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1、最新北师大版九年级英语下册Unit7Storytelling精品教案1Unit 7 Storytelling一、学习目标1语言能力:通过本单元的学习,我们应该学会讲一些简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事;学会表达事物之间的结果、因果、让步和时间等逻辑关系。2语言技能:能听懂一些简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事;能口头讲述一些简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事;能阅读一些简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事;能写出一些古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事的梗概;能够写出简单的人物描述。重点掌握下列表达方式:She was so excited that she l

2、aid out all the jams.She was so worried that she couldnt sleep.It was such a wonderful story that I read it twice.It was so wonderful a story that I read it twice.Since Goldilocks was a very impolite girl, she didnt ask for permission.As she was very tired, she fell asleep.She didnt like the porridg

3、e because it was too salty.Even though he has a lot of money, he is not happy.Although they are very old stories, they are still very popular.It wasnt until the nineteenth century that people began to study fairy tales.They went from 0ne place to another until they came to a deep well.After I read t

4、he story, I decided to find out more about the author.I recognized that story as soon as I heard it.When a lion was asleep a little mouse began running up and down upon him.3文化意识:了解一些简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事,尤其是对于中外寓言故事,要深入分析其中蕴涵的寓意,从而了解中外一些不同的价值观。4实际应用:学习本单元之后,我们可以收集整理资料,举办一个故事会,专门讲述简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓

5、言故事;还可以用墙报的形式来书面展示自己最喜欢的、简短的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事。5学习策略:尝试阅读简短的古今中外的童话、神话、传说和寓言故事,并在阅读中利月图画等非语言信息理解主题。在阅读之后能够发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。在本单元中要求我们从阅读材料中发现的语言规律主要是指结果状语从句原因状语从旬、让步状语从句和时间状语从句的表达法。二、教学内容1语法A句型A 1ittle tailor was busy sewing in his house.The woman wasnt very happy with such a small sale and 1eft unhappil

6、y.He decided to travel around the world because he was tired of his little workshop.The bird flew out of sight.The tailor asked the king to catch the giant for him.It was the same with their chairs and with their beds, too.Our teacher insisted on checking everything himself before the party.Neither

7、the driver nor the passengers were hurt in the accident.My aunt was not only a beauty but also a very kind person when she was young.Little friends may prove great friends.Look before you leap.Do not count your chickens before they hatch.B语法结果状语从句She was so excited that she laid out all the jams.She

8、 was so worried that she couldnt sleep.It was such a wonderful story that I read it twice.It was so wonderful a story that I read it twice.原因状语从句Since Goldilocks was a very impolite girl, she didnt ask for permission.As she was very tired, she fell asleep.She didnt like the porridge because it was t

9、oo salty. 让步状语从句Even though he has a lot of money, he is not happy.Although they are very old stories, they are still very popular.时间状语从句It wasnt until the nineteenth century that people began to study fairy tales.They went from one place to another until they came to a deep well.After I read the st

10、ory, I decided to find out more about the author.I recognized that story as soon as I heard it.When a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him.词性转化有些词既可以用作名词,又可以用作形容词,如:final等。有些词既可以用作动词,又可以用作形容词,如:dirty等。有些词既可以用作副词,又可以用作形容词,如:long等。有些词既可以用作动词,又可以用作名词,如:report等。三、词汇教学 1a pie

11、ce of一块He was so angry that he hit them with a piece of cloth.他是如此生气,以致他用一块布打了它们。a piece of string一段细绳a piece of cake一块蛋糕a piece of furniture一件家具a piece of paper一张纸2be busy doing忙于做某事A little tailor was busy sewing in his house.一个小裁缝在屋子里忙着缝纫。My mother was busy cooking when I got home.当我到家时,我妈妈正忙着做饭。

12、3point to指向The giant pointed to a huge tree.巨人指向一棵大树。He point to the map to show me his hometown.他指着地图告诉我他的家乡(的位置)。4be tired of厌烦He was tired of his little workshop.他厌烦他的小工作室了。She was tired of the same old sandwiches.她已经吃厌了这种同样的三明治。5get off下来,脱下,出发,被容忍,动身,开始“Get off my jam.”the tailor shouted.“离开我的果

13、酱。”裁缝喊道。Get off my land.离开我的领地。He told me to get off at Qianmen station.他叫我在前门站下车。6once upon a time从前Once upon a time there was a family with three bears.从前有一个三只熊的家庭。Once upon a time there was a poor old fisherman.从前有一位贫穷的老渔夫。7look through穿过看,浏览She looked through the kitchen window.她透过厨房的窗户往里看。I loo

14、ked through all the drawers hut I still couldnt find the picture.我找遍了所有的抽屉但是仍然找不到那张照片。8be pleased with喜欢,对满意The boatman was very pleased with the gift.船夫很满意这份礼物。Bill was pleased with the results.比尔对结果很满意。9put on穿上,把放在上He put on his tiger shoes.他穿上了他的虎头鞋。He put the picture on the wall above his bed.他

15、把图画挂在床头的墙上。10step out of走出The woman in the picture stepped out of the picture.图中的女人走出了图片。You shouldnt step out of line.你不应该不排队。11fall in love with爱上She fell in love with the young man at the first sight.她对这个年轻人一见钟情。I think I have fallen in love with Tom.我想我爱上了汤姆。12take away取走,拿走The magic picture was

