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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试A级真题及答案Part IListening Comprehension(15 minutes)Directions:Thispartistotestyourlisteningability , Itconsistsof3sections. SectionA Directions:This section istoyour abilitytounderstand short dialogues .There are 5 recorded dialoguesinit .After each dialogue ,there is recorded question .Bot

2、h the dialogues and questions will be spokenonly once. When you hearaquestion ,you should decide on the correct answerform the 4 choices markedA),B) ,C) and D) giveninyour test paper .Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet withasingle line through the center .Example:You w

3、ill hear:You will hear:A) New York CityB) An evening party.C) An air trip.D) The mans jib.From the dialogue welearnthatthe man istotakeaflighttoNew York .Therefore, C)An air tripis the correct answer .You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet withasingle Line through the center .A B DNow the test will

4、begin.1.A) BookaticketC) GotoAmerica B) Leave BeijingD) Buy some gifts 2.A) An engineerC)Asecretary B)AprofessorD)Amanager 3.A) AtabookC)Inan office B) AtabankD)Inan office 4.A) She cant see the movie todayC) Shehasalready seen the movie B) She doesnt like the movieD) She preferstowatch movies alone

5、 5.A) Very happyC)Alittle worried C) ExcitedD) Proud Section BDirection:This section istotest your abilitytounderstand conversations.There are 2 recorded conversationsinit .After each conversations,There are some recorded questions .Both the conversations and questions will be Spoken two times. When

6、 you hearaquestion, you should decideon the correct answer from the 4 choices markedA), B), C) and D) giveninyour test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet withasingle line through the center. Conversation 16.A) DiscussingaprojectC) Givingawelcome speech B) Meetin

7、gacustomerD)Takingajob interview 7.A) She can haveahigher pay thereB) She likes the environment thereC) The company is closetoher home D) The company offersalonger paid holiday Conversation 28.A)Toplace an orderC)Tochange an appointmentB)Tobookahotel roomD)Todiscussaprogram 9.A)TosignacontractC)Tovi

8、sit his partnerB)TotakeaholidayD)Tohaveafamily gathering 10.A) 9 amC) 2 pmB)10 amD) 3pm Section C Directions:This section istoyour abilitytocomprehend short passages. You will heararecorded passage .Afterthatyou will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be readtwo times. When

9、 you hearaquestion .you should complete the answertoit withaword orashort phrase(inno more than 3words). The questions and incomplete answers are printedinyour test paper. You should write your answers on the answer sheet correspondingly. Now listentothe passage11. What many young people think of th

10、e internet?It isaplaceto-_. 12. What can young people practice on the internet?They can practice_by talking with people. 13. What is important for young peopletoknow when taking with strangers online?Talking with strangers online can be_. 14.What should you dotoprotect yourself online?Never give you

11、r_toanyone.15.What should you do if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of conversation?Stop_.Part IIStructure(15 minutes) Directions:This part istotest your abilitytoconstruct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of2 sectionsSectionA Directions:Inthis section, there are 10 incomplete sen

12、tences. You are requiredtocompleteeachoneby deciding on the most appropriate word or words form the 4 choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet withasingle line through the center. 16. When I am away_business , I contact my office every day by

13、 email .A) withC) onB) ofD)to 17.Inadditiontoeconomic considerations, there are other reasons_people work long hours.A) whatC) whenB) whyD) where 18. There may beaneed for retraining if you expectemployees_new technologyA) usingC)tousingB) useD) used 19.Asurveysuggeststhatnearlyoneinsixchildrenhasdi

14、fficulty_totalk.A)tolearnC)learnB) learningD) learnt 20. It wasintheir Londonbranch_we met and discussed the issueA) thatC) howB) whichD) what 21. The decision about suchabig project can not be made_each member of the board agrees.A) ifC) thoughB) unlessD) as 22. There was no prooftoshowthatCharles

15、had committed the crime,_he was set free. A) butC) or B) forD) so 23. Medical accidents_by drugs have attracted much attentioninthatcountry.A) causingC)be caused B)tobe causedD)caused 24. No sooner_than I realized Id left the document at home.A) have we sat downC)we had sat down B) had we sat downD)

