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1、中考英语重难题型补充练习题库补全对话补全对话Dialogue 1(A: Alice B: Bob)Alice: Hi, Mary! Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do?Bob: Ive no idea. 1._Alice: Im going to have a picnic in Songpo Park. Would you like to go with me?Bob: 2. _ How far is it?Alice: About 8 kilometers.Bob: 3. _Alice: We can go there by bus.B

2、ob: How long will it take us to get there?Alice: About half an hour.Bob: 4. _Alice: Lets meet at the bus stop at 7 oclock.Bob: 5. _ See you then.Alice: See you tomorrow.1. What/How about you/What are you going to do?【解析】根据答语“Im going to have a picnic in Songpo Park.”可知,本句询问的是对方将要做什么。故填What/How about

3、 you/What are you going to do?2. Yes, Id love to. 【解析】根据问句“Would you like to go with me?”及下文可知,本句表示接受对方的邀请。故填Yes, Id love to.3. How can we go there?【解析】根据答语“We can go there by bus.”可知,本句询问的是我们将如何去那里。故填How can we go there? 4. Where and when shall we meet?【解析】根据答语“Lets meet at the bus stop at 7 oclock

4、.”可知,本句询问的是我们何时何地见面。故填Where and when shall we meet?5. OK/Sure/.【解析】根据下句“See you then.”可知,本句表示同意对方所说的见面时间和地点。故填OK/Sure/.。Dialogue 2(I: Ivy L:Li Tao)I: Hi, Li Tao. How is everything going these days?L: Not bad, thanks. And you?I: Me, too. 1. _L: Tomorrow? I have to go to school.I: Hey! 2. _L: Oh, I fo

5、rgot it. I have no idea. What about you?I: 3. _ Can you go with me?L: Sure, but its windy these days and I think itll be dangerous to go boating.I: 4. _ Itll be fine tomorrow and there will be no wind.L: Thats great. What time shall we go?I: At seven thirty. 5. _L: OK, see you at the bus stop.I: See

6、 you.1. What are you going to do tomorrow/What will you do tomorrow?【解析】根据答语“明天?我不得不去学校。”可知,本句是在询问明天将做什么。故填What are you going to do tomorrow/What will you do tomorrow?2. Do you have to go to school on Saturday/Sunday?【解析】根据答语中“哦,我忘了。我也不知道。”以及下文可知,明天不需要去上学,因此本句是在询问对方周六或者周天也去学校吗。故填Do you have to go to

7、 school on Saturday/Sunday?3. Im going to go boating on the lake/I will go boating on the lake/.【解析】根据答语“当然,但是这些天刮风,我认为去那船是危险的。”可知,本句是告诉对方自己将去划船。故填Im going to go boating on the lake/I will go boating on the lake/.。4. Dont worry.【解析】根据后句“明天天气晴朗,而且没有风。”可知,本句是在告诉对方不要担心。故填Dont worry.5. Ill wait for you

8、at the bus stop.【解析】根据答语“好的。在公交车站见。”可知,本句是告诉对方,我将在公交站等你。故填Ill wait for you at the bus stop.Dialogue 3(A: Anna B:Betty)A: Excuse me. 1. _B: No, it isnt. My bag is in the classroom.A: 2. _B: Can it be Kates? She is looking for her bag.A: 3. _ Hers is red, but this one is blue.B: Lets see whats in the

9、bag. Oh, here is a hair band.A: 4. _ Anna has long hair, and she always forgets things.B: Theres also a table tennis ball in the bag.A: Then it must be hers. Anna is in the school table tennis team.B: Ill give it to her. 5. _A: She is in the teachers office now.B: OK. Thank you.1. Is this bag yours/

10、Is this your bag?【解析】根据下句的回答“No, it isnt. My bag is in the classroom.”可知,此处是询问包是你的吗。故填 Is this bag yours/Is this your bag?2. Whose is it?【解析】根据下句的回答“Can it be Kates?”以及语境可知,此处询问包的主人是谁,故填Whose is it?3. I dont think so/It cant be hers.【解析】根据后面的句子“Hers is red, but this one is blue.”可以推断出上文提出不可能是凯特的,故填I

11、 dont think so/It cant be hers.4. It may/might/could be Annas.【解析】根据后面的句子“Anna has long hair, and she always forgets things.”故可推断出可能是Anna的包,填It may/might/could be Annas.5. Do you know where she is now/Where is she now?【解析】根据下文回答的是地点可推知是在询问Anna现在在哪,故填Do you know where she is now/Where is she now?Dial

12、ogue 4(A:Amy L: Li Ming)A: Hello, Li Ming. Why didnt you come to the party last night?L: Oh, my good friend Michael came to see me.A: 1. _L: He comes from America. But he stays in China with his parents now.A: 2. _L: Because we have the same hobbies. Both of us like swimming and collecting things.A:

13、 That sounds great. 3. _L: He is tall and strong. Its easy to get on with him.A: 4. _L: No problem. By the way, I hear your mother has a cold.A: 5. _L: Im sorry to hear that. I hope she will be better soon.A: Thank you.1. Where does he come from/Where is he from?【解析】联系下文答语“他来自美国。”可知此处询问他来自哪里。故填Where

14、 does he come from/Where is he from?2. Why do you become good friends/Why are you good friends?【解析】联系下文答语中“因为我们有相同的爱好。”可知此处问的是成为好朋友的原因。故填Why do you become good friends/Why are you good friends?3. What do you think of him/What does he look like?【解析】联系下文答语“他又高又壮。和他相处很容易。”可知此处问的是“你觉得他怎么样?”或者“他看起来怎么样?”。

