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1、学年人教新目标版七年级英语第二学期期末复习资料人教版七年级英语下册期末复习资料人教版七年级下册unit 1重点内容归纳【知识归纳】1、good用法be good at sth./doing sth. 擅长做某事=do well in sth. be good with 善于应付.的,对.有办法be good for.对.有好处(反义短语:be bad for.=be harmful to.=do harm to.)2.join, join in, take part in的区别Join为参加某社团或群体中去并成为其中一员,如join the club, join the army, join

2、them常用短语:join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事Join in 为参加某项活动,并在其中发挥一定作用,常和take part in互换,如 join in the game3.help用法help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事ask sb. for help向某人寻求帮助4.on the weekend(s) 在周末 on the weekdays 在工作日5.play用法play football/basketball/chess(球类或棋牌类运动运动不加the)play the piano/ the

3、guitar/ the violin(西洋乐器前需加定冠词the)6.speak, talk, tell, saySpeak 表示说话能力,常和语言连用,如 Speak English;Can the baby speak now? Talk 表示交谈,常见词组为talk with/to sb, have a talkTell 表示告诉或判断意思,常见词组为tell sb about sth. /tell the differences. /tell a storySay 表示说话的内容,常见的搭配为say something【重点短语】art/music/chess/swimming/Eng

4、lish club 美术/ 音乐/国际象棋/游泳/英语俱乐部after school 放学后 be free 有空be good with sth./sb.善于应.的;对.有办法be good at doing sth.擅长做某事call sb. at 拨.给某人打电话do kung fu 练功夫have time 有时间in the music room 在音乐室 like doing/to do sth.喜欢做某事make friends 结交朋友music festival 音乐节on the weekend/ on weekends (在)周末play chess/basketball

5、下象棋/打篮球 play the guitar 弹吉他play the violin/drums/piano 拉小提琴/敲鼓/弹钢琴play soccer/games 踢足球/做游戏 play.with.和.玩.school show 学校演出 the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部 tell stories 讲故事 talk to/with.跟.说/ 与.交谈the old peoples home 敬老院want to do sth.想要做某事【重点句子】Are you busy after school? 放学后你忙吗?Are you good with old pe

6、ople? 你善于与老人相处吗?Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742. 请拨293-7742 找布朗先生。Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?Do you have time on the weekend? 你周末有时间吗?I want to join the art club. 我想加人美术俱乐部。I like to play basketball. 我喜欢打篮球I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 我会说英语,我也会踢足球。Please talk to Mr. Zhang after sc

7、hool. 请放学后找章老师谈。The school needs help to teach music. 学校需要人帮忙教音乐。What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部?What sports can you play? 你会做什么运动?What can you do? 你会做什么?Youre very good at telling stories. 你很擅长讲故事。【本单元语法】一、情态动词can的基本用法情态动词can有一定的词义,但不能独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。can没有人称和数的变化。其具体用法如下:1.表示能、会,指脑力或体力

8、方面的能力。例如:I can speak English.我会讲英语。Jim can swim but I cant.吉姆会游泳,但我不会。2.表示可能,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。例如:Han Mei cant be in the classroom.韩梅不可能在教室里。Can he come here today, please?请问他今天能到这里来吗?3.表示可以,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。例如:Can I have a cup of tea, please?请问我可以喝一杯茶吗?You can go out.你可以出去了?二、情态动词的注意事项1. can的口诀:情态

9、动词can、can、can,动词原形跟后面。变疑问can提前,变否定not后面加上去。主语人称单复数,情态动词不能变。2. 情态动词can可以引导肯定句和疑问句。肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分3.can 引导的肯定句变为疑问句的方法:(一调二改三问号)can 提前,首字母大写。(一调)肯定句中主语在变成疑问句时的变化。(二改)如:肯定句:You can feed the animals.你可以喂动物。疑问句:Can I feed the animals?我能喂动物吗?在句尾后面加问号。(三问号)4. Can的一般疑问句回

10、答:肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词) + can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词) + can not (cant)/mustnt.Yes 或 no 后要使用逗号,除了I 以外,其他人称都要小写。5、表推测是肯定推测用must be,否定推测为cant be人教版七年级下册unit 2重点内容归纳【知识归纳】1、Either.or.eitheror主要用于表示选择,其意为“要么要么”“或者或者”,用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语.如:You can have either this one or that one.你拿这个或那个都可以.You must either go at onc

