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1、高考英语通用版完形填空练习47及答案2014高考英语通用版完形填空抓分练习(47)及答案完形填空(201年全国卷改编)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a busy morning,about 830,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment(约会)at 930.The nurse had him tak

2、e a seat in the waiting area,_1_him it would be at least 40 minutes _2_ someone would be able to see him。I saw him_3_his watch and decided,since I was _4_ busymy patient didnt_5_at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctors appoi

3、ntment.The gentleman said no and told me that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his_6_.He told me that his wife had been _7_for a while and that she had a special disease。I asked if she would be _8_if he was a bit late.He replied that she _9_ knew who he was,and that she had

4、not been able to_10_him for five years now。I was surprised,and asked him,“And you still go every morning,even though she doesnt know who you are?”He smiled and said,“She doesnt know me but I know who she is. I had to hold back _11_ as he left.Now I _12_ that the happiest people dont _13_have the bes

5、t of everything;they just_14_the best of everything they have._15_ isnt about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.1A.persuading BpromisingCunderstanding Dtelling2A.if BbeforeCsince Dafter3A.taking off BfixingClooking at Dwinding4A.very BalsoCseldom Dnot5A.turn up Bshow offCcom

6、e on Dgo away6A.daughter BwifeCmother Dsister7A。late BwellCaround Dthere8A。lonely BworriedCdoubtful far BneitherCno longer Dalready10A.recognize BanswerCbelieve Dexpect11A。curiosity BtearsCwords Djudgment12A.realize BsuggestChope Dprove13A。necessarily BcompletelyCnaturally Dfrequently14

7、A.learn BmakeCfavor Dtry15A.Adventure BBeautyCTrust DLife1解析:现在分词作伴随状语。答案:D2解析:It be time before.是固定句型,表示 “要过多长时间才”。答案:B3解析:我见他在“看表,从上下文可知老人赶时间.答案:C4解析:由于我预约的病人没有按时来,我 “不”忙。答案:D5解析:解释同上。答案:A6解析:从下文可知老人要赶去和“妻子”吃早餐.答案:B7解析:there指吃早点的地方。答案:D8解析:我问他如果他迟到一会儿,他的妻子会不会“着急”。答案:B9解析:从下文可知,老人的妻子“再也不”认识他。答案:C10

8、解析:妻子不认识他已有五年之久。答案:A11解析:hold back tears:忍住眼泪。答案:B12解析:我 “认识到最幸福的人不一定拥有最好的东西,他们只是充分利用所拥有的。答案:A13解析:参看12题解释。答案:A14解析:参看12题解释。答案:B15解析:“生活”不只是走过暴风雨的问题,而是要知道怎样在雨中跳舞.答案:D 完形填空-【解决方案与复习指南】完形填空出题的理论依据就是利用人们的视觉暂留和思维的连贯性特点,所以考生应该力图将短文中的空缺补充完整。具体做法如下:首先,通读全文,掌握主旨。正如英国语言学家泰勒所指出的:“完形填空测试题的空格是与文章的上下文有紧密联系的,而不是孤

9、立的、不相关的.”由此可见,要做好“完形填空,首先必须通读全文,抓住短文不设空的首句和一些关键词,弄懂全文大意。这样才能融会贯通,根据语境的需要选出既合乎语法又合乎语意的最佳答案.通读时,首先要弄清短文的第一句,这往往是一个故事的背景或是一篇文章的中心。其次,要抓住文章的脉络,掌握文章的线索,以便了解作者的思路。文章往往是以一定的时间顺序或以地点变迁为线索的。若以时间为序,要注意动词的时态、语态、人称变化等方面;如果以地点变迁为线索,则应注意在不同地点出现的人物和情节.如:A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very pow

10、erful tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and _21_. It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart(远离的);it can keep a_22_with very little effort.I will give_23_。 A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting_24_。We had been close as_25_but had grown apart. Our meetings were

11、 not_26_;our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels; and every effort to clear the air seemed to only_27_our misunderstanding。 Then he _28_a small island in the Caribbean and we_29_touch。 One day he wrote me a letter。 He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, sa

