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1、小学英语复习资料完整版小学英语复习资料完整版-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI) JINGBIAN小学英语复习资料可数名词与不可数名词:不可数名词(本身不能表示复数.常为物质名词或抽象名词,如:milk. meat, coffee, rice cheese.soup、breadx hair、fruit、time、Chincse、English、Japanese数(如:baok. box、boy)讯数可数名词可以在它前面用a/an如:可数名诃 a book 木书an eraser 个铅笔擁an English book木英语书an American boy 个类国男孩an

2、apple/orange 颗苹果/桔子 an eye/ear 只眼睛/耳朵 an old doctor an uncle an E-mail (a | 用在辅音之前.an用在元音之前)复数(特殊0勺:man- men woman women policeman policemen child -children foot feet this* these that-those)二、名词复数的构成形式Is +s | book f books pen -* pens2、以 s、x、ch、sh 结尾+cs watch-watches bus-*buses box-*boxes dress-*dres

3、ses class-*classes peach-*peaches3.以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变 “y”为r”再加esstory-*stories familyfamilies party-*parties country-* countries baby-*babies ( boy-*boys day-*days)4、以f或fe结尾的名词,一般将f或 fe变为v再加esknife-* knives half halves leaf leaves wife wives5、以F结尾的名词+s或es (以辅音 +o+esf 以元音+o+s)(photophotos) zoo *zoos toma

4、to* tomatoes mango mangoes6、不规则变化child* children fool feet toothteeth policeman policemen this these that those7、单复数一样Chinese sheep fish Japanese8、本身表复数People five people (五个人)三、主要人称代词、物主代词的基本用法。1、人称代词的数与格:数单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I我me我we我们us我们第二人称you你you你you你们you你们第三人称he他him他他们他们she她her她they她们them她们il它il它它

5、们它们2、物主代词:表示所有关系,分名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词c人、形容词性物主代词单数复数第一人称my我的our我们的第二人称your你的your你们的第三人称his他的他们的her她的their她们的its它的它们的四、表示时间、地点、方位介词的用法:1、介词亚的用法:A:用在几点钟之前。eg:Mr Liu gets up at six oclock.B:在“nighr前用 ato eg:The monkeys are tired at night.C:表示空 j可, 在.eg:Let,s meet at the bus stop at five o,clockD:表示地点:at h

6、ome at school at the bus stop2、 介词in的用法:A:in the moming/afternoon/eveningB: in在里面。in the garden in the box.C: in”是用的意思,eg:in English* in Chinese3、 介词on的用法A:在时期几前,在星期几的上午、下午、晚上前用on。eg:Lefs go to the zoo on Sunday, onMonday monning B:在之上,-on the box on the desk On the tree4、 介词under的用法:eg:on/under the

7、 box. My ball is under the box5、 about大约,差不多;We have breakfast at about seven every morning.我们每天早上大约 7 点钟吃早点。6、 near在附近。7、 of- 的 teacher o f English the capital of Beijing五、英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能。eg:What,sthis/thcit(in English)It,s a/anWhat color is itIt s Who is this/that/she/heHe/She/It/This/That/is-You/

8、They/We are-11 mWhat s the time/What time is it It s five o clock.where are you?mWhere ate you fromWe are/I, m from-How many girls/boys/-I like English.She/He likes English.Do you/they/we like English?She/He/It doesn t like bananas.Yes, I/they/we/you do. (No, I/they/we/you don t)Does she/he like app

9、lesYes, she/he does (No, she/he doesen t)He/She/It/This/That isYou/They/We are (not) I m(not)There is/are(not)Is/Are there-六、第三人称单数作主语时谓语动词加乜円的用法,其规则变化与名词复数一样。a.般加冒。likelikes comeomes b谓语动词是以b、s、x、ch、sF结尾的加y。gogoes do_ oesc.谓语动词是以“辅音字母+y结尾的先变“y”为“匚再加“cs。eg: fly-fliesd.少数动词第三人称单数特殊变化:be-is have-haseg

10、: 1 Everyone is in the classroom 2.1t,s time for class 3.My farther has breakfast at home every morning 4It,s time to go to school.七、定冠词与不定冠词的用法:定冠词先是特指谈话人双方都知道的“某人、某物、某事S例如:The book is on thedesk.前面提到过的人或事。例1、He has two冠询children:a boy and a girl.The boys name is Sam.The girfs name is Amy. 彳列 2、I h

