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1、圣诞 圣诞还在往松树上挂铃铛?你out了!今年流行用鲜花、枕头甚至书来做“圣诞树”,一家商店甚至用芭蕾舞鞋堆出了圣诞树。这么多脑洞大开的创意,你准备好了吗?还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!Theyre Christmas trees, but not as you know them.它们也是圣诞树,但却和你印象中的传统圣诞树大为不同。Fans of the festive season are looking for unique ways to decorate, ditching traditional pine trees in favour of t

2、owering piles of pillows, floral blooms and candles.圣诞大咖们想要用种新奇的方式庆祝节日,在圣诞树上“开刀”,用成堆的枕头、花束和蜡烛打造今冬别样圣诞树。Here Femail has compiled a list of the quirkiest Christmas tree ideas this festive season - including a tree made entirely out of shoes. Femail(每日邮报网站Femail栏目)盘点了今年圣诞节各种稀奇古怪的圣诞树有的甚至完全是用鞋子做的!还在摆放传统的

3、圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!A rising trend this year has people ditching baubles in favour of floral blooms to decorate their tree.用花束装点圣诞树是今冬的新趋势,那些传统的杂七杂八的小装饰物就先收起来吧。Photos show trees topped with bouquets of flowers or scattered with

4、large peonies.图片上的圣诞树上挂满了一束束鲜花,或用大朵的芍药花点缀其中。还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!A common theme has a trail of flowers wrapped diagonally around the tree, mimicking how tinsel would normally be displayed.尽管还是跟传统的彩色拉花一样斜绕着圣诞树,但这种装点的不同之处是用花

5、朵代替了丝带拉花。But depending on whether you use real or fake blooms will determine just how long you tree remains a centre piece.但到底是用鲜花还是假花还是要看你的圣诞树打算放多久。If youre more of a bookworm, this ones for you.如果你是个书虫,那么这款圣诞树正合你的口味。还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣

6、诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!Another trend has people creating Christmas trees out of piles of books.圣诞“书”是今冬圣诞节的另一潮流。While some people choose to simply stack the books on top of one another, others use a frame to give the structure more height.有的人就是简单地把书摞一摞,但有些人还会搭个架子使其更高。The tree is then covered with twinklin

7、g fairy lights for a festive touch.“树”上还可以摆几盏闪亮的彩灯,更能营造节日欢快氛围。Others have chosen to create a Christmas tree made entirely out of pillows.有些人仅用枕头也摆出了圣诞树。The different structures vary in size, as people stack pillows on top of one another to create a tree shape.人们把枕头一个个堆起来,做成圣诞树的形状,“树”的大小不同摆法也各异。还在摆放传

8、统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!But just how they stop them from toppling over is anyones guess.但大家都很好奇,他们是怎么做到可以让枕头一直不倒的。One Sydney store took Christmas to the next level by creating a tree made entirely out of ballet slippers.悉尼一家店更是推陈出新用芭蕾舞鞋做圣诞树!Dance store Bloch created a beautiful tree using cream

9、pointe shoes, finishing the look with a bright red pair on top.舞蹈用品店布洛赫(Bloch)推出美丽的足尖鞋版圣诞树,以白色舞鞋为主,最顶端为亮红色舞鞋。还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!Another man took his passion for Star Wars to the next level by creating a Darth Vader themed tree.更有星球大战忠实粉丝登峰造极,打造出达斯维德(Darth Vader)主题的圣诞树。还在摆放传统的圣诞树?快来试试圣诞

10、“枕”、圣诞“书”和圣诞“花”!The tree wore a black robe and held a lightsaber, a mask placed on top instead of an Angel. 这棵圣诞树如武士般着黑色长袍,持光剑,树顶的天使也变成了面具,可谓威风凛凛。Babies made from two women and one man have been approved by the UKs fertility regulator.英国的生育监管机构已经通过了两名女性和一名男性一起生孩子的决议。The historic and controversial mo

11、ve is to prevent children being born with deadly genetic diseases.这项历史性的、同时又极具争议的举措,是为了防止孩子一生下来就携带有致命性遗传疾病。Doctors in Newcastle - who developed the advanced form of IVF - are expected to be the first to offer the procedure and have already appealed for donor eggs.纽卡斯尔的医生们从试管婴儿中研发了这项先进技术他们期待成为第一个进行这项

