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必修一英语基础复习NSEFC Book 11.docx

1、必修一英语基础复习NSEFC Book 11NSEFC Book 1Unit 1 FriendshipStep 1:Put the following words and phrases into English.1关心 2完全的 3力量 4恢复 5忽略 6十几岁的青少年 7心烦意乱的 8伙伴 9安家,定居 10遭受 11故意 12经历 13记下 14对厌烦 15与相处 16参加 17遛狗 18不再 19一连串的 20合计 Step 2:Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.1The managers of the

2、 Wall Street are closely (concern)about the situation of the financial crisis.2When seeing the (suffer)of the refugees, we all feel the cruelty of war.3Anne and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five years before they (discover).4We will read how Anne felt after being in the (hide) place.5Its no

3、 pleasure (look) through these any longer because nature is one thing that must (experience).6While (walk) the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.7The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the (thunder) clouds held me (entire) in their power.8Sadly, I am only able to look at natur

4、e through dirty curtains hanging before very (dust) windows. 9Radio and television are important means of _(communicate) 10Though she tried her best to win the praise of the master on _, she still failed it. She was so upset that she wandered in the street _.(purpose)Step 3:Fill in the blanks A frie

5、nd walks in when_1_ rest of the world walks out.Sometimes in life, you find a special friend, someone_2_ changes your life just being part of it; someone who makes you laugh_3_ you cant stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world; someone who convinces you that there r

6、eally is a(n) _4_( lock) door just waiting for you _5_ (open) it.This is forever_6_( friend). When you are_7_, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and_8_(make) that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full; Your forever friend gets you _9_the har

7、d times, the sad times, and the confused times.If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows; If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on; your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be OK.And if you find such friend, you feel hap

8、py and complete, because you need _10_ worry, you have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.Step 4:Translate the following sentences into English.1最近活泼开朗的李华觉得非常心烦,因为父亲生病了。(upset) .2他上课的时候老是走神,也不理会同学们的关心。(ignore) .3老师们很关心李华的情况,和他进行了一次面对面的沟通。(be concerned about; face to face) .4老师们鼓励李华要坚强

9、,告诉他只有经历过磨难才能更加独立。(go through) .5在老师的鼓励下,李华觉得任何问题都是可以解决的。(settle) .6不久,李华爸爸康复了,李华又变成了一个对生活的艰难充满感激的阳光少年。(recover; grateful; teenager) .7. 即使面临危险,你也应该保持镇静。(stay, keep calm.) .8加上所有的数字你就知道欠我多少钱了。 (add up) .9他很早到学校, 为的是在上课前清洁课室. (in order that ) .10大楼发生火灾时,碰巧里面没有人。 (it happened that) .Step 5:Writing人们对于

10、学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。赞成的理由反对的理由你的看法1广交朋友2可自由表达思想3利于外语学习1浪费时间2影响学习3可能上当受骗?【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考词汇: 网络朋友on-line friend(s),上当受骗to be cheated Unit 2 English around the world Step 1:Put the following words and phrases into English.1命令v. 2请求n.

11、 3实际上adv 4辨认出v. 5流利的adj. 6本国的adj. 7直的adj. 8表达n. 9逐渐的adj. 10街区n. 11官方的adj. 12身份n. 13航行n. 14公寓住宅n. 15口音n. 16扮演一个角色 17以为基础 18即使,尽管 19与交流 20充分利用 Step 2:Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given。1The progress of the society on harmony.(base)2Your reference wont be returned unless .(reque

12、st)3He is not fit others that cant command himself.(command).4He hadnt walked for two blocks when he found the street .(block)5Amy is from an English- country.(speak)6Languages (frequent)change.7Geography also (play)a part in making dialects.8When people use words and (express)different from the “st

13、andard language”, it is called a dialect.9His thorough knowledge and competence (recognize)10While walking with him, I (come up with) a new idea for our project. Step 3:Fill in the blanks Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities.(1) (compare) w

14、ith other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes (2) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English.(3) we persist in this practice, gradually we will learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many difficulties. In the

15、first place, it often happens (4) we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expressions to our mind. (5) (second), there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. (6) it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.As far as Im concerned, my (7) (suggest)

16、 is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something (8) (beat) us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is (9)

17、 great use to keep a diary in English for (10) development of our Writing skills.Step 4:Translate the following sentences into English.1. 美国英语以英国英语为基础.(be based on) .2. 信不信由你,美国英语现在比以往任何时候起的作用都重要.(play a part, than ever before) .3. 目前,很多人因为想实现美国梦而学习美国英语。(at present, because of) .4. 李华认识到了美国英语的重要性,成了

18、学习美国英语的一员。(recognize) .5. 李华说他会不断努力,即使困难重重,也不会放弃。(frequent, give up) .6. 他充分利用时间,丰富词汇,练习听说。(make use of, enrich, vocabulary) .7. 我相信他一定能掌握好美国英语。(have a good command of) .8. 他一定能说一口流利的美国英语。(fluent) .9. 与其说是他所说的话, 倒不如说是他说话的方式使她不愉快了。 (more than) .10. 天下没有不劳而获这回事情的!(suchas ) .Step 5:Basic writing 请根据以下的