16、 taken away by the town official.这幅神奇的图被镇长拿走了。This should take away some of the pain.这应该可以减轻一些疼痛。13insist on坚持,坚决要求The son insisted on looking for his mother.儿子坚持要找妈妈。They insisted on giving me a second help.他们坚持再帮助我一次。14even though尽管Even though we are completely different, we are still great friend

17、s.尽管我们完全不同,但我们仍是很好的朋友。Oscar went ahead first even though he knew it was dangerous.奥斯卡走在最前头,尽管他知道有危险。15day and night. (=night and day)白天和夜晚,日夜,昼夜,整天The store is open day and night.商店整天都营业。We had to work day and night to get it finished.为了完工,我们不得不整天干活。16in the end最后,终于What did you decide to do in the

18、end?你最后决定做什么?In the end, he found his mother in a forest.最后他在森林里找到了妈妈。17from one place to another从一地到另一地They went from one place to another until they came to a deep well.他们从一个地方到另一个地方,直到他们来到一口深井。18up and down上下地They were all jumping up and down and screaming excitedly.他们都在上上下下地跳,兴奋地尖叫。The monkeys j

19、umped up and down all the time.猴子们一直在上上下下地跳。The lift sends people up and down every day.电梯每天送人们上上下下。19laugh at嘲笑,因发笑It is impolite to laugh at others mistakes.嘲笑他人的错误是不礼貌的。Dont laugh at the poor old man.不要嘲笑那个可怜的老人。20pass by经过,掠过They all waved as they passed by.他们走过时都在挥手。Will you pass by the superma

20、rket on your way home?在你回家的路上你经过超市吗?四、课文讲解和课文知识阅读l神话故事是民间故事的一种。神话故事世界是一个美妙神奇的世界,里面有国王、王后、王子、公主、仙女、会说话的动物和精灵。在神话故事里任何事都可能发生。没有人确切地知道神话故事从哪里来,因为他们已经存在几百年,一代代地流传。第一部神话故事集由法国作家查理斯佩罗(16281703)收集出版。他1697年出版的书中包括睡美人、小红帽和白雪公主等故事。(A fairy tale is a type of folk story. The fairy tale world is a wonderful, mag

21、ical world of kings and queens, princes, princesses, fairy godmothers, talking animals, and of course, sometimes fairies. Almost anything can happen in a fairy tale. Nobody knows exactly where many fairy tales came from because they were told and retold for hundreds of years. They were passed on fro

22、m one generation to the next. The first fairy tales were published by the French writer Charles Perrault(1628-1703). The book he published in 1697 included stories like Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella.)2The woman was so excited about this that she laid out all of her jams. 那个

23、妇女十分兴奋,于是把所有的果酱都摆了出来。lay out展开,铺开;设计,布置;花费。如:He laid out the map on the table. 他把地图铺放在桌上。I laid out all the photos on the table for them to look at. 我把照片铺放在桌上让他们欣赏。The gardens are beautifully laid out. 花园设计得很漂亮。How much did you lay out for your new ear? 你买的新车多少钱?3The giant picked up a rock and press

24、ed it until water came out. 巨人拿起一块石头,把它压出了水。pick up拾起,拿起。如:He cautiously picked up a few hairs on the sofa. 他小心翼翼地从沙发上拾起几根头发。Maria picked up her suitcase and went out. 玛利亚拿起旅行包走出了家门。Hearing the bell, I picked up the phone. 我听到铃声,拿起了电话。He picked up the apples on the ground. 他把地上的苹果捡了起来。4You take the

25、trunk and Ill carry the other end, which is much heavier. 你抬树干,我抬另一头,那可是沉得多啊。“which is much heavier”是一个非限定性定语从句,用来修饰“the other end”。定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。限定性定语从句用来表明先行词是谁、是什么,没有它,先行词的意思就不清楚。非限定性定语从句只是对先行词作补充说明,没有它,先行词的意思也很明确,从句和被修饰词之间用逗号隔开。如:We stayed at the hotel that Ann recommended to us. 我们住在安推

26、荐的酒店里。We stayed at the Grand Hotel, which Ann recommended to us. 我们住在毫华大酒店,这是安向我们推荐的住处。He passed the driving test, which is a big surprise to everybody. 他居然通过了驾照测试,大家都为这事感到吃惊。5The tailor enjoyed the trip on the tree so much that he soon fell asleep. 裁缝在树上十分舒服,很快就睡着了。fall asleep睡着了。如:Once after anoth

27、er, all three of them fell asleep. 他们三人一个接一个地睡着了。He fell asleep during the class. 他在课堂上睡着了。He fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow. 他头一碰到枕头就睡着了。6One morning, the bears made some porridge for breakfast and served it in their dishes. 一天早上,灰熊一家煮了一顿粥,盛入盘子当早餐。serve端上(食品,饮料),侍候。如:Could you a

28、ll come to the table? Were ready to serve. 请各位到餐桌就座,我们要上菜了。What time is breakfast served in this hotel? 这个饭店的早餐几点开?Were not allowed to serve alcohol in this club. 这家俱乐部里不允许卖酒。7The shoes are made of cloth and the front of them is made into a tigers head. 鞋子是用布做的,鞋头做成老虎头的形状。be made of由(指原料)制成。如:What is this drink made of? It tastes so nice and coo1. 这饮料是什么做的? 味道真好。 Do you think I am made of iron? 你认为我是铁打的吗? I believe your heart is made of stone. 我觉得你的心是石头做的。 be made from由(指原料)制成(加工后,原料不是原来的样子)。如: Nylon is made from air, coal and water. 尼龙是由空气、碳和水制成的。 The wine

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