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最新届高考英语二轮专题总复习 完形填空精选 精.docx

1、最新届高考英语二轮专题总复习 完形填空精选 精2018届高考英语二轮专题总复习完形填空精选(一)1All the birds came to the magpie to ask how to build nests(巢)The magpie is the _1_ of all at building nests._2_ she put them round her and began to _3_ how to do it.First,she took some mud(泥)and made a round cake with it.“Oh,thats _4_ its done!”said t

2、he thrush,and it _5_ away.Then the magpie took some twigs(树枝)and put them round in the _6_.The blackbird said,“Now I _7_ all about it!”and flew off.Later the magpie put another layer(层)of mud over the twigs.“Thats quite obvious!”the owl said and flew away._8_ this,the magpie took some twigs and put

3、them round the outside.“The very thing!”said the sparrow,and it went off too.Then the magpie took some feathers(羽毛)and covered the inside of the nest very _9_ with them.“That suits me!”cried the starling,and off it flew.So it _10_,every bird taking away some _11_ of how to build nests,but none of th

4、em waiting to the _12_.The magpie went on working without noticing till the only bird that _13_ was the turtledove.He hadnt paid any _14_ all along,but only kept on saying its silly cry,“Take two,take twoooo!”The magpie said,“One is _15_.”But the turtledove kept on saying,“Take two,take twoooo!”The

5、magpie got _16_ and said,“You just need one,I tell you!”Still the turtledove cried,“Take two,take twoooo!”At last,the magpie _17_ up but she saw _18_ near her except the silly turtledove,and then she flew away and _19_ to tell the birds how to build nests again.That is why different birds build thei

6、r nests _20_.本文是一则寓言。由众鸟向喜鹊学习如何建巢的故事阐明:不专心则无法精通一门知识或技能。1A.busiest BfattestCcleverest Dsmallest解析由众鸟求教的事实可知:喜鹊在众多鸟中是“最聪明的(cleverest)”,它筑的鸟巢最好。 答案C2A.Because BButCSo DHowever答案C3A.remember BshowCwatch Dhear解析“于是(So)”喜鹊把鸟儿们聚集在它周围开始“展示(show)”如何筑巢。 答案 BwhenCwhere Dwhy答案A5A.drove BswamCclimbed Dfle

7、w解析画眉认为自己已经知道了“如何(how)”筑巢,就“飞走了(flew)”。下文多次出现的flew off以及flew away都是提示。 答案D6A.hole BgroundCtree Dmud解析根据上文she took some mud可知这里指喜鹊把一些细枝绕圈插在泥上。 答案D7A.receive BexplainCtell Dknow解析黑鹂也认为自己“懂得了(know)”全部筑巢的技能。 答案D8A.On BByCAfter DBefore解析做完了那一步之后,它又取了点树枝插在外边。 答案C9A.strangely BcomfortablyCdangerously Dheav

8、ily解析放一些羽毛在鸟巢里面是为了“舒适(comfortably)”。 答案B10A.went on Bgave upCfell down Dgot up解析从事实判断:它“继续(went on)”教大家如何筑巢,而鸟儿们一个一个地飞走了。 答案A11A.cost BstoryCknowledge Dnews解析每一只鸟都学会了一些筑巢的“知识(knowledge)”。 答案C12A.foot BrestCstart Dend解析但是没有一只鸟能坚持听到“最后(end)”。 答案D13A.left BremainedCdied Descaped解析从事实判断:这时,只“剩下(remained

9、)”斑鸠还在。 答案B14A.attention BmoneyCvisit Dprice解析根据but only kept on saying its silly cry的转折可知在喜鹊讲如何筑巢时,斑鸠根本就没有“注意(attention)”听。 答案 BnecessaryCenough Dpossible解析下文的You just need one可知,喜鹊认为一个鸟巢就已经“足够 了(enough)”。 答案C16A.ill BbeautifulChungry Dangry解析斑鸠一直在这样叫,很烦人,所以喜鹊很“生气(angry)”。I tell you的语气是提示。

10、 答案D17A.handed BlookedCgrew Dturned答案B18A.nobody BsomebodyCanybody Deverybody解析根据上文went on working without noticing可知喜鹊忙着教大家如何筑巢,没注意发生了什么,当它“抬头一看(looked up)”时,发现只剩下了斑鸠,除此之外,“没有别的鸟(nobody)”。 答案A19A.hoped BcontinuedCrefused Dstopped解析从此之后它“拒绝(refused)”再给其他鸟讲如何筑鸟巢。 答案C20A.happily BslowlyCcarefully Ddif

11、ferently解析本空前的different提示:这就是为什么不同的鸟筑的巢“不同(differently)”的原因。 答案D2I left baseball not for physical reasons but because it was my season for change. So I decided to walk away and _1_ I did, like the vast majority of players, I was _2_.It would be the first time since I learned to swing a bat that I wo

12、uld spend an entire summer _3_ ever putting on a uniform.For me, the moment was hard completely without the guiding wisdom of my father, who could _4_ with me with just a nod of his head. He passed away two years ago.Since my _5_,I have been searching for the next passion. It is a(n) _6_ journey, an

13、d many players never find their next love.Of course my father could never be replaced. He was a doctor,_7_ his passion was writing. He left behind a body of poetry that _8_ me now. Outside of the original collection of poetry I have, he left behind two books he published on his own.I didnt stay lost

14、 forever.I _9_ something that I wasnt looking for:a voice through writing. Only later did I understand that this would be a(n)_10_ to understanding my father in another way, one that _11_ me to connect a passion I didnt realize we both _12_.Writing _13_ me to people who were _14_ strangers and made them guests at my table. Words are in f

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