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中英文版艺术类研究计划research proposal.docx

1、中英文版艺术类研究计划research proposalThe influence of Abstract painting art development history on abstract painting curation1.Research Context Historical contextAbstract has been emerged for almost a century and it has proved to be not only a long-standing crux of cultural debate but also a self-renewing tr

2、adition of creativity. Historically, abstract art is a “legitimate” art form, it may begin with the infamous abstract idea in cave paintings thousand years ago. However, its judgment was settled well over a century ago (“What Exactly is Abstract Art”, 2018). China abstract artists acceptance of west

3、ern abstractionism dates back to the 1930s. Shanghai painters who returned from France introduced abstract painting art in 1930s. After the reform and open-up, the first local abstract painters and abstract paintings have appeared in Shanghai. Since then, abstract painters have won the reputation of

4、 the capital of abstract art for Shanghai and guide the Chinese abstract painters move towards abstract art and actively participate in abstract art Exhibition. Contemporary contextRomantic Shanghai abstract art Exhibition 2018 opened at Shanghai oil carving academy art gallery in May. The exhibitio

5、n brings together various art forms abstract art, such as Chinese painting, oil painting, engraving, sculpture. Three generations of abstract artists in Shanghai have presented their artworks, exploring the development process and current practice of abstract art since Shanghais economic reform and

6、opening-up. (The Paper, 2018). Another abstract painting Exhibition, called special-shape - 2018 Shanghai abstract art Ningbo exhibition sponsored by Ningbo art museum and Shanghai abstract painting society was launched at Ningbo art museum in October, 2018. This exhibition is an exhibition of Shang

7、hai abstract artists who have walked out of Shanghai with the largest scale, the largest number of participants and the most abundant exhibition contents. The exhibition includes oil paintings, ink paintings, composite materials, prints, photography, sculptures and installations. The artists in the

8、exhibition include the three generations: the old, the middle and the young. They are not only the earliest practitioners of abstract art in China in the 1980s, but also the staunch followers of the abstract art in the 21st century (C,2018). The two abstract painting Exhibitions have taken Abstract

9、painting art development history into consideration during the abstract painting curation. Theoretical contextArt criticism is responding to and making critical judgments about artworks. Viewers and curator should be art criticism when perceiving, interpreting and judging artworks. Art historians te

10、nd to focus more on studying artworks in cultures over time and space (Barrett, 1994).2. Research aims and objectivesTherefore, this research aims to explore influence of Abstract painting art development history on abstract painting curation, taking the abstract painting Exhibitions as cases. And t

11、he following are the research objectives1) The researcher will finish the interview and collected the primary data within the first two years;2) The researcher will visit two abstract painting art exhibitions and prepared the reflection within the first two years;3) The researcher will learn the the

12、ory about appreciation of abstract painting art and abstract painting curation within the first two years 4) The researcher will publish at least two articles in CSSCI or other international journals in the third years;5) The researcher will draft the thesis within three years.3. Research QuestionsT

13、his research will address the following research questions1) Why does Abstract painting art development history influence abstract painting curation2) How does Abstract painting art development history influence abstract painting curation3)Who can be the curator? Who should be the curator?4)When pre

14、pare abstract painting curation, how to take Abstract painting art development history into consideration? 3. Research MethodsQualitative research methods are applied in this research. Exactly, case study and Participate research methods are applied. Case study. The case study methods support both t

15、heory building and theory testing. Through case study, a researcher can go beyond the quantitative statistical results and explain either the process or outcome of a social phenomenon (Ponelis, 2015). In the 21st century, the group of abstract painters in Shanghai has not only maintained consistent

16、independent pursuit and innovative spirit of seeking differences in their abstract painting creation, but also set an example in academic research, theoretical construction, and cultural promotion of abstract art. Shanghais group of abstract artists persists in abstract painting more than 40 years.

17、Shanghai abstract painters consciously bear the cultural responsibility, integrating Chinas 5,000 years of abstract civilization into contemporary abstract art, and creating the Oriental school of abstract art with the academic thinking and exploration spirit. Shanghai isthe capital of abstract art

18、in China and it has many experience in holding abstract art Exhibition. Therefore, the two abstract painting Exhibitions in 2018 are chosen as cases. The researcher will explore the historical background of some typical abstract paintings and the influence abstract painting art development history o

19、n the layout of the abstract painting Exhibitions. Participate research methodsThe participatory research methods are another commonly used qualitative research. They integrate the techniques of observing, documenting, analyzing and interpreting characteristics. They are becoming an important resear

20、ch strategy. Fundamentally,they are similar to other empirical research mothers. The participatory research methods comprise a range of methodological approaches and techniques, such as inquiry. (Bergold& Thomas, 2012).The collective inquiry will be applied. The researcher will interview 3 experts i

