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1、机场常用英语之欧阳学创编常用机场英语时间:2021.03.03创作:欧阳学机场指示牌1、机场费 airport feeAll domestic and overseas passengers taking airplanes of chinese airlines are required to pay airport fee.所有乘坐中国航空公司航班的中外乘客都要求支付机场建设费。Ticket, baggage and airport fee:机票,行李和机场费:2、出站(出港、离开) departuredip:tThe planes departure was on schedule. 飞

2、机准时起飞。 The time for his departure is five oclock.他在五点钟离开。The time has arrived for departure.出发的时间到了。Has the departure date been fixed?起程的日期定了吗?3、国际机场 international airport,intnnlHangzhou xiaoshan international airport has come into use.杭州萧山国际机场已经通航。The plane safely landed at the international airpor

3、t.飞机安全地在国际机场着陆。Beijinginternational airport is a modernized airport.北京国际机场是一座现代化的机场。4、登机手续办理 check-in到达并登记;报到He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。记录The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one. 售票员逐一登记乘客。5、国内机场 domestic airport dmestikZhengzhou xinzheng international airport is

4、 a4e international airport and a first class domestic airport.郑州新郑国际机场为4e级机场,是国内一类航空口岸。6、登机牌 boarding pass (card)Heres your boarding pass.这是您的登机证。Please have your boarding pass in your hand.请将登机证拿在手上。7、机场候机楼 airport terminalWhen this three-day morning and afternoon peak traffic, the airport terminal

5、 is also a bit crowded.这三天每当早上和下午出现客流高峰时,机场的候机大厅还略显拥挤。The shuttlebus takes you to the domestic airport terminal. tl往返巴士可送你到国内机场8、护照检查处 passport control immigration,imigreinExcuse me, where is the passport control immigration?对不起,请问出关检查护照的地方在哪里?Do I have to go through immigration and passport control

6、?我需要去入境护照检查处进行检查吗?Must I go to the immigration control office?我必须要到入境管理处吗?9、国际候机楼 international terminalOn the left hand side is the domestic terminal, in the middle is the satellite terminal and then on the right is the international terminal.左侧是国内终端,正中是卫星终端,右边的是国际终端。If I was flying outside of chin

7、a to a different country, I would have to go to the international terminal.如果我要飞离中国到其它国家去,我就要去国际出入境通道。10、行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claimPlease check your luggage claim tags.请核对一下行李领取证。Oh, where is the luggage claim area?哦,请问,行李认领处在哪边?You have to go to the immigration first, after that, you can go

8、 to the luggage area andget your luggage on the conveyor, belt with your luggage claim tag.您首先要到海关,在后到行李区,根据绑在行李上的标签,在行李传送带取您的行李。11、国际航班出港 international departureA caf available at the international departure hall.国际机出发厅设有咖啡室。Souvenir shop and banking services available at international departure ha

9、国际机出发厅设有纪念品店及银行服务。12、国际航班旅客 international passengers13、国内航班出站 domestic departure14、中转 transfers trnsf:At the port the goods were transferred onto a ship. 货物在港口被转移到一艘船上。15、卫星楼 satellite stlait 16、中转旅客 transfer passengersWould all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfe

10、r desk.凡需中转的旅客请到机场的中转服务台办理手续。Currently passengers seeking to transfer between the two will have to take shuttle buses or taxis.目前,要在两者之间转机的乘客只能乘坐摆渡车或出租车。17、入口 in18、中转处 transfer correspondence,krispndns19、出口 exit; out; way out20、过境 transit trnsitIs this pass for transit passengers?请问这是过境旅客通道吗?Flight

11、ticket reservation and transit hotel reservation.,rezvein飞机票预定和过境酒店预订.21、进站(进港、到达) arrivalsIll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在进港大厅的迎接点等你。There are notices showing arrivals and departures of trains near the booking-office.在售票处旁边贴有公告指明火车到站及开出的时间。22、报关物品 goods to declareDo yo

12、u have any goods to declare for customs?你有任何物品要在海关呈报吗?23、不需报关 nothing to declare24、贵宾室 V.I.P. room=very important person 重要人物,大人物25、海关 customskstmzAre there any other customs formalities?Formality f:mliti还有别的海关手续吗?A customs declaration is required.,deklrein需要填一份海关申报书。26、购票处 ticket officeJust go down

