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1、最好的国际商务谈判教案授课教师们的福气课程名称国际商务谈判 上课时间 2010年3月3日1-2节课 题Unit 1 Prepari ng the ground教学目的Learning negotiation preparation items, including motives and key termi no logy.教学重点agreeing objectives, strategy and roles教学难点Strategy arran geme nt教学方法In structio n教学内容提纲1.kinds of bus in ess n egotiati on1.1classif

2、ied by scale of participators1.1.1One-on-one n egotiati on- only 1 pers on from each sidewhe n to use it:1the 2 parties have long relati on ship, be familiar to each other with clear tran sact ion terms;2between salesman and customer, who has the right to decide3renew the con tract with few cha nges

3、4details in big negotiation.most difficult kindadva ntage: flexible; quick decisi on; avoid to expose bad cooperati on; good to keep secret.1.1.2collective negotiation- 2 or more people from each side1.2classified by venue1.2.1home court n egotiati on1.2.2away ground n egotiati on1.2.3n eutral place

4、 n egotiati on1.3classified by ways of proceed ing1.3.1vertical n egotiati on: solve the problem one by one-for small and simple negotiation, especially when the 2 sides have cooperated before1.3.2lateral negotiation: solve the problem one by one at the beginning, when there is a differe nee in opin

5、ion for an item, put it away and go to n ext one. Repeated the methodun til all the problems are solved.-for big or multilateral n egotiati on.2.basic patter n of bus in ess n egotiati on2.1win-lose ” style: more conflicts than cooperation, with obvious win and lose.2.2wi n-win ” style: each party b

6、en efits from the n egotiati on.-advantage: to enhance the loyalty of each other; good guara ntee to in crease efficie ncy; beneficial to renew the marketing concept.3. evaluati on criteria of bus in ess n egotiati on3.1if the negotiator needs are satisfied3.2if the negotiation is efficient:-n egoti

7、ati on efficie ncy: con trast betwee n cost and gain;-cost includes 3 parts:differenee between the expected profit and real profit; sum of all resources con sumed for the n egotiati on, in cludi ng man power, materials, finan cial resources and time; opport unity cost.3.3if the n egotiators are in g

8、ood relati on ship afterwards作业及思考题Read the case study and tell why Matsushita Electric Corporation sacrificed the prese nt in terests? What was the con siderati on?参考文献1). Christopher E M. Negotiati ng Skills For Bus in ess. Kogan Page Ltd., 19962). Comfort J.成功谈判.王关富,宿玉容改编.复旦大学出版社,20013). Curry J

9、E.国际商务谈判.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 20004). Goldma n A L. Settli ng for More: Masteri ng Negotiati ng Strategies andTechni ques. The Bureau Of Natio nal Affairs, I nc., 1991教学后记课程名称国际商务谈判 上课时间 2010年3月10日1-2节课 题Unit 1 Prepari ng the ground教学目的Learning negotiation preparation items, including motives and key termi

10、 no logy.教学重点welcome and in troducti ons教学难点Skills and expressions in introduction教学方法In struct ion + case study教学内容提纲1.basic psychological quality for bus in ess n egotiators1.1be con fide nt 1.2 be patie nt 1.3 be sincere 1.4 be decisive2.characters and n egotiati on2.1power-orie nted and related

11、coun termeasure2.2persuasive and coun termeasure-character: have good pers onal relati on ship and favor praise and social recog niti on; think before act; don tject directly.-countermeasure: be offensive in the pretext of being polite or arouse some argument to make him upset; prepare a lot of deta

12、iled items in order to make him tired and want to finish the negotiation as soon as possible; create one-on-one talk if possible.2.3executive and coun termeasure-character: follow the instruction strictly, wouldnt make any change; prefer smooth and orderly n egotiatio n;-countermeasure:try to build

13、a one-on-one talk to make the negotiation more efficient; shorte n time on each procedure as they will be more defe nsive with time going; prepare ple ntifulinformation as they would ask some specific questions.2.4suspicious and coun termeasure-character:be suspicious about everything even if its tr

14、ue;hesitating;very careful on details.-countermeasure: make sure the proposal is very specific and exact, avoid the words like about”, nearly ”; be patie nt and don urge him/her; n ever lie.作业及思 考题Read the case study and tell why Matsushita Electric Corporation sacrificed the prese nt in terests? Wh

15、at was the con siderati on?参考文献1). Christopher E M. Negotiati ng Skills For Bus in ess. Kogan Page Ltd., 19962). Curry J E.国际商务谈判.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000教学后记课程名称国际商务谈判 上课时间 2010年3月17日1-2节课 题Unit 2 Sett ing the age nda教学目的Let the stude nts un dersta nd the n egotiati on procedure and structure.教学重点structu

16、ri ng and con troll ing the n egotiati on process教学难点con troll ing the n egotiati on process教学方法In struct ion + case study教学内容提纲1.Sett ing an age nda1.1List all issues to be debated1.2Give time frames to each issue1.3Arrange order for the topics2.Building One s BATNA2.1Best Alter native To a Negotia