16、we sat down 25. The sales department of company is engagedin_the products and making profits.A) sellingC)being sold B) sellD)having sold Section BDirections:There are 10 incomplete statements here .You should fillineach blank with the Proper form of the word giveninbrackets. Write the word or wordsi

17、nthe Corresponding space on the answersheet 26. All the staff of the company (work)_very hard year and 15%more profit was Gained. 27. Among the major products (import)_by Malaysiawere iron and steel and medical Instruments. 28. Business and professional services (list)_inthe Yellow Pages 29. Nokias

18、mobile phone market shareinchina ?fall?_toits lowest levelsince 2005. 30.Toher?disappoint?_, the girl was denied the job she had applied for. 31. While?study?_at college, he gottoknow the professor and learnedalot from him. 32.Communication via eye contact seemstobe ?particular?_importantinsome case

19、s. 33.As more customers will attend the meeting, we needtoprepare some ?addition?_chairs.34.These apartments allow older peopletokeep their (independent?_,while having medical care available. 35. Many people find telephone interviews (difficult)_than face-to-face interviews. Part IIIReading Comprehe

20、nsion(40 minutes)Directions:After reading the following passage, youwill find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36to40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices markedA), B)?C?and D). You should make the correct choices and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wit

21、hasingle line through the center.Although buses tendtobe slower than the subway for traveling around New York City, there are many reasonstouse the bus while visiting New York City:They tendtoservice areas of Manhattanthat are notlocated closetosubway lines.Buses offer the added advantage of being a

22、bletosee various areas of Manhattan While you ride.How Much Does the Bus Cost?Fare is $2.25 and can be paid withaMetroCard or coins (no dollar bills, no pennies).Afree transfertoanother bus or the subway within 2 hours is available if you paid withaMetroCard.If you pay cash you can ask foratransfer,

23、 but itis only good for transferringtoanother bus (nottothe subway) within 2 hours.Getting On and Off the BusYou must wait for buses at designated (?) bus stops.As you see the bus approaching your stops, you can put your arm outtoindicatetothe driverthatyou wanttoboard the bus.Enter the bus through

24、the front doors and pay your fare.Takeaseat or move toward the back of the bustomake room for other people boarding the bus.Torequestastop: Pull the cord or press the black band near the windows.AStop Requested light will be on immediately at the front of the bus. 36. Compared with buses, the subway

25、 for traveling around New York Cityis likelytobe_.A) fasterB) slowerC) more expensiveD) more convenient 37.Oneadvantage of traveling by bus isthatyou can_.A) bookacomfortable seatB) buy your ticketinadvanceC) transfertothe subway freelyD) see different areas of Manhattan 38. Passengers can pay their

26、 bus fare_.A) with penniesB) with dollar billsC) withaMetroCardD) withacredit card 39.Toindicatetothe driverthatyou wanttoboard the stop, you may_.A) put your arm outB) shows your ticketC) gotothe back doorD) wave your MetroCard 40.Toask forastop while ridingabus, you may_.A) raise your handB) move

27、toward the front doorC) press the black band near the windowsD) turn off the Stop Requested light immediately Task 2Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41to45.Marketing furnituretothe public can be challenging forasmall business owner. Co

28、nsumers buy furniture pieces only occasionally. However, there are several furniture promotion ideasthatcan be usedtohelp you reach your target market.Onething you can do istotalk with real estate (?) agentstoallow youtodisplay your furnitureinanew home or open house setting. This isagood waytoreach

29、akey target market - new home buyers - who may need new furniture for their future homes. Increasing foot traffic () is also important forafurniture store.Toget more peopletothe store, you can advertisearaffleevent (). This event can be promotedinyour local media and through direct mail campaignsor

30、front door advertisementstogenerate more interest.Intough economic times, small business owners often suffer most asaresult of slow consumer spending.Tofight back against this, you havetomake it easier of your customerstobuy furniture. If you can, offerin-store financing, or drop the interest rate on your companys credit terms, Consider lowering your prices and holding two-for-oneeventstoarouse more consumer interest.41. Why is itachallenge for small businessestosell furnituretothe public?A) The style of furniture changes fast.B) Their furnitu

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