13、 these stairs, and youll find the ticket office.走下楼梯,你会找到售票处。27、登机口 gate; departure gateYou have to pay the airport tax, check in your bags and then get to the departure gate.你得付机场税、办理行李登机,然后前往登机门。What is the departure gate?在几号登机门?Please arrive at the departure gate at least 15 minutes before the fl

14、ight time.请於起飞时间前至少15分钟抵达登机闸口What is the departure time and the gate number?飞机起飞的具体时间是多少,登机口是几号?28、付款处 cash29、候机室 departure lounge laundPlease wait at the departure lounge until its announced.请到候机室等待通知。Please go through customs and proceed to the departure lounge.请先经过海关检查,然后在候机室休息。30、出租车 taxi31、航班号

15、FLT No (flight number)32、出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point33、来自 arrive fromDid you just arrive from Sydney?你刚从悉尼来吗?People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy the fun.来自欧洲各国的人们在此尽情娱乐。34、大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up pointTraveler must inform the date of tour and the pick-up point in advance.客人必须在香港出发前选定日子及集合地点。The p

16、ick-up point for the long-distance coaches is now in the new bus station长途汽车的搭乘点现在在新巴士总站。35、预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)skedul36、航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service37、实际时间 actualktjul38、租车处 car hireCar hire clerk: the courtesy bus outside will take you to your car.k:tisi车辆租赁人员:外面的免费接送汽车将带您到您租的车。Its cheap

17、er to pay for your car hire before you go.在走前付车租会更便宜。The company will defray all your expenses, including car hire.difrei公司将支付你所有的费用,包括雇车费。39、已降落 landedlndidTo land on this blue planet降落在这颗蓝色的星球40、公共汽车 bus; coach service41、前往 departure toPlease come one hour before departure to check in at the front

18、 desk.请于起飞前1小时到接待处办取票手续。42、公用电话 public phone; telephoneIs there a public phone near here?这儿附近有公用电话吗?Can I make an overseas call through public phone?我可以用公用电话打国际长途吗?43、起飞时间 departure time44、厕所 toilet; W. C.; lavatory; rest roomtilitlvtri45、延误 delayeddileiThe accident delayed the train for two hours.

19、事故使火车耽搁了两小时。Im sorry that Ive delayed so long. 我很抱歉拖了这么久。46、男厕 mens; gents; gentlemens47、女厕 womens; ladys48、登机 boardingb:diBy the boarding time the attendant will let you know.tendnt检票上船前,服务生会通知您的。49、由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures50、餐厅 restaurantrestrnt51、迎宾处 greeting arriving52、酒吧 bar53、由

20、此上楼 up; upstairspstzAll the bedrooms are upstairs.所有的卧室都在楼上。54、由此下楼 down; downstairs ,daunstzYoull find it downstairs.你能在楼下找到。Wait downstairs in the hall.在楼下大厅里等着。55、咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafkfei56、免税店 duty-free shopIs there a big duty-free shop?有大的免税商店吗?Would you like to have a look at the duty-free sho

21、p?你想不想去免税商店看看?57、银行 bank58、邮局 post officeWhere is the nearest post office?最近的邮局在哪里?59、货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchangek:rnsiDealing with savings or money exchange处理储蓄或货币兑换事务Once I arrived at the airport I looked for money exchange counter.我一抵达机场就会寻找兑币处。60、出售火车票 rail ticketDont forget to claim

22、 for a first-class rail ticket to london.不要忘记申领去伦敦的头等火车票。61、订旅馆 hotel reservation,rezveinDo I need to make a hotel reservation?我需要预定旅馆吗?Can you confirm my hotel reservation in new york?你可以确定我在纽约预定的旅馆吗?62、旅行安排 tour arrangementreindmnt63、行李暂存箱 luggage lockerlgidLuggage locker can be rent at the airport.可在机场租用带锁的行李寄存柜。Please put your luggage in the locker above.请把您的行李放在上方的行李仓里64、行李牌 luggage tagHere is your luggage tag.这是您的行李牌。These are your air ticket, passport, pass and luggage tag.这是您的机票,护照,登机牌和行李牌。时间:2021.03.03创作:欧阳学

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