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1、高考英语新课件二轮练习精讲精练学案052019高考英语新课件二轮练习精讲精练学案05Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero 语言要点单元要点预览 旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点 词汇 部分 词语辨析 1. fight for/against/with 2. reward / award 3. accept / receive 4. since / because / as / for 词形变化 1. cruel adj. 残暴的,残忍的 cruelty n. 残暴, 残忍 2. hope n. v.希望; 期望 hopeful adj. 有希望的, 顺利的, 有

2、前途的 hopeless adj. 没有希望的; 令人绝望的 3. educate vt. 教育 education n. 教育; 教育体制 educated adj. 受过教育的; 受过训练的 重点单词 1. devote vt. 投入 献身 2. vote v. 投票 决定 选举 n. 投票, 选票,表决, 得票数 3. reward n. 报酬 奖金vt. 酬谢 给以报答 4. equal adj. 平等的 相等的 5. advise v. 建议 重点 词组 1. be in prison 在狱中 被监禁 2. out of work 失业,出问题 3. lose heart 丧失勇气或

3、信心 重点句子 1. We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. 2. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 重点语法 定语从句 见语法部分 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. fight for/against/with 【解释】 fight for/against/with fight for 为而斗争 努力争取 fight agai

4、nst 与作斗争 fight with 和并肩作战 和打仗/打架/斗争 【练习】用正确的fight短语填空 1). We will have to _ difficulties. 2). They told the workers to _ their rights. 3). During World War II, the British _ Frenchmen against Germans. Keys: 1). fight against 2). fight for 3). fought with 2. reward / award 【解释】 award用作名词时 意为奖品、奖金、奖;

5、reward作名词时 作报酬、奖励、报答讲。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 1). The film _ are presented annually 2). A _ was offered for the return of the passport Keys: 1). awards 2). reward 3. accept / receive 【解释】 accept (接受)表示主观上乐意接受。还表示答应、同意、认同 receive (收到,得到), 表示客观收到, 还不能断定是否接受。还表示接待、接收、欢迎 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 I _ his let

6、ter of invitation, but I didnt _ it. Keys: receivedaccept 4. since / because / as / for 【解释】 since =now that 意为由于,既然,常表示已知的或大家都清楚的原因。 because表语气最强, 经常表听者不知的原因,它能回答why的提问。 as 可和because互换,但语气不够它强,也不能回答why的提问。 for 是并列连词,与后面的分句对前一句话起到补充说明的作用,其前常有逗号隔开。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 1). I cant go _ Im ill. 2). _

7、the rain has stopped, lets go out for a walk. 3). _ Im leaving tomorrow, Ive bought you a gift. 4). It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet. Keys: 1). because 2). Since 3). As 4). for II词性变化 旨在提供语法填空所需材料 1. cruel adj. 残暴的, 残忍的 cruelty n. 残暴, 残忍 2. hope n. v.希望; 期望 hopeful adj. 有希望的, 顺利的,

8、 有前途的 hopeless adj. 没有希望的; 令人绝望的 3. educate vt. 教育 education n. 教育; 教育体制 educated adj. 受过教育的; 受过训练的 【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1) She is a highly _ woman (educate) 2) Parents should _ their children to behave well. (educate) 3 A child receives its early _ at home. (educate) 4 Many a young _ went to Hollywo

9、od. (hope) 5 Our _ for fine weather were not disappointed. (hope) 6 Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a _ case. (hope) 7) Dont be _ to animals. (cruel) 8) He saw a lot of _ in the prison camp. (cruel) Keys: 1) educated 2) educate 3) education 4) hopeful 5) hopes 6) hopel

10、ess 7) cruel 8) cruelty 重点词汇 旨在提供综合运用所需材料 1. devote vt. 投入 献身 典例 1). He devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。 2). Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick. 玛丽献身于为病人服务。 重点用法 devote to 献身于 专心于 在devote to短语中 to是介词 后面接名词或动词-ing。常见的类似短语还有 pay attention to 注意 ; stick to 坚持 ; lead to 导致 ; pref

11、erto 相比更喜欢 ; look forward to 盼望 ; 练习 中译英 1). 她深爱她的孩子。 2). 我们应全力以赴地工作。 Keys: 1). She is devoted to her children. 2). We should devote all our efforts to our tasks. 2. vote v. 投票 决定 选举 n. 投票, 选票,表决, 得票数 典例 1). We voted Democrat in the last election. 我们在上次的选举中投了民主党的票。 2). Well listen to the arguments o

12、n both sides and then vote on it. 我们会先听取双方的论证后再作表决。 3). The votes are still being counted. 选票仍在统计中。 重点用法 vote down 投票否决 投票击败 vote in 投票选出 选举 vote through 表决通过 put to the vote 将付诸表决 take/have a vote on 对进行表决 vote for/against 投票赞成/反对 练习用恰当的介词或副词填空。 1). The suggestion was voted by a large majority. 2).

13、 Shall we take a vote the question? 3). The issue was put the vote. 4). Was the vote or the matter? Keys: 1). through 2).on 3). to 4). for; against 3. reward n. 报酬 奖金vt. 酬谢 给以报答 典例 1). He worked hard but without much reward. 他工作很努力 但是报酬很少。 2). He rewarded me with a prize. 他用一个奖励来报答我。 重点用法 in reward

14、(for) 作为 对的 报酬、报答 give a reward to sb. for sth. 为给某人报酬、赏金 reward sb. for (doing) sth. 因报答、奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth. 用报答、奖赏某人 练习 中译英 1). 她的善良没有得到任何回报。 _ 2). 她向他报之以一笑。 _ Keys: 1). She got nothing in reward for her kindness. 2). She rewarded him with a smile. 4. equal adj. 平等的 相等的 典例 1). Women demand equal pay for equal work. 女性要求同等工作获同等报酬。 2). All peopl

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