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1、四级词汇语法精华四级词汇语法复习资料第一讲 易混淆的名词及名词词组 6一、名词的数 6二、名词的所有格 6三、名词作定语 6四、容易混淆的名词 7五、常用的名词搭配 8第二讲 易混淆的动词 9一、历届四级试题中的动词 9二、答案及详解: 11第三讲 特殊动词的用法 14第四讲 短语动词 (记忆) 16第五讲 易混淆形容词及形容词词组 25一、易混的淆形容词 25二、常用的形容词固定搭配 25三、熟悉用作表语的形容词 12四、与比较级有关的几个短语 12第六讲 介词及易混淆的介词 13一、考试中常出现的介词词组 13二、简单介词 13第七讲 连词及容易混淆的连词 15一、连词用法辨析 151.

2、引导名词性从句 152. 引导状语从句 15第八讲 形近词 (记忆) 16一、概述 16二、四级大纲中的形近词 16语法部分 35第一讲 虚拟语气 35一、if 从句的用法 35A. 假设的情况有可能发生(不需要虚拟) 35B. 表示的是实际可能性不大,用虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想 35C混合条件句 36D虚拟条件句的倒装 36二、其他虚拟表达 36第二讲 非谓语动词 38一、非谓语动词考点 38A. 非谓语动词的时态和语态 38B. 非谓语动词的否定形式和物主代词的用法 38二、独立主格结构 38第三讲 倒装 39第四讲 状语从句 (更多例子) 41第五讲 名词性从句 (更多例子

3、) 42第六讲 定语从句(更多例子) 43第七讲 主谓一致 44第八讲 几种重要的时态 45一、关于现在完成 45二、关于现在完成进行时 45三、关于过去完成时 45四、关于过去完成进行时 45五、关于将来完成时 45第九讲 被动语态 46第十讲 情态动词 47一、情态动词概述 47二、几个重要的情态动词的用法: 47第十一讲 比较用法 49一、规则形式 49二、不规则形式 49三、比较结构 49四、比较结构中的省略问题 50五、有关比较结构的几点补充说明 50第十二讲 强调结构和省略 52一、强调结构 52A. 概述 52B例子 52三、省略(同时省略主谓) 53第十三讲 特殊句式 54第一

4、讲 易混淆的名词及名词词组I. 考点分析英语中名词词汇量比较大,对名词的全面掌握须从名词的种类、性、数、格、词意等几个方面入手。根据历年真题来看,名词考点在每次考题中大约占两题左右,而且对名词的考查并不复杂,基本上都是一些常用词的辨析,例如,2001年1月第59题中的四个备选答案affair, incident, case, event, 这些词语不难,只要了解它们的含义及在什么情况下使用,就很容易选出正确答案。下面就四级考试中所涉及到的考点进行归纳。一、名词的数1 一般地说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,没有复数形式。如advice, information, progress, work,

5、 cloth, courage, poverty, milk, butter, news, furniture, population等。These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you _ you need. (00/6/22) A) all the information B) all of information C) all the informations D) all of the informations 2 有少数外来名词有特殊的复数形式,如phenomenonphenomena, basisbases,

6、 analysisanalyses, bacteriumbacteria, criterioncriteria, crisiscrises 等。3 个别名词单复数形式一样,如Chinese, aircraft, sheep, deer, youth, series, species 等4 有些名词在使用中常用复数形式,动词也要用复数。如scissors, trousers, pants, glasses, belongings, surroundings, savings, wages, arms, remains, contents, thanks, earnings等;但有些名词其复数形式

7、可以表示特别的意思,如papers 文件, goods 货物,times 时代,customs 海关,关税,looks 外貌等5 有些以“-ics”结尾的表示学科的名词,其动词用单数形式,如phonetics, politics, physics, statistics 等。6 audience, family, group, committee, team, crew, public, staff等表示整体时为单数,表示具体每个成员时为复数。集合名词police, people, cattle, mankind等总是用作复数。7 合成名词构成复数时通常只将所包含的主体名词变为复数,如look