12、手术的团队,且已开始呼吁人们捐赠卵子。The first such child could be born, at the earliest, by the end of 2017.第一个“三亲婴儿”最早可能于2017年底诞生。Some families have lost multiple children to incurable mitochondrial diseases, which can leave people with insufficient energy to keep their heart beating.由于患有无法治愈的线粒体疾病,一些家庭已经失去了不止一个孩子,

13、这使得他们的身心遭受重创,放弃生育。The diseases are passed down from only the mother so a technique using a donor egg as well as the mothers egg and fathers sperm has been developed.线粒体疾病只通过母亲遗传,所以这项使用捐赠的卵子以及母亲自己的卵子和父亲的精子的三亲婴儿技术已经成熟。The resulting child has a tiny amount of their DNA from the donor, but the procedure

14、 is legal, ethical and scientifically ready.尽管来自捐赠者的DNA只占胚胎基因的很微小部分,但这个过程终于合法化,从伦理上和科学上都已准备好。It is a decision of historic importance, said Sally Cheshire, chairwoman of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).人类生育和胚胎学管理局(HFEA)主席Sally Cheshire表示,“这个决定具有历史性意义。”This is about cautious go

15、 ahead, not gung-ho go ahead, and there is a long way to go.“我们现在是小心谨慎的前进,而不是莽撞前进。还有很长的路要走。”Im sure patients will be really pleased by what weve decided today.“我相信,对于我们今天的这项决定,很多患者都非常欣喜。”But some scientists have questioned the ethics of the technique, saying it could open the door to genetically-mod

16、ified designer babies.不过,部分科学家质疑这项技术有悖伦理,称这将为“制造转基因婴儿”敞开大门。The HFEA must approve every clinic and every patient before the procedure can take place.任何一家诊所任何一个病人想要实施这项技术必须先征得HFEA的同意。Three-person babies have been allowed only in cases where the risk of a child developing mitochondrial disease is very

17、high.只有当一个孩子可能会患线粒体疾病的风险非常高时,“三亲婴儿”手术才会被允许。Clinics can now apply to the HFEA for a licence to conduct three-person IVF.英国的诊所现在可以向HFEA申请“三亲婴儿”手术许可。However, the UK will not be the first country in the world to have children born through the three-person technique.不过,英国并不是首个实施“三亲婴儿”技术的国家。A Jordanian co

18、uple and doctors in New York performed the procedure in Mexico and the resulting baby is understood to be healthy.一对约旦夫妻和美国纽约的医生此前已在墨西哥完成了三亲婴儿手术,术后婴儿非常健康。A company in London has advertised for an emoji translator in what is thought to be the first such job worldwide.伦敦一家公司已经在招募表情符号翻译者,这应该是世界上第一个这种类型

19、的工作。The role will involve explaining cross-cultural misunderstandings in the use of the mini pictures, and compiling a monthly trends report.这份工作包括解释迷你表情图片使用中的跨文化差异,以及编写每月趋势报告。Last year, a UK linguist said emoji was the countrys fastest-growing language.一位英国语言学家去年曾表示,表情符号是英国发展最快的语言。Jurga Zilinskiene

20、, head of Today Translations, needed someone to translate diaries into emojis for one of her clients, but could not find a specialist.今日翻译公司的老板尤尔加奇林斯基尼需要为她的一位客户找个人,把记事簿翻译成表情符号,但找不到这方面的专家。She says software translations can only go so far and a human translator was needed, so the agency posted an onli

21、ne job advert.她说,翻译软件能做的有限,还是需要人工翻译,因此该公司发布了一则在线招聘广告。With more than 30 applications so far, she is hoping to appoint somebody on a freelance basis by the start of 2017, with the potential for it to become a full-time post. Translation jobs will be paid by the word/emoji, while research into the chan

22、ging trends in emoji usage will be paid at an hourly rate.到目前为止,该公司已经收到30多份申请,奇林斯基尼希望在2017年到来之前聘用一名兼职译者,这个岗位也有可能变成全职的。翻译工作将按表情符号数量支付酬劳,而表情符号使用变化趋势的研究工作将按小时支付酬劳。So can emojis be considered a language? No, absolutely not, says Rob Drummond, a senior lecturer in linguistics at Manchester Metropolitan U