21、n abstract painting curation and 3 viewers who visit in the abstract art Exhibition. These participants are randomly sampled. They are recruited to respond to some predesignedopen questions about the research topic, including the key research questions. The interview records will be encoded and anal

22、yzed by content analysis methods based on ground theory and Art criticism theory.Participatory research is based on reflection, in addition to data collection (Baum et al., 2006). Thus, this research will emphasize participation and action ,as well, as the reflection of the researcher. The researche

23、r will participate in the abstract painting curation. Based on the observation and practical experience, the reflection of the researcher is presented.4. Significance of ResearchAbstract painting art is developing in China. More and more painting artwork will appear in China. Many of the exhibiting

24、artists argue that Chinese abstract painting differs from its western counterpart in history and culture. The study about influence of Abstract painting art development history on abstract painting curation will enable curator to better understand the Abstract painting art development history and ta

25、ke it into account when prepare for abstract painting exhibitions.5. Ethical considerationTaking the ethical issues into consideration, all participants are volunteered and give full information about the academic research. They have rights to withdraw at any time. In addition, to address the ethica

26、l issues, no interview records are cited directly, they are encoded and analyzed. The interview records are only used for academic research. After the accomplishment of the academic research, all the interview records will be physically removed. 6. Expected outcome and conclusionThe thesis will pres

27、ent with multi-media, with text and abstract art painting, even the layout of the abstract painting Exhibitions, from them, views can see abstract painting art development history is taken into consideration. In addition, the researcher will also present her reflection on preparation for the abstrac

28、t painting Exhibitions, in term of abstract painting art development history.BibliographyBarrett, Terry. (1994). Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company.Baum,F., MacDougall,C., & Smith,D. (2006). Participatory action research. Journal o

29、f Epidemiology & Community Health , 60(10), 854-857.Bergold J. andd S. Thomas, Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion. FQS,(2012), 13 (1).C. (2018-10-02 .) Shanghai abstract painting exhibition opens at Ningbo art museum. Zhejiang provincial department of culture.中国图书馆网(

30、2018-10-02 .) 上海抽象画展在宁波美术馆开幕. 浙江省文化厅.The Paper, (05-10, 2018). Shanghai abstract art exhibition, exhibiting Oriental abstract exploration of three generations of painters澎湃新闻,05-10, 2018. 上海抽象艺术大展,展三代画家东方抽象探索.What Exactly is Abstract Art ? (2018, September 28). Retrieved from 中文抽象画艺术发展史对抽象画策展的影响1研究背

31、景历史背景近一个世纪以来,抽象画一直是文化争论的焦点,也是创新的自我更新。从历史上看,抽象艺术是一种“合法”的艺术形式,它可能始于几千年前洞穴壁画中不著名的抽象观念。然而,它的评审标准在一个多世纪前才出现(抽象艺术到底是什么,2018年出版)。中国抽象派艺术家对西方抽象派的接受可以追溯到20世纪30年代。从法国回来的上海画家在20世纪30年代引入了抽象画艺术。改革开放后,上海出现了最早的抽象派画家和抽象派画家。此后,抽象派画家为上海赢得了“抽象派之都”的美誉,引导中国抽象派画家走向抽象派艺术,积极参加抽象派艺术展。当代背景2018年5月 “风流2018上海抽象艺术大展”在上海油雕院美术馆开幕。

32、本次展览汇集了中国绘画、油画、雕刻、雕塑等各种抽象艺术形式。三代上海抽象派艺术家在上海展出了他们的作品,探索了上海经济改革开放以来抽象派艺术的发展历程和实践现状。(澎湃新闻,2018)。另外,“异形2018上海抽象艺术宁波展”在宁波美术馆开展于2018年10月在宁波美术馆举办。本次展览是上海走出上海规模最大、参展人数最多、展览内容最丰富的抽象派艺术家作品展。展览包括油画、水墨画、复合材料、印刷品、摄影、雕塑和装置作品。参加展览的艺术家包括老一代、中青年三代。他们不仅是20世纪80年代中国最早的抽象艺术实践者,也是21世纪抽象艺术的忠实追随者(C,2018)。这两个抽象画展览在抽象画策展过程中都考虑到了抽象画艺术的发展史。理论背景艺术批评是对艺术作品的回应和批判。观赏者和策展人在对艺术作品进行感知、解读和评判时,应该是艺术批评。艺术史学家往往更关注于研究文化中的艺术作品的时间和空间(Barrett, 1994)。2。研究目的及目标因此,本研究旨在以抽象画展览为个案,探讨抽象画艺术发展史对抽象画策展的影响。3.研究问题以下是

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