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1、奇迹的价格阅读答案奇迹的价格阅读答案【篇一:英汉散文奇迹的价格】ass=txttess was a precocious eight-year-old when she heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother, andrew. all she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money .they were moving to an apartment complex next month because daddy didnt h

2、ave the money for the doctors bills and our house . only a very costly surgery could save him now and it was looking like there was no-one to loan them the money . she heard daddy say to her tearful mother with whispered desperation “only a miracle can save him now.” tess went to her bedroom and pul

3、led a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the close. she poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. three times ,ever. the total had to be absolutely exact. no chance here for mistakes. carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out th

4、e back door and made her way six blocks to the pharmacy with the big red indian chief sign above the door. she waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. nothing. she cleared her throat with the m

5、ost disgusting sound she could muster. no good. finally she took a quarter form her jar and banged it on the glass counter. that did it!” and what do you want ?” the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. “im talking to my brother from chicago whom i havent seen in ages, ”he said without wait

6、ing for a reply to his question. “well ,i want to talk to you about my brother ,”tess answered back in the same annoyed tone .”hes really ,really sick and i want to buy a miracle.” “i beg your pardon?” said the pharmacist. “his name is andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my d

7、addy says only a miracle can save him now. so how much does a miracle cost ?” “we dont sell miracles here, little girl . im sorry but i cant help you,” the pharmacist said ,softening a little. “listen, i have the money to pay for it, if it isnt enough, i will get the rest. just tell me how much it c

8、osts.” the pharmacists brother was a well dressed man. he stooped down and asked the little girl, “what kind of a miracle does your brother need ? ” “i dont know ,”tess replied with her eyes welling up .”i just know hes really sick and mommy says he need an operation. but my daddy cant pay for it ,s

9、o i want to use my money .” “how much do you have ?” asked the man from chicago. “one dollar and eleven cents ,”tess answered barely audibly. “and its all the money i have ,but i can get some more if i need to” “well, what a coincidence ,”smiled the man. “a dollar and eleven centsthe exact price of

10、a miracle for little brothers.” he took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “take me to where you live . i want to see if i have the kind of miracle you need.” that well dressed man was dr.carlton armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. the operat

11、ion was completed without change and it wasnt long until andrew was home again and doing well. mom and dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place. “that surgery ,”her mom whispered .”was a real miracle .i wonder how much it would have cost? ”tess smiled. she k

12、new exactly how much a miracle cost one dollar and eleven centsplus the faith of a little child. 奇迹的价格 苔丝八岁那年就已经很懂事了。有一天,她听见爸爸妈妈在说她弟弟安德鲁的事。她只听到说弟弟病的很重。而家里一点钱也没有了。他们下个月就得搬到公寓楼去住,因为爸爸已经付不起医药费和房子的月供了。现在弟弟需要接受一个费用昂贵的手术才有可能保住性命,可是看起来没有人会借钱给他们。她听见爸爸用绝望的口气,轻轻的对泪痕满面的母亲叹到“现在只有奇迹才能救得了他了。” 苔丝走到自己的卧室,从壁橱里一个隐蔽的地

13、方翻出一只玻璃果酱罐子。她把里面所有的零钱都倒出来摊在地板上,仔细地数起来。数了三遍结果都一样。总数必须得相同,不能出半点差错。她小心翼翼地把硬币放回罐子里面。旋上盖子,然后溜出后门,向六个街区外的药店走去。那家店的门口上方有一个很大的红色印第按酋长标志。 她耐心地等着药剂师过来招呼,可是那时他太忙了。苔丝的双角在地上使劲的摩擦,弄出很大的声响来,没人理她。她用最招人厌烦的声音清了清嗓子,还是没用。 最后她从罐子里取出一枚25美分的硬币,猛的往玻璃柜台上一拍。这次奏效了。“噢,你想要什么?”药剂师不耐烦的问道,“我正跟我从芝加哥来的弟弟说话呢,我们几应后好几年米见了。”他只是随口问一句,并没等