23、niversity.那么,可以认为表情符号是一种语言吗?曼彻斯特大都会大学的语言学高级讲师罗博德拉蒙德认为,当然不行。He says his test for a language is that you have to be able to translate a full sentence from one to another, with shared meanings - not necessarily fixed, but shared - and emoji meanings vary from person to person.德拉蒙德说,他检测一种语言的方法是你必须能将一个完整

24、的句子以相同的意思从一个人传递给另一个人,意思可以不固定,但是要有相同的部分。而表情符号的意义因人而异。Its an addition to language rather than a language itself, Dr Drummond says.“与其说表情符号是语言,不如说它是语言的附属品,”德拉蒙德博士说。Emojis are more nuanced than words and, like gestures or body language, can add meaning to the text they go alongside.表情符号传达的意思比文字更微妙,而且它与手

25、势和身体语言一样,可以为旁边的文字增添意义。下面来看一些表情符号在不同国家的差异:Waving hand - You might think this emoji is waving hello or goodbye. Well in China, it has a very specific meaning, along the lines of bye, youre not my friend any more. Like a middle finger in Europe.挥手你可能认为这个表情符号是打招呼或再见的意思。在中国,它放在“再见,你不再是我的朋友”的文字旁有一个非常特殊的意义

26、,就像是欧洲的竖中指手势一样。英公司招表情符号翻译专家Poo - In Japan, the words for poo and luck sound similar, so its tradition to send your friends a funny poo message before an exam or job interview.便便在日本,“便便”和“好运”的发音相似,所以在朋友参加考试或工作面试之前,给ta发一个搞笑的“便便”是一种传统。英公司招表情符号翻译专家Red heart - French speakers use more heart emojis than a

27、ny other language group, according to a study from last year, bumping even smiley faces off the top spot.红心根据去年的一项研究,讲法语的人比讲其他语种的人使用心形表情符号的次数更多,甚至把笑脸表情挤下了榜首。英公司招表情符号翻译专家Dancing women - Originally these were Playboy bunnies, and might have been seen as strange to use in a message. But they have evolv

28、ed to mean having fun with friends - and since emojis were made more diverse, theres a mens version too.跳舞的女人起初这些女人就是花花公子的兔女郎,在消息中使用这个表情可能被认为很奇怪。但她们的意思已经发展为与朋友玩乐因为表情符号变得更加多样化,现在也有男版的了。英公司招表情符号翻译专家Tears of joy - The most commonly used emoji on the planet, this was the Oxford English Dictionarys word

29、of the year for 2015. What does it mean? That depends on your perspective. It could be straightforward, a person laughing so much theyre crying. It could be self-deprecating - youre laughing at yourself and a silly thing you did. Or it could be a way of gloating at somebody else.笑中带泪这是地球上最常用的表情符号,是牛

30、津英文字典2015年的年度词汇。它是什么意思?这取决于你怎么看。它可以被简单地理解为,一个人笑到流眼泪。它可以是自嘲的意思一个人嘲笑自己和自己做的蠢事儿。不过它也可能是幸灾乐祸的意思。China needs to prepare for an unconventional diplomatic mentality from US President-elect Donald Trump and his new cabinet, which is mainly composed of billionaires and hard-line military personnel, whose exp

31、erience with Asia is limited, analysts said.分析家称,中国需要准备好迎接美国当选总统候选人特朗普及其内阁的“非常规外交心态”,特朗普内阁主要由亿万富翁和强硬的军事人员组成,这些人亚洲经验有限。The Trump transition team has been revealing the names of the nominees for government positions, including the secretaries of state, defense, treasury and commerce, although the nomi

32、nations must be approved by lawmakers.尽管提名必须由立法者批准,特朗普过渡团队已经公布了包括国务卿,国防、财政和商业部部长在内的政府职位候选提名。Many of them are unconventional picks for these posts with little or no political experience.对这些职位而言,他们中的很多人都是非常规选择,政治经验很少甚至没有。General James Mad Dog Mattis will become the first serviceman to fill the position of US Defense Secretary since General George C. Marshall in the 1950

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