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1、英语八年级下+冀教版+导学案 Lesson 1: Hows the Weather ?I. 教学目标: 1. 掌握本课关于天气的生词和短语;2. 学习和了解怎样谈天气; 3. 掌握There be句型的时态和结构变化。 II自主学习:1. 拼读生词。2. 回顾并整理有关天气的词汇和句子。3. 朗读课文,完成Ex 1。4. 阅读理解:朗读课文,完成任务: 1) What is Danny doing ? 2) Why is todays weather strange?3) Talk about the weather today.5. 找出文中重点内容并展示在黑板上。6. 整理自己的知识难点。

2、7. 结合图标,猜测“Dig In”中有关天气状况的词汇。III 释疑解惑:1. on the radio: 在播音; 通过广播2. 10C:ten degrees centigrade3. It is going to rain. 天要下雨。4. There bee.g. There is a child near the door.-Is there a child near the door? There is not a child near the door. There are some books on the desk.There _ (be)a pen and some bo

3、oks on the desk.There will be lots of fresh meat tomorrow.5. be scared of be afraid of: I am scared of thunder.6. 观察下列单词的构成:afternoon, sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, etc. 要求学生总结结论,并完成Ex 3。IV. 当堂检测:1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空:1) I was caught in the rain in a _(阵雨) on my way to school.2) In Britain, the sun _(

4、落下)much later in summer.3) We need to know the _(准确的) time. 4) They are talking about s_ and sunset.5) Please dont go out this afternoon. There will be a heavy t_. 2. 单项选择: 1)Jane wanted to learn English _ the radio. A. in B. with C. through D. on 2) _ is the temperature today? A. What B. How C. How

5、 many D. How much 3) Dont be _ the young man. A. scared to B. scared of C. angry to D. angry of 4) - Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? - _. It has been too hot for a week. 5) There _ be a rain the day after tomorrow. A. shall B. are going to C. is going D. willV. 任务布置: 1. 整理笔记,复习本课知识点; 2. 运用相关句

6、式,口头练习天气预报的播报; 3. 完成练习册L1作业; 4. 按照既往要求,预习L2,初步完成Ex1 & Ex2. Lesson 2 Its Getting Warmer 导学案 学习目标 :1.学生能正确的听、说、读、写neithernor; boot; jasmine; blossom; sunshine; Tai Chi; swing, neither.nor.; winter jasmine; play on the swing; a field trip .2.学生能正确运用以上单词和短语。3.学生了解春天并会谈论春天。4.学习重点和难点:neither.nor.的用法预习导学:1

7、填一填:1.get warmer _ 2. arrive in _ 3.neither.nor._4.迎春花_5.春天的到来_ 6.白天_ 7.野外旅行_二 译一译:根据汉语提示补全句子1.春天已经到达石家庄了。Spring has _ _ Shijiazhuang .2.现在我既不需要厚重的大衣,也不需要靴子了。I need _ my heavy winter coat _ my boots now .3.今天早上在我上学的路上,我看到一些迎春花开了。On my way to school this morning, I _ some winter jasmine _.4.白天变得更长了,早

8、上太阳升起的更早了。The days are _ longer and the sun _ earlier in the morning .5.我班也正在计划去野外旅行。My class is also _ a field trip _ the countryside .3想一想1在文中介绍了几种春天来了的特征,分别是什么?_.2在句子“I see lots of people excising in the park “中,我们认识到了see的用法。你能总结出see有几种用法吗?_合作探究:活动一1.阅读课文,完成课文后的第一题。2.再读一遍课文,完成课文后的第二题。活动二1.完成课文后的第

9、三题。2.以小组为单位,讨论在春天喜欢做的事情,并以对话形式表达出来。 随堂检测根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子:1.春天来了,院子里的迎春花在绽放。Spring is coming,The winter jasmine _。2.春天,天变得越来越长。 The days _ in spring.3.我看到很多孩子在荡秋千。 I saw many children _.4.下周我们要去乡下远足。We will go on _ to the countryside next week.5.没有阳光话不会开放。Flowers will not blossom _.Lesson 3 The Sun Is

10、Rising 课时目标:1.掌握单词:melt ,hillside ,wind ,gently .能正确运用本课的重点短语。2.学唱歌曲,感知带给我们的改变。预习导学一 填一填1.Climb the hillside 2.through the tree by one 4.seasons change 5.出来 .6.醒来 二译一译 1.太阳在升起 2.雪在融化 3.风儿轻轻地吹过树林 4. 看它带来了季节的变化 课堂导学,合作探究学习任务一:1.认真阅读课文,完成课后第一题,给描述春天的短语划线。2.听录音,完成课文后第一题,并小组核对答案。.学习任务二:1. 小组活动完成第二题

11、。2. 以小组为单位,编写一个关于春天的对话,并到班级前表演。学习任务三:小组讨论“What do you like to do outside in spring ?”然后展示小组答案。答疑解惑:through/across the seasons change 课堂检测一 单选题1.The sun is shining the window .A .cross B. across C. through D. though 2.Dont go the street .Tts dangerous . A .though B. across C. through D. cross3.The se

12、cond room is the office .A .teacher B .teachers C .teacherss D.teachers4.The students went into the classroom with one by one by two D.two by one5.Can you come with ? A.I B .mine C .me D. my 二根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空1 .Lets climb the h_to see the sunrise .2.The spring w_is blowing my face

