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1、EBSMPS安装施工质量控制点地下给排水安装工程质量控制点Quality control points for underground service/ drain installation序号No.质量控制点Quality control points控制内容Control contents等级Class备注Remarks1施工图纸会审、设计交底Joint check-up of construction drawings, design briefing图纸及其它设计文件是否齐全;水准点 、坐标及尺寸正确性,设计是否漏项Make sure that the drawings and oth

2、er design documents are complete; benchmarks, coordinates and dimensions are correct and no missing items exist in the design.A2施工方案/技术措施审查Examination of construction program /technical measures施工技术质量措施,质量控制点设置;施工标准规范、施工工艺、工序;人力、机具安排Check the technical quality measures of the construction, setting u

3、p of quality control points; construction standard, code, process and procedures; arrangement of human force and mechanical tools. B3焊接工艺评定/焊工资格证审查WPS / PQR焊接工艺评定有效性;焊工、无损检测、质量检查人员资格Evaluation of the effectiveness of welding process; qualification of welders, nondestructive examination, qualificatio

4、n of quality inspectors.B4材料、管配件Materials, pipe fittings材料合格证、质量证明书、出厂检验报告、复验报告;材料外观及几何尺寸;现场材料标识管理Material certificate, quality certificate, ex-works inspection report, rechecks report; material visual check and dimensions, and nondestructive examination; site material identification management.B5阀门

5、及安全附件Valves and safety accessories产品合格证、质量证明书;阀门、安全附件的试验程序及方法;阀门强度及密封试验、安全阀定值Product quality certificate, quality certification; testing procedures and method of valve and safety accessories; valve strength and seal test, settings of safety valve.B6沟槽验收Groove check and accept坐标、标高、基底质量Coordinate, El

6、evation, Fundus QualityB7管道预制、安装Piping Prefabrication, Installation长度、节点坐标、坡口质量、对口错边量Length, Node Coordinate, Groove Quality, Combination Stagger.C管道内部清洁、管道坡向、坡度、焊缝外观、焊缝标识Pipe Inside Clean, Pipe Slope and Grade, Welds Surface and MarkC抽查Spot check探伤点口、阀门垫片安装NDE Point, Valve Spacer InstallC8无损检测Nonde

7、structive check检测标准,检测工艺,检测比例执行情况,底片质量及检测报告Information on carrying out the check standard, process and ratio; quality of photographic plate and the checking report. B9管道试验Piping Test压力、时间、渗漏情况、煤油渗漏结果Pressure ,Time ,Leakage and Kerosene Leakage ResultA10管道试压条件确认Confirmation of conditions for piping p

8、ressure test试验方案审批、试验台帐,焊接、探伤完成;试压方案批准;压力表校验完成Examination of test program, preparation of test record book, completion of welding, and flaw detection; pressure test program is approved; calibration of pressure gauge is completed.B11管道试压Pressure test of piping试验压力、升压速度、保压时间、管道焊口耐压情况、试验台帐Information o

9、n test pressure, pressure rising rate, pressure hold time, pressure withstanding of weld groove, test record bookA12排水工程Drain Project蔽水试验Hydro TestB13管道防腐Piping Coating除锈情况、防腐级别、厚度Rust Clean, Coating Grade, ThicknessB电火花检测试验Elect-light Inspect TestA14隐蔽工程Conceal Project安装坐标、标高、防腐、隐蔽纪录Coordinate, Ele

10、vation, Coating, Conceal RecordA15回填土Backfill分层厚度、夯实质量、干密度试验Layer Thickness, Compaction, Dry Density TestB16交工验收Delivery & acceptance施工过程的技术资料、质量评定资料审查Check of technical information and qualification information of the constructionA钢结构安装质量控制点Quality Control Points for Steel Structure Installation序号N

11、o.质量控制点Quality control points控制内容Control contents等级Class备注Remarks1施工图纸会审、设计交底Joint check-up of construction drawings, design briefing图纸及其它设计文件是否齐全 、坐标及尺寸正确性,设计是否漏项Make sure that the drawings and other design documents are complete; coordinates and dimensions are correct and no missing items exist in

12、 the design.A2施工方案/技术措施审查Examination of construction program /technical measures施工技术质量措施,质量控制点设置;施工标准规范、施工工艺、工序;人力、机具安排Check the technical quality measures of the construction, setting up of quality control points; construction standard, code, process and procedures; arrangement of human force and m

13、echanical tools. B3焊接工艺评定/焊工资格证审查WPS / PQR焊接工艺评定有效性;焊工、无损检测、质量检查人员资格Evaluation of the effectiveness of welding process; qualification of welders, nondestructive examination, qualification of quality inspectors.B4原材料审查Raw Material Checkup材料合格证、质量证明书、出厂检验报告、复验报告;材料外观及几何尺寸;现场材料标识管理Material certificate,

14、 quality certificate, ex-works inspection report, rechecks report; material visual check and dimensions, and nondestructive examination; site material identification management.B5原材料矫正处理Raw Material Rectify不直度、局部挠曲矢高、翼缘板倾斜度Slope Degree, Part Bend, Annular Plate GradientC6下料、切割Mark, Cut尺寸精度、误差、切割表面处理

15、Size Precision, Error, Cutting Surface TreatmentC7构件预制Structure Prefabrication几何尺寸、焊接质量、表面处理情况、自检纪录Raw Size, Weld Quality, Surface Treatment Self-Check RecordB8基础验收Foundation Check and Accept外观质量、外形尺寸、标高、中心线、螺栓间距Surface Quality, Shape Size, Elevation, Center Line, Bolt DistanceB9构件安装Structure Instal