14、苔丝回答他。 “恩,我想跟你讲讲我弟弟的事,”苔丝也用同样生气的语调回敬他。“他病的很重、非常重?所以我想买一个奇迹。” “你说什么?”药剂师问。 “他的名字叫安德鲁、他的脑子里长了一个坏东西。爸爸说现在只有奇迹才能救地了他。那奇迹多少钱一个呢?” “小姑娘,我们这没有奇迹卖,非常抱歉,我帮不了你。”药剂师说,声音稍微柔和了下来。 “你听我说,我付得起钱。要是不够的话,我再去拿。你只要告诉我一个奇迹要多少钱。” 那个药剂师的弟弟穿着非常体面。他弯下腰,问这个小姑娘,“你弟弟需要一个什么样的奇迹呢?” “我不知道,”苔丝的眼泪涌了出来,“我只知道他病的很重,妈妈说他需要动手术,可是爸爸拿不出钱,

15、所以我想用自己的钱。” “你带了多少钱?”那个从芝加哥来的人问的道。“一美元十一美分。”苔丝回答,声音低得几乎听不见,“我现在只有这么多,不过需要的话我还可以再去拿。” “哇,真是太巧了,”那人笑了起来,“一美元十一美分,给你弟弟用的奇迹正好是这个价格。 ” 他一手接过钱,另一只手抓过她的手,说:“带我去你的家,我要看看你弟弟的情况,见见你的父母。看看我这儿是不是有你需要的奇迹。” 哪个穿着体面的人叫卡尔顿.阿姆斯特朗,是一位神经外科医生。他免费给安德鲁做了个手术,没过多久安德鲁就痊愈回家了。 事后,苔丝的父母开心的谈到,过去那一连串事情的发生才让他们有了今天。“那天的手术,”她母亲小声说,“

16、的确是个奇迹,我真想知道那得花多少钱。” 苔丝露出一丝微笑,她知道奇迹的准备价格是一美元十一美分,再加上一个孩子执着的信念。【篇二:price of a miracle 奇迹的价格】 tess was a precocious eight-year-old girl when she heard mom and dad talking about her little brother, andrew. all she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. they were moving to

17、 an apartment complex next month because daddy didnt have the money for the doctors bills and their house. only a very costly surgery could save him now and it was looking like there was no-one to loan them the money. she heard daddy say to her tearful mother with whispered desperation, “only a mira

18、cle can save him now.” 听父母谈起弟弟安德鲁的事情时,苔丝已经是一个早熟的八岁小女孩。她只知道弟弟病得很厉害,可父母却无钱给他医治。下个月他们就要搬到一个公寓房去住,因为爸爸已经无力再支付医药费和房款。现在唯一可以救他的办法就是做手术,手术费用非常高,可是看来没有人肯借钱给他们。她听到爸爸对满含泪水的妈妈低声而绝望地说:“现在能救他的就只有奇迹了。” tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. she poured all the ch

19、ange out on the floor and counted it carefully. three times, even. the total had to be exactly perfect. no chance here for mistakes. carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to rexalls drug store with the big red ind

20、ian chief sign above the door. 苔丝回到房间,从壁橱一个隐蔽的地方拿出一个玻璃瓶子,把里面所有的零钱倒在地上并仔细地数着,数了甚至三遍,总数必须完全正确,不能算错。她仔细地把硬币放回瓶子并把盖子拧好,悄悄地从后门溜出去,穿过六条街区,来到门上挂有红色印第安语大标志的雷克索药店。 she waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. tess twisted her feet to make a noise. not

21、hing. she cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. 她耐心地等待着药剂师,可是药剂师非常忙,并没有注意到她。苔丝扭动着她的脚弄出一点声音,没有得到回应。她清了清嗓子,发出了她所能发出的最令人厌恶的声音,还是没有回应。 no good. finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. that did it! “and what do you want?” the pharmacist as

