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Oracle 11201 升级到 11203 示例.docx

1、Oracle 11201 升级到 11203 示例Oracle 升级到 示例分类: Oracle Advanced Knowledge 2014/01/18 00:22 34 views 1条回复 Oracle 单实例升级到11.2.0.3。 Oracle 升级的步骤都差不多。 先升级Oracle software,然后升级Oracle instance。一.查看DB 相关的信息我们安装的是64位的DB。oracledave $ sqlplus / as sysdba;SQL*Plus: Release Product

2、ion onWed Sep 28 10:23:51 2011Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing optionsSQL select name from v$database;NAMEANQING查看 Oracle

3、是32位还是64位的方法二.升级的相关说明2.1 Patchset 的说明这部分内容copy 自patchset的readme 文档。Oracle Databasepatch set, release is a full installation of the Oracle Database software. This meansthat you do not need to install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( installing Oracle Database 11g Rele

4、ase 2 ( 和 的patchset都是完整的安装包。所以可以直接用来安装。Note the following changes with the newpatch set packaging:(1)Newinstallations consist of installing the most recent patch set, rather thaninstalling a base release and then upgrading to a patch release.(2)Directupgrad

5、es from previous releases to the most recent patch set are supported.(3)Out-of-placepatch set upgrades recommended, in which you install the patch set into a new,separate Oracle home. In-place upgrades are supported, but not recommended.2.1.1 In-Place UpgradeThis feature enablesyou to upgrade an exi

6、sting installation of Oracle database to Oracle Database11g Release 2 ( into the same Oracle home directory by replacingthe existing database files. The patch set application requires more downtimeand is not recommended. This upgrade type requires less disk space.将升级文件安装到原来的Oracle home 目录,这

7、样可以节省磁盘空间,但是需要更多的downtime。 这种并不推荐。2.1.2 Out-of-Place UpgradeThis featureenables you to install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( in a new,separate Oracle home directory. After the installation is complete, the datafrom the database in the old Oracle home directory is migrated to the databasei

8、n the new Oracle home directory.可以将Oracle Database 安装的新的OracleHome directory,当安装结束后,旧的database 会迁移到新的Oracle homedirectory。Out-of-placeupgrade process is similar to Oracle database upgrade from one version toanother and is the recommended type. The benefits of this upgrade type is thatthe patch set a

9、pplication requires much less downtime, and is safer when thepatch set application must be aborted. This upgrade type requires more diskspace to accommodate two Oracle home directories simultaneously.这种方法是oracle推荐的方式,它可以降低downtime 时间,也相对更安全。但是这种方法需要2倍的地盘空间,不过对与现在白菜价硬盘来说,这点空间也不算什么了。2.2 升级步骤Oracle 10g

10、的Readme上有详细的升级步骤,但是11g的Readme上并没有详细的升级说明,需要参考官方文档。Oracle 10g upgrade from10.2.0.1 to 备份数据库(2) 运行patchset,升级oracle 软件(3) 准备新的ORACLE_HOME(4) 运行dbua 或者脚本升级实例(5) 检查升级后的版本信息和无效对象官网地址:Upgrading to theNew Release我这里也是一个单实例的升级,相对较简单,如果是RAC的升级,估计还要费劲一点,11gR2RAC 升级后面会继续进行测试。三.具体升级操作3.1 备份DB我这里是测试环

11、境,就不进行备份,如果是生产环境,切记要先备份,后操作。如果是In-Place Upgrade,同时备份一下整个ORACLE_HOME目录。 如果升级有问题,还可以还原回来。重点是如下目录:ORACLE_HOME/dbsORACLE_HOME/network/adminORACLE_HOME/hostname_dbnameORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_hostname_dbname3.2 升级Oracle database 软件运行Patchset 的runInstaller。注意这里,我们选择第三个选项,skip software update,因

12、为我们的patchset已经下载过了,如果选择第二个选项,会遇到如下错误,INS-20704 Thelocation provided is not in the expected directory structureOracle 给的解决方式是用如下命令来执行:./runInstaller downloadUpdates但是这个命令需要收费的Metalink帐号。 MOS 的相关文档:How To Download The Latest Updates AndPatches Using OUI ID 1295074.1Error: INS-20704 While Inst

13、alling Use pre-downloaded software updates Option ID 1265270.1这里要注意,我们之前讲过11gR2的Patchset 可以直接用来安装。在这个界面就可以选择操作类型,这个功能比较方便,从而也导致patchset 越来越大,我们这里选择upgrade an existing database。注意这里的安装位置,我之前的安装目录是11.2.0. 这里我改成了11.2.0.3. 即将oracle 安装到其他位置,这样可以减少宕机时间,也是oracle 推荐的方法。注意这里的Inventory directory,

14、这里用来存放安装文件的,我们之前安装过DB,所以这个目录已经存在,2种解决方法,删除之前的目录,二放到其他目录,我这里将安装文件存放到其他目录。rootdave oraInventory#/u01/app/oraInventory2/orainstRoot.shChanging permissions of/u01/app/oraInventory2.Adding read,write permissions for group.Removing read,write,execute permissions forworld.Changing groupname of/u01/app/oraI

