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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写教程book3课后翻译英汉互译汇编NNCE Book3课后翻译参考答案Unit1英译中原文:Global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this communitys values and practices. Global citizenship believes that humankind is essentially on and each indiv

2、idual has the power to change things. In our interdependent world, global citizenship encourages us to recognize our responsibilities toward each other and learn from each other. Global citizens care about education, disease, poverty, and environmental issues around the world. Today, the forces of g

3、lobal engagement are helping some people identify themselves as global citizens who have a sense of belonging to a world community. This growing global identity in large part is made possible by the forces of modern information, communications and transportation technologies. Global citizenship aims

4、 to empower people to lead their own action. Along with the knowledge and values that they have gained from learning about global issues, people need to be equipped with the necessary skills to give themselves the ability and confidence to be pro-active in making a positive difference in the world.


6、有能力和自信,积极推动世界的发展。汉译英原文:如今,很多年轻人不再选择 稳定 的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创业、万众创新,在政策上给予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年轻人的创业热情。Keys:Nowadays, many young people no longer choose stable jobs. Instead, the

7、y prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves peoples life, but i

8、t is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading Chinas economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further

9、arouses young peoples enthusiasm to start their own businesses.Unit 2英译中原文:The American Dream is a national ethos(精神特质)of the United States. The term is used in many ways, but it essentially is an idea that suggests that anyone in the US can succeed through hard work and has the potential to lead a

10、happy, successful life. Many people have expanded upon or refined the definition to include things such as freedom, fulfillment and meaningful relationships. The idea of an American Dream is older than the US, dating back to the 1600s, when people began to have all sorts of hopes and aspirations for

11、 what was a new and largely unexplored continent to European immigrants. And the meaning of the Dream has changed over the course of history, including both personal components and a global vision. But not everybody thinks the American Dream is a positive thing. Some people believe that the structur

12、e of society in the US prevents such an idealistic goal for everyone. Critics often point to examples of inequality rooted in class, race, religion and ethnicity that suggest that the American Dream is not attainable for everyone.Keys:美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。该词有各种各样的用法,但其根本含义是,在美国任何人都可以通过努力获得成功,都有可能过上幸福而成功的

13、生活口许多人对美国梦的概念加以拓展和提炼,涵盖了像自由,自我实现和深厚的人际关系等方面的内容。美国梦的思想比美国本身更为久远,可以追溯到17世纪,当时的欧洲移民面对这一新发现的、未经开发的广裹大陆,开始纷纷怀揣希望,追逐梦想。随着历史的发展,美国梦的含义也已改变,既包含了个人元素,也包含了全局视野。但并不是每个人都对美国梦持肯定态度。一些人认为美国的社会结构决定了不是每个人都能拥有这样的理想目标。批评者常常举以实例,揭露植根于阶级、种族、宗教和民族的不平等现象,指出美国梦并非每个人都可企及。汉译英原文:实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation )是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为

14、“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。中国梦,是让每一个积极进取的中国人形成世世代代的信念:只要经过不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活。人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而不是依赖于社会和他人的援助。每个中国人都是中国梦的参与者和创造者。中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。Keys:Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modem times.

15、It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve the

16、ir prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese. Unit 3英译中原文:Le

17、onardo da Vinci, one of the greatest minds of the Italian Renaissance, is perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. A painter, sculptor, architect, mathematician, engineer, and inventor, he is famous for a wide range of accomplishments. His natural genius, which crossed multiple

18、 disciplines, won him the title ofRenaissance Master. Leonardo is renowned primarily as a painter.Among his works, the Mona Lisa is the best known and The Last Supper the most reproduced religious painting of all time. What make Leonardos drawings unique are mainly his innovative techniques and acut

19、e scientific mind. Perhaps only 15 of his paintings have survived, partly because his constant experimentation with new techniques made his total output quite small. Although not a prolific(多产的)painter, Leonardo was a most productive draftsman, keeping journals full of sketches, drawings, and diagra

20、ms. These notebooks, often referred to as da Vincis manuscripts, recorded his inventions, observations, and theories about everything that captured his attention. Leonards genius made him a pioneer in almost every field of study he undertook. His paintings, together with his notebooks, have contribu

