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1、入职英语测试笔试+写作B卷doc.入职英语测试笔试( B 卷)一、 词汇1. A couple of suspicious-looking _ were standing outside the house.A) personalities B) characters C) persons D)temperatures2.The author was required to submit an _ of about 200 words togetherwith his research paper.A) editionB) editorialC) articleD) abstract3.The

2、 company has had to cut $46,000 from its advertising _.A) allowanceB) reservationC) budgetD) finance4.Lance does what he wants, _ what his parents say.A) all