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学年北师大版选修七Unit 21 human biology communication workshop学案.docx

1、学年北师大版选修七Unit 21 human biology communication workshop学案Unit 21 human biology communication workshop学案.根据英文释义用方框内所给单词填空weekly, fortune, absurd, temporary, firm, sceptical, deadline, enquiry1firm:_a company or business2deadline:_a time or day by which something must be done3absurd:_stupid or unreasona

2、ble; silly in a humorous way4temporary:_not lasting or needed for very long5fortune:_a large amount of money, goods, property, etc.6enquiry:_the process of asking a question7sceptical:_doubting whether something is true or useful8weekly:_happening once a week or every week.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1robvt.使丧失2ra

3、ten. 比率3submitvt. 提交4concernn. 担心;担忧5votevi. 表决6circumstancen. 情形;情况7declinevi.下降increasev(反义词)增加8minimumn最低;最小maximumn(反义词)最大量,最大值9unconditionallyadv.无条件地unconditionaladj.无条件的10equipvt.使有准备equipmentn配备,装备11extensionn延期extendvt.使延期12unlikelyadj.不大可能发生的likelyadj.可能的.补全短语1even though即使2on the other ha

4、nd 另一方面3turn off关,关断4rob sb.of . 抢夺某人5at any rate 无论如何;至少6at times 有时,间或7return to normal 恢复正常8agree with同意,赞成9in favour (of .) 赞同,支持10come off it 别胡扯;别胡说;住口11point out指出12to be honest 说实话1However, this is the first time Ive broken my leg.然而,这是我第一次断腿。句式分析This is the first time (that) .“这是第一次”为固定句式。佳

5、句赏析这是今年第一次他周日不上班。This was the first time this year (that) he hadnt worked on Sunday.2. (长难句分析)Even in less severe cases, doctors admit that they dont know if or how well patients will progress.即使是不那么严重的病例,医生也承认他们不知道病人的情况是否会有所改善,或病人的情况能有什么程度的改善。句式分析本句为主从复合句。考点1rob vt.使丧失;抢劫;盗取教材原句Terri had fallen int

6、o a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm.特里于1990年陷入昏迷,当时她由于一次心脏病发作导致大脑缺氧从而造成永久性的伤害。The group robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.这个团伙抢走了那家银行几千美元。rob sb./sth. of使某人/物丧失(品质,能力等)rob sb./a place of 抢劫某人/地The accident robbed him of his health.那次事故使他丧失了健康。

7、While he was away, his house was robbed of everything in it.他外出时,他家一切都被盗光了。辨析比较rob“抢”,常用搭配:rob sb./some place of sth.steal“偷”,常用搭配:steal sth. from sb./some placecheat“骗”,常用搭配:cheat sb. (out) of sth.I was robbed of my money.我的钱被抢了。Somebody stole my money from the desk drawer.有人从抽屉里偷走了我的钱。He cheated m

8、e out of $100.他骗了我100美元。1选词填空: rob, steal, cheatThe man cheated the old lady of all her money.How much jewellery did the thieves steal from the house?She was robbed of her handbag in the street.2完成句子生病使她失去了代表学校参加比赛的机会。Her illness robbed_her_of the chance to play for her school.如果你不贪婪,没人能骗取你的钱财。No on

9、e can cheat_you_of_your_money_and_wealth unless you are greedy.考点2decline v下降;谢绝n.下降;衰败,衰落教材原句.it is generally agreed that a patients chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.普遍认为病人处于昏迷状态的时间越长他们康复的机会就越下降。(1)vi.下降;减少;衰退The demand for their products begins to decline.对他们产品的需求开始下降。dec

10、line (from .) to .(从)下降到Unemploymentdeclined to 4 percent last month.上个月失业率降至百分之四。The number of fulltime staff has declined from 300 to just 50.全职员工的数量从300人下降到了只有50人。(2)vi.& vt.婉拒;谢绝I offered to give them a lift but they declined.我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们谢绝了。decline to do sth.拒绝做某事She declined to have lunch wit

