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酒店checkin英语对话word范文 9页.docx

1、酒店checkin英语对话word范文 9页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 酒店checkin英语对话篇一:酒店情景对话(双语版)第一组酒店情景对话A Hello,this is wanjialihotel,is there anything I can help you,madam? 你好,这里是万家丽国际大酒店,请问您需要什么服务B Yes, Id like to book a room.我需要预订一间房A Sure,we have different type of rooms

2、,which would you like to choose? 我们酒店有不同类型的房间,您需要哪种房间呢?B Im not very certain,could you give me a brief introduction,please? 我不是很确定,你能不能给我做一下简单的介绍?A Ok,our hotel provides standard single room and double room,accordingly,we also have special treatment for VIP.好的,我们酒店提供标准单人间和标准双人间,除此之外还有对贵宾的特殊套房B Thank

3、 you,I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 floor.Well,I need the personnal in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive there.Is that ok?谢谢,我想预定一间单人标准间,最好是介于4楼到7楼之间的。嗯,我需要你们的工作人员在我到达九点前打开窗户并打扫房间,可以吗?A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes a

4、bout your requirements.Now let me check the room on my computer.Well,one standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window,anything else?好的,先生,我已经记下了你的要求。我先在电脑上查询一下。嗯,6楼的603房间,需要打扫并打开窗户,还有什么要求吗?B Thanks,how much does it cost?谢谢,房间费用是多少钱A That is 580 RMB房费是580元B

5、Dont your hotel have discount?你们没有折扣吗?A Im terribly sorry,sir.If you need a discount,you should be our VIP and stay here for at least 3 days.非常抱歉,先生。如果你想打折必须是我们酒店的协议客户,并且至少住三天B OK,thats alright!好,那就算了AOK.Its a great honour for us to serve for you 好的,能为您服务是我们酒店的荣幸。B Thank you very much!谢谢。篇二:预订酒店 英语

6、对话 约翰逊先生要到中国出差,他想在深圳景轩酒店订一间豪华的房间。 他将呆在那里住一个星期。他向接待员要求一个豪华套房。A: Hello ,this is the the Grand View Hotel. what can I do for you? 您好,这里是深圳景轩酒店,很乐意为您服务。B: Id like to make a reservation in your hotel. 我想在你的酒店预定房间。 A: Sure. Whats your expected date of arrival? 当然可以。您什么时候来? Ill arrive the day after tomorro

7、w. 后天到。A: How many rooms would you like? 您要几间房?B: One single room. Whats the rate? 一间单人房。什么价格?A:The rate of the rooms varies from 80 yuan to 8000 yuan. You can choose whatever you like. 房间价格不等,从80元到8000元,任你选择。B:Id like to book a deluxe room. 我想订一间豪华的房间。A: Ill check. There is just one left. The apart

8、ment rents for 3000yuan a night.我查一下,正好还有一间。这套房间每晚租金每晚为3000元。 B: OK. Ill book this one. 那好,我就定这间吧。A:Yes,sure。 How many nights wil you be staying? 你要住几天? B: seven nights. 七个晚上。A:OK. May I have your name? 好的,请问您的名字?B:Johnson.A:ok,welcome to China.篇三:出国旅行入住酒店必备 英语 对话 1. Room Reservations预订房间1Id like to

9、 book a double room for Tuesday next week下周二我想订一个双人房间。2Whats the price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?3A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。4I think Ill take the one with a front view then我想我还是要阳面的吧。5How long will

10、 you be staying?您打算住多久?6Well be leaving Sunday morning我们将在星期天上午离开。7And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday我们盼望下周二见到您。8Id like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October 4 to the morning of October 10我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。9We do have a single room available for t

11、hose dates我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。10 What is the rate, please?请问房费多少?11The current rate is 50 per night现行房费是50美元一天。12 What services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?13That sounds not bad at all Ill take it听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。14 By the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible 顺便说一下,如有可能我想要

12、一个不临街的安静房间。A:Room ReservationsGood afternoonB:Id like to book a double room for Tuesday next weekA:Thats fine, sir A double room for Tuesday, September12th, with a front view or rear view?B:Whats the price difference?A: A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is

