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1、核心雅思词组答案1. catch1-1 练习:很多老师曾经碰巧发现过他们的学生在教室里吸烟。Many teachers used to catch their students smoking in classrooms.1-2 练习:很多案件令警方猝不及防。Several cases caught the police off guard.1-3 练习:国际游客会从当地居民那里感染一些病毒。International tourists may catch some viruses off the local residents.1-4 练习:他们可能陷入非常危险的境地。They may be

2、 caught up in dangerous situations.1-5 练习:流行文化在发展中国家很流行。Pop culture catches on in developing countries.1-6 练习:年轻人们可以跟上最新的潮流。Youngsters can catch up with the latest trend.2. get2-1 练习:教育水平较高的女性(intellectual women)更有可能获得晋升。Intellectual women are more likely to get promotion.2-2 练习:这则新闻在几个小时之内就四处播散开来了。

3、The news got about in several hours.2-3 练习:报纸可以将时事(current events/ affairs)传达给读者。Newspapers can get current affairs across to readers.2-4 练习:留学生们能够与当地居民良好相处。International students can get along well with the local residents.2-5 练习:生态学家们并不能说服非法盗猎者。Ecologists cannot get around poachers.2-6 练习:教育者们(edu

4、cator)仍未查明代沟产生的根本原因。Educators have not gotten at the root causes of generation gap.2-7 练习:很多交通违规者并没有因为他们的错误而受罚。Many traffic offenders get away with their faults.2-8 练习:孤独者们(loners)也许会报复他们的同学。Loners may get back at their classmates.2-9 练习:数以百万计的残疾人仅以微薄的收入(slender income)为生。Millions of disabled people

5、 merely get by on slender income.2-10 练习:加班(working overtime)令很多中年女性疲惫不堪。Working overtime gets middle-aged women down.2-11 练习:计算机专家们(computer specialists)应该开始着手保护个人信息了。Computer specialists are supposed to get down to the protection of private information.2-12 练习:他们还没有意识到网络安全(network security)的重要性。Th

6、ey have not gotten onto the importance of network security.2-13 练习:这些罪犯无法摆脱自责感(self-reproach)。The criminals cannot get over the sense of self-reproach.3. have3-1 练习:学生们不应该刚一结束结业考试就去国外旅行。Students should not travel abroad shortly after they have done with their final examinations.3-2 练习:老年人们不得不忍受孤独。Se

7、nior citizens have perforce to bear their solitude.4. make4-1 练习:这些学生们靠打零工为生。The students make a living taking up part-time jobs.4-2 练习:这个方法也许会产生一定效果。The solution may make a difference.4-3 练习:体罚既可能让孩子受益、也可能毁掉孩子。Corporal punishment makes or breaks children.4-4练习:外语教学(foreign language teaching)使得跨文化交流

8、(cross-cultural communication)成为了可能。Foreign language teaching makes for cross-cultural communication.4-5 练习:年轻人们对义务教育的看法不同。Youngsters make of compulsory education differently.4-6 练习:老师们应该教会他们的学生如何将个人的智力发挥到极致。Instructors ought to teach their students how to make the most of their intelligence.4-7 练习:

9、我们可以大致分辨出因特网与书籍之间的差别。We can make out the differences between the Internet and books.4-8 练习:社会学者们尚未找到充分的理由解释人口激增的原因。Sociologists have not made out a case for the rapid growth of population, yet.4-9 练习:男性雇员占据了高端职位百分之七十九的份额。Male employees made up 79% of the higher positions.4-10练习:生产商们不得不用这种方式弥补他们的损失。M

10、anufacturers have to make up for their losses in this way.4-11练习:很多学生会渐渐学会巴结他们的老师。Many students will make up to their teachers.5. put5-1练习:文化障碍(cultural barrier)会使新移民们陷入尴尬的境地。Cultural barrier may put new immigrants in an awkward situation.5-2练习:换而言之,这种方法不能弥补他们的错误。To put it another way, the solution