21、ted significantly to the history of art. Keys:莱奥纳多达芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期最伟大的思想家之一,也许也是迄今最多才多艺的人。他是画家、雕刻家、建筑家、数学家、工程师和发明家,因成就广泛而闻名。他的天赋跨越多个领域,为其赢得了“文艺复兴大师的称号”。莱奥纳多主要作为画家而著名。在其所有作品中,蒙娜丽莎最为有名,而最后的晚餐则是历来复制最多的宗教画作。莱奥纳多作品的独特之处主要在于其创新性的技巧和敏锐的科学思维。他的画作大约只有15幅流传了下来,其部分原因是他不断试验新的技巧,所以作品总量很小。莱奥纳多虽然不是多产画家,却是一位最高产的绘图家,他在

22、日记中画满了各种草图、图画和图表。这此笔记通常被称为达.芬奇手稿,记录了他的各种发明、观察,以及他对自己感兴趣的事物提出的理论。莱奥纳多的天赋使他几乎在涉足的每一领域都成了先驱。他的画作,连同他的笔记,在艺术史上贡献斐然。 汉译英原文:水墨画(ink and wash painting)是中国独具特色的传统艺术形式之一,是中国国画的代表。它大约始于唐代,兴盛于宋代和元代,距今已有一千多年的历史,其间经历了不断的发展、提高和完善。水墨画的创作工具和材料是具有浓厚中国特色的毛笔、宣纸和墨,其作品特点也与此紧密相关。例如,水和墨相互调和,使作品具有干湿浓淡的层次。水墨和宣纸的交融渗透也使画作善于表现

23、丰富的意象,从而达到独特的审美效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上具有很高的地位,甚至被认为是衡量东方绘画艺术水平的标准。Keys:Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties. With a history of over one tho

24、usand years, it has experienced constant development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash painting, i.e, brushes, rice paper, and ink, are characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the paintings. For example, the mixing of wa

25、ter and ink creates different shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects. Ink and wash painting holds a high status in the history of Ch

26、inese painting, and it is even regarded as the criterion to evaluate the artistic level of Oriental paintings.Unit 4英译中原文:Venice is the worlds famous island city in northern Italy. Founded in the 5th century, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. In the Middle Ages and the Renais

27、sance, Venice was a major center for commerce and trade, and became an extremely wealthy European city, a leader in political and economic affairs. After several hundred years in power, Venice began to decline in the 15th century. Nowadays, it is regarded as one of the worlds most beautiful cities a

28、nd one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. Venice has a rich and diverse architectural style, the most famous of which is the Gothic style. Venice is also known for several important artistic movements in history, especially the Renaissance period. The influence of Venice on the

29、 development of architecture and arts has been considerable. Today, it is still playing an important role in contemporary arts and popular cultures. In 1987, Venice was listed as a World Heritage Site. In March 1980, Venice became a sister city of Chinas Suzhou City.Keys:威尼斯是意大利北部一座世界闻名的岛城。威尼斯建立于公元5


31、内多山。丽江古城坐落在玉龙雪山脚下,是一座风景秀丽的历史文化名城,也是我国保存完好的少数民族古城之一。丽江古城始建于南宋,距今约有800年的历史。丽江不仅历史悠久,而且民族众多,少数民族人口占全区人口的半数以上。随着丽江旅游业的发展,到丽江古城观光游览的中外游客日益增多。1997年12月,丽江古城申报世界文化遗产获得成功,填补了中国在世界文化遗产中无历史文化名城的空白。Keys:Lijiang is a mountainous city in northwest Yunnan Province. The old town of Lijiang, located at the foot of J

32、ade Dragon Snow Mountain, is a town of scenic beauty and known for its history and culture. Its also a well-preserved old town with features of ethnic minorities. The construction work of the old town was started from the Southern Song Dynasty about 800 years from now. Not only does Lijiang boast a

33、long history, but also it boasts many ethnic minorities who make up over a half of the total population in the region. With the booming of Lijiang tourism, the old town of Lijiang is receiving a growing number of tourists from home and abroad. In December 1997, the old town succeeded in applying to be named a World Cultural Heri

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