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1、外国专家管理制度翻译版卓同教育集团外籍教师管理制度A Regulation of Foreign Professionals Employedby Zhuotong Education GroupTable of contents卓同教育集团外籍教师管理制度A Regulation of Foreign Professionals Employed by Zhuotong Education Group第一章 总 则Part One General Principles第一条 为了维护国家和学校的尊严与权益,维护外事工作的严肃性,保障在我校工作的外国专家的正当权益,特制定此管理制度。Artic

2、le One The regulatory rule is enacted to maintain the dignity and legal rights of the Peoples Republic of China and Anju Yucai Middle School, the seriousness of its foreign affairs, and safeguard the legal interests of the foreign professionals employed by Anju Yucai Middle School. 第二条 聘请外国专家的工作方针是:

3、根据培养师资和教学工作的需要,有计划地聘请具有真才实学的外国专家,达到同国外学术界相互了解和学术交流的目标。Article Two The general principle of employing foreign professionals is that qualified foreign professionals should be employed, in accordance with the schools working schedule, its real needs of employee training and teaching affairs, in a view

4、of international academic exchange. 第三条 聘请外国专家的范围是:以英语为基础,逐渐扩展到法语等其他专业及学科。Article Three The employment of foreign professionals begins from the English language, and then gradually expands to other languages including the French language. 第四条 外国专家授课的对象主要是小学生和初中生,用于提高上述人员对外语的学习兴趣和外语水平。Article Four Th

5、e foreign professionals shall teach classes to the primary school students and middle school students in an aim to raise their interest in the foreign language as well as the foreign language proficiency of them. 第二章 聘请原则及条件Part Two Principles and Qualifications of Employment第五条 应聘我校的外国专家应同时具备以下条件:A

6、rticle Five The candidates who apply to the school shall meet all of the following qualifications: (一)具有良好的职业道德,遵守中国的法律、法规和学校的教学规章制度;教书育人,为人师表,对华友好、愿与我方合作。Section One The candidates should be equipped with decent professional conducts, observation of Chinese laws, rules and regulations; they should

7、be true to their professional obligations, and be willing to cooperate with the school under the friendly atmosphere with Peoples Republic of China and its people. (二)具有学士以上学位,一年以上英语(语言)教学经历。Section Two The candidates should be equipped with a bachelor degree and above, and an experience as an Engli

8、sh instructor for more than one year. (三)年龄在55岁以下。Section Three The candidates should be below the age of 55. (四)应聘者必须提交简历(姓名、性别、年龄、国籍、所在国工作单位,最高学历、专业及学术职称、来华任教期限等)、求职信、推荐信及学位证书复印件和健康报告。Section Four The candidates should hand in their resume ( full name, sex, age, nationality, professional experienc

9、e in other countries, supreme academic degree, professional title, previous professional experience in China), an application letter, a recommendation letter, a copy of diploma, and a free healthy report. 第三章 教学管理Part Three Administration of Teaching Affairs 第六条 外国专家不得在学校内从事与其教学身份不符的活动,不得干涉我国的内部事务;未

10、经许可不得承担校内、外其他劳务事项。Article Six The foreign professionals must not be involved in illegal activities, must not interfere with the internal affairs of Peoples Republic of China; besides, they should not be engaged in part-time jobs within and beyond the school unless authorized by the school. 第七条 外国专家到

11、任后,应尽快熟悉我校教育方针、教学制度和培养目标等。任教期间,国际合作与交流中心公室及相关教学单位有权对外国专家进行教学管理,并安排其开展教研活动。Article Seven The foreign professionals, once employed, shall acquaint themselves with the educational guidelines, regulations of teaching affairs and targets for the development of students.The Foreign Affairs Office has the

12、power to exercise its administration of teaching over the foreign professionals, and oblige them to be active in the teaching and research designed by the departments they are working with. 第八条 外国专家须服从学校的日常工作安排,按照学校制定的教学计划、教学大纲进行教学;开学两周内,须向教务处呈交教学进度表。Article Eight The foreign professionals shall car

13、ry out their teaching activities in accordance with the general and specific working plans of the school, as well as its syllabus; they are supposed to hand in their teaching schedule to the Teaching Affairs Office within the fourteen days after a new term begins. 第九条 外国专家每周工作量一般不少于18课时,不得自行调课;如需要调课

14、,应按照教务处调课手续办理。Article Nine The foreign professionals shall be given no less than eighteen working hours. They should not cancel, change, rearrange or postpone the time and place of teaching. If necessary, they are supposed to make a written application under the regulation designed by Teaching Affai

15、rs Office. 第十条 外国专家应接受学校领导、教务处及外语教师等以听课或其他方式对其教学情况进行检查。教务处有权收集各班对外国专家教学工作提出的意见,并做好记录(包括上课迟到、早退、不按要求上课、旷课等)。Article Ten The foreign professionals teaching shall be open to the observation and inspection on the part of the schools head, Teaching Affairs Office, and foreign language teachers. Teaching

16、Affairs Office has the power to collect and make notes about the complaints by the students about the job of the foreign professionals; the complaints of the students may arise as a result of the foreign professionals being late, quitting ahead of schedule, violations of regulations of teaching and

17、absence from duty. 第十一条 对教学成绩显著的外国专家,应给予精神或物质鼓励;对教学质量差,屡出教学事故,学生评教不合格或学生反映强烈的,经警示后,在规定时间内仍无改进者,依照合同条款可予以解聘。Article Eleven The foreign professionals, when evaluated Good, shall be awarded spiritually or materially; they, when evaluated Bad or involved in failures of normal teaching, shall be given a