12、id how he felt, and encouraged me to_30_. Rereading the letter, I was_31_by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had_32_respected my older brother but_33_he no longer had them。 I had never known he could write so_34_. And with that one letter we became friends_35

13、_。It might never have occurred to_36_to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no_37_。For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch。 Because we live in an age of_38_communication(通信), people often_39_that they dont always have to

14、 phone or email. They have a_40_. And that is to write. 21A。received Brewritten Creturned Dreread解析:根据后文第二段后半部分提示(Rereading the letter)重读这封信,可知此空应为D项.答案:D22A.record Bpromise Cfriendship Dsecret解析:通读全文及第二段最后一句话And with that one letter we became friends.可知,文章讲述信件与友谊,故答案为C项。答案:C23A。an example Ba lesson

15、 Can experience Da talk解析:篇章结构。第一段综述,第二段为实例,此句为两段过渡句。译为:我来举个例子。故答案为A项。答案:A24A.through Btogether Calong Daway解析:根据后两句内容We had been。.arguments and quarrels. 可知长大后作者与哥哥“相处不好“,not get along意为相处不好,故答案为C项。答案:C25A.brothers Bchildren Cfellows Dclassmates解析:根据前文(We had been close。)及后文(but had grown apart)得知,

16、前后两句为反义词再现表达,后者为长大后关系疏远,前者必为儿时关系亲密,故答案为B项.答案:B26A。normal Bnecessary Cpleasant Dpossible解析:根据后句内容(arguments and quarrels)得知,两者会面不愉快,故答案为C项。答案:C27A。deepen Bstart Cexpress Dsettle解析:根据后两句内容,哥哥搬走,不再联系,可知误会更深,故答案为A项.答案:A28A。toured Bstopped Creached Dmoved to解析:根据后文内容哥哥在小岛上,可知应是搬去那里,故答案为D项。答案:D29A。lost Bk

17、ept in Cneeded Dgot in解析:前文哥哥搬走,后文有一天写信得知,有段时间未联系,故答案为A项。答案:A30A。think Bwrite Cenjoy Dread解析:由文中得知,作者谈论的是写信与友谊,上文哥哥通过写信告知近况,是想与弟弟通信息,此句应是鼓励弟弟写信,故答案为B项。答案:B31A.driven Bbeaten Csurprised Dhonored解析:根据后两句内容(I had never known he could write so。)得知,对哥哥的幽默及表达感到惊讶,故答案为C项。答案:C32A。never Bseldom Csometimes Do

18、nce解析:由第二段开头及本句得知作者与哥哥幼时友好并尊敬哥哥,所以此处应为曾经,故答案为D项。答案:D33A。realized Bjudged Cthought Dexpected解析:由前文中作者长大后与哥哥关系不友好及后文不知道哥哥能写得那么好,得知作者内心以为哥哥不再有那么好的表述。realized认识到;judged判断、断定;thought认为,以为;expected期待,预料;故答案为C项。答案:C34A.well Boften Cmuch Dsoon解析:由前文的惊讶,对哥哥的夸赞、尊敬得知,此处应表达好的意思,故答案为A项。答案:A35A.later Banyhow Ctoo

19、 Dagain解析:由第一段及第二段得知,作者与哥哥之间由于一封好信件恢复了友谊,故答案为D项。答案:D36A。us Banyone Csomeone Dmy brother解析:本句It might never have occurred to sb. to write me.。译为:某人永远都不会想起给我写信。由原文得知信是作者哥哥写的,故答案为D项.答案:D37A.mail services Btransport services Cphones Drelative解析:根据后句内容(communication/phone.。)及写信是必须的,得知此处没有电话,故答案为C项。)答案:C3

20、8A。poor Beasy Cpopular Dbusy解析:后文提到电话及电子邮件得知,此处指我们生活在一个通信方便的时代,故答案为B项。答案:B39A。believe Bdecide Cargue Dforget解析:根据本句前半部分方便的通信,人们总是打电话及发电子邮件,可知此处表达人们经常忘记我们还有写信这种方式,故答案为D项。答案:D40A。habit Bchoice Cmethod Dplan解析:最后两句表达内容相近,写信即为另一种选择,故答案为B项。答案:B*结束完形填空Words:309难度系数:建议用时:14分钟If you do anything unique,peopl