11、cannot make up for their mistakes.5-3练习:从某种程度上说来,这种方式能够改正少年犯们(young offenders)的错误。The approach can put young offenders straight to some extent.5-4练习:有效的沟通也许可以使这种冲突停止下来。Effective communication may put a stop to the conflict.5-5练习:学生们无法将他们习得的知识付诸实践。Students cannot put the knowledge they have learnt in

12、to practice.5-6练习:雇主对他们的雇员施加了太大的压力。Employers put too much pressure on their employees.5-7练习:年轻人们很快就会忘记自己的错误。Youngsters will put their faults behind themselves soon.5-8练习:我希望明确阐述一下我对这种现象的看法。I would like to put my attitude to the phenomenon across.5-9练习:此次失败让他们的所有努力成为了泡影(注意时态)。The failure put paid to

13、their endeavor.5-10练习:经济学家们估计损失为数百万美金。Economist put the losses at millions of USD.5-11练习:我们应该先撇开这些无关紧要的事情(unimportant matters/ trifles/ trivialities)。We should put aside these unimportant matters.5-12练习:他们将结业考试的时间推迟了半个月。They put back the final examination by half a month.5-13练习:他们可以平息这场小风波(a/the sto

14、rm in a teacup)。They can put down the storm in a teacup.5-14练习:我们不应该将这些事故视为无关紧要的小事。We should not put the accidents down as trifles.5-15练习:我们不应该把这种现象归结为失业率的上升。We should not put the phenomenon down to the rise of unemployment rate.5-16练习:成功的广告策略可以增加销售额。Successful advertising can put sales up.5-17练习:父母

15、们无法忍受其子女们的生活方式。Parents cannot put up with their childrens lifestyle.6. set6-1 练习:因特网开创了在线交流(online communication)的先河。The Internet set the trend for online communication. (过去式)6-2练习:我们应该为这项任务设定一个最终完成期限。We should set a deadline for the task.6-3练习:这起案件开创了先例。The case set a precedent.6-4练习:学生们将无法专心学习他们擅长

16、的学科。Students will not set their minds on the subjects they are talented in.6-5练习:他们一定会反对这样的政策。They are bound to set themselves against the policy.6-6练习:教师们应该为他们的学生树立榜样。Teachers should set an example for their students.6-7练习:生态学家们应该开始着手降低有毒气体排放(noxious emission/ emission of noxious gas)了。Ecologists s

17、hould set about reducing noxious emission.6-8练习:很多政府决意修建更多艺术设施(artistic facilities)。Some governments set out with the intention of constructing more artistic facilities.6-9练习:并非每个年轻人都能成功创业。Not all the youngsters can set up in business successfully.7. send7-1练习:一些跨国企业(multinational enterprises)会将新员工派

18、往国外。Some multinational enterprises send their new employees to foreign countries.7-2练习:这些学生不应该被开除。The students should not be sent down.7-3练习:这种方法并不能降低失业率。The way cannot send unemployment rate down.7-4练习:燃油价格的上涨将使机票价格变高。The rise of fuel price will send the price of air tickets up.8. take8-1练习:学生们只好相信

19、老师的建议。Students take their teachers suggestions.8-2练习:我想以发展中国家为例。I would like to take developing countries as example.8-3练习:他们不会可怜乞丐。They are unlikely to take pity on beggars.8-4练习:父母们往往会感到很吃惊。Parents are often taken aback.8-5练习:很多家庭愿意收养流浪动物(stray animals)。Some countries would like to take in stray a

20、nimals.8-6练习:孩子们可能会受到这些广告的欺骗。Children may be taken in these advertisements.8-7练习:他们会逐渐染上吸烟的恶习。They will take to smoking gradually.8-8练习:网络游戏(cyber games)占用了他们大多数的空闲时间。Cyber games take up most of their leisure time.8-9练习:他们很难在其它国家安定下来。It is hard for them to take up residence in other countries.8-10练习

21、:他们可能会结交一些心怀叵测的人(evil men)。They may take up with some evil men.8-11练习:很多留学生会擅作主张退学(quit school)。Some international students take it upon themselves to quite school.8-12练习:利己主义思想(egoism)已经深入人心。Egoism has taken root.8-13练习:他们会将父母为其所做的一切视作理所应当。They tend to take everything that their parents do for them for granted.

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