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1、导引训练配套答案2012年复习导引部分题目拓展训练根据下列句子的汉语意思及英文提示完成句子(每空词数不限)。1.英语老师经常鼓励我们在课堂上用英语回答问题。(P2) The English teacher often _in English in class.【encourages us to answer questions】2.运动是他业余活动中的活动之一。(P2) Playing sports is one of his activities _.【in his spare/free time】3.这个12岁的男孩对打排球感兴趣。(P2) This 12-yesr-old boy _ v

2、olleyball. 【is interested in(playing)/takes an interest in(playing)】4.众所周知,吃健康的食品对我们的健康有益。(P6) Its well-known that _to eat healthy food.【its good for our health】5.这个老人喜欢到处瞧瞧衣服来消磨时光。(P6)This old man likes to spend his time by _all kinds of clothes everywhere.【having a look at/looking at】6.当他在公园里散步的时碰

3、巧遇到了一个朋友。(P6) He _when he was taking a walk in the park.【happened to meet a friend】7.那些常在教室吵闹的学生最近变化很大。(P6) Those students _in class has changed a lot recently.【who often make noise】8.为了更清楚的描述他的家乡,他给我们看了一些照片。(P10) He showed us some photos _describe his hometown clearly.【in order to】9.十堰座落在群山之中,是一个观光

4、的好城市。(P10)Shiyan lies among mountains,It is_.【a good city to go sightseeing】10.请安静,老师们正在讨论如何帮我们减压。(P10) Please _, The teachers are discussing _ release pressure.【keep/be quiet; how to help us】11.他介绍到这儿以前有一个供数百人游泳的泳池。(P10) He introduced _a swimming pool for _people to swim in it.【that there used to b

5、e; hundreds of】12.看!戴眼镜的那个女孩使我们学校的篮球队队长。(P14)Look!The girl _ is the captain of the basketball team in our school.【with glasses/who is wearing glasses】13.经过一番讨论,他们最终决定到中国的首都去度假。(P14)After a discussion ,they _the capital of China _.【decided to go to/made a decision to go to; for vacation】14.如果我有空我就和你一

6、起去。(P22) Ill go with you if _.【 I am free/ I have time/ I am not busy】15.我想和那些与我很像的交朋友。(P22) I want to make friends _.【who are like me】16.他经常讲笑话逗我们笑。(P22)He always _ by telling jokes.【makes us laugh】17.服药前你应该仔细看用法说明。(P26) You _before taking the medicine.【should(are supposed to) read the instructions

7、 carefully】18.因为背痛他不在打篮球了。(P26) He stopped playing basketball _.【because of his sore back】19.他比以前读英语花的时间少一些了。(P27) He _than before.【spent less time (in)reading English】20.今天早上汤姆没吃饭就上学了。(30) Tom went to school _this morning.【without (eating/having) breakfast】21.周六和他一起去钓鱼听起来是个不错的注意。(P30) _on Saturday

8、sounds like a good idea._to go fishing with him on Saturday.【Going fishing with him; It sounds like a good idea】22.明天下午这儿有一个重要的会议。(P31) _meeting this afternoon.【There will/is going to be an important】23.明天他要乘飞机到日本去。(P34) He _tomorrow.【will go to Japan by plane(air)/fly to Japan/is flying to Japan/go

9、ing to Japan by plane(air0】24.他非常赞成你是说的话。(P33)He quite agreed with _.【what you said】25.现在越来越多的人在努力戒烟。 Now more and more people are trying to _.【give up/stop smoking】26.尽可能认真的写,否则你会犯更多的错误。(P34) Write as carefully as possible, or youll _. If you dont _,youll _.【make more mistakes; Write as carefully a

10、s possible, make more mistakes】27.她太小了,还不能自己穿衣服。(P34) She is _.【too young to dress herself/isnt old enough to dress herself】28.他找到这个问题的答案花了很大力气。(P37) He _ out the answer to this question.【had a hard(difficult)time finding】29.这个可怜的女孩以卖火柴为生。(P38)This poor girl _by selling matches.【makes(made) a living

11、】30.我们班不允许抄袭作业。(P38)It is _in our class.【not allowed to copy (others)homework】31.可不可以告诉我你昨天干什么了?(P39) Could you please tell me _ yesterday?【what you did】32.有人刚刚看见他进老师的办公室。(P42) He _the teachers office just now.【was seen to enter(go into)】33.对你来说最重要的是注意你的身体健康。(P42) Its the most_ of your health。【for y

12、ou to be careful】34.你昨天给我买的收音机坏了。(P42) The radio you bought for me yesterday _.【was broken/didnt work】35.你可以选择任何时间去云南。(P46) You can choose to go to Yunnan _.【whenever you want/at anytime】36.我们的学校生活丰富多彩。Our School life is _【rich and colorful】37.中国是一个历史悠久的国家。China is a country _.【with a long history】38.我们应该注意不要在公共场所大声咳嗽、打喷嚏。We should _ cough or sneeze loudly _.【take care not to;in public】39.在王老师的帮助下,我的英语成绩取得了很大进步。With Mr Wangs help. I _

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