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1、高考英语复习Unit2Healthyeating教案Unit 2 Healthy eating一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1.muscle n肌肉;(食用)瘦肉2.digest vi.& vt. 消化n. 摘要;概要3.glare vi. 怒目而视;闪耀n. 怒视;炫目的光4.spy vi.& vt. 窥探;秘密监视n. 间谍;侦探5.roast adj. 烤制的vt.& vi. 烤;烘;烘烤6.obesity n. 过度肥胖7.garlic n. 大蒜8.cooperation n. 合作;协作9.breast n. 胸部;乳房10.fibre n. 纤维;纤

2、维制品11.vitamin n. 维生素12.protein n. 蛋白质.重点单词(写其形) n日常饮食vi. 节食2.fry vt.& vi. 油煎;油炸3.slim vi. 变细;减肥adj. 苗条的;纤细的4.lie n. 谎话;谎言vi. 说谎5.customer n. 顾客;消费者6.consult vt. 咨询;请教;商量7.sigh vi. 叹息;叹气n. 叹息;叹息声8.debt n. 债;债务9.hostess n. 女主人;女主持人 n. 折扣 .拓展单词(通其变)1.balance n天平;平衡vt.平衡;权衡balanced adj.

3、均衡的2.curiosity n好奇心curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地3.weakness n缺点;虚弱;弱点weak adj.虚弱的4.strength n强项;长处;力量strengthen vt.加强;巩固strong adj.强壮的;坚强的5.limit vt.限制;限定n.界限;限度limited adj.有限的limitation n范围;限制6.benefit n利益;好处vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有益的bine vt.& vi.(使)联合;(使)结合combination n结合;联合语境活用1.Child

4、ren are always curious about everything they see and hear.They will ask all kinds of questions curiously.To meet their curiosity,_wed better answer them patiently.(curiosity)2.David has a strong body.He has the strength to do this hard work.We had better strengthen the relationship with him.(strengt

5、h)3.Everyone knows the benefit of learning English and if you learn it well, it will be beneficial to your future career.It is reported that many graduates have benefited from having a good command of English.(benefit)4.We cant always combine work with pleasure, and the combination is hard to get.(c

6、ombine)5.The natural resources we have are limited.Therefore we have no reason to waste the precious resources without limit.(limit)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.lose_weight体重减轻;减肥2.get_away_with 受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚3.tell_a_lie 说谎4.win_.back 赢回;重新获得5.earn_ones_living 谋生6.in_debt 欠债7.spy_on 暗中监视;侦查8.c

7、ut_down 削减;删节9.before_long 不久以后10.put_on_weight 增加体重11.glare_at 怒目而视12.balanced_diet 平衡膳食13.for_the_benefit_of 为了的利益14.keep_fit 保持健康1.Though Jenny is the best student in study, she shouldnt get_away_with telling a lie.2.Many people who live along the coast earn_their_living by the fishing industry.3

8、.You smoke too much, you should try to cut_down in order to keep healthy.4.Before_long,_he decided to return to the small village where he once lived to help those poor children.5.Since his mother has been ill for a long time, he is heavily in_debt.6.You eat the foods containing too much sugar and f

9、at, which makes you put_on_weight easily.7.The government will have to work hard to win_back the confidence of the people.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.“Nothing could be better,” he thought. 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。就我看来, 没有什么比阅读更让人愉快的了。As far as Im concerned, nothing_could_be_more_pleasant tha

10、n reading.2.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.要是李昌不像往常那样到他的餐馆里来吃饭,那问题一定严重了。as引导方式状语从句。要是他不像以前那样微笑的话,那他肯定是遇到了令他不高兴的事。Something unpleasant must have happened to him if he didnt smile as_he_always_did.3.He could not have Yong Hui

11、getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!cant have sb.doing sth.“不允许某人做某事”。我不允许你用粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。I cant_have_you_speaking_to_your_mother in a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.4.According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet. 根据我的

12、研究,你我两家餐馆所提供的都不是平衡膳食。neither .nor .意为“既不也不”。我们的学校位于美丽的天津市,在秋天它既不太热也不太冷。Our school lies in Tianjin City, which is beautiful.In autumn, it is neither_too_hot_nor_too_cold.二、课堂重点深化1balance n天平;平衡vt.平衡;权衡自主体验 单句语法填空Before making the final decision, youd better balance the advantages against the disadvan

13、tages.Youd better keep a balanced (balance) diet for the benefit of your health. 补全句子When the boy was running after his brother, he lost_his_balance and had a bad fall.当小男孩跑着追哥哥时,他失去平衡重重地跌了一跤。系统归纳(1)balance A against B 权衡/比较A和B(2)balanced adj. 平衡的;均衡的keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食(3)keep the balance o

14、f nature 保持生态平衡keep ones balance 保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡重点强化 佳句时时写你太努力工作了,你最好在工作和休闲之间保持平衡。You are working too hard.Youd better keep_a_balance_between_work_and_relaxation. 僻义牢牢记I must check my bank balance before I decide to buy the car.余额2lie v说谎;躺下;位于n.谎言;谎话自主体验 单句语法填空My mother wont have me lyin

15、g (lie) to her no matter what happens.The town lies (lie) on the coast with amazing scenery, which attracts many visitors every year.He didnt finish his homework last night so he told lies (lie)The survivors lay (lie) on the beach, exhausted and shocked.系统归纳(1)tell a lie/lies 撒谎;说谎a white lie 善意的谎言(2)lie to sb. 向某人撒谎lie in 在于重点强化 易错对对碰(lie/lay)The boy lying on the ground lied to hi

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