by hand and put up on walls in public palaces . The earliest daily newspaper wa

16、s started in RB.C. In the 700s the worldd newspaper was published. Europe didnt have a regularly published newspaper until 1609,wwas started in GermaTgularly published newspagland wad in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published once a week. Tdaily Engl

17、ish newspaper was the Daily Courtant, which came out in March 1702. In 1690, Beijamin HadAmerican newspaper in Boston. But not long awaublished, the govd the paper. In 170ampbell started the Bwspawspaper published daily the American Colonies(1). By 1760lonies hadadaily newspapers. There are now abou

18、t 1800 daily paUnited StaToday, as a group, English language newspapers have the largulation(2)in the world. But the largulaa newspaaapanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. It sellan eleven millvery year. 注解: (1)Colonies: 殖民地 (2)circulation: 发行量 Language StudThe Beijing Spalaid the flight was a “complete s

19、uccess”The Beijing Spalaid the flight was a completely successful flig北京航天控制中心说这次飞行完全成功。 su(1) n. U the fact that you have achieved sth that you want and have bg to do or get 成功;胜利 su(doing) sth. 在(做)某事上取得成功 e.g. He didnt have much suding a job.他找工作没有什么结果。 Whatur success? 你成功的秘诀是什么? (2)nC ag that ha

20、s achieved a good result and been successful 成功的人或事 e.g. The party was a big success.聚会非常成功。s prouddaughters su她为女儿的种种成就感到自豪。 以下名词作不可数名词用时,表示抽象概念,用作可数名词时,表示具体的人或事物。 beauty n. C ag that is beautiful. 美人,美好的东西ur n. C ag that brings great pride and pleasure光荣的人或事物 pleasure n. C a thing that make you ha

21、atisfiedgad been a beauday.她年轻时是个美人。an honou她是这一行业的光荣。 Evaleasures and paveryday l每个人都能尝到日常生活的苦与乐。 (3)构词解析: su成就,成功, 成功的人或事物;succeed vi. 成功; successful adj.成功的,一帆风顺的, successfully adv.成功地,顺利地 Pra在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。 2.她是一个成功的作家。 3.我说服他放弃了那个想法。 4.我们祝贺他们工程胜利竣工。 5.我们很高兴认识你。beaulivingat its so peaceful. 2a su

22、ccess as a wI succeeded in advisinggive up his ideaWe congratulateduccessful complIts a pleasuu . 2.When Yanguquawa at 9 aday, China becad nad a maace。When Yang began to fliguquawa at 9aday, China becad nation that sends a maa昨天晚上9点杨利伟从中国西北部起飞时,中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家 (1). take off (1) to leave the grou

23、nd and begin to fly 起飞 e.g. The plaan hour late.飞机起飞晚了一小时。 (2)vally alothing from sbs body 脱下 e.g. Hwet boots and sat b他脱掉湿漉漉的靴子,在火炉旁坐了下来。 (3)拓展 take 相关短语 take for认为,误认为;take in收留;欺骗; tale on 呈现;take over接管; take up占用(时间),占据空间 e.g. Evxainting for a genuine Van Gogh. 连行家都误认为这幅画是凡高的真迹。 He was homelw他无

24、家可归,我们就收留了他。 His vau他说话的语气变得严肃起来。 Tas been taken over by Mr. Zhang该公司已被张先生接管了。 Hully taken up with writing. 她把时间全都用在了写作上。 PraPullowingglish: 1.他的一番花言巧语完全把我蒙骗住了。 2.我不再占用你的时间了。 3.尽管有雾,飞机仍旧照常起飞。 4.一些动物可以变成周围环境的颜色来保护自己。 5.那家公司以购买我们公司股票的方式收购了我们公司。Hletely w2.I wont take up auThe pladganimals can talouback

25、groundlvThe company has taken over our firm by buying sha2) to send a maaat makes a man be taace 把人送入太空的. 动词不定式短语作定语,修饰 序数词, the last, the only 后最高级等限定的名词时,用动词不定式而不用分词作定语。 e.gusuallarrive al every day. 每天她通常是第一个到学校的人。 He walurviva他是飞机坠毁中的唯一生还者。 PraI will be the la-asks uA. playing B. to play C. paly

26、ed D. pla答案: Bangavel in space, including astronau2 couangwho travels in space, astronauts w2 couluded. 包括来自32个国家的宇航员在内,杨利伟是第438个在太空旅行的人。ludingaving sth as part of a grou包括 在内g. Ive gdays holiday including NewYears Day. 包括元旦在内我有三天假。 Its $luding tax. 包括税款在内共7.5美元。 构词解析:luding prep. 包括;include vt. 包括;

27、 included prep.(置于名词后)包括 Praglishieight people wairman. A. included B. includluding D. includ2. This book all information you need. A. contains B. holdludes D. conta2.A 4.In tatalastronauts havan 26,000 daaIn allastronauts have stayed in spaver 26,000 da这些宇航员总共在宇宙呆的时间已经超过了26,000天。 (1). total n. C th

28、e amount you get when you add several numbers or amounts together 总数 e.gut of a total 15galy won 2. 总共15场比赛中, 他们只胜了2场。 The total00 yuan. 花费总数是800元。 常见短语:al= in all 总计 e.g. In total I have 5000 yuan. 我总共有5000元钱。 adj. being the amount or number after everything or evunted or added together. 总计的,全体的 e.

29、g. Whatal popula? 这个城市的人口总数四多少? (3)vach a particular total 共计 e.gach students marks were totaled and entered in a l每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。 Practice: PullowingThe totalundred and_ 2.In totalust have been 50,000 peopl_满分是150分。 2.总计有五万人在那儿。 (1)more than over 多于 e.g. He weigan 200 pounds他有200多镑重。 not only 不

30、仅仅 e.gan a teaus. He is also a good friend to us. 她不仅仅是我们的老师,还是我们的好朋友。 (3)辨析an 与an:.thathaan at most 不超过;an: 仅仅,只有 e.g. There aal办公室里的人不超过8个。 Tan 10 feet long.这根管子仅仅十英尺长。.tha. as 不比,不如 e.g. This bg than tha这本书不如那部有趣。 than :与一样不 e.gaareful than T简和汤姆都不小心。 PraBamboo can be used for building. Aan B. less thaan DaA 6.Now that I have madvisit.I hope I caaI havI believe I ca既然已经有了第一次,那么我希望将来能常来。 now tha既然 e.g. Now

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