11、h her friend, saying that she wasnt feeling well.她说她身体不舒服,婉拒了与她的朋友共进午餐。(3)n.下降,减少,衰退There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.今年的利润大幅度下降。on the decline在衰退中The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.这个地区的抢劫案在减少。1介词填空The price of the TV set declined from $1,400 to $900 each.She is

12、 on the decline, and may die soon.2翻译句子I wish the price of houses would decline.但愿房价会下降。那男孩拒绝回答我提出(raise)的问题。The_boy_declined_to_answer_the_question_I_raised.考点3equip vt.使有准备;装备;配备教材原句Theres no doubt that this will equip us to cure all sorts of illnesses, from heart disease to cancer.毫无疑问,这将为我们治愈从心脏

13、疾病到癌症等各种疾病打好基础。A good education should equip you for life.良好的教育能受用终生。(1)equip . for/to do sth. 为(做)某事而准备/装备equip . with . 用装备/配备;使具有(学问、能力等)(be) equipped with . 装备/配备有;拥有(2)equipment n. 设备,装备His training equipped him to cope with the new job.他的训练使他能胜任新的工作。Our school is equipped with much advanced eq

14、uipment bought from abroad.我们学校配备有许多从国外购买的先进设备。1单句语法填空The PLA is equipping itself with more advanced weapons.Your training will equip you for your future job.Our school has been given some new equipment (equip)2完成句子我们公司决定用最好的电脑装备办公室。Our company decided to equip_our_offices_with the best computers.这家

15、工厂配有现代化机械。The factory is_equipped_with modern machinery.考点4fortune n大笔财富;命运;运气教材原句Id like to point out that while there are some firms that do this and charge a fortune to keep the bodies frozen, unfortunately theres no scientific basis behind it.我想指出的是,尽管现在有很多公司在做这个,收取一笔费用来保持身体冰冻,不幸的是这背后并没有科学基础。(1)

16、C大笔财富He came into a large fortune when his rich uncle died.在他有钱的叔叔死后,他继承了一大笔财产。make a/ones fortune发财Many people went to cities to make their fortune.为了发财,很多人都去了城里。(2)C命运;U好运,幸运He did not deserve such fortune.他不配得到这种好运气。tell ones fortune 给某人算命seek ones fortune 寻出路,外出闯荡,寻找发财机会She told my fortune by re

17、ading my palm.她靠看手相给我算命。He went to New York to seek his fortune.他前往纽约寻找发财机会。1用fortune及其派生词填空He tried his fortune in another city.Hes fortunate in having such good friends.Fortunately,_the fire was discovered soon after it had started.Unfortunately,_we didnt arrive in time at the airport.We will do o

18、ur utmost to help those unfortunate people.2翻译句子他梦想发财。He_dreamed_of_making_a_fortune.考点5submit v提交;屈服,使服从经典例句You were supposed to submit it on the 14th June.你应当在6月14日提交它。(1)vi.屈服,认输Joe didnt win gold medal in the 31st Olympics, but refused to submit.乔在第31届奥林匹克运动会上没有拿到金牌,但他决不屈服。submit to .向屈服/认输He is

19、 the last man to submit to anothers opinion.他决不会服从他人的意见。(2)vt.提交,呈递I submitted my resume to the manager before the interview.面试之前我向经理递交了我的简历。submit . to .把提交给I submitted my paper to the teacher after the exam.考完试后我把试卷交给了老师。1完成句子They agreed in the end to submit_the_report_to (把报告提交给) the headmaster.N

20、o one would submit_to (屈服于) the orders of the captain.2翻译句子He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他向市议会提交了城市发展的建议书。我们将服从法庭的判决。Well_submit_to_the_judgement_of_the_court.考点6concern n关心,关注(利害关系)vt.涉及,关系到;使担心经典例句The recent rise in crime is a matter of considerable public con