11、ave a pen.The pen is in my penceil case不定冠词“a”“an”用在单数名词之前,表示的数量是“一个”,a用在辅音音素之前,an用在元音音素之前,eg:an egg an apple.基本基数词:1 one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.six 8.eight 9.nine lO.ten基本序数词:first= 1 st second=2nd third=3rd fourth=4th fifth=5th sixth=6th seventh=7theighth=8th ninth=9th tenth= 1 Oth九

12、、some any的用法:1、 它们既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。2、 some用于陈述句肯定句中;any用于陈述句的否定句中和一般疑问句中。eg: 1 There is some milk in the glass2There are some flowers on the desk3There isn t any milk in the glass4Are there any flowers on the deskYes,there areNo,there aren t (any)3、 some用于委婉语气问句中。eg:Would you like some coffee Yes,p

13、lease./NoJhanks,Fd like.十、功能:(1)问候告别感谢致歉介绍请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。1、 问候:初次见面问好:A:How do you do?你好吗? B:How do you do?你好吗?2、 已相识见面问候:A:How are you?你好吗?B:Fm fine.thank you.and you/Fine,thanks,and you 我很好,谢谢你。你好吗?C:Fm fine,too.我也很好。3、 早上见面问候:A:Good morning!早上好 B:Goodmorning!早上好4、 下午见面问好:A: Good afternoon!下午好! B

14、:Good afternoon!下午好!5、 晚上见面问好:A:Good evening!晚上好! B:Good evening!晚上好!6、 (1)很高兴见到你:A:Nice/Glad to meet you. B: Nice/Glad to meet you.告别:1、 A:Good-bye/Bye/Bye-bye!再见! B:Good-bye/Bye/Bye-bye!再见!2、 A:Good night!晚安! B:Good night!晚安!3、 A:See you tomorrow/later!明天见! B:See you tomorrow/later!明天见!4、 A:See yo

15、u!再见! B:See you!再见!(3)表示感谢:1、 A:Thank you (very much)/Thanks.谢谢。B:That,s all right./ThatOK不用谢。2、 A: Thank you (very much)/Thanks.非常感谢。B:Yoifre welcome.不客气。(4)表示歉意:1、 A:msorry.非常抱歉。B: Thafs all right./That OK.没关系。2、 A:Sorry.对不起c B:That,s all right./That,s OK.没关系。(5)询问别人:1、 Ahats your name?你叫什么名字? B:M

16、y names 我叫 2、 A:Where are you from?你来自哪儿? B:厂 m from-我来自 3、A:Who, s this?这是谁?B:This is Mr/Ms/Miss 这是 先生/小姐4、 A:How do you do 你好吗 B: How do you do 你好吗5、 A:Nice/GIad to meet you.见到你很高兴。B: Nice/Glad to meet you, too 见到你也很高兴。请求:1、 A:May I come in?我可以进来吗? B: Yes, please.请进。或Sorry, you can* t对不起,你不能进来。2、

17、A:Can/Could I use your pen?我可以借一下你的钢笔吗?B:Yes, please. /Yes, you can 是的,可以。或 Here you are.给你。或Sorry, you can* t对不起,你不能。3、 A:Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?B:Yes, please. /No, thanks.是的,可以。/不,谢谢。(7)介绍:My name is I mI * m from- This is Mr/Ms/Miss-十一、话题:理解与表达有关下列话题的简单信息:颜色、家庭、数字、时间。1、 颜色A:What color is it?B:It s

18、 red/yellow/blue/white/green/black/pink/purple-2、 家庭A:Good morning! B: Good morning!A: What s your name B:My name * s - And this is my father (爸爸)A:Who s thatB:She s my mother (妈妈)A:Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.3、数字A:How old are youB:I m seven.A:What class are you inB:I m in Class Three

19、, Grade Six.A:What syour phone numberB:It, S7654321A:Where are youB:I m on the second floor.4、时间A:What s the timeB:It? s eight o clockA:What time is it B:It s four o clockA:What time do you go to school B:I go to school at seven.十二、语言技能。英语26个字母的大写、小写、标点符号,句首单词第一个字母的正确书写。1、英语26个字母的正确书写。2、标点符号。英语要有标点符

20、号句号是(小黑点)3、句首单词第一个字母的正确书写。句首单词第一个字母必须大写。十三、文化意识:1、主要英语国家的国名和国旗及重要标志物。(1)国名:中国 China 英国 England 美国 America (USA)(2)标志物:英国大本钟Big Ben2、 中英文的第一个字母大写,如果是中文名字有三个字的,后两个字的拼音写在一起。Amy Sam Tom Lingling Wang Xiaoping ZhangTao Smart Smith3、 缩略词USA美国 UK英国 W.C厕所 CCTV中央电视台WTO世界贸易组织 TV电视 CD光盘 HK香港十四、词汇:1、 冠词(art.):a

