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人教版高中英语同步练习选修7 unit 4 period 1含答案精修版.docx

1、人教版高中英语同步练习选修7 unit 4 period 1含答案精修版人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 4 Sharing Period 1 Warming Up, Prereading & Reading 课时精练(人教新课标选修7,课标通用)(时间:45分钟).介、副词填空1We are collecting money for families_ need.2She stick _her foot and tripped him over.3I came _ some interesting books in the room.4When you go to a new count

2、ry, you must adapt yourself_new manners and customs.5I am not sure if she is really up _ that job.6The sun will soon dry _ the roads.7These comments are not directly relevant_this enquiry.8Im looking forward to hearing _you.9My daughter is dying _a piano.10She didnt participate _the discussion.答案1.i

3、单词拼写1She had led a life of luxury and _(特权)2I was just _(想知道)about that myself.3Everyone in the class is expected to _(参加) in the discussion.4He _(调整) himself very quickly to the heat of the country. 5Much new knowledge is _(远的) from the immediate inter

4、est of the ordinary person.6He insisted three years is not enough for a good _(翻译). 7We have made all the _ (安排)for the conference.8These facts are _(有关) to the case.9She is not very clever, but _(在其他方面) shes a nice girl.10I see them about once a _(两周)答案1.privilege2.wondering3.participate4.adjusted5

5、.remote6.interpreter7.arrangements8.relevant9.otherwise10.fortnight.翻译与仿写1I know youre dying to hear all about my life here.翻译 _仿写我盼望着再次回到你的身边。_2But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.翻译_仿写上周约翰的确给你写信了。_3Otherwise they dont waste an

6、ything.翻译 _仿写今天我身体不太舒服,否则这事我就亲自去做了。_4To be honest, I doubt whether Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.翻译 _仿写我怀疑他能否算出我的运气。_5Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house,a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof this shows it is a mans house.翻译 _仿写车在行驶的时候不要把头伸出车窗外。_答案1.我知道你急于了

7、解我在这儿的生活情况。Im dying to be with you again.2不过,上周末我和另外一位叫詹妮的教师真的去访问了一个村庄,那是我的学生汤贝的家。John did write to you last week.3否则的话他们是不会浪费任何东西的。Im not feeling very well today,otherwise I would do it myself.4说实在的,我真的不知道我教的课是否会让这些孩子的生活有所改变。I doubt whether he can read my fortune or not. 5汤贝的父亲叫莫卡普,他把我们带到他的家里,这是一个低

8、矮的竹屋,屋顶上伸出一簇茅草它表示这间竹屋是男人住的。Dont stick your head out of the car window while its running.语篇填空Dear Rosemary,Thanks for your letter.It was wonderful to hear 1._ you.As youre 2._ to hear all about my life here,Ill talk about it now.It 3._me a few minutes to walk to my high school,where theres no electri

9、city or water and even no 4._.Its hard to 5._ to these conditions.I have difficulty in teaching these boys science without any equipment.I even doubt whether Im making any 6._ to their lives.Its quite 7._ for me to visit local people and get to know them,because I dont understand their dialect.But o

10、nce I,together with another teacher,visited a village where Tombe,one of the boys lived.The boys hut was dark with 8._windows and a narrow doorway.The family had few possessions,but they led a happy life.Although I couldnt 9._ in their conversation,I loved listening to their soft talk in their langu

11、age.People there have the habit of drying 10._ the leftover food.We left the village the next morning and felt happy about this experience.Please write soon.Love,Jo答案1.from2.dying3.takes4.textbooks5.adapt/adjust6.difference7.difficult8.no9.participate10.out.单项填空1The young man couldnt afford a new ca

12、r._ ,he bought a used one.ABesides BOtherwiseCInstead DStill答案C考查副词词义辨析。句意:那位年轻人买不起一辆新车,而是买了一辆二手车。A项“而且,还有,此外”;B项“否则,要不然”;C项“代替,而”;D项“仍然,还是”。故选C。2Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.Ain which Bby which Cwh

13、ich Dthat答案Awhen 引导时间状语从句“在那个情景中,人被老虎吃掉”。先行词scene“情景,场合”,属于“时间,地点”类型的词。在情景中,在场合下,用介词in,in the scenes。选择A。3Kate had paid him in advance,which _was a mistake.Ano more Bno doubtCno wonder Dno luck答案B句意:凯特提前付给他钱,这一点无疑是个错误。no doubt无疑;no wonder难怪。4The little boy who _ on the beach _to his mother that the

14、old hen had_ two eggs that day.Alay; lay; lied Blied; lied; liedClaid; laid; laid Dlay; lied; laid答案D考查lie的形近词辨析。句意:躺在沙滩上的那个小男孩对他的妈妈撒谎说那个老母鸡那天下了两个蛋。lie(躺)的过去式为lay;lie(撒谎)的过去式为lied;lay(下蛋)的过去式为laid。故选D。5Hang your wet towel over the chair to_ it_.Acarry;out Bdry;outCdry;up Dput;up答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:把你的湿毛巾