17、ti on Agreeme nt 2.2Choos ing Negotiati on Places2.2.1Host Court2.2.2Guest Court2.2.3Third Party s Court3.Rehears ing Roles3.1Discover adva ntages and disadva ntages of the team3.2Determine the order of negotiation3.3A nalyze what sticky problems might appear3.4Work out measures to deal with them4 A

18、djusti ng based on reality backed up by lear ning4.1A model of n egotiati on4.2Repeated cycles of-Lear ning-Pla nning作业及思考题参考文献1). Christopher E M. Negotiati ng Skills For Bus in ess. Kogan Page Ltd., 19962).商务谈判实务,高建军, 北京航天航空大学出版社, 20073)国际商务谈判,宋格兰,高等教育出版社, 2008教学后记课程名称国际商务谈判 上课时间 2010年3月25日1-2节课 题

19、Un it 2 Sett ing the age nda教学目的Let the stude nts un dersta nd cooperati on with differe nt team comb in atio ns教学重点Seque ncing and linking教学难点Seque ncing教学方法In structi on+Case study教学内容提纲1.TeamworkI.IGood cop/Bad cop1.2Larger Teams-Leader-Good Guy-Bad Guy-Hardli ner-Sweeper2.Seat ing Locati on3.exe

20、rcises on textbook p18 and p19.CaseA Chin ese engin eeri ng compa ny in Gabon dismissed quite a nu mber of local workers after it had completed the framework of a con struct ion, which gave rise to a strike lasti ng for 40 days. The company had to hold a tough negotiation with the local workers, who

21、 demanded a large sum of subsidies in line with the labor law of the coun try.Only by this time was the compa ny aware of their ignorance of the local law and heavy losses thus happe ned.The compa ny was in formed that, accord ing to Gabon slabor law, a casual laborer automatically turns into a perm

22、anent laborer if he keeps the job for a week without being fired. As a permanent laborer, he is entitled to family subsidies (enough for two wives and three kids), tran sportati on fee and un employme nt subsidies.The result of the negotiation was obvious the company had to pay a large sum of subsid

23、ies which were not in cluded in the budget.4 Information on financial cred itFinancial credit means information on the three C s:character, capacity and capital-the of the coun terpart, his ability to repay, and the soundn ess of his finan cial positi on.Some Chin ese compa nies do not take in vesti

24、gati on on their trade part ners seriously and thus in duce great losses to their compa ni es.CaseA compa ny in Suzhou hoped to tab into the market of South Africa. Out of con siderati on of cautiousness, they sent a mission to the country for field survey.The meeting with the general manager was ar

25、ranged in a well-lighted and carefully furnished room in a superb office mansion. The mission was received at the gate of the elevator and immediately led to the meet ing room by a smili ng lady.The gen eral man ger, hav ing an expe nsive cigar betwee n his fin gers and weari ng con fide nt expressi

26、on in his face, introduced his company and his way of management in a detailed and en thusiastic manner.The in troduct ion and the whole atmosphere convin ced the missi on of their part nerstre ngth and so as soon as they retur ned back to China, they sent the first batch of goods worth more than $1

27、 million to their “ rich ” partner, but they did not receive anything in return.Only some time later did they find out what they saw in the room was a carefully arranged a . trap :The fatty general manager was an invited local actor and the receptionist lady was the real manager, and the well furnis

28、hed and decorated meeting room was leased for this special purpose.作业及思考题参考文献1). Christopher E M. Negotiati ng Skills For Bus in ess. Kogan Page Ltd., 19962). Comfort J.成功谈判.王关富,宿玉容改编.复旦大学出版社,20013). Curry J E.国际商务谈判.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 20004)国际商务谈判,宋格兰,高等教育出版社, 2008教学后记financial positis fin课程名称国际商务谈判 上课时

29、间 2010年4月1日1-2节课 题Un it 3 Establish ing positi ons教学目的Let stude nts un dersta nd how to prese nt and feedback their positi ons教学重点Prese nti ng your positi on, gett ing feedback教学难点Prese nting your positi on教学方法In struct ion + case study教学内容提纲1.Communi cati on skills1.1When you prese nt your positi o

30、n, what do you hold back?1.2What is the best way to make sure you get feedback on your positi on?2.Need Theory and Negotiati on2.1Needs-the Basis-Driving Forces for a Negotiation2.2Features of Needs2.3Maslow s Need Theory2.4Application of Need Theory in Negotiation2.5Three levels of Interests3.Estab

31、lish ing Positi onsThe peopleAndrew Carter is Export Sales Manager for Okus IT. He has prepared a presentation of the key aspects of their offer.Karen Black is a Project Man ager at Okus IT. She is expect ing An drew to prese nt their offer.Francoise Quantin is the curre nt IT Man ger at Levie n. She is expect ing An drew to ide ntify key aspects of their offer.Sean Morrissey is from Levien Chicago office. He would like to hear what they are

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