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1、江苏省高考英语词汇表3500左右江苏省届高考英语词汇表(3500左右)Aa (an) art. 一(个、件)a+adj+n. eg.a fair society/a small world/a red sunabandon v离开而不返回,遗弃,抛弃 a baby abandoned by sb an abandoned babyability n.【U】能力,力量 have the ability to do sth have the ability of doing sth 【U】智慧,才智 a woman of great ability 【C】talent天资,天分 have a gr

2、eat musical ability able .adj .be able to dothe ablest/most able student in the classabnormal adj 不正常的n.abnormality adv.abnormallyaboard prep/adv=on board go aboard the ship=go on aboard people aboard=people on board Welcome aboard!abolish v废除废止(习俗制度等) Should the death penalty be abolished?(死刑) 【U】n

3、.abolition the abolition of slavery(奴隶制度)/hanging(绞刑) n.abolitionist废除论者,(尤指)主张废除死刑者about ad. 大约,到处,四处prep. 关于,在各处,四处be about to do=be on the point of doing正要above prep.在上面 The sun rose above the horizon. 级别,地位,重要性高于 She married above her.她嫁了一个地位高于自己 数目价钱重量等超过 The temperature has been above the aver

4、age. above oneself得意忘形adj.上面的ad.在之上 As was stated above the powers above上天神明 blessings from above上天的祝福 gone above上天堂了abroad adv. 到(在)国外 go abroad出国 return from abroad回国 广泛流传 There is a rumour abroad that. =People are saying that.谣言盛传,说是 户外室外 Have you ventured abroad yet today?你今天敢出门了吗/?abrupt .adj突然

5、的意外的不流畅的,不连贯的,支离破碎的(行为)粗鲁的,唐突的absence .n. 【U】缺席离开,不在某处 His repeated absence from school is worrying. 缺乏,不存在 The absence of definite proof缺乏确凿的证据 【C】不在某处的次数或时间 numerous absences from school absence of mind 心不在焉absent adj.缺席,不在(absence n.)be absent from缺乏,不存在Love was totallyabsent from his childhood茫然

6、的恍惚的an absent expression/lookabsent-minded心不在焉的absolute.adj.绝对的完全的 have absolute trust in sb. 肯定的无疑的 Its an absolute fact. 无限制的,不受约束的,无条件的专制的 absolute power/rulersabsorb v 吸收吸引,使专心 be absorbed in.专心于 adj.absorbed精神集中的abstract adj.抽象的具体的abundant .adj.丰富的,充裕的 be abundant/rich in富于abuse v滥用妄用,虐待剥削a muc

7、h abused wifeacademic adj.学术的,学院的 academic subjects学科 n.专业学者academy .n.专科院校 a naval/military academy海军/陆军军官学校 高等学术团体 The Royal Academy of arts皇家艺术学院 Academy Award金像奖accelerate .v 使加快,促进 accelerate the rate of growthaccent n.口音,音调,腔调 speak English with a foreign accentaccept vt. 接受,赞成,承担(责任等) accept

8、sth (as sth)相信某事 Can we accept his account as the true version?我们能相信他说的是真的吗?*acceptable .adj值得接受的,可容忍的 be acceptable to sbaccess【U】n.方法,通路 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 有权利机会去接近使用 have access to sthEverybody has free access to school library.People in poor area have no acces

9、s to clean water. 存取(计算机文件) accessible adj可接近的,可到达的,可利用的 be accessible to sbaccident【C】n.事故,意外的事 【U】n.机遇,命运,造化(=chance=fortune) by accident of birth因出生的造化accidents will happen(idm)事故在所难免by accident偶然的,意外的accommodation【U】n住宿,住所 【C】n调解,和解 come to an accommodationaccompany .v.跟随陪伴sb to sp. sb by/with s

10、th同时发生,兼带,附有 strong winds accompanied by heavy rainaccomplish .v.完成,做成功,实现a task*according【to】按照,根据account n. 账目,账户,描述accountant .n.会计师accuracy .n. 精确,准确 predict sth with great accuracyaccurate adj.准确无误的accuse v.指责,谴责,控告 accuse sb of doing sthaccustomed .adj. 习惯于 be (not)to doing sthache vi.& n.痛,疼痛

11、 have an ache in his/the chest Im aching all over. ache for渴望achieve .v. (通过努力)获得,达到;实现achievement 【C】n.成就【U】完成,达到acid .adj.酸的have an acid tasteacknowledge .v.承认(某事)属实 sth to be true 告知已收到 为表示感谢acquire .v 获得取得acquisition .n. 【C】获得物【U】获得,得到acre .n.英亩 a three-acre wood(树林)耕地across prep.横过,穿过row sba la

12、keact n. 行为,法令,条例 v.表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事act on对起作用,按行动,act out表演action n.行动take actionactive adj.积极的,主动的activity n.活动actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual adj.实际的,现实的AD n. 公元ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告adapt使适应;改编oneself to.add vt.添加,增加 【add to增加扩建】add to ones burdentroublethe school 【addto把.添加到】add milk to

13、coffee【add up加起来,合计】【add up to共计达多少】addition addition (to)另外address n. 地址演讲 v.在(信封、包裹等)上写名字、地址,演说(讲)adequate .adj.足够的适当的adjust .v.调整整顿,使适应于adjust (oneself) toadjustment .n.调节,整顿administration n.管理,行政,施行,政府,内阁(任期)admirable .adj.令人敬佩的,极好的admire v.钦佩, 羡慕admission .n. (获准)进入sp;入场费;承认(of sth)admit

14、vt. 承认admit to doing准许(入场,入学,入会)admit sb to/into sp.adolescence . n.青春期adopt .v.采取a plan收养a childadult n. 成年人advance v. 推进,促进,前进【in advance在前面,预先,事先】n.进步make advances【C】 in sth progress【U】advantage n. 优点,好处take advantage of sth to do sth利用做have an advantage of sth over sb.adventure n. 冒险,奇遇advertise

15、 vt. 为做广告advertisement n. 广告advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise sb todo advise doingadvocate .v.拥护提倡支持affair n. 事,事务intrnationalprsonal affairsaffect .v. 影响;感染;感动affection .n. 喜爱 feel great affection for sb= sb be held in great affection极喜爱 win ones affections讨某人喜欢afford vt.负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间),提供

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