19、情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。【情景说明】 请你以学生会的名义写一篇通知,张贴在大门口。1. 下周六举办演讲比赛,安排这次课外活动主要目的是为了提高学生的英语口头表达能力。2. 志愿参加者请在下周三以前到你们班长处报名登记。3. 届时将有5名教师应邀担任评委。4. 前十名获奖,欢迎大家光临。5. 通知日期:2010年4月9日。【写作要求】1. 标题2. 必须用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容。将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。 Unit 3 Travel JournalStep 1:Put the following words and phrases into English.

20、1劝说v. 2劣势,不利条件n. 3组织 v. 4毕业 v. 5态度 n. 6决定,决心 v. 7缺点 n. 8顽固的,固执的 a. 9运输 v. 10日记,杂志,定期刊物 n. 11费用 n. 12火焰,光芒,热情 n. 13保险n. 14风景,视野,观点 n. 15踱步,速度,步调 16喜爱做A而不愿做B 17照常 18投降,屈服,让步 19关心,忧虑 20下定决心 _Step 2:Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given1He employed a truck to transport the fruits an

21、d the cost 1000 Yuan (transport)2We need to balance the and disadvantages before we take action. (disadvantage)3Mr. Green tried to persuade his wife to follow his idea. To his great joy, his worked! (persuade)4We feel grateful to that international which organized this project. (organize)5My father

22、is a person. Once he determines to do something, he will sticks to his plan. (determine)6Uncle Li worked in a factory after his from university. (graduate)7All car owners are supposed to buy in case of accidents(insure)8My sister is not an independent person. She on others too much. (reliable)9We we

23、re told that that was a decision and we had to give in finally. (finally)10The population is increasing in this area. (rapid)Step 3:Fill in the blanks My name is Wang Kun. Since middle school, my sister and I (1) (dream) about (2) (take) a great bike trip. When we graduated from college, we finally

24、got the chance to do it. It (3) my sister (4) first had the idea to cycle along (5) Mekong River from (6) it begins to where it ends. The Dai live near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that (7) (call) the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling t

25、oo. She insisted that we (8) (find) the source of the river. She gave me a (9) (determine) look. Once She has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give (10) .Step 4:Translate the following sentences into English.1上周日Tom和毕业于中山大学的Kate一起游白云山。(graduate from) .2就我自己来说,我喜欢篮球多过羽毛球。(pr

26、efer)Personally, .3她坚持认为她不是贼,并坚决认为我们不该送她去警察局。(insist) .4假期在海里游泳是一大乐趣。(fun) .5因为他们对美景感兴趣,最后决定在大家熟悉的雕塑公园扎了营。(be interested in; make up onesmind; make camp; be familiar to) .6尽管夜里他们很累,他们如往常一样写了旅游日记。(as usual; keep a travel journal) .7通过眼睛看世界,他认为增长了见识。 (see the world through ones eyes) .8. 他很固执,没有人能说服他做

27、任何事。(stubborn; persuade) .9是我应受到责备。(强调句型) .10一旦被抓,他肯定会被判处终生监禁。(once; be sentenced to ) .Step 5:Writing1我们本来想在下周末组织一次户外活动,但是他改变主意并且坚持要求我们应在这个周末组织,我们只能做出让步。(change ones mind/give in / insist that sb should do)2根据可靠的天气预报,本周末天气晴朗。(reliable/forecast)3他已经说服他哥哥帮我们运送器材到那座山脚下的公园,然后我们就可以搭建帐篷了。(persuade/transp

28、ort/put up)4我很喜欢户外活动,我向往这个活动已经很久了。(dream of/ be fond of)5我们决定在午夜时分搞一个篝火晚会,到时一定会很开心。(determine/make up ones mind)【写作要求】只能用5个句子,表达上述全部内容。 . . . . . . .Unit 4 EarthquakeStep 1:Put the following words and phrases into English.1损害 2援救;营救 3. 埋葬 4损失;损害 5使陷入困境;陷阱 6灾难,灾祸 7令人恐惧的 8事件,大事 9掩蔽,掩蔽处 10使震惊;休克 11祝贺 1

29、2记者 13判断,判决;裁判员 14地震 15极度地 16电,电流;电学 17标题;头衔 18真诚地 19报刊的大字标题 20严重受损;破败不堪 21许多,大量的 22好像,仿佛 Step 2:Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given1The food smells so _We should throw it away. (smell)2The entire nation consider it a _ pride to host the Olympic Games (nation)3Alexs mother _ h

30、er dissatisfaction with his room in which all windows and floor were covered with _. (expression/dirty)4Fortunately, all miners trapped in the mines survived though some _ suffered minor _. ( survive/injure)5This is _ news to all of us as we never expected he would lose the game. (shock)6The conditions there are

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