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第二次课 中考记叙文教师版.docx

1、第二次课 中考记叙文 教师版第二次课 中考记叙文文体概述:记叙文是通过记叙人的言行和事情的过程,表达一定的中心思想的一种文体。通常以记人、叙事、状物为主要内容,达方式以叙述与描写为主。记叙文通常包括 what, who, when, where, why, how这几个要素。2015中考 (周晓菲)Write at least 60 words on the topic “I want to invent _ ”(以“我想要发明_”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:1、在答题纸上将题目补充完整。2、短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The fo

2、llowing is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考)It can be used toIt will be exciting/necessary/helpful to审题分析:1、 2015年上海中考写作是一篇典型的叙事类半命题作文,首先从题目来看,文章要我们写的内容非常简单,想要发明什么,生活中非常平凡的一个点,学生的思维应尽可能的拓展开来,不要局限于校园生活,可以多多思考日常生活领域,休闲娱乐领域,医学领域,航空科技领域等。2、 学生应在文章开头处开门见山描述出自己想要发明的某样东西,并且用1-2句话概括它的作用(大到对生活,对社会,对国家,对世界,对人类,小

3、到对家人,对朋友,对病人,对老人等等);接下来可以从2-3个方面介绍它的作用,可以适当给予事例解释,这一部分注意详略得当;最后对自己想要发明的东西做一个总结。3、 文章难度不大,考生需要思考好自己想要发明的东西,并且了解它的作用,从各个方面去介绍即可,当然可以用上题目给的参考句型,语言通俗易懂,文章逻辑要清晰,适当运用描述性形容词和连接词串联起文章,再加入1-2句从句为自己的作文加分。写作诊断:15年中考I want to invent a machine I want to invent a machine which can take me to any place i want to g

4、o in a moment. I cant find the correct way by myself. Although i was familiar with this place. Thats the reason why i want to invent this machine. Firstly,if i manage to invent it . People neednt bear the traffic jams any longer. More importantly people will on longer have the problem of being late

5、for work or school. In brief, i want to invent a machine what can take people to any place in a is quite useful!范文点评:I Want to Invent a Family Doctor Robot I want to invent a family doctor robot, which we can use to cure the illness without going out. As far as Im concerned, it will be ext

6、remely helpful and useful because of the following reasons. First, you can see the doctor immediately at home when you feel sick or get hurt. It can save us a lot of time, especially in emergency situations. Furthermore, hospitals today are always crowded with patients, so that not everyone can be t

7、aken good care of. However, with the help of our robot doctors, you can talk to your personal doctors one on one whenever you want.In short, family doctor robots can make a great contribution to our society.作文提纲:句子内容关键词/句观点句引入我想要发明一个家庭医生机器人(family doctor robot),这样不出门也能治病(cure illness without going o

8、ut)。承上启下句就我而言,我认为它会非常有用,(extremely helpful and useful)因为如下理由。(the following reasons)分论点一第一,你能在家立即看医生(see the doctor immediately),当你生病或者受伤的时候。( feel sick or get hurt)解释说明 它能节省我们很多时间(save us a lot of time),偶其实紧急情况下( emergency situations)。论点二另外,现在的医院总是挤满了病人(crowed with patients),因此不是每个人都能照顾得很好。(taken g

9、ood care of)解释说明然而,有了机器人医生的帮助,你能随时(whenever you want)和个人医生(personal doctors)一对一说话(talk)。总结总而言之,机器人医生能为我们社会做很大贡献。(make a great contribution to our society)语言进阶:1. with 引导伴随状语 with the help of 在.的帮助下用法:with 引导的伴随状语有很多的意思和用法,可以表示使用某种工具和手段;随着.;具有,带有等。 这本文章中是“随着.” 翻译为在. 的帮助下。With 写作时候的使用会使文章的表达地道,形象具体,对主

10、句进行说明。we reach our goal, with the help of the site A. Under B. By C. with D.on答案C 在网站的帮助下,我们达到了我们的目标。 With the help of 在.的帮会下,由于受汉语思维的影响此题较容易误选为 A . With the help of these questions, you can make plans to improve your skills. B.with C.for D.under答案B 在这些问题的帮助下,你就能制定计划提高水平。 With引导的伴随状语,with the h

11、elp of 在.的帮助下。翻译巩固:1.颜色随着气温变化而变化。_2.说完最后那句话,她转身就走了._3.随着中国经济的发展,中国正变得越来越强大。_1.Colour changes with the temperature.2.She turned and left,with that last remark。3.With the development of its economy, China is becoming more and more powerful. 2.Whenever 引导的时间状语从句 Whenever 无论何时词典例句:Whenever we met with d

12、ifficulties, they came to help us. 每当我们遇到困难时, 他们总来帮助我们。Whenever I think about this, I smile.每当我想起这些,我都会笑。 翻译巩固:1.无论这种情况何时发生,我只能自求多福_2.每当他挣到钱,他都把它花在购置图书上。_3.无论何时我去到一个国家,他们总是问我,我的宗教信仰是什么._1. Im all on my own whenever it happens.2. Whenever he get money, he spends it on books.3. Whenever I go into a fo