22、ked in an annoyed tone of voice. “im talking to my brother from chicago whom i havent seen in ages,” he said without waiting for a reply to his question. 最后,她从瓶子里拿出个25美分的硬币摔在玻璃柜台上,弄出清脆的响声。成功了!“你需要点什么?”药剂师不耐烦地问,“我正在和我的弟弟谈话呢,他从芝加哥回来,我们很多年没见了。”他没等苔丝回答就接着说起来。 “well, i want to talk to you about my brothe

23、r,” tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “hes really, really sick.and i want to buy a miracle.”“i beg your pardon?” said the pharmacist. “his name is andrew and he has something badgrowing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him now. so how much does a miracle cost?”“we

24、 dont sell miracles here, little girl. im sorry but i cant help you,” the pharmacist said, softening a little. “listen, i have the money to pay for it. if it isnt enough, i will get the rest. just tell me how much it costs.” “我想跟你说下我弟弟的事情。”苔丝也用同样的语气回答到,“他真的病得很严重我想为他买个奇迹。”“你说什么?”药剂师问道。“他叫安德鲁,他病得很厉害,爸

25、爸说现在只有奇迹能救他。所以,请问奇迹多少钱?”“我们这里不卖奇迹,小女孩,很抱歉我帮不了你,”药剂师的语气变得稍微温和了点。“听着,我有钱,如果这里的不够,我会去找剩下的,请告诉我奇迹多少钱?” the pharmacists brother was a well-dressed man. he stooped down and asked the little girl, “what kind of a miracle does your brother need?”“i dont know,” tess replied with her eyes welling up. “i just

26、know hes really sick and mommy says he needs an operation. but daddy cant pay for it, so i want to use my money.” 药剂师的弟弟,是个穿着很得体的男人。他俯下身问小女孩:“你弟弟需要什么样的奇迹呢?”“我不知道,”苔丝回答道,眼泪涌了上来。“我只知道他病得非常厉害,妈妈说他需要做手术,但是爸爸支付不起手术费,所以我想用我自己的钱。” “how much do you have?” asked the man from chicago. “one dollar and eleven c

27、ents, ”tess answered barely audibly. “and its all the money i have, but i can get some more if i needto.” “你有多少钱?”这个从芝加哥来的男人问。“1美元11美分,”苔丝回答道,声音小得都快听不到了。“这是我所有的钱,但是如果不够,我会再想办法。” “well, what a coincidence,” smiled the man. “a dollar and eleven centsthe exact price of a miracle for little brothers.” h

28、e took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “take me to where you live. i want to see your brother and meet your parents. lets see if i have the kind of miracle you need.” “刚刚好,”男人笑着说,“1美元11美分正好可以为你弟弟买个奇迹。”他一手拿着小女孩的钱,一手紧紧握住她的手说:“带我去你住的地方,我想去看看你弟弟和你的父母,看看我是不是有你

29、们需要的奇迹。” that well-dressed man was dr. carlton armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. the operation was completed without charge and it wasnt long until andrewss home again and doing well. mom and dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place. 这个穿着考究

30、的男人就是著名的神经外科医生卡尔顿?阿姆斯特朗。这次手术他们没有支付任何费用,不久之后,安德鲁就康复回家了。爸爸和妈妈高兴地谈论着这件事情。 “that surgery,” mom whispered, “was a real miracle. i wonder how much it would have cost.” tess smiled. she knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven the faith of a little child. “这个手术真的是个奇迹,我想知道这个奇迹到底

31、需要多少钱呢?”母亲低声说。苔丝笑了,她知道奇迹的真正价格:1美元11美分,加上一个小孩子的信念。【篇三:2016市场营销试题a卷及答案】- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 目- 科- 试- 考- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 线 - - - - - - 名- 姓订- - - - - - - 装 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 号- 学- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 级- 班- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 目- 科- 试- 考- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 线 - - - - - - 名- 姓订- - - - - -

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