15、故填What do you think of him/What does he look like?4. Can you introduce him to me/Can I make friends with him?【解析】联系下文答语“没问题。”可在此处提出了想见见迈克尔或者同他交朋友的建议。此题为开放性试题,答案合理即可。故可填Can you introduce him to me/Can I make friends with him?5. Yes, she has a cold.【解析】联系上下文说到他的母亲感冒了,以及“Im sorry to hear that.”可知此处应表示她

16、的确感冒了。故填Yes, she has a cold.Dialogue 5(H: Helen L: Lisa )H: Hello, Lisa, can you come to play with me this Saturday?L: Sorry, I cant. Im busy this Saturday, Helen.H: Really? 1. _L: Because I have singing lessons.H: How often do you have singing lessons?L: 2. _ I am learning to sing pop songs.H: What

17、 do you think of singing pop songs?L: 3. _ I like it very much.H: Well, lets choose another time. 4. _L: Oh. Sorry, I cant come to your home this Sunday. I have to work in an old peoples home. Would you like to join me?H: 5. _1.Why/Why are you (so) busy?【解析】丽萨上句说自己这周六很忙,下句Because引出忙碌的原因。所以本句应询问丽萨为什么

18、繁忙。故可填Why/Why are you (so) busy?2. Once a week /Twice a week/Three times a week/.【解析】根据上句可以判断本句应该回答“多久上一次歌唱课”。本题为开放性试题,可根据实际情况来作答,合理即可。故填Once a week /Twice a week/Three times a week/.。3. I think its wonderful/great/.【解析】根据下句,“我非常喜欢它。”可知丽萨认为唱流行歌曲是很棒、很好的事情。故可填I think its wonderful/great/.。4. What/How

19、about this Sunday/Can you come to my home this Sunday?【解析】根据下文给出的答语,可判断这里应询问丽萨“周日怎么样”。故可填What/How about this Sunday/Can you come to my home this Sunday?5. Yes, Id love to/Id like to join you/Sorry, I cant/Sorry, I cant. I have something else to do/.【解析】根据上句丽萨询问“你想加入我们吗?”答语应是海伦说出自己的看法。本题答案不唯一,合理即可。故可

20、填Yes, Id love to/Id like to join you/Sorry, I cant/Sorry, I cant. I have something else to do/.。Dialogue 6A: Good afternoon, Tom. What are you going to do?B: 1. _A: Oh, to buy books? You are out! Why not go to the Readers Room?B: The Readers Room? 2. _A: It is a place where students can exchange the

21、ir old books with others.B: That sounds great! 3. _A: Its next to the Peoples Hospital, across from the City Park.B: Oh, its a little far. 4. _A: You can take the No. 7 bus to get there. B: 5. _A: It takes ten minutes to get there.1. Im going to buy books. 【解析】由前句及后句可知此处应填“我将去买书”。故可填Im going to buy

22、books.2. Whats it about/What can I do there?【解析】由后句可知此处是询问Readers Room是什么。故可填Whats it about/What can I do there?3. Where is it/the Readers Room?【解析】由后句可知此处是询问Readers Room的具体位置。4. How can I get there/Which bus can I take? 【解析】由后句可知此处询问到达Readers Room的方式,故可填How can I get there/Which bus can I take?5. H

23、ow long does it take to get there? 【解析】由后句可知此处询问到达Readers Room需要花多长时间。故填How long does it take to get there?Dialogue 7A: Hello! Tuantuan Take-out(团团外卖).B: Hello! This is Mr. Dong speaking. Could I order a meal by phone?A: Certainly. 1._ B: Id like rice with vegetables and beef curries.A: Sorry. But w

24、e have rice with vegetables and chicken.B: Thats all right. 2._ A: Yes, and the egg soup is delicious. 3. _ B: Thats all. Thanks a lot.A: 4. _ B: Im in Room 401 in Sky Office Building on Jixiang Road.A: OK. 5. _B: Thank you very much. See you soon.A: See you.1. What would you like(to eat)?【解析】前一句说到“

25、Could I order a meal by phone?”可知要点餐,因此这里是询问对方需要点什么。2. Do you have any soup?【解析】下句用Yes来回答,可知此处为一般疑问句。结合答语中的“the egg soup”可知提到了汤,因此是询问有什么汤。3. Is that all/What else?【解析】根据答语“Thats all.”可知是询问是否还需要别的。4. Whats your address?【解析】下句答语回答的是地址,故此处是询问对方地址。5. Ill be there soon.【解析】这里是结束订餐,因此是说会很快送达。Dialogue 8A:

26、Hello, Linda.B: Hello, Mary. 1. _ A: Im making a toy car.B: Wow, it looks beautiful. 2. _A: Its made of waste boxes.B: Wonderful! 3. _A: Yes. My parents always tell me to recycle things in my life.B: What things do you usually recycle?A: I recycle all kinds of things, such as waste bottles, used can

27、s and waste boxes.B: 4. _A: By making new things.B: Sounds great! Could you tell me how to make a toy car?A: 5. _1. What are you doing?【解析】根据答语“我正在做一个玩具汽车。”可知应该问对方正在干什么。2. What is it made of?【解析】根据答语“它是用废弃的盒子做的。”可知空处所填句问的是它是用什么制成的。3. You are helping protect the environment/save resources.【解析】根据答语“是的,我父母总是告诉我在生活中要循环利用东西。”可知上句应该与循环利用或者环保有关。答案不唯一,合理即可。4. How do you recycle these things?【解析】根据答语“通过做新东西。”可知上句应该是问如何循环利用这些东西。5. Yes, Id like to, but now I need to go to take care of my grandma/.【解析】根据问句“你能告诉我怎样做一个玩具汽车吗?”及空后“我之后再给你展示怎么做。”可知现在应该有其他的事情做。答案合理即可。下载路径:万唯教育官网下载专区万唯书外书试题研究江西

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