11、e or wait till tomorrow.你要么马上走,要么等到明天.We can finish the work either this week or next week.不是这星期就是下星期我们就可完成这项工作.特别注意:eitheror连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词的形式遵循“就近原则”.如:Either you or I am to go.你或我必须有人去.Either he or you are right.要么他对,要么你对.3、Exercise exercise做锻炼时为不可数名词,如 do exerciseexercise 做练习或操讲为可数名词,如do math ex

12、ercises, do morning/eye exercises2、job/workjob就是指具体的一份工作,为是可数名词;work做动词时,常指工作状态如:Whats your job?I have a wonderful job,its so exciting.A:What are you doing right at this moment? B:Im working!work作名词有两种意思:指“工作”时为不可数名词 out of work表示失业;做可数名词时表示“著作”,如Lun Xuns works4、Lots ofLots of = a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词又可

13、以修饰不可数名词注意:a lot 不能修饰名词,常用来修饰形容词或动词,为副词词性5、频度副词频度副词按频度从高到底为Alwaysusually(generally)-often- sometimes- seldom- hardly- never 对频度副词提问常用how often6、Taste taste 作动词时,有两种情况:taste 后可跟名词或代词,意为“尝、品尝某物”。如:Tom smelled the mooncake and then tasted it again. taste 后可跟形容词,意为“尝起来.”,此时它是感官系动词。如:The mooncakes with n

14、uts taste more delicious than those with sugar.其他感官系动词:feel, sound, look, smell等taste 也可作名词,意为“味道、品尝”或“品味”。如:Please have a taste of this cheese.Sugar has a sweet taste.He has a good taste.【重点短语】atsixthirty在六点半afterdinner晚餐后atnight在夜间afterthat在那之后aquarterpastthreeintheafternoon下午三点一刻belateforwork上班迟到

15、 brushteeth刷牙 begoodfor.对.有益/好处do(ones)homework做作业eat/havebreakfast吃早餐eat quickly快速地吃eatagoodbreakfast吃一顿丰盛的早餐either.or.或者.或者从.到.gohome回家gotoschool去上学gotowork去上班 gotobed(early)(早早)去睡觉getup起床getdressed穿上衣服gethome到家halfanhour半小时halfpastsixinthemorning早上六点半lotsof/alotof.大量,许多onweekends(在)周末pla

16、y/do sports做运动 playcomputergames玩电脑游戏 radiostation/show广播电台/广播节目takeashower洗淋浴takeawalk散步;走一走【重点句子】Attenthirty, IbrushmyteethandthenI gotobed.十点半,我刷牙,然后上床睡觉。Attwelve, she eats lotsoffruitandvegetablesforlunch.到了十二点,午饭她吃很多水果和蔬菜。Afterschool,Isometimesplaybasketballforhalfanhour.放学后,我有时打半小时的篮球。Aftertha

17、t, I usuallyexerciseatabouttentwenty.在那之后,我通常在10点20分左右锻炼。Heworksataradiostation.他在一家广播电台工作。I usuallygetupatsixthirty.我通常在六点半起床。Imneverlateforwork. 我上班从来不迟到。I dontliketogetupearly.我不喜欢早起。I donthavemuchtimeforbreakfast,soIusuallyeatveryquickly.我没有太多的时间吃早饭,所以我通常吃得很快。Intheevening, IeitherwatchTVorplayco

18、mputergames.晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。-Scott,whattimeisyourradioshow? 斯科特,你的广播节目在几点?-Fromtwelveoclockatnighttosixoclockinthemorning. 从夜里12点到早上6点。Sheknowsitsnotgoodforher, butittastesgood!她知道(吃冰淇淋)对她不好,但它尝起来很美味!Thatsafunnytimeforbreakfast!那个时间吃早饭真有意思哟!What time do youusuallytakeashower, Rick?里克,你通常几点钟洗淋浴?Whe

19、ndoyougotowork? 你什么时候去上班?WhenIgethome, Ialwaysdomyhomeworkfirst.当我回到家时,我总是先做作业。【本单元语法】一、what time与when1.what time翻译为“几点”问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时。 What time do you go to school? 你什么时候/几点上学? I go to school at half past seven oclock. 我七点半去上学。 注意时间点前要加介词“at”2.when也是提问时间,但与what time的区别是:用when提问,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可

20、以是不具体的时间,如:in the morning/afternoon/evening,last year,in 1998等范围大的时间,例如: When does he take a shower?他什么时候洗澡? He takes a shower in the evening. 他在晚上洗澡。 也可用具体时间: I take a shower at 6 oclock in the evening. 我晚上六点洗澡。 3. 问时间点只能用what time,如What time is it?二、频率副词的使用用法几个常见频率副词的用法alwaysalways 意为“总是”,与进行时态连用时