13、reign country, people always ask me what is my religion.3. One on one一对一词典例句:relations between them and us, one on one他们与我们的关系,一对一的关系。You can mirror someone by imitating their body language, gestures, movements and facial expressions during a one on one conversation. 你可以在一对一的交谈中通过学做他们的肢体语言、手势、动作和表情来

14、模仿他们。 翻译巩固:1.这个游戏是一对一的玩的。_2.一项新的叫做“一对一”的学习计划是用于帮助那些落后的小学生的。_3.不要评价别人,除非你已经和他们面对面的谈过话。_1.The game is played one on one.2.A new community program called One On One helps elementary students whove fallen behind.3. Dont judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one.二次修改

15、:_2014年中考真题 (周晓菲)Write at least 60 words about the topic “ This time next year“ (以“明年此时”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)你是否想象过,明年此时,你的生活会发生怎样的变化?你对自己或他人有怎样的期待?你能为此做些什么?)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following sentence patterns are for reference only. ( 以下句型仅供参考)I hope to /I hope that.Perhaps I will

16、.It will be exciting / necessary / terrible to .审题分析:1. 这是一篇命题作文,看似是记叙文其实是一篇叙中带议的文章,“明年此时”,题目比较抽象,给予了考生一定的想象空间,题目给的内容比较广泛,不是很具体,对学生来说不太容易套题,所以有一定难度。2. 再分析题目时,其实“明年今日”这个题目,终归还是围绕“我”进行的,以“我”为出发点,谈的还是学生自己,这点方便了学生有话可说,有情可抒发。3. 本文的时态应全部运用将来时,对未来生活进行展望,全文应表达积极向上阳光的信念,描述出自己生活的变化,对他人或自己的期待,自己该如何实现它,参考题目给的句型

17、组织文章结构,叙述清楚,逻辑清晰。案例分析: When it comes to future, frankly, I was afraid of it in the past. However, after thinking over it seriously, I am inundate with hope. Ill go to the Japan, enjoying the taste of sushi. Its wonderful to taste the best sushi with the unmistakably brackish tang of the sea. Secondl

18、y, nothing can be greater than Thailand. Im hope that Ill have the chance to try the extra chillies in a Thai salad which gives a conflagrant kick thats not for the faint-hearted. Finally, I cant miss Reblochon. It has the characteristic piquant, hogo flavor of so many French cheeses. Briefly, I onl

19、y live once, but if I do it right, once is enough. 范文点评:This Time Next YearLife is full of surprises, and thats why everyone longs for the future. Its exciting to imagine what the happy life will be like.At this time next year, I will be a high school student and make a lot of new friends. Meanwhile

20、, I hope to be more independent so that I will take part in a summer camp abroad to improve my spoken English. Whats more, I will help my parents do housework in order to know how to take care of myself when I am alone.All in all, this time next year, I will be happier and more independent. To achie

21、ve my goal, it is important to make plans and go for it. And I believe whenever the challenge is coming, the hope is always around the corner.作文提纲:句子内容关键词/句开头引入full of surprises, long for the future, imagine, exciting解释说明a high school student, make a lot of new friends希望要求meanwhile,more independent,

22、 summer camp abroad, improve my spoken English个人承诺 whats more,housework,alone, take care of myself总结+展望happier and more independent个人计划achieve my goal,make plans,go for it, important个人信念whenever the challenge is coming, around the corner语言进阶:1. Long for (期待,憧憬)中for是介词,后面加名词、名词词组或动名词形式。同意短语 looking f

23、orward to (期待)。词典例句 I long for freedom,if only for a while.我渴望自自由,哪怕只有一段时间。Most of all, friends long for an emotional connection.最重要的是,好朋友们渴望有情感上的共鸣。翻译巩固:1.我们都渴望能够得到尊重和关爱。_1.对金钱和权力的的渴望使他很羞愧,现在他拥有了这些._2.我们都渴望能够有关爱我们,原谅我们的错误,帮助我们避免犯幼稚错误的父母。_1.W e all long for respect and attention .2.It had shamed him

24、 to long for rights and money, and now he got them.3.We long for the parents who can care for us,forgive our errors,save us from our childish mistakes.2.Achieve ones goal 实现某人的目标.词典例句: one often has to work hard and be persistent to achieve ones goal.若要达到目标,就的努力工作,持之以恒。it is not easy to achieve ones

25、 goal,if there is not enough preparation.没有相当充分的事前准备,很容易导致失败的。翻译巩固:1. 我很自信我将达到我的成为科学家的目标。_2.每个人都尽力,我们一定会演出成功的。_3.如果有一个能够让我实现成为演员和歌手的机会就好了。_1.I am confident that I will achieve my goal of becoming a scientist.2.Everybody works together to achieve our goal, there is no doubt that we will make a great show.3.If there is a chance to achieve my goal that i can be a famous actor and singer.3.Around the corner(在不远处,即将来临)固定搭配词典例句: The Spring Festival is just around the corner.春节即将来临。 The rising commodity prices is a sign of overall inflation which is just around the corner.正在上涨的商品价格是

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