18、warning. If the execution of their duty is not put in good order in the designated time limit, they will be unemployed in accordance with the employment contract. 第十二条 外国专家应积极地在我国或我校报刊上发表学术论文和参加我校组织的学术讨论会。Article Twelve The foreign professionals shall make contributions to academic journals in the P

19、eoples Republic of China and participate in the academic exchange held in the school. 第十三条 尊重外国专家的宗教信仰,但不准在我国境内进行传教活动,不得以教学名义在学生中散发“圣经”等宗教书籍,更不得在教学中宣传宗教。Article Thirteen The foreign professionals shall be respected in religious faith, but not allowed to preach religion within the Peoples Republic of

20、 China, not allowed to hand out the religious presswork including the Holy Bible, and not allowed to preach religion to the students. 第十四条 外国专家不能自行在教学活动中让学生填写任何国外登记表或调查表,如确需填写,须经学校批准。外国专家不能发表反对我国四项基本原则的言论以及攻击或挑衅性的政治言论。Article Fourteen The foreign professionals shall be forbidden to ask students to f

21、ill in the foreign registration sheets and questionnaires. If really necessary, it must be first authorized by the school authorities before the very act of doing it. The foreign professionals shall be forbidden to say something that runs encounter to the Four Cardinal Principles(the principle of up

22、holding the socialist path, the principle of upholding the peoples democratic dictatorship, the principle of upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the principle of upholding Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought)第十五条 外国专家提供的视频教材须经教务处等相关教学单位审查,凡属有利于教学的资料片、风光片、故事片,可向学生放映。内容反动或淫秽的视频不得

23、放映。Article Fifteen The foreign professionals shall have for-teaching-use videos censored by Teaching Affairs Office before making use of them in class; it is such videos as are useful to teaching, about information, scenery, story-telling that can be shown to the students. Illegal or filthy videos s

24、hall not be played to the students. 第四章 生活管理Part Four Aspects of Board and Lodging第十六条 外国专家必须遵守我校公寓管理的有关规定,允许与学校教职员工相互拜访,拜访时需出示有效证件,一般会客时间不得超过2230,不准留宿。外国专家的直系亲属从外地探亲需留宿的,须提前一天填写住宿申请单一式两份,由国际合作与交流中心和保卫部门审查批准,并持有效证件报公安局备案。Article Sixteen The foreign professionals shall be allowed to pay a visit to ea

25、ch other with the staff of the school in accordance with the regulation of the lodging management; the foreign professionals shall show their identifications while communicating and end visits by the time 22:30 p.m.The foreign professionals, when necessary to accommodate the family members coming fr

26、om abroad to visit them, shall be supposed to fill in the blanks and make an application to the school authorities (Office of Foreign Affairs and Division of Public Security ) and, keep the Bureau of P Public Security informed of it. 第十七条 外国专家应妥善保管个人的贵重物品,不得在公寓内存放大额现金,出入锁好门窗。外国专家应2230前返回宿舍。Article S

27、eventeen The foreign professionals shall be cautious of preservation of their own valuable belongings, and aware that it is safe to give the money to the bank for keeping. They shall keep the door locked well while they are out and be back to the dormitory by 22:30 when out on business. 第十八条 外国专家不准在

28、公共场所吸烟、酗酒;不准私自接电或超规定使用电热设备;禁止存放易燃易爆品及其它危险品;禁止从事赌博、吸毒、邪教等违法活动。 Article Eighteen The foreign professionals shall be well aware that the following deeds are forbidden to take place: smoking and alcoholism in public, illegal access to electrical appliances of ultrahigh voltage, storage of combustible ma

29、terials and explosive devices and other hazardous articles, gambling and drug taking and practice of heresy. 第十九条 外国专家不准和学生超出正常的师生关系。 Article Nineteen The foreign professionals shall confine their relationship with the students to the very mere field of teaching and learning; the association of any

30、kind that has nothing to do with the very conduct of teaching. 第五章 工作时间和休息休假Part Five Working Time, Rest and Vocation第二十条 外国专家享受中国下列节日休假; Article twenty Foreign professionals are entitled to enjoy the following holidays.元旦、春节、国际劳动节、国庆节及法律、法规规定的其他节日。New Years Day, Spring Festival, National Day and ot

31、her Chinese legal holidays.第二十一条 外国专家可按其国籍和信仰,相应享受下列节日休假(聘期在半年以下的,原则上不予休假)。Article twenty-one Foreign professionals are entitled to enjoy the following holidays based on their nationality and religious beliefs. (In principle, holidays are not allowed if the employment period is less than half a year

32、)圣诞节两天、宰牲节(古尔邦节)三天、开斋节一天、泼水节一天。Two-day holiday on Christmas, Three-day holiday on Feast of the Sacrifice, one day on End of Ramadan and one day on Water Splashing Festival.第二十二条 外国专家合同期为一学年的,享受所在教育机构的一个假期(寒假或暑假)带薪休假。 Article twenty two Foreign professionals are entitled to enjoy one paid vocation (winter vocation or summer vocation) if the employment period is one school year. 第二十三条 外国专家连续在华工作一般不得超过五年,再次应聘来华工作须在两年以后。Article twenty three Foreign professionals are not allowed to work in China for mor

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