21、e will attack you for it。Self motivation(自我激励) depends on having a thick skin (厚脸皮),persisting _1_ criticism。But equally important is the ability not to let praise _2_ you,either.Because,praise and criticism are just _3_ of each other。The solution,both to prevent the _4_ of praise and the humiliatio

22、n (丢脸)of criticism,is to stop _5_ what other people think of you。Take what is practical from their feedback and _6_ the rest.Since you are the _7_ captain of your life,dont allow others to _8_ the ship。If I write an article,I _9_ receive a mix of positive comments and negative comments.For criticism

23、,I _10_ any actionable suggestions from their comments._11_ some notes that I made have a grammatical mistake in an article,Ill happily correct it._I2_,if someone feels the logic of my argument was _13_,I can make efforts to correct it in a future discussion of the topic。For praise,I take a _14_ app

24、roach.I thank the person for their comments,and see if there is anything practical from their suggestions.If several people _15_ a topic,I will know it is something readers are interested in and worth _16_ again.What I try not to do,_17_ both praise and criticism,is to let it get under my skin。If so

25、meone writes a(n) _18_ on my writing,Ill remind myself that this comment is just a small pebble(鹅卵石) on my course,and not to allow it to _19_ me。Similarly,if I get a piece of praise,Ill remind myself that this is just one _20_,and not to let it disturb me from the bigger terms of Binstead

26、 ofCin spite of Dexcept for解析:选C.自我激励依靠厚脸皮和坚持,尽管伴随着批评。2A.consume BassumeCrenew Doverlook解析:选A。但同样重要的是也不让表扬毁了你.3A。reflections BcontradictionsCinteractions Dpredictions解析:选A。因为表扬和批评正好是彼此反映的。4A。rates BpartsCoverload Dspeed解析:选C。应对表扬过度和丢脸的批评的办法是不要去在乎别人说什么。5A。caring BcomplainingCcomparing Dcorrecting答案:A

27、6A。identify BdescribeCremember Dignore解析:选D。吸取精华,去其糟粕。7A.single BonlyCordinary Dregular解析:选B。因为你是你自己生活的唯一主人。8A。process BreviewCcontrol Dsurf解析:选C。不要让别人控制你的人生。9A.generally BdeliberatelyCoriginally Dparticularly解析:选A。如果我写一篇文章,一般来说,肯定和否定的评论我都会收到。10A。run out Bturn outCwear out Dseek out解析:选D。对于批评,我会从中挑出

28、一些能付诸实施的建议。11A.While BIfCUnless DThough解析:选B。如果文章里我做的注释有语法错误,我会很高兴去改正它。12A.Or BHoweverCTherefore DBut解析:选A。或者,如果有人感觉我在论证上欠缺说服力,我会尽力修正.13A。slight BweakCprecise Devident答案:B14A.critical BcasualCsimilar Drelative解析:选C。对于表扬,我采取类似的方法。15A。disliked BcriticisedCagreed Denjoyed解析:选D。如果几个人都欣赏某个话题,我将知道这是读者感兴趣的

29、并值得以后再讨论的话题。16A。discussing BinspiringCsearching Dadvising答案:A17A。for BonCwith Dto解析:选C.对于表扬和批评, 我尽量不让自己生气.18A。range BattackCextention Ddetail解析:选B。从本句中的just a small pebble(鹅卵石)可知答案.如果有人抨击我的文章,我会提醒自己这个评论只是我生活进程中的一粒小小的鹅卵石。19A.include BneedCsurround Ddisturb解析:选D。不让它打扰到我。20A.view BreportCsignal Dquestion解析:选A.同样,如果我得到了一份表扬,我也会提醒自己那只是一种看法而已,我也不会让它阻碍我追求更高的目标。 完形填空(201年安徽卷改编)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. Most people give little thought to the pens they write with,especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very few things are handwritten。All too often,pe

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