8、ers-on, sons-in-law, grand-children。如果没有主体词,可在词尾加“s”, 如grown-ups, go-betweens, drawbacks。8 以两个名词构成的复合名词(前面的名词为man或woman除外),一般把后面的名词变复数。如:boy friendboy friends, paper bagpaper bags。而当man, woman, gentleman和其它名词构成复合词时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定,也就是说:如果变复数,两个词一起变复数。如:men workers women teachers gentlemen official

9、s二、名词的所有格1 有生命的名词所有格一般在单数名词后加“s”,在以 “-s” 或“-es”结尾的复数名词后加 “”,如his wifes sister, childrens book, the teachers book。另外,表示国家、城市、时间、距离,拟人的名词以及机构活动等的名词也用这种形式,如todays China Daily, a miles distance, stations waiting-room, Chinas capital。2 表示无生命的名词的所有格可以用of表示,如the cover of the book, the speed of the machine。

10、3 如果是复和名词,在最后一个词上加“s”,如my brother-in-laws coat。4 如果两个名词共同拥有某物时,在最后一词上加“s”,如my father and mothers friend。5 在表示店铺、教堂的名字、某人的家等情况下,名词所有格后常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如the tailors (shop), the stationers (shop), St. Pauls (church), his sisters (home)。三、名词作定语英语中一名词可以直接修饰另一名词作定语,在这一点上与汉语相似,如rose garden, orange juice, stone

11、 house, eye drops, food industry等。另外,由连字符构成的复和名词作定语时,既不能用复数,也不能用所属格形式。 例如:1. I walked too much yesterday and _ are still aching now. (95/6/56) CA) my legs muscles B) my muscles of leg C) my leg muscles D) my muscles of the leg 2. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _ movie could

12、 not hold our attention. (96/1/31) BA) three-hours B) three-hour C) three-hours D) three-hours 四、容易混淆的名词affair 事务; incident 偶发的事件; accident 事故; event 活动,事变alcohol 酒精; wine葡萄酒analysis 分析;comment评论border 边界; margin 页边空白; side 旁边,面; edge 刃,物体边缘channel 渠道;approach 入口,方法;route 路线cover 盖子,覆盖物; coat (漆)涂层;

13、 layer 层custom 习俗 ; customs海关deliveries 递送,交付; transfer 转移,迁移;transportation 运输discount 折扣; account 叙述,报导duty 税,custom duties ; fare (车、船等)费; fee费,酬金evolution 发展,演变;revolution革命festival 节日; ceremony 仪式; activity 活动fine 罚款; debt 债务; bill 账单footprint 脚印; footstep 脚步(声)governor 地方长官; principal负责人,校长gra

14、ph 图表; photograph 照片; telegraph 电报habit 习惯; custom 风俗,习俗; hobby 业余爱好limit 界限; limitation 局限point点,要点;spot 污点,斑点,地点perspective 透视图,远景; prospect 前途,展望range 范围,幅度;extent 程度response 回应; reaction 反应; reflection 反映signature 签名; sign 标记,符号; signal 信号silence 寂静; calm 平静; peace 安静strike罢工; stroke击,报时的钟声sourc

15、e 来源; resource资源trace 痕迹(指人、事件等留下的迹象); track 足迹,轨迹variation 变异,变种;adaptation适应性变化,适应作用victim受害者;witness目击者五、常用的名词搭配absence from 缺席,离开admission to 准许application for 申请application to 应用于 approach to 通往的途径;接近belief in 相信cast /throw light on 阐明某事catch ones breath 喘气catch sight of 看见combination with 与的结合

16、comment on/upon 对的评论competition with /against 与某人竞争complaint about/of 对的抱怨concern about 对的关注contact with 与接触contribution to 对的贡献discussion on 对的讨论effect on 对的影响emphasis on/upon 着重于entrance to 进入,的入口exception to 例外excuse for 的借口exposure to 暴露于feel sympathy for sb. 对某人同情find fault with 找岔,批评gain/have

