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英语新同步译林必修四讲义Unit 1 Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unitReadingPrereading.docx

1、英语新同步译林必修四讲义Unit 1 Section Welcome to the unit Reading PrereadingIf you can get a few weeks off study, then try a volunteer holiday! A volunteer holiday is completely different from the normal kind of holiday that most people are used to. It lets you learn so much about the people and culture of the

2、 place that you choose to visit. It can be hard work, but most people think it is a special experience that may change their life. Another great benefit of a volunteer holiday is that you will meet likeminded people and you may become lifelong friends!Volunteer holidays are mainly divided into three

3、 kinds:*Helping the people who need help.*Helping to care for endangered wildlife.*Helping to protect the environment.If you want to go on a volunteer holiday, the first decision you need to make is where to go. A good way to plan a volunteer holiday is to work on a volunteer project. For example, G

4、lobal Volunteers is an organization which offers volunteer holidays in many places around the world. You can travel to a certain country, play games with the local children, and visit the local people. You might fix up (修理,装饰) a house or help with the gardening.Volunteer holidays can be as short as

5、a week, or as long as a year. Whats certain is that you will learn a lot about the place you go to, and you will return with some amazing memories.Section_Welcome_to_the_unit_&_Reading_Prereading原文呈现读文清障AdvertisementsNowadays, we can find advertisements almost wherever we go . We are so used tothem

6、that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day. I did some research on advertisements, and have some very important information to share with you.What is an advertisement?An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an

7、 idea. Newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio and television are the most common places to find them. There are two main types of advertisements commercial advertisements and public service advertisements (PSAs). A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product

8、 or service. PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.advertisement/dvtIsmnt/n.广告;广告宣传wherever we go是wherever引导的地点状语从句。用wherever不用where是表示强调。so .that .引导结果状语从句。be used to 对习以为常,习惯于,适应,to是介词。do research on 对进行研

9、究share vt.分享;分担;共有share sth. with/among sb.与某人分享某物persuade/psweId/vt.说服,劝说;使信服persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事commercial advertisements 商业广告public service advertisements 公益广告advertise/dvtaIz/vt.& vi.做广告;宣传定语从句which someone has paid for .修饰one。for free 免费be meant to 旨在,目的是welfare/welfe(r)/n.(个体或群体的)幸福、

10、安全和健康;福利广告现今,无论我们走到哪里,几乎都可以看到广告。我们对广告太习以为常了,甚至常常意识不到一天当中看到和听到多少广告。我对广告做了一些研究,有一些非常重要的信息同大家分享。什么是广告?广告使用文字和图片来说服人们购买某种产品或服务,或者是相信某种理念。报纸、杂志、互联网、广播及电视是最普遍的广告载体。广告主要分为两类商业广告和公益广告。商业广告是一种某人为了推销某种产品或服务而花钱做的广告。公益广告往往是免费投放的,旨在就健康、安全或其他影响公共福利的问题教育公众。Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?There

11、 are laws to protect people from advertisements that cheat people. However, we still must be aware of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things. Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent. One toothpaste ad declares, BrightTeeth fights bad breath! This sta

12、tement tries to fool you into assuming that the toothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that!All it says is that it fights it, and that is not the same thing at all. One grocery tells customers, You are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food? This ad is very cleve

13、r, because it tells customers they are good cooks. However, it never says that this grocery has the freshest food! The grocery just hopes that when you read the ad, you will feel pleased with the nice comment, remember the words freshest food, and make a mental connection with the food in the grocer

14、y. We must not fall for this kind of trick!,protect . from . 保护免受that cheat people为that引导的定语从句。cheat/tit/vt.& vi.欺骗;作弊n.骗子;欺诈行为be aware of 意识到skilful/skIlfl/adj.有技巧的;熟练的used in ads为过去分词短语作后置定语;to try and sell us things为不定式短语作目的状语。even if/though虽然,即使altogether adv.完全,全部,在句中表示强调。innocent/Insnt/adj.清白的

15、,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的bad breath n口臭breath/bre/n.气息;呼吸fool/ful/vt.欺骗;愚弄n.傻瓜fool sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做某事cure/kj(r)/vt.治愈;解决n.药物;疗法;对策本句中All后是省略了关系代词that的定语从句;第一个is后的that引导的是表语从句,that不可以省略。grocery/rsrI/n.杂货店pleased/plizd/adj.高兴,满意;乐于(做某事)be/feel pleased with . 对感到满意comment/kment/n.评论,评价vi.评论,议论comment on/a

16、bout 对的评论mental/mentl/adj.心理的;思想的,精神的;智力的fall for 上的当,受的骗trick/trIk/n.骗局;玩笑,恶作剧;把戏;诀窍 vt.欺骗,欺诈play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄广告会百分之百地讲真话吗?有法律保护人们免受虚假广告的欺骗。然而,我们还是要对广告中试图向我们推销东西的有技巧的方法保持清醒的认识。即使一则广告没有撒谎,也并不意味着这则广告就是完全“清白”的。一则牙膏广告宣称:“亮齿牌牙膏挑战口臭!”这一表述试图糊弄你,让你误以为这种牙膏可以治愈口臭,但真实上广告中并没有这样说!广告上只是说“挑战”,它与“治愈”压根儿就是两码事。有一

