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1、Informatica常用组件使用常用组件使用方法表1中列出的是informatica中的所有组件。不会在本文档中出现的会在组件名后标出。表1Aggregator Active/ Connected Performs aggregate calculations. Application Source Qualifier Active/ Connected Represents the rows that the Integration Service reads from an application, such as an ERP source, when it runs a sessio

2、n. Custom Active or Passive/ Connected Calls a procedure in a shared library or DLL. Expression Passive/ Connected Calculates a value. External Procedure Passive/ Connected or Unconnected Calls a procedure in a shared library or in the COM layer of Windows. Filter Active/ Connected Filters data. 。HT

3、TP Transformation Passive/Connected Connects to an HTTP server to read or update data. Input Passive/ Connected Defines mapplet input rows. Available in the Mapplet Designer. Java Active or Passive/ Connected Executes user logic coded in Java. The byte code for the user logic is stored in the reposi

4、tory. Joiner Active/ Connected Joins data from different databases or flat file systems. Lookup Passive/ Connected or Unconnected Looks up values. Normalizer Active/ Connected Source qualifier for COBOL sources. Can also use in the pipeline to normalize data from relational or flat file sources. Out

5、put Passive/ Connected Defines mapplet output rows. Available in the Mapplet Designer. Rank Active/ Connected Limits records to a top or bottom range. Router Active/ Connected Routes data into multiple transformations based on group conditions. Sequence Generator Passive/ Connected Generates primary

6、 keys. Sorter Active/Connected Sorts data based on a sort key. Source Qualifier Active/ Connected Represents the rows that the Integration Service reads from a relational or flat file source when it runs a session. SQL Active or Passive/Connected Executes SQL queries against a database. Stored Proce

7、dure Passive/ Connected or Unconnected Calls a stored procedure. Transaction Control Active/ Connected Defines commit and rollback transactions. Union Active/Connected Merges data from different databases or flat file systems. Update Strategy Active/ Connected Determines whether to insert, delete, u

8、pdate, or reject rows. XML Generator Active/ Connected Reads data from one or more input ports and outputs XML through a single output port. XML Parser Active/ Connected Reads XML from one input port and outputs data to one or more output ports. XML Source Qualifier Active/ Connected Represents the

9、rows that the Integration Service reads from an XML source when it runs a session. Lookup 概要描述获得一个关联的值。例如:源里包含employee ID,但你还需要employee name。用于计算的植。例如:只是汇率或者个人所得税之类的固定数值,不是计算得出来的数据。Update slowly changing dimension tables。主要是根据条件查出原表,若查出了,就把自己添加的标志位设为真,否则就设置为假,Connected or unconnectedConnected 和 unco

10、nnected 的transformations的输入和输出是不同的,不同点如表2列出的。表2Connected Lookup Unconnected Lookup 从 pipeline获得输入。从另一个transformation的:LKP的表达式获得输入。使用静态或者动态cache。使用静态cache。Cache中包括所有的 mapping中使用到的lookup columns(就是condition中的和被标记为输出的columns)。Cache中包括所有condition中的、被标记为输出的columns以及被标记为return port的。同行能够返回多个columns 或者加载到动

11、态lookup cache中。每行只能返回一个return port (R)。如果没有匹配的数据,Integration Service会返回一个默认值。如果是动态缓存(cache),会加入一个新的行或者放着他不管。如果没有匹配的数据,Integration Service会返回一个NULL。如果有匹配的数据,Integration Service回返回一个结果包括所有被设置为输出的值。如果是动态缓存,Integration Service会任意的修改一行或者放着它不管。如果有匹配的数据,Integration Service会返回一个被设置为return port的值。输出所有的被标记为ou

12、tput的符合条件的数据。返回一个值到使用:LKP调用它的表达式。用户可以设置默认值。用户不可以设置默认值。 Connected下面是Integration Service处理connected Lookup transformation的过程:1. 一个connected Lookup transformation通过pipeline从其他的transformation获得输入值。2. 为每个输入行,Integration Service会通过lookup ports 和 condition从源或者缓存中查询。3. 如果组件没有使用缓存或者使用的静态缓存,Integration Servic

13、e会使用lookup query来返回值。4. 如果组件使用的动态缓存,当Integration Service在缓存找不到这行,它会把这行插入到缓存中。当Integration Service找到这行,它会修改这行在缓存中或者什么都不做。它标记这行是插入、修改或者是不做变动。5. Integration Service从查询中返回值到下一个transformation。如果transformation使用动态缓存,你可以把这行通过Filter 或者 Router transformation来过滤后在到目标中。unconnected 你可以在一个mapping中调用这个Lookup tran

14、sformation多次。 下面的步骤描述了Integration Service处理一个unconnected Lookup transformation的过程: 1. 一个unconnected Lookup transformation从另一个transformation的一个:LKP表达式的结果中获得输入值,例如一个Update Strategy transformation。2. Integration Service通过transformation 中的lookup ports 和 condition来查询。3. Integration Service返回一个值到Lookup tr

15、ansformation 的return port 中。4. Integration Service把值返回到:LKP表达式中。 步骤1. 添加input ports。2. 添加查询条件。3. 指定返回值。4. 从其他的组件中调用该lookup。 用途unconnected lookups多数用于:1. 在一个表达式测试一个lookup的值。2. 在查询的基础上过滤。3. 标记行基于查询的结果,例如:updating slowly changing dimension tables。4. 调用同一个查找多次在一个mapping中。Relational or flat file lookup当你在建立一个Lookup transformation时,你可以选择查询flat file或者relational table。Relational你可以通过SQL的来override默认的SQL,这样可以你可以加where或者查询多个表。flat file使用下面选项在使用flat file时:1. 指定源是indir

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