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1、中考英语同义句转换专项1. arrive in/at=get to=reach 到达2. be fine=be well=be OK 身体好3. be from=come from 来自.4. be in=be at home 在家5. be full of=be filled with 装满.6. be late for=come late for 迟到7. be on a visit to= visit 参观 游览8. be able to=can 能够9. be away=be out 离开10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.忙于做.11. b

2、e pleased=be glad=be happy 高兴 开心 12. buy sb.Sth.=buy sb 为某人买某物13. be up=get up 起床14. catch up with=keep up with 赶上 追上15. catch a bus=take a bus 搭公车16. catch a cold=have a cold 感冒e into=step into 进入18. come on=come along 跟着来 快啊19. come down=get down 下来 倒塌20. do well in=be good at 擅长于21. do the

3、 shopping=go shopping 购物22. drop off=get off 下降 减少 下车23. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth. 乐于做.24. have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩的开心25. fall down=fall off 从.掉下来26. get the telephone=answer the telephone 接电话27. give sb.sth.=give sb. 把.给.28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb. 给.捎口信29.

4、give sb.a talk=give a talk to sb. 与.谈话 给.演讲30. give a concert=have a concert 举行一场音乐会31. get on well with sb.=be good to 与.相处融洽32. give sb a call=give sb. a ring= call sb up =ring sb up= phone sb =ring sb=call sb 给某人打电话33. go down=go along 往下走1. go for a swim=go swimming = have a swim 去游泳、游泳2. go on

5、doing sth.=go on with sth. 继续做某事3. go up=go along 往上走4. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep 睡觉、睡着了5. have a look (at)=look at 看一看6. have got=have 拥有7. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from 收到的来信;8. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事9. hold a meeting=have a mee

6、ting 开会10. hold on=wait a minute 等一下11. hurry up=be quick 快点12. knock at=knock on 敲门13. last fromto=be fromto 从上次到14. like doing sth=like to do sth 喜欢做某事15. look out=be careful 当心16. love to do sth=like to do sth 喜欢做某事17. make up ones mind to do=set ones mind to do 下定决心去做18. pay for=spend on 支付19. p

7、referto=like better than 喜欢胜过20. send for sb=ask sb to come 派人去叫某人来21. show sb sth=show sth to sb 向某人展示某物22. take care of=look after 照顾23. take exercise=do sport 做运动=做运动24. take a message=leave a message 留言25. think about=think of 思考26. teach oneself=learn all by oneself 自学27. turn off=turn down 关闭2

8、8. turn right at thecrossing=take the turning on the right 在十字路口向右拐29. walk on=go on 继续走30. walk to=go to on foot 步行到步行31. walk along=go along 向前走 32. at school=in the school33. a lot of=lots of 很多34. a lot=very much 很多35. a quarter past two=two fifteen 二点十五分36. at times=sometimes 有时37. at last=in t

9、he end=finally 最后38. a bit=a little=a few 一点点39. a moment ago=just now 刚才40. at once=right now 立即41. at noon=in the middle of a day 中午42. at that moment=at that time=just then 在那个时候43. at the moment=at the same time 在同一时刻44. at the doctors=in the doctors office 在医生办公室45. all over the world=across th

10、e world=around the world=in the world 世界各地46. a moment later=later on 片刻之后47. after a while=a moment later 过一会儿48. as soon as possible=as quick as possible 尽可能快49. in line=in a queue 排在队列中50. in the southern part of=in the south of 在的南部51. in the day=in the daytime 白天52. much of China=many places of

11、 China 中国的很多地方53. more than=over 超过54. no longer=notany longer=no more=not any more 不再55. not far from=near to 离不远56. North China=the north of China 中国北方57. of course=certainly 当然58. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of 大量的59. two and a half years=two

12、 years and a half 两年半1. do well in=be good at 【擅长于做某事】2. dont gorget=remember 【不忘记】3. be similar to=be the same as 【与.一样】4. seperate.into.=divide.into.【把.分成.】5. nothing=not anything 【没什么】6. sth looks good on sb=sb looks good in sth 【某物在某人身上看起来好】7. than=would rather do than do

13、【喜欢.更喜欢.】8. Sb spends.(in)doing sth=It takes do sth 【花费某人时间做某事】9. deciside to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth 【决定做某事】10. suit=fit=be suitable for 【适合.】11. what to do with=how to deal with 【怎么处理】12. be of great value=be very important 【很有价值】13. why not do=why dont you do=how/what about doing

14、 【为什么不做./做.怎么样】14. be of value to sb=be valuable to sb 【对某人有价值】15. plenty of=a number of=a great deal of 【大量】16. go on doing sth=continue doing sth 【 继续做某事】17. return to=go back to 【返还给.】18. be full of=be filled with 【被.充满】19. be interested in=show an interest in 【对.感兴趣】20. hurry to do sth=do sth in