13、.3.Spring brings the seasons c_.4.She held the baby _(轻轻地).5.The weather gets warm ,and snow begins to _( 融化) 。6.I_(吹)the dust off the book .课后作业:1.完成本课练习册第3课所有作业。2.预习Lesson 4.课后反馈:写出本课结束后你仍然存在的问题和困惑。Lesson 4 The Spring City 课时目标:1.掌握单词:budding,nearly,millimetre,plenty,anytime .能正确运用本课的重点短语。2了解昆明的天气

14、特点,学会描述一个城市的天气特征.。预习导学一 填一填1.longfor:_ 2.feellike_ 3.all year round_ 4.every year_ 5.许多;大量_ 6.因为_7.成百上千的_ 8.一年里的任何时候_二译一译。1.每个人都盼望春天。_2.但是在我的家乡,一年到头感觉几乎都是春天。_3.这儿的天气既不太热也不太冷。 _4.每年也有许多的阳光,大约2250小时的日照时间。 _5.一年里的任何时候,你能找到成百上千美丽的花和树。 _三 学习任务一:1.认真阅读课文,完成课后第一题,根据课文内容回答问题。2.听录音,完成课文后第二题,并小组核对答案。.学习任务二:1.

15、用方框里单词的适当形式填空,完成第三题。2. 以小组为单位,编写一个关于春天的对话,并到班级前表演。A:What do you think of when you think of spring?B:I think of.A:How is the weather in Kunming?学习任务三:小组活动谈论自己家乡的春天,完成课文后的第四题。就谈论内容写一篇介绍家乡春天的文章。最后就没完成的情况选出最佳小组。答疑解惑:feel like/feel like doing hundreds of 课堂检测一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空1.I saw some b_trees on my wa

16、y home. 2.The town gets about 500 m_of rain every year.3.It was_(几乎)five thirty. 4.The students need p_of books. .5.You can find beautiful flowers_(任何时候) of the year.二单项选择1.People are longing B.for. C.with D.of2.I feel like_on a trip to Beijing.A.go go C.going D.goes 3.There is _wat

17、er in the river. A.lot of B.many C.a plenty of D.pleny of4.They didnt go to school because of _. rains B.rains C.raining rained5._people go swimming in summer in Dalian.A.Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. ThousandLesson 5:Babysitting on a Spring Day教学目标:1.掌握单词:babysit,bar,instead

18、,push,soccer,shall,rabbit.运用本课重点短语及句型。 2、学会描写户外活动。预习导学一、 填一填1 turn around _ 2 monkey bar _3 hold on_ 4. fall off _5.下来_6. 推.一下_7下车_二、译一译 1.丹尼正在操场上照看他的表妹黛比。 _ 2. 布莱恩,谢谢你帮助我。 _ 3.我能推你一下吗? _ 4.该停止荡秋千了,黛比。 _ 5. 那个看起来像一只大白兔。 _三、想一想 1.文中提到谁在帮丹尼照顾黛比? _2.黛比在操场上玩了哪些项目?_当堂检测一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.I will go _(

19、代替) of you.2.She is b_the baby in the room.3.He p_the door open.4. _(将会)we go shopping this afternoon.5.The cloud looks like a white _(兔子)二、 单项选择6. You are too high .Please_A. come down B.go down C.come up D.go up7.She wants to play on the swing.Please _.A. give a push her B.give a pull to her C.giv

20、e her a push D.give her a pull8.I like watching TV instead of _A. swim B.swimming swim D.swims9. Dont be careless ,or you will _the tall tree.A. fall down B fall off C.fall into D.get off10.Its time _now.A. to do homework homework C.doing homework D.for do homeworkLesson 6: Stories about S

21、pringI. learning aims: 1. All the students can read and write the new words : low , below, zero, until, and understand :groundhog, bush by reading the text in group. 2. Most of the students can read and use the key phrases : below zero, notuntilthey also can read and understand : Groundhog Day, suga

22、r bush by reading and understanding the text. 3. Some students can describe some interesting stories about spring in English. All the students can read the text fluently to enjoy the fun of spring by learning itII. Self studying: 1. Fill in the blanks. (1)asas_ (2).below zero_ (3). notuntil_ (4).Gro

23、undhog Day_(5). 下雪天_ (6).开车去_ (7). 枫糖林_ (8).在周末_ 2. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese. (1). 温度能低至零下15度。 The temperature can be _low _-15C . (2). 直到五月或六月我们才可能看到一些花。 We probably _ see any flowers _ May or June.(3). 或许下个月我们将穿着我们的短裤和T恤玩了。 _next month we will play _ our shots and T-shirts!(

24、4). 在二月二我们有土拨鼠日迎接即将到来的春天。We _ Groundhog Day _ February 2 for the coming of spring.(5). 在春天, 许多家庭在周末开车去乡村。 In spring, many families _ to the countryside _ the weekend.3. Thinking.(1). 詹妮在文中介绍了那些户外运动? 你还能说出一些春天里的户外运动吗?(2). 在句子“The temperature can be as low as -15C . ” 中,我们学习了asas的用法,举一反三,你能用这个短语造几个句子吗

25、? III Cooperation and explore 1. Read the lesson and answer the questions. (Ex. 1. )2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and check the answers in groups, then show in class. (Ex. 2.) 3. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the sentences below. (Ex.3.) IV. Puzzle.1. notuntil 意为“直到才”,用来引导时间状语从句。形式否定,意思肯定。I wont go to bed until I finish my homework. 直到我完成家庭作业才去睡觉。 (1). Its 10 oclock now. I must go. - Its raining outside. Dont leave _ it stops. A. when B. since C. while D. until (2). The children _ go to bed _ their mother came back. A. won

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