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Unit 5 B.docx

1、Unit 5 BUnit 5 (B) New Words1. commence v., begin; start 开始After dinner, he commenced his homework. 吃过晚饭之后,他开始做家庭作业。The meeting commenced at ten oclock. 会议十点开始。2. thrust v., push with force and suddenly 推,冲We thrust our way through the crowd. 我们奋力穿过人群。The soldiers thrust toward the enemy. 士兵向敌人冲过去。3

2、. apart ad., 1. separate by a distance 分开地The two buildings are two hundred meters apart. 这两栋楼房相隔两百米。He and his wife are living apart. 他和妻子分居两处。2. (from) except for 除了.之外This is a good book apart from a few mistakes. 除了几个错误之外,这是一本好书。3. initial a., which is at the beginning of 起初的,开始的The initial talk

3、s were the base of the later agreement. 最初的谈判是随后达成协议的基础。 His initial answer was not good enough. 他最初的回答并不令人满意。4. initially ad., at the beginning 开始地,起先Initially, she objected to the plan, but later she changed her mind. 起先,她反对这一计划,但后来改变了主意。 She took interest in it initially, but she was not interest

4、ed very long. 她一开始感兴趣,但这兴趣并没有保持多久。5. intense a., strong (in quality or feeling) 强烈的She suddenly felt intense hate for her husband. 她突然非常憎恨丈夫。 The farmers worked despite the intense heat. 尽管天气炎热,农民仍然在干活。6. bleed vi., lose blood 流血The cut on his finger was bleeding. 他手指上的伤口在流血。My heart bled for those

5、poor children. 我为这些可怜的孩子感到非常难过。7. haste n., quick movement or action 匆忙In his haste, he forgot to put on his coat. 匆忙之中,他忘记穿上外衣。He shut the door with haste. 他急忙关上大门。8. approach vt., come near to 靠近,接近The teacher approached me and asked whats wrong with me. 老师走近我,问我怎么了。 n., 1. U the act of coming nea

6、r 靠近,接近The approach of winter brings cold weather. 冬天将至, 天气转冷。2. C a means or way of entering 途径All the approaches to the town were guarded by soldiers. 所有进城通道都有士兵把守。3. C to a way or method of doing sth. 方式,方法He didnt want to use the new approach to English teaching. 他不愿意采用新方法教授英语。8.trial n. (pl.)【体

7、】预赛,选拔赛2. (an act of) testing to find quality, value, or usefulness 实验,检验 The trials show that the medicine is quite effective in treating the disease. 实验表明这一药物治疗这种疾病很有效。3. (an act of) hearing and judging a person or a case in a court审判 Their trial will be held next week. 对他们的审判将于下周举行。9. significant

8、 a., of major importance重要的 Your success today must be significant for your future life. 你今天的成功对你未来的生活很重要。Does the report give all the significant facts of the case? 这份报告提供了涉及这个案件的所有重要证据吗?10. endanger vt. cause danger to 危及,使遭受危险You will endanger your health if you smoke. 你如果吸烟, 就会危及健康。11. spill v.,

9、 pour out 溅出,溢出My hand moved by mistake and I spilled my drink on my leg. 我一失手把饮料泼到了腿上。The waiter spilled coffee on the table. 侍者将咖啡泼在了桌上。12. adopt vt., 1. take into ones family and take on the duty as a parent 收养 He lost his parents at the age of three and was adopted by his uncle. 他三岁时失去双亲,由叔叔收养。H

10、is parents were so poor that he had to give up adopting him.他父母亲很穷,只好放弃抚养他。2. use 采取, 采用 We adopted a new method to solve the problem. 我们采用了新方法解决这个问题。I like your methods of teaching and I will adopt them in my teaching. 我喜欢你的教学方法,并将在教学中采用这些方法。 13. adoption n. 1. the act of adopting 收养They gave their

11、 babies up for adoption. 他们放弃抚养孩子。If you cannot have your children of your own, why not consider adoption? 如果你们不能生育,为什么不考虑收养孩子?2. the act of using 运用,使用,采用Without the adoption of your ideas, they would have suffered such a heavy loss. 要是没有采纳你的意见,他们就会蒙受重大损失。14.gym (gymnasium) n. physical training; a

12、hall for physical training 体操, 体育训练;体育馆a gym class体育课a gym teacher体育教师15. explore vt., 1. travel into or through (a place) for the purpose of discovery探索,探讨 A group of scientists were sent to explore the valley. 一个科学家小组被派去探索这个河谷。 The space station is a useful instrument in exploring outer space. 空间站

13、是探索太空的有用工具。2. examine carefully探讨,仔细研究In his report, Frank explored the chance of building a dam on the river. 在报告中弗兰克探讨了在江上建造大坝的可行性。The history professor explored the causes of the revolution.这位历史学教授仔细研究了革命发生的原因。16. mug vt., steal from and/or treat in a rough way抢劫I was walking out to my car when a

14、 man tried to mug me. 我正朝汽车走去,突然有人试图抢劫我。17. prior a., earlier; coming or planned before 先前的;预先的I was unable to attend the party because of a prior appointment.由于事前另有所约,我不能参加晚会。He said that he had no prior knowledge of the meeting.他说他事先对这次会议 的情况一无所知。18. platform n., 1. a raised floor of boards for sp

15、eakers,performers, etc.讲台,舞台She spoke from the platform. 她在讲台上发表演讲。Please speak to the platform. 请对着台上讲。2. a board for jumping off to give height to a dive or jump 跳板19. mostly ad., mainly; in most cases or most of the time 主要地She used her car mostly for her job. 她的车主要用于上班。 The guests were mostly her fathers friends. 这些客人主要是她父亲的朋友。20. unfortunately ad., with regret or sad feelings 不幸的是;遗憾地Unfortunately, we arrived too late to catch the plane. 遗憾的是,我们来得太迟,没有赶上飞机。21. coach n., a person who trains people in different sports for games, matches, etc. 教练 He has been a football

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