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人教版九年级英语全册教师用书Unit 3.docx

1、人教版九年级英语全册教师用书Unit 3Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?1It serves delicious food. 它提供美味的食物。(1)serve sth.(with sth.),意为“提供某物(配某物)”;serve sb.serve sb.sth.,意为“用款待某人”。如:He served us a big plate of chicken. 他给我们端上一大盘鸡肉。(2)serve作动词,意为“够吃(用)”。如:This dish will serve four people.这盘

2、菜够四个人吃。(3)serve作动词,还意为“接待;服务”。如:Are you being served?有人接待您吗?(4)有关serve的习惯用语:It serves sb. right (for doing sth.)某人咎由自取/罪有应得;serve your/its turn(在某方面或某期间)发挥作用;serve two masters 侍奉二主。2suggestsuggest意为“建议”,其后可跟名词、动词ing形式及宾语从句。跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即should动词原形,其中should可省略。如:He suggested a twoday stay i

3、n Beijing on the way home.他建议回家途中在北京停留两天。My father suggested sending for a doctor at once.我父亲建议马上派人请个医生。The teacher suggested that we (should) speak English as much as possible in class.老师建议我们尽可能在课堂上多讲英语。3depend on取决于depend on名词/代词/宾语从句,意为“视而定;取决于”。如:Our success depends on how well we can work with

4、one another.我们的成功取决于我们相互合作得有多好。The price of this kind of product depends on its quality instead of its size.这种产品的价格取决于它的质量而不是它的尺寸。4lead into a request 引入到一个请求lead是及物动词,意为“领导;带领;引路”,过去式和过去分词均为led。lead into意为“引入;导入”,其中into是介词,其后跟宾语。如:We often use “excuse me” to lead into a request.我们经常用“excuse me”来引入一

5、个请求。【延伸】lead的其他常见用法:(1)lead do sth.导致某人做某事。如:What led you to believe it? 是什么使你相信它的?(2)lead to导致;通向。如:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。5include包括;包含(1)include是及物动词,意为“包括;包含”。如:This plan includes most of your suggestions.这项计划里包括了你们的大部分建议。Our group included two engineers, one doctor and twenty work

6、ers.我们队共有两名工程师、一名医生和二十名工人。(2)include后可接动词ing作宾语,但不接不定式。如:My job doesnt include making coffee for the boss. 我的工作并不包括为老板煮咖啡。(3)如果句子中已经有谓语动词,则可使用including(介词)。如:We have many subjects to learn, including science and history.我们有很多科目要学,包括科学和历史。如何问路以及应答1问路的常用表达方式(1)Excuse me, can you tell me where I can bu

7、y some medicine?打扰一下,请问哪里能买到一些药?(2)Pardon me, do you know where the nearest hospital is?打扰一下,请问离这最近的医院在哪?(3)Could you tell me how I can get to the bank?你能告诉我去银行怎么走吗?(4)Could you please tell me if there is a school near here?请问这附近有学校吗?(5)Which is the way to the post office?哪条路是去邮局的?2指路的常用表达方式(1)Go/Wa

8、lk along/down the street./Go across the street./Go past the bank.沿着这条街道走。/穿过街道。/走过银行。(2)Take the first turning on the right/left.在第一个拐弯处向右走/向左走。(3)Turn right/left at the second crossing/turning.在第二个十字路口/转弯处右转/左转。(4)Go straight ahead until you see a tall green building.笔直向前走,直到你看见一幢高耸的绿色建筑物。(5)Go on

9、until you reach the end of the road.一直往前走,直到你走到马路的尽头。(6)You can see the park on your right/left.你可以看见公园在你的右边/左边。(7)The park is between the hospital and the school.公园在医院和学校中间。(8)Its about 500 meters from here. You cant miss it.离这儿大约500米远。你不会错过它的。(9)Im not sure how to get there.我不确定怎么去那里。(10)There is

10、a supermarket at the end of the street.这条街道的尽头有一家超市。宾语从句(二)1whether与if的区别whether与if都可引导宾语从句,意为“是否”。在引导一般疑问句形式的宾语从句时,两者可替换。但当从句具有选择意义,且含有or或or not时,往往用whether引导,有时也可以用if。与or not直接连用时,只能使用whether。当一般疑问句形式的宾语从句被置于句首或作介词的宾语时,必须由whether引导。另外,在动词不定式前只可使用whether。如:I wonder whether he will invite us to the

11、party or not.我想知道他是否会邀请我们去参加聚会。She didnt tell me whether or not she would go there by plane.她没有告诉我她是否会乘飞机去那里。Im thinking about whether we can park the car there.我在想我们能否把车停在那里。They havent decided whether to spend the holiday in Beijing.他们还没决定是否去北京度假。2I think/believe/suppose/guess后面的宾语从句后面的宾语从句如果是否定意义

12、的,则否定要前置。如:I dont believe he will come tomorrow.我相信他明天不会来。3do you think作插入语疑问词放在句首,注意仍然要用陈述语序。如:Who do you think is the most hardworking student in our class?你认为谁是我们班里学习最用功的学生?What do you think he will talk about?你认为他将谈些什么?4句子已经是陈述语序,用在宾语从句中不必再变语序如:Who is over there?; Whats the matter?; Whats wrong?