15、挂到椅子上以便晾干它。carry out执行,贯彻;dry out(指浸水等之物)完全变干;dry up(指河流、井等)干涸;put up搭起,张贴,举起。根据语境可知B项为正确答案。6All of them thought it necessary that he_the meeting.Aattend BjoinCparticipate in Dtake part in答案A考查“参加”意义的动词辨析。句意:他们所有的人都认为他有必要参加会议。attend a meeting“参加(出席)会议”,还需注意的是that宾语从句受宾补necessary的影响,用了“(should) do”虚拟

16、结构。故选A。7We are _about your experience in the army.Adying for hearing Bdying of hearingCto die to hear Ddying to hear答案Dbe dying of (doing sth)意为“因(做)某事而要死”,是一种夸张的说法,并非真的要死;be dying to do sth意为“迫切要做”;be to die to do结构不合理。8Todays discussion is about “Overpopulation”,so your supporting evidence should

17、be recent enough to be _the topic.Aequal to Bsenior toCrelevant to Dsuperior to答案Cbe relevant to 中肯的,切题的。9I_ invite Mr. Black to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.Ado Bdoes Cdid Ddoing答案C考查对谓语动词的强调。句意:我那天确实邀请布莱克先生来参加这次聚会的,但是他全然忘记了。考查“do/does/did动词原形”构成的强调句。根据that day可知本句该用一般过去时,故选C。10Wh

18、at do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the football game. _.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just dependsBIts up to youCAll rightDGlad to hear that答案B考查交际用语。前句句意:你下步想做什么?到足球比赛我们有半小时的时间。A是“看情况而定”;B是“由你决定”;C用来回答感谢或是请求,意为“不客气;好”;D是“听到这些很高兴”。故选B。11I_my university professor in t

19、he supermarket near my house, which was out of my expectation.Acame out Bcame acrossCcame about Dcame along答案B考查come的动词短语辨析。句意:在我家附近的超市里,我偶然遇见了我大学时的教授,这出乎我的意料。come across偶然遇见;come out出版,结果是;come about发生;come along进展,赶快。故选B。12She carefully _her clothes and her hair before going into her office.Aopera

20、ted BobeyedCdragged Dadjusted答案D考查动词辨析。句意:她仔细整了整衣服和头发才进她的办公室。operate操作,经营;obey遵守;drag拖,拉;adjust调整,调节;适应。由语境可知,D项为正确答案。13The students were participating _an international energy saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.Afor Bin Cto Dat答案Bparticipate往往与介词in连用,构成participate in,意为“参加,参

21、与”,相当于take part in。14Big companies enjoy certain_that smaller ones dont have.Aregulations BprivilegesCarrangements Ddistributions答案B考查名词辨析。句意:大公司享有小公司没有的一定的特权。regulation规则,规章;privilege特权;arrangement安排;distribution分布,分配。故选B。15When did you last hear_Jay?He phoned me this morning,and we agreed_a time a

22、nd place to meet.Aof;to Babout; withCfrom; with Dfrom;on答案D句意:你最后得知Jay的消息是什么时候?今天早上他给我打电话,我们约定了见面的时间和地点。hear about/of听到有关,听说;hear from收到的来信,得知某人的消息;agree on sth在方面取得一致意见;agree to do sth同意做某事;agree to sth同意计划、安排、方案等;agree with sth/sb同意某人(的意见)。.完形填空For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my rig

23、ht hand. Its not always the _1_ ring, but its always a ring that has _2_ on it so that when I look at it, Im _3_ or reminded of something important. I have made a _4_ of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away as _5_ to someone like Jennie.I first met Jennie

24、in the _6_ waiting room and we had talked several times. One night I sat down beside her and _7_ how her son was doing because I knew that he was in very _8_ condition. She told me that she didnt know what to do any more because it seemed none of the _9_ from the doctors was good. They werent at all

25、 sure her son was going to _10_ the accident that had hurt him so badly. With _11_ in her eyes she said, “Theyre _12_ my hope.”I knew then that it was _13_ just a coincidence that I was wearing the ring that I had on that day. As she _14_ to talk, I _15_ slipped the ring off my finger and placed it

26、in Jennies hand. I told her to wear it to member that God loved her and he would be with her _16_ all of this. _17_ Jennie looked down at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly, _18_ the word written on the ring was “HOPE”The last day I was at the hospital, I saw Jennie in the distance a

27、s I got on the lift. She _19_ and held up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, “Look, I _20_ have Hope!”【语篇解读】小小的礼物也许能给人带来无穷的希望看似不起眼的一枚戒指竟然让一位对儿子的病情感到绝望的母亲又重新找回了希望。1A.special BexpensiveCsame Dvaluable答案C根据I have been wearing a ring on my right hand和but its always a ring可知,作者总是戴一枚戒指,但不是同一枚。2A.words Bpictures Cnames Dsymbols答案A根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知,戒指上刻着字。3A.admired Bencouraged Ctrusted Dpuzzled答案B每当我看到它,我都受到鼓舞,或者想到一些重要的事情。4A.plan Bpoint Clist Dhabit答案Dmake a habit of“形成习惯”。我已经形成了一种习惯,无论什么时候在商店里看到这种戒指,我都要买下来。

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