17、an advantage over 占有优势,比强give rise to 引起,导致give way to 为让路,被取代influence on 对的影响keep pace with 跟上的步伐limit to 对的限制lose(keep) ones temper 发(忍住不发)脾气 make a fortune 发财make fun of 取笑make use of 充分利用opinion about 对的意见passion for 对的热情prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见progress in 在的发展reaction to 对的反映reason for 的理由

18、responsibility for 对的责任solution to 的解决办法substitute for sth. 替代物take advantage of 利用take delight in 很高兴地做take delivery of 提取take into account 考虑take the place of 取代第二讲 易混淆的动词动词词义辨析是历年四级考试测试的重要内容, 约占Grammar and Structure 部分的六分之一,做好这一部分题的关键在于记准、记清楚单词的意思。搞好动词对阅读理解部分也有很大帮助。有一部分单词在四级考试中频繁出现,并且常是测试范围。如区分tr

19、ansfer,transport,transform,transmit 和rise,arise,raise 等等。下面列出了从1993年1月至2002年1月所有关于词义辨析的选择题,并给出了相应的汉语注释和例句来区分这些词语。一、历届四级试题中的动词1. Tyron was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _ storming into the bosss office. (02/1/49)A) avoid B) prohibit C) turn D) prevent 2. _ energy under the earth must be

20、released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. (02/1/61)A) Gathered B) Accumulated C) Collected D) Assembled 3. Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. (00/6/44)A) assembled B) accumulated C) piled D) joined 4. He _ to his customers and halved the price. (02/

21、1/65)A) leaked B) yield C) drew D) quoted 5. The author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years. (02/1/68)A) informed B) enlightened C) acquainted D) acknowledged 6. This ticket _ you to a free meal in our new restaurant. (96/1/22)A)

22、 gives B) grants C) entitles D) credits 7. A season ticket _ the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time. (01/6/37)A) grants B) promises C) entitles D) presents 8. The Car Club couldnt _ to meet the demands of all its members. (01/6/52)A) ensure B) guarantee C)

23、assume D) confirm 9. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. (01/6/53)A) gather B) generate C) assemble D) yield 10. Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience _ greatly to his success in public life. (93/1/69)A) contrib

24、uted B) owed C) attached D) related 11. Eating too much fat can _ heart diseases and cause high blood pressure. (01/6/55)A) contribute to B) attribute to C) attend to D) devote to 12. Cancellation of the flight _ many passengers to spend the night at the airport. (01/1/44)A) obliged B) demanded C)re

25、sulted D) recommended 13. I didnt _ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. (01/1/53)A) mean B) assume C) hope D) suppose 14.The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _ the other. (01/1/65)A) increasing B) emphasizing C) reinforcing D) multiplying 15. Our company decided to _ th

26、e contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. (93/6/64)A) destroy B) resist C) assume D) cancel 16. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _ it. (00/6/21)A) postpone B) refuse C) delay D) cancel 17. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfai

27、rly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _. (00/6/25)A) granted B) implied C) exaggerated D) remedied 18. Putting in a new window will _ cutting away part of the roof. (00/6/45)A) include B) involve C) contain D) comprise 19. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every ye

28、ar. (00/1/62)A) exhaust B) consume C) dispose D) swallow 20. Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion. (99/6/42)A) offended B) impressed C) bothered D) interfered 21.Features such as height, weight, and skin color _ from individual to individual and from face to face. (

29、96/6/29)22. The hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. (00/1/44)A) vary B)transfer C) alter D) shift 23. The price of beer _ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. (99/6/44)A) ranged B) differed C) altered D) separated 24. Thos

30、e gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _. (99/6/70)A) appealed B) appreciated C) applied D) approved 25. Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey. (99/1/49)A) stung B) stuck C) bitten D) scratched 26. Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city. (99/1/53)A) debate B) consult C) dispute D) bargain 27. I hope that youll be more careful in typing the letter. Dont _ anything. (99/1/55)A) lack B) withdraw C) omit D) leak 28. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and tha

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