13、; Which is the way to.?; What happened?; Which song is the best one.?等。5when和if引导的宾语从句要注意区别引导的是宾语从句还是状语从句。如:I wonder if it will rain this afternoon. 我想知道今天下午是否会下雨。(宾语从句)I wont go climbing if it rains this afternoon.如果今天下午下雨,我就不去爬山了。(条件状语从句)I dont know when my father will come back.我不知道我爸爸什么时候回来。When

14、 he comes back, Ill call you.当他回来时,我会打电话给你。(前者为宾语从句,后者为时间状语从句)一、完形填空My name is Philippe and my wifes name is Sophie. Were from _1_. Recently we were faced with a _2_ situation while traveling by car in the mountains with our hired driver. Just as we began to doze(打盹), the car made a strange, loud no

15、ise and then _3_ working. We tried communicating with the driver _4_ with little success because he couldnt speak French. He tried to tell us with body language that he was going to get help and then he left. We were in a poor area, with _5_ houses in sight. We started to hear the cries of wild anim

16、als. Sophie was very afraid. We didnt have much food and it was getting _6_ and darker. I began to lose _7_. Should we leave the car? Would our driver ever _8_? Was he a trustworthy man? We were very worried. A couple of hours passed. _9_, the headlights from another car appeared in the dark. A man

17、got out of the car. Finding us cold and hungry, he kindly asked us to _10_ his car._11_ we left, he put a note on the windshield of the car with his phone number on it. Then he drove us to a nearby village, and we met his family. His cousin spoke French and he _12_ us tea and local food. _13_ asked

18、us questions and they were excited to have unexpected guests. Later that evening, the phone rang. It was our _14_. He had kept his word and fixed the car. I will _15_ forget the warmth we received on that day because we depended on a complete stranger for help.()1.AAmerica BGermany CFrance DBrazil()

19、2.A.difficult Bsuitable Cpleasant Dhopeful()3.A.started Bstopped Ccontinued Dfinished()4.A.because Bso Cand Dbut() Bsome Cseveral Dmany()6.A.colder Bwarmer Cheavier Dlighter()7.A.memory Bway Cconfidence Dinterest()8.A.leave Breturn Cdrive Dwait()9.A.Suddenly BSadly CExactly DSafely()10.A.get t

20、o Bget on Cget off Dget into()11.A.WheneverBAfter CBefore DUntil()12.A.donatedBoffered Csold Dlent()13.A.Someone BNo one CEveryone DAnyone()14.A.farmer Bwaiter Cdoctor Ddriver()15.A.almost Bsometimes Cusually Dnever二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1If you hit someone by accident, you can say sorry _2You should say “

21、Excuse me” before _ others.3On weekends, I often go to the English _ to practice speaking English.4Can you tell me his _? Ill visit him.5The beach here is surprisingly _, which has only a small number of people.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1We cant post letters without _(stamp). 2Do you know if there are any _(rest

22、room) around here?3We have to study about eleven _(course) in the school, so we are very busy.4Sometimes my English teacher spends a few minutes _(lead) in a new word.5The college students should learn two foreign _(language)6Its all right _(ask) your friends for help.7My father then took the old ma

23、n to the_(near) hospital to be treated, for he did not seem very well.8Its _(convenient) to take a taxi to the station than to take a bus.9Look at the _(grape) on the tree. I want to pick them.10We enjoy lying on the grass in the _(center) park of the city.11The rude man is speaking to his mother _(

24、polite). 12I check _(mail) every day when I get back home.13Nick is one of the most popular _(speak) in the world.14She _(suggest) visiting the singer, and they agreed.15The number of foreign players, _(include) Chinese players, in the NBA has increased.16Youre shy and you dont _(normal) like meetin

25、g people.17The _(express) on their faces showed they were very excited.18Some people have a very poor sense of _(direct)19What a_(fascinate) beach it is! You can take lots of photos here. 20Remember her birthday and get her something, even if its simple and _(expensive)四、根据中文提示完成短文 Boys and girls, p

26、lease stay together. Lets 1_(匆忙;赶快) up and begin our class trip to the museum at the 2_(拐角;角落) of Guangming Street. The visit starts on the first floor. Pay attention to the 3_(信息) about the technology in the old days. Spend as much time as you can looking at the exhibits, but dont 4_(触摸) them. Then

27、 well go upstairs to the second floor. After we arrive at the Inventors of the 20th Century Room, please read the 5_(发明) stories and look at some 6_(现代的;当代的) inventions as well. It is 7_(不礼貌的;粗鲁的) to talk aloud in this room. When you look at these inventions, think about how they can make our lives

28、more comfortable and 8_(便利的;方便的) When you have finished looking at the things on show, take an elevator up to the fourth floor. You can go to the cafe for a drink, but you are 9_(要求;请求) not to stay too long. If you want to know more about the museum, you can 10_(搜索;搜查) the museums website. Please ha

29、nd in your reports about your visit next Monday.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 If you ask people from different countries “Could you tell me 1_ way to the post office?”, you will get different answers. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will

30、 say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across 2_ the bus stop.” In Kansas, America, there are no towns or 3_(build) within miles. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance. For example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east,

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