15、nventory2 to oinstall.The execution of the script is complete.rootdave oraInventory#/u01/app/oracle/product/ root user operation for Oracle11gThe following environment variables are setas:ORACLE_OWNER= oracleORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/ the f

16、ull pathname of the local bindirectory: /usr/local/bin:Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin Entries will be added to the /etc/oratabfile as needed byDatabase Configuration Assistant when adatabase is createdFinished running generic part

17、of rootscript.Now product-specific root actions will beperformed.Finished product-specific root actions.这里会提示我们配置监听,因为监听之前已经存在,所以这里取消监听配置。我们点击下一步时,会提示一些配置失败,是否继续,我们点是。 结束Oracle database 软件的安装。从上面来看,如果没有错误,在监听配置完毕会,会自动调用DBUA 来升级我们的实例。 这里我们配置失败,正好验证下手工升级实例。3.3 配置新的ORACLE_HOME这部分工作,主要是准备新的ORACLE_HOME,因

18、为我们的Oracle database 安装到了新的位置,所以我们需要配置一下相关的信息。这部分即使在上面自动调用了DBUA,我们也还是需要进行操作的。After backing upthe database to be upgraded, prepare the new Oracle home in a new location. Dothis for any release of Oracle Database for which you are upgrading, whetherthe database is release 11.2 or earlier. Starting with

19、 Oracle Database11g Release 2 (, you install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure andOracle Database software into a new Oracle home instead of applying a patch setto the existing Oracle home.To prepare the new Oracle home:1. Copyconfiguration files from the Oracle home of the database being upgr

20、aded to thenew Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) Oracle home:(1)If your parameter file resideswithin the old environments Oracle home, then copy it to the new Oracle home.By default, Oracle looks for the parameter file inthe ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory on Linux or UNIX platforms and inthe ORACLE_HO

21、MEdatabase directory on Windows operating systems. Theparameter file can reside anywhere you wish, but it should not reside in theold environments Oracle home after you upgrade to Oracle Database11g Release 2 (11.2).(2)If your parameter file resideswithin an Oracle ASM instance, then back up the par

22、ameter file using thefollowing command:CREATE pfileFROM spfile;If you must downgrade the database andyour SPFILE resided within Oracle ASM, then the parameter file mustbe restored before the downgrade.(3)If your parameter file is atext-based initialization parameter file with eitheran IFILE (include

23、 file) or a SPFILE (server parameter file)entry, and the file specified in the IFILE or SPFILE entryresides within the old environments Oracle home, then copy the file specifiedby the IFILE or SPFILE entry to the new Oracle home. Thefile specified in the IFILE or SPFILE entry containsadditional init

24、ialization parameters.(4)If you have a password file thatresides within the old environments Oracle home, then move or copy thepassword file to the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) Oracle home.The name andlocation of the password file are operating system-specific. On Linux or UNIXplatforms, the

25、 default password file is orapwsid, located intheORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. On Windows operating systems, the defaultpassword file is pwdsid.ora, located inthe ORACLE_HOMEdatabase directory. In both cases, sid isyour Oracle instance ID.(5)If you are upgrading a clusterdatabase and your initdb_name.o

26、ra file resides within the oldenvironments Oracle home, then move or copy theinitdb_name.ora file tothe new Oracle home.Note:If you areupgrading a cluster database, then perform this step on all nodes in which thiscluster database has instances configured.2.Adjust your parameterfile in Oracle Databa

27、se 11g Release 2 (11.2) by completing the followingsteps:(1)Removeobsolete initialization parameters and adjust deprecated initializationparameters. Certain parameters are obsolete in Oracle Database 11g Release2 (11.2), while other parameters have become deprecated. Remove all obsoleteparameters fr

28、om any parameter file that starts an Oracle Database11g Release 2 (11.2) instance. Obsolete parameters might cause errors inOracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2). Also, alter any parameter whosesyntax has changed in the new release.The Pre-UpgradeInformation Tool displays any deprecated parameters an

29、d obsolete parameters itfinds in the Deprecated Parameters and ObsoleteParameters sections, respectively.(2)Make surethe COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is properly set for OracleDatabase 11g Release 2 (11.2). The Pre-Upgrade Information Tool displays awarning in the Database section if COMPATIB

30、LE is not properly set.(3)Adjust the values of the initializationparameters to at least the minimum values indicated by the Pre-UpgradeInformation Tool.(4)Make sure allpath names in the parameter file are fully specified. You should not haverelative path names in the parameter file.(5)If the paramet

31、er file containsan IFILE entry, then change the IFILE entry in theparameter file to point to the new location of the include file that youspecified in Step 1. c.Then, edit the file specified in the IFILE entry in the same way thatyou edited the parameter file in Step a throughStep d.(6)If you are upgrading a clusterdatabase, then modify the initdb_name.ora file in the same way thatyou modified the parameter file.Make sure yousave all of the files you modified after making these adjustments.3.If yo

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