16、l标高、中心偏差、水平度、铅垂度、焊接质量、飞溅 Elevation, Center Wrap, Level Degree, Vertical, Weld Quality, Splash.B焊疤清理、自检纪录Weld Scar Clean, Self-Check Record10交工验收Delivery & acceptance施工过程的技术资料、质量评定资料审查Check of technical information and qualification information of the constructionA静设备安装质量控制点Quality Control Points for

17、 Static Equipment Installation序号No.质量控制点Quality control points控制内容Control contents等级Class备注Remarks1施工图纸会审、设计交底Joint check-up of construction drawings, design briefing图纸及其它设计文件是否齐全, 设计是否漏项Make sure that the drawings and other design documents are complete; and no missing items exist in the design.A2施

18、工方案/技术措施审查Examination of construction program /technical measures施工技术质量措施,质量控制点设置;施工标准规范、施工工艺、工序;人力、机具安排Check the technical quality measures of the construction, setting up of quality control points; construction standard, code, process and procedures; arrangement of human force and mechanical tools

19、. B3设备开箱检验Equipment Unwrap Check管口方位、地脚螺栓孔尺寸,紧固件、内件数量、质量Nozzle Place, Anchor Bolt Size;Tight Piece, Inside Piece Quantity and QualityA专业工具、各种标志线、质量证明文件Specialty Tools, Kinds of Marks, Quality Certification4基础验收Foundation Check and Accept标高线、中心线、轴线、地脚螺栓间距、基础表面处理Elevation Line, Center Line, Axes, anch

20、or bolts Space, Foundation Surface TreatmentB5设备安装、找正Equipment Install Rectify方位、标高、中心偏差、水平度、铅垂度、垫铁数量 Place, Elevation, Center Wrap, Horizontal, Vertical, Backing Plate QuantityB6内件安装Inside Piece Install位置、规格、水平度Place, Size, HorizontalA7压力试验Pressure Test压力表精度、试压介质、试验压力、试压时间、试验部位状态Pressure Watch Prec

21、ision, Medium, Pressure, Time Test Place StateB8附属钢结构安装Attach Steel Structure Install焊接质量Weld QualityB9设备封孔Equipment Seal内件安装完毕、内部清洁、隐蔽纪录Inside Piece Install, Inside Clean, Construction RecordA10交工验收Delivery & acceptance施工过程的技术资料、质量评定资料审查Check of technical information and qualification information o

22、f the constructionA动设备安装质量控制点Quality Control Points for Act Equipment Installation序号No.质量控制点Quality control points控制内容Control contents等级Class备注Remarks1施工图纸会审、设计交底Joint check-up of construction drawings, design briefing图纸及其它设计文件是否齐全, 设计是否漏项Make sure that the drawings and other design documents are co

23、mplete; and no missing items exist in the design.A2施工方案/技术措施审查Examination of construction program /technical measures施工技术质量措施,质量控制点设置;施工标准规范、施工工艺、工序;人力、机具安排Check the technical quality measures of the construction, setting up of quality control points; construction standard, code, process and procedu

24、res; arrangement of human force and mechanical tools. B3设备开箱检验Equipment Unwrap Check包装、防护, 随机零配件、专用工具、备品备件及随机文件资料,拆下的零部件清洗Package and protection, parts, special tools, spare parts and documents of the equipments, clean removed partsA4基础验收Foundation Check and Accept标高线、中心线、轴线、地脚螺栓间距、基础表面处理Elevation L

25、ine, Center Line, Axes, anchor bolts Space, Foundation Surface TreatmentB5解体检查零部件及其配合尺寸检查,试验、试漏Parts and its fit dimension check, test, leak test B6设备安装、找正Equipment Install Rectify方位、标高、中心偏差、水平度、垫铁数量Place, Elevation, Center Wrap, Horizontal, Backing Plate QuantityB7单机试运machine test-run油系统清洗,安全阀调试,电气

26、、仪表、计算机调试,单机试运方案及介质,安装资料,试运记录Oil system clean, safety valve adjust; electrical, instruments, computer adjust; proposal of machine test-run and its medium; installation documents; test-run recordA8交工验收Delivery & acceptance施工过程的技术资料、质量评定资料审查Check of technical information and qualification information

27、of the constructionA管道安装工程质量控制点Quality Control Points for Piping Installation Project序号No.质量控制点Quality control points控制内容Control contents等级Class备注Remarks1施工图纸会审、设计交底Joint check-up of construction drawings, design briefing图纸及其它设计文件是否齐全;水准点 、坐标及尺寸正确性,设计是否漏项Make sure that the drawings and other design

28、documents are complete; benchmarks, coordinates and dimensions are correct and no missing items exist in the design.A2施工方案/技术措施审查Examination of construction program /technical measures施工技术质量措施,质量控制点设置;施工标准规范、施工工艺、工序;人力、机具安排Check the technical quality measures of the construction, setting up of quali

29、ty control points; construction standard, code, process and procedures; arrangement of human force and mechanical tools. B3焊接工艺评定/焊工资格证审查WPS / PQR 焊接工艺评定有效性;焊工、无损检测、质量检查人员资格Evaluation of the effectiveness of welding process; qualification of welders, nondestructive examination, qualification of qual

30、ity inspectors.B焊接专业工程师Welding specialist engineer4材料、管配件Materials, pipe fittings材料合格证、质量证明书、出厂检验报告、复验报告;材料外观及几何尺寸、硬度及无损检测;现场材料标识管理Material certificate, quality certificate, ex-works inspection report, recheck report; material visual check and dimensions, hardness and nondestructive examination; site material identification management.B配合采购质量工程师In cooperation with procurement quality engineer5阀门及安全附件Valves and safety

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