13、 115 dollars per nightB:I think Ill take the one with a front view thenA: How long will you be staying?B: Well be leaving Sunday morningA: That will be five nights, sirThank you very much,and we look forward to seeing you next TuesdayB: Good Thats all settled then Good-byeA: Good-byeA:Advance Reserv

14、ationsCan I help you?B:Yes,Id like to book a s(来自:WwW. : 酒店checkin英语对话 )ingle room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10 A: Yes, we do have a single room available for those datesB: What is the rate, please?A: The current rate is50 per nightB: What services come wi

15、th that?A: For50 youll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everydayB: That sounds not bad at allIll take itA:Very good Could you tell me your name, sir, please?B: Yes, it is MooreA: How do you spell it, please?B: Its M-O-O-R-EA:M-O

16、-O-R-EAnd what is your address,please?B:It is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississiippi39401 USA A: Excuse me, sir, but could you speak a little more slowly,please?B:Sure,no problemIts 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 USAHave you got it?A:Yes,so it is 3600 Montague Boulev

17、ard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 USA B: Thats rightA: What about your telephone number?B:(601) 264-9716 By the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if that is possibleA:A quiet room away from the street is preferredOKWell mail you a reservation card confirming your booking as soon as poss

18、ibleWe look forward to your visit B:Thank you and good-byeA:Good-byesettle v解决available a可得到的,有用的confirm vt使坚定,认可Mississippi n密西西比(美国州名)At the Entrance 在门口15Welcome to our hotel欢迎光临。16So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,是不是?17 Let me have a check again让我再看一下。18The Reception D

19、esk is straight ahead接待处就在前面。19After you, please你先请。20Excuse me, where can I buy some cigarettes?劳驾。我到哪儿可买到香烟?21There is a shop on the ground floor一楼有个商店。22It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes在那儿可买到中国香烟和外国香烟。23Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以买到纪念品吗?24There is a counter selling all kin

20、ds of souvenirs有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。25Excuse me,where is the restaurant?劳驾,请问饭厅在哪儿?26We have Chinese restaurant and a westernstyle restaurantWhich one do you prefer?我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个?27Id like to try some Chinese food today今天我想尝尝中国菜。(A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel and a doorman(A) goes forward t

21、o meet the guests B and C, opening the door of the car for them) A:Good evening, sir and madamWelcome to our hotelMr Bell(B): ThanksGood eveningA:(Opening the trunk, taking out the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags)Im the doorman, sir So you have got altogether four pieces of bagga

22、ge? B: Er Maybe five, Margaret(C)?A:Five?Oh, sorry Let me have a check againC:Oh,no,HeyAlways poor memory!Weve got only fourB:I see(To the doorman) Sorry,boy Youre right Four piecesA: Never mind, sir The Reception Desk is straight aheadAfter you,please B:Yes,thank youA: Excuse me Where can I buy som

23、e cigarettes?B: There is a shop on the ground floor It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes A:Can I also get some souvenirs there?B:Yes,sirThere is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirsA: By the way, where is the mens room?B:There is one at the end of the corridorA:Thank youB: You are welcom

24、eA:Excuse me,where is the restaurant?B:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurantWhich one do you prefer?A:Id like to try some Chinese food todayB: The Chinese restaurant is on the second floorA: What are the hours at the restaurant?B:Breakfast 630 to 900 am;Lunch 1130 amto200 pm;Dinn

25、er 530 to 900 pmA:Thank youB: Youre welcomecigaretten香烟、纸烟souvenirn纪念品,纪念物corridor n走廊3At the Reception Desk在接待处 128I want a double room with a bath我要一间有浴室的双人房。29How much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?30It is hundred yuan a day including heating fee, but excluding service charge 一百元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务费。31It

26、s quite reasonable收费十分合理。32How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您准备住多久?33Have you got through with the checkin procedure?你是否已经办妥住宿登记手续?34 Can I book a single room for my friend beforehand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning?我能为我的朋友预订一间单人房吗?他将于明天早上到达上海。35Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance for him 请填好并预付一百元钱。36This is a receipt for paying in advancePlease keep it这是预付款收据,请收好。37Have you any vacant(spare) room in the hotel?旅馆里有空余房间吗?

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