15、 a hurry 【匆忙做某事】21. unless=if.not 【除非】22. such+(a/an)+adj.+n.=so+adj.+(a/an)+n. 【如此的(一个)某物】23. so that=in order to 【为了】24. need doing sth=need to be done 【需要做某事】25. alone=by oneself=of ones own 【孤独的】26. wonder=want to know 【想知道】27. pass away=die 【去世】28. send sb sth=send sth to sb 【借给某人某物】29. believe

16、 in sb=trust sb 【相信某人】30. provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 【为.提供.】31. join in=take part in 【参加】32. finally=at last=in the end 【最后】33. arrive in/at=reach=get to=leave.for. 【到达】34. actually=in fact 【事实上】35. make.with.=make.out of. 【用.做.】36. pay attention to=take notice of 【注意.】37. also=too=as we

17、ll 也(too放在句子末尾,常用逗号隔开as well直接放在句末)38. another=one more 再 、另39. continue/go on 继续40. cost=spend=take=pay 花费41. cross=go across 横跨/过42. sometimes=at times 时不时地, 有时43. die=lose ones life44. now/at the moment45. else=other46. then=at that moment/at that time47. like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested

18、in/care for48. will/be going to/be about to49. want/would like50. can/be able to/have the ability to do51. visit/call on52. favorite/like best 喜爱的53. happen/take place54. decide/make a decision/make up ones mind55. found/establish/set up56. finally/at last/in the end57. leave/be away58. return/give

19、back59. return/go back60. why/what for/how come61. over/more than62. whatever/no matter what63. whenever/no matter when 不管什么时候64. walk/ goon foot65. should/ought to/be supposed to66. population/peopleWhat is the population of China?/How many people are there in China?67. quit/stop/drop/give up68. ma

20、ybe/perhaps/may be二 同义词组互相转换1 a lot of/lots ofA lot of/Lots of artists will show their faces at the party.2 all over the world/around the worldEnglish is spoken widely all over the world./around the world3 not as(so)as/less thanThis book is not as(so) interesting as that one./That book is more inter

21、esting than this one.4 asas possible/asas sb canRun home as fast as possible/as fast as you can to tell your mother the good news.5 at risk/in danger/in troubleThe pandas in our country are at risk./in trouble/in danger6 at the age of/when sb.+be+years oldHis parents died when he was six years old./

22、His parents died at the age of six.7 because of/due to/as a result of/with ones help/thanks toBecause of?/Due to/As a result of his help, he passed this exam.With his help/With the help of him, he passed the exam./Thanks to his help, he passed the exam.8 be careful/look out/take careLook out!/Be car

23、eful/Take care! The flood is coming.9 be worried about/worry aboutLiu Ming is worried about his following oral test./Liu Ming cant stop his following oral test.10 bothand/not onlybut alsoHe is not only a singer but also a doctor./He is both a singer and a doctor.11 be good at/do well inHe is good at

24、 drawing./He does well in drawing.12 be proud of/take pride inWe are all proud of our countrys astronaut./He takes pride in our countrys astronaut.13 come up with/think of/have an ideaTome came up an idea./Tom thought of an idea./Tom had an idea.14 ride a bike/goby bikeHe often rides a bike to work.

25、/He often goes to work by bike.15 come from/be fromWhere do you come from?/Where are you from?16 have a good time/enjoy oneself/play happilyWe had a good time/enjoyed ourselves/played happily on Christmas Day.17 have a pain in head/have a headacheHe didnt go to school today, because he had a pain in

26、 head./had a headache18 hear from/receive(get) a letter fromShe is very happy to hear from/receive a letter from a Canadian friend.19 had better do/Its best to doYou had better read in the sun./Its best for you to read in the sun.20 how about/what aboutHow about/What about going skating?21 in order

27、to/in order that/to do/so thatHe worked day and night to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order that he could be a successful man./He worked day and night so that he could be a successful man.22 keep off/keep away fromKeep off /

28、Keep away from the grass!23 in/wearShe is in/wears a white dress today.24 keep sb. from doing/stop sb. (from) doing/prevent sb. (from) doingTrees can stop the soil flowing away./ Trees can prevent the soil flowing away./Trees can keep the soil from flowing away.25 learn by oneself/ teach oneselfNobo

29、dy taught him. He learnt it by himself./He taught himself.26 like better than/preferto/prefer to dorather than do John likes swimming better than skating./John prefers swimming to skating./John prefer to swim rather than skate.27 long, long ago/once upon a timeLong, long ago/Once upon a time, there

30、was a beautiful princess living in an old castle.28 look after well/take good care ofThanks for looking after my cat /taking good care of my cat well while I was away.29 no longer/not any longerShe is no longer a little girl./She is not a little girl any longer.30 shall we/Lets.Shall we watch the fi

31、lm together?/Lets watch the film together.31 take part in/join in/participate inHe took part in /joined in/participated in the match.32 tooto/sothat/enough toHe is too busy to visit us./He is so busy that he cant visit us./He is not free enough to visit us.三 同义句型互相转换1运用两种时态(一般过去时和现在完成时互相转换)(1) He left last year.(2) He has been away for one year.(3)

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