21、,也可用来表达喜爱、厌恶等感情色彩。e.g.I shall always remember my first day at school. 我将永远记住我上学的第一天。He is always smoking. 他总是抽烟。(厌恶情感)She is always so elegant.她总是如此高雅。(赞美情感)usuallyusually可以指通常的动作,侧重已经形成的习惯。e.g.I usually do some shopping with my parents on Sundays. 我通常在星期天和我的父母一起去买东西。He usually goes to school by bik

22、e. 他通常骑自行车上学。oftenoften是指经常性的动作,意思为“常常, 经常”。e.g.Children dont often do homework. 孩子们经常不写作业。He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。sometimessometimes意思为“有时,不时”,表示次数较少(低于often所表达的次数),常常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用。e.g.Sometimes he goes to work by bike, and sometimes he goes by bus.有时候他骑自行车上班,有时候他乘公共汽车上班。Sometimes I h

23、elped my parents in the house. 有时候我帮助父母做家务。hardly hardly意思为“难得, 几乎从来不”,它所表示的次数非常少。e.g.He hardly drinks. 他几乎不喝酒。She hardly plays cards. 她几乎不打牌。特别注意:hard与hardly为形近词,但是在意义上并无关联Hard做形容词时意为“坚硬的,困难的”做副词时意为“努力地,刻苦地”nevernever意思为“决不, 从未”,表示一次也没有。e.g.He never lives there. 他从来都没有在那儿住过。She never has anything t

24、o do. 她一向无所事事。图示:alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever100% 7080% 60-70% 30-40% 0它们均属于“模糊频率”,无法表示具体次数但是以下这些频率副词可以准确地表达事情发生的频率。Once一次 twice两次 基数词+times.次人教版七年级下册unit 4重点内容归纳【知识归纳】1、arrive arrive in: 到达大地点 arrive at:到达小地点其他表示到达的词组或单词还有get to,reach其中arrive/get为不及物动词,reach为及物动词2、bring/ takeBring表示带来;

25、表示把某物带到哪去,强调带走; Take sth with sb可以表示随身携带Take .for a walk带.去散步3、listen to, hear, soundlisten to:听的动作;hear:听见,强调听的结果(hear from.收到.来信;hear about/of听说);sound:听起来,半系动词,后加形容词4、make ones bed:铺床make ones way to.:向.走去make tea:沏茶5、on time, in timeon time: 准时in time:及时6、practice doing:练习做某事7、rememberremember t

26、o do: 记得去做某事,事情还没有做;remember doing:记得做过某事,事情已做。类似的还有: forget to do, forget doing;regret to do, regret doing8、strictbe strict with sb in sth.对某人在某方面严格(人作宾语用介词with,物作宾语用in)【重点短语】a lot of rules 许多规则be/arrive late for 迟到 把.带来.be strict(with sb.) (对某人)要求严格 be on time 准时 do the dishes 清洗餐具every

27、morning 每天早上follow the rules 遵守规则go out 外出(娱乐)have to 不得不in class 在课堂上in the hallways 在走廊里in the classroom 在教室里in the dining hall 在餐厅里keep/be quiet 保持安静listen to (music) 听(音乐)make(ones) bed 铺床on school nights/days 在上学日的晚上/在上学日some of. 一些.think about 考虑too many rules 太多规则 wear the school uniform 穿校服

28、wear a hat 戴帽子【重点句子】And we always have to wear the school uniform.我们总是得穿校服。After dinner, I cant relax either.晚饭后我也不能放松。Can we bring music players to school? 我们可以把音乐播放器带到学 校来吗?Can Dave go out on school nights? 戴夫在上学日的晚上可以外出吗?Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 不要把脏碗丢在厨房里!Dont be/arrive late f

29、or class. You must be on time.上课不要迟到。你 必须按时到。Get up now and make your bed! 现在起床并整理你的床铺!Its my first day at school.这是我在学校的第一天。I must read a book before I can watch TV.看电视之前我必须先读书。I know how you feel.我知道你的感觉。My dad says I cant play basketball after school because I must do my homework.我爸爸说放学后我不能打篮球因为我必须做家庭作业。Oh,and we also have to be quiet in the library.哦,在图书馆我们还必 须保持安静。There are a lot of things you can do.有许多你可以做的事情。What are some of the rules? 其中的一些规则是什么呢?【本单元语法】祈使句一、祈使句指的是表示命令、请求、建议或劝告的句子。其主语you常省略

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