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1、英美文学选读自考题模拟17英美文学选读自考题模拟17(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、.Multiple Choice(总题数:40,分数:40.00)1.The belief of the eighteenth-century neoclassicists in England led them to seek the following EXCEPT _.(分数:1.00)A.proportionB.graceC.harmonyD.spirit解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为新古典主义时期作家们的创作追求。 新古典主义者们对文学作品的观点使该时期的作家在创作时寻求表达与措辞上

2、的协调、统一、和谐与典雅。2.Graveyard School writers are the following sentimentalists of _.(分数:1.00)A.James Thomson and William CollinsB.William Collins and William BlakeC.Robert Burns and James ThomsonD.Thomas Jackson and James Thomson解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为古墓派诗人的成员。 感伤派诗人,或曰“古墓派诗人”有詹姆斯汤姆森、威廉考林斯和威廉柯柏等。3.The most per

3、fect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English is Samson Agonistes by _.(分数:1.00)A.John MiltonB.William BlakeC.Henry FieldingD.William Wordsworth解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为力士参孙的作者。 弥尔顿的力士参孙是古希腊诗剧体在英语中的完美体现。4.The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and _.(分数:1.00)A.El

4、izabethan dramaB.poetryC.reformationD.assimilation解析:5.It is generally believed that the most important play among Shakespeares comedies is _.(分数:1.00)A.A Midsummer Nights DreamB.As You Like ItC.Twelfth NightD.The Merchant of Venice解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为莎士比亚最重要的喜剧。 莎士比亚最重要的喜剧是威尼斯商人。6._, an elaborate and

5、fantastic story, is known as the best of the final romances written by William Shakespeare.(分数:1.00)A.The TempestB.Venus and AdonisC.Henry IVD.Romeo and Juliet解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为莎士比亚的后期代表作。 暴风雨是莎士比亚创作后期的代表作,是一个精致奇妙的故事。7._ is not written by John Milton.(分数:1.00)A.Samson AgonistesB.Paradise LostC.Paradi

6、se RegainedD.Dr. Faustus解析:8.The 18th-century England is known as the Age of _ in the history.(分数:1.00)A.RomanticismB.ClassicismC.RenaissanceD.Enlightenment解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为启蒙主义时代。 英国的18世纪是启蒙主义时代,又叫理性时代。9._ described by Daniel Defoe is a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth-century, th

7、e very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.(分数:1.00)A.Tom JonesB.GulliverC.RobinsonD.Moll Flanders解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为笛福描述的鲁滨逊。 笛福把鲁滨逊描述成一个真正的英雄:一个典型的英国18世纪中产阶级人士,是帝国缔造者的典范,是殖民主义者的先锋。10.In which of the following works can you find the proper names Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Houyhnhnm an

8、d Yahoos?(分数:1.00)A.The Pilgrims Progress.B.The Faerie Queene.C.Gullivers Travels.D.The School of Scandal.解析:11.Tom Jones, the full title being The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, is generally considered the masterpiece of _.(分数:1.00)A.John BunyanB.Daniel DefoeC.Jonathan SwiftD.Henry Fielding解析:解

9、析 本题主要考查的知识点为菲尔丁最杰出的作品。 小说汤姆琼斯的全名是汤姆琼斯一个弃儿的故事,它被认为是菲尔丁最杰出的作品。12.The literary form which is fully developed and the most flourishing during the Romantic period is _.(分数:1.00)A.dramaB.proseC.poetryD.novel解析:13._ novel, a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late eighteenth century, was on

10、e phase of the Romantic movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the readers emotion.(分数:1.00)A.GothicB.SentimentalC.PastoralD.Romantic解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为哥特式小说。 哥特式小说是浪漫主义文学的一部分,它盛行于18世纪末。这种小说的主要题材是对暴力、恐怖及超自然的描写,这些内容极能吸引读者的情感。14.The tone of

11、literature in Songs of Experience by William Blake is _.(分数:1.00)A.melancholyB.lovelyC.plainD.utter解析:15.The English Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads which was written by _.(分数:1.00)A.William WordsworthB.Wordsworth and ColeridgeC.George Gordon ByronD.Percy Bysshe Shelley解析:

12、解析 本题主要考查的知识点为抒情歌谣集的作者。 英国浪漫主义时期一般被认为始于1798年,标志为华兹华斯与科勒律治的抒情歌谣集的出版。16.Wordsworth thinks that _ is the only subject of literary interest.(分数:1.00)A.nationB.past experienceC.common lifeD.nature解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为华兹华斯对文学的认识。 华兹华斯认为普通人的生活是文学情趣的唯一主题。17.In his lyrics such as Ode to Liberty, Ode to Naples, P

13、ercy Bysshe Shelley expressed his love for _ and his hatred toward tyranny.(分数:1.00)A.the middle classB.the poorC.freedomD.the proletariat解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为雪莱对自由的渴望和对暴政的憎恶。 雪莱对自由的渴望及对暴政的憎恶都体现在诗作中,如自由颂、那不勒斯颂、十四行诗:英格兰1819等。18.In _ s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,the speaker literally stops his h

14、orse in the winter twilight to observe the beauty of the forest scene, and then is moved to continue his journey.(分数:1.00)A.Robert Lee FrostB.William FaulknerC.Ezra PoundD.Percy Bysshe Shelley解析:19._ mainly tells of the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet.(分数:1.00)A.Jane EyreB.Wuthering HeightsC.Pride and PrejudiceD.Oliver Twist解析:解析 本题主要考查的知识点为傲慢与偏见的内容。 傲慢与偏见主要讲述了漂亮聪明的伊丽莎白与年轻高傲的富家公子达西之间的爱情故事。20.Among the famous novelists of the Victorian period

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