21、cern.近来犯罪增多是公众相当关心的事。(1)n.关心的事;担心,挂念;关怀He broke the law, but thats no concern of mine.他犯了法,但那不关我的事。cause concern about/for .引起对的关注express/show/feel concern about/for .对表示关心/担心Andrew expressed his concern about violence on TV.安德鲁表示了他对电视上暴力的关注。(2)vt.涉及,关系到;使担心;使不安The boys poor health concerned his par

22、ents.那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母忧虑。concern oneself about/for担忧/关心concern oneself with/about 对感兴趣,关心be concerned with 与有关,涉及be concerned about/over/for 关心,挂念as/so far as . be concerned 就而言He is concerned for her safety.他担心她的安全。He concerned himself with public work.他关心公众事务。This chapter is mainly concerned with th

23、e historical background.这一章主要讲述历史背景。Many parents are concerned about/over/for their childrens safety.许多父母担心孩子的安全问题。1单句语法填空Dont concern yourself with/about other peoples affairs.I always concern myself about/for my sons future.She expressed her deep concern about conditions at the factory.Concerned_

24、(concern) parents held a meeting.2完成句子这一问题引起了人们对环境的关注。The problem caused_concern_for_the_environment就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。As_far_as_I_am_concerned,_Im not against your plan.考点7at any rate无论如何;至少经典例句At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.无论如何,医疗用品将于一星期内运到你那里。This danger, at any rate,

25、 is spared our brother.无论如何,哥哥总算躲过了危险。at this/that rate照这样/那样下去at a/the rate of . 以速度;以比例If we spend money at this rate, well be broke in six months.如果我们以此速度花钱,6个月之内我们就要破产了。An ordinary snail moves at the rate of about two inches every minute.普通的蜗牛以每分钟两英寸左右的速度移动。1单句语法填空Well, thats one good piece of n

26、ews at any rate.If you go on at that rate, youll injure your health.Local businesses are closing at a/the rate of three a year.2完成句子照这种情形看来,我们就无法度假了。At_this_rate we will not be able to afford a holiday.世界能源的需求正以每年约3%的速度增长。World energy demand is increasing at_a/the_rate_of about 3% per year.无论如何我都会来。

27、Ill come at_any_rate. However, this_is_the_first_time_Ive_broken_my_leg然而,这是我第一次摔断腿。“This/It/That is/was序数词(that).”句型,表示“这/那是第次做”。It is the first time that .后接现在完成时;It was the first time that .后接过去完成时;It will be the first time that .后接现在完成时。This is the first time he has been punished for drunk drivi

28、ng.他第一次因酒驾被惩罚。It was the second time that he had been out with her alone.这是他第二次单独跟她外出。It will be the second time that I have got the prize.那将是我第二次获得该奖。the first time (that) .第一次时for the first time 第一次The first time I saw her, my heart almost stopped.我第一次见到她时,心脏几乎都要停止跳动了。He still remembers he was che

29、ated for the first time.他仍然记得他第一次被骗的情景。1选词填空: the first time, for the first timeDo you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for_the_first_time?Susan felt nervous the_first_time she gave a speech in public.2完成句子这是我第一次看到她发脾气。It is the first time that I_have_seen her lose her temper.那是

30、我第一次获得出国深造的好机会。That was the first time that I_had_got_such_a_good_chance to go abroad for further education.如何写说服性文章技法指导说服性文章实质上属于说服性议论文,它是对某个议论对象提出见解或主张并说明理由,使读者信服的文章。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非来确定其观点的正误,树立或否定某种主张,从而达到让读者信服或接受其观点或看法的目的。其写法与一般议论文的写法相同。一般包括以下三条:1在开头提出议题,也就是提出论点。议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。并且开头句往往是主题句。2议论时要有充分的论据,作者可以运用列举事实、展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历的方法。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推

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