17、家杂货店,它对顾客如此说道:“您为自己的厨艺感到自豪,难道不应该购买最新鲜的食品吗?”这则广告很聪明,聪明就聪明在其吹捧顾客是烹饪高手。但是,这则广告本身却根本没说本杂货店供应的是最新鲜的食品!这家食品杂货店只是希望当你读到这则广告时,你会很乐于看到其中的恭维,记住“最新鲜的食品”这几个词,在心理上将其与该店里的食品联系起来。我们绝不能轻信这种小把戏而上当啊!Public service advertisementsNot all ads play tricks on us though. PSAs use some of the same methods, like attractive p

18、ictures and clever language, but they are made to serve the public. PSAs aim to teach us and help us lead better lives. Our government understands this and has been using PSAs to educate people for many years. China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in 1996, and since then vario

19、us types of PSAs have appeared around the country. You have probably seen or heard some of them yourself, such as, Yes to life, no to drugs and Knowledge changes life. These ads deal with widespread social concerns. There are also PSAs that encourage people to support public service projects, such a

20、s Project Hope. Its motto is Project Hope educating every child. There are even PSAs to teach us how to live healthy lives. One of these is, When you smoke cigarettes, you are slowly killing yourself. All of these ads are meant to benefit the public, and you can often learn a lot by following the ad

21、vice they give.Finally, I wish to tell you this: think about why you should do the things the ad suggests, or buy the product or service the ad promotes. When it comes to advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them!though 此处用作副词,意为“然而,不过”,常置于句末。not和表示整体意义的all连用,表示部分否定

22、。aim/eIm/vt.& vi.以为目标;瞄准 n目的,目标aim to do 打算做某事;旨在nationwide/neInwaId/adj.& adv.全国范围的(地),全国性的(地)worldwide adj.全世界范围内的campaign/kmpeIn/n.运动(为了某种目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)drug/dr/n.毒品;药,药物deal with涉及,关于;处理;应付encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事motto/mt/n.座右铭;格言,箴言to teach .为不定式短语作PSAs的定语, how to .为“疑问词不定式”作teach的宾语。ci

23、garette/sIret/n.香烟,卷烟benefit/benIfIt/vt.& vi.使受益;得益于n.益处;救济金;奖金benefit from 从中受益for the benefit of . 为了的利益they give是省略了关系代词that或which的定语从句,修饰advice。因为关系词在从句中作give的宾语,所以可以省略。句中why引导宾语从句,the ad suggests为定语从句,修饰things,the ad promotes为定语从句,修饰product or service。 promote/prmt/vt.推广,宣传;促销;促进,推动when it come

24、s to . 当涉及,当谈到intelligence/IntelIdns/n.智力,才智;情报slave/sleIv/n.完全受控制的人;奴隶公益广告但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。公益广告也使用某些相同的手法,如:引人注目的图片和具有创意的语言,但公益广告的目的是服务大众。公益广告旨在教育我们并帮助我们过上更好的生活。我国政府认识到公益广告的价值,因而多年来一直使用公益广告教导大众。1996年,中国在全国范围内开展了一场公益广告宣传活动,从那时起至今,全国范围内已经发布了多种类型的公益广告。你很可能也亲眼见过或亲耳听过其中的一些,如“珍爱生命,远离毒品”“知识改变命运”。这些广告所涉及的是一

25、些普遍的社会问题。但也有一些公益广告是鼓励人们支持公共服务项目的,如希望工程,其广告词是“希望工程让孩子们都上学”。甚至还有一些公益广告教导我们如何健康地生活,这类公益广告有一则是“吸烟等于慢性自杀”。所有这些广告都旨在使大众受益,遵循这些广告给出的建议,你往往可以学到很多东西。,最后,我想告诉大家:想想你为什么要做广告建议你做的事情,或者为什么要买广告推销的产品或服务。谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,不要做广告的奴隶!PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.1promoteAto make someone a

26、gree to do sth. by giving them reasons why they should2comment Bto stop someone from being affected by an illness3cheat Ca written or spoken remark giving an opinion4innocent Dto ask for information or advice from sb. because it is their job to know sth.5trick Eto help happen or develop6persu

27、ade Fan unfair thing you do to harm someone or get an advantage for yourself7cure Gto treat someone dishonestly8consult Hnot guilty of a crime9advertise Ifeeling happy about sb.10benefit Jthe ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things11intelligence Kto be useful to sb.or im

28、prove their life in some way12pleased Lto tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it答案:15ECGHF610ABDLK1112JILeadinCan you think about a good slogan for the following advertisements?1Shoes_can_fly!So_do_your_dreams!2.Enjoy_your_music,enjoy_your_Sony!

29、3Protect_water,protect_ourselves.4.Never_delete_green,keep_it_forever!WhilereadingFastreading1Skim the text and find the two main types of advertisements.Theyre commercial_advertisements_and_public_service_advertisements_(PSAs)2The author wrote this article in order to help_us_get_a_comprehensive/th

30、orough_understanding_of_ads.Carefulreading()True (T) or False (F)1Ads mainly use written words to persuade people to buy a product or service.()2Commercial ads have more effect on society than PSAs.()3Some skilful methods used in commercial ads are hard to recognize.()4Not all ads are run free of ch

31、arge.()5Not all PSAs deal with social concerns.()6An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.()答案:16FFTTTT()Choose the best answers according to the text.1What do advertisements encourage people to do?ATo buy something that they dont need.BTo buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea.CTo tell p

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