21、 (an)个(一只,把,台) the表示特指的人、物、事2、 数词(num.):基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten1 2 34 5 67 8 910序数词:first secondthird fourth fifthsixth seventh eighthninth tenth第一第二第三第四第五第六第七第八第九第十3、名词:(n.)bag书包book 书desk书桌、课桌chair椅子pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil case 文具盒eraser铅笔(黑板)擦class班级、课、上课grade年级 school学校g

22、o to school 上学after school 放学Classb 3/Class Three 3 班Grade 6/Grade Six6 年级 ball 球football 足球basketball 篮球picture图片、照片Photo相片、照片map地图 phone电话(机) kite风筝 bike自行车play basketball 打篮球 bed 床 box 盒子 house 房屋door门 floor (室内)地、地板 flower花 clock钟o* clock-点钟(用于正点) colo(u)r颜色 go to bed去睡觉three o clock 三点整 What co

23、lo(u)r 什么颜色 time 时间half半、一半(复数halves) day天、白天、一曰 night夜、夜间age年龄 birthday生日 morning早上、上午afternoon下午、午后 evening晚上、傍晚、黄昏 fast food快餐breakfast 早餐 dinner 晚餐、正餐 Happy birthday!生曰快乐!free time空闲、业余时间 have breakfast吃早餐 have dinner吃晚餐work工作home家 China中国Beijing 北京England 英国London伦敦America 美国E-mail电子邮件Washingto

24、n D.C华盛顿、哥伦比亚特区in the morning/afternoon/evening 下午、晚上 game 游戏Chinese中文、中国人(的)English英语,英国人(的)American美国人go to work (去)上班go home回家play computer games 玩电子游戏ear耳朵 eye眼睛 nose鼻子 hand手 foot脚(复数feet)hair头发 hat帽子 cap帽子 dress连衣裙、套裙fruit水果 apple苹果 banana香蕉 orange橘子、柑4、代词:(pron.)I我me我we我们us我们you你you你you你们you你们

25、he他him他他们他们she她her她they她们them她们It它it它它们它们my我的our我们的his他的their他们的your你的your你们的her她的their她们的WTO世界贸易组织 TV电视CD光盘HK香港this这,这个that那,那个all全体、大家、都everyone每人、人人all right好、行、不错That s all right不用谢、没关系what什么who谁5、动词(v.)am是 is是are是I m=Iam我是 ask问answer回答do做、干,行动;aux (构成否定、疑问句的肋动词)does做、干,行动;(do的第三人称单数形式) draw画 wr

26、ite写,书写spell拼写learn 学run跑read阅读、看(书)sing唱、唱歌dance跳舞come 来go去read a book 看书work工作comein请进,进来clean把弄干净、擦close 关open打开watch观看watch TV看电视find找到use使用play玩、玩耍look 看 look at 看一看listen 听Listen to 听(讲)like喜欢 have有、吃、饮has有、吃、饮(have的第三人称单数)help帮助 please请 know知道,了解I don t know我不知道I see.我明白 I see我看到let允许、让let* s

27、二let us 让我excuse me请原谅get up起床sitdown, please 请坐stand up, please 请起立 thank 谢谢thanks二thank you 谢谢can v. aux 能,可以;会 could v.aux能,可以;会 colo(u) r着色6、形容词:(adj.)black黑色的 blue蓝色的green绿色的orange橘红色的12its它的their它们的How many boys/girls are there?有多少个男孩/女孩? 7、介词(prep.)about大约about seven o clock 大约 7 点钟 at 在(点刻)8

28、、 副词(adv.)not (构成否定形式)不是no (N。否定回答)不、不是yes (Yes肯定回答)是,是的now现在where哪里(用于疑问句表示问地点)here这里Here you are.给你9、 感叹词(int.)Thaf s OK.不用谢、没关系Bye再见 Hello喂 Hi嗨OK10、连词(conj.)and和,又,而且十五、基本句型(一)、陈述句(肯定/否定式)(二)、一般疑问句(需要用Yes和No回答的句子) 特征:句首有Be动词(Am/IS/Are)助词Do/Does情态动词Can1、 Is this a kiteYes, it is. No, it isn t2X Am

29、 I a teacherYes,you are No, you aren? t3、 Are they applesYes,they are No, they aren? t4、 Do you like EnglishYes, I do. No, I don t5、 Does he know ChineseYes, he does.No,he doesn t6、 Can you spell your nameYes, lean.No, I can t7、 Are there any trees in the parkYes,there are No, there aren? t(三)、特殊疑问句(句首有疑问词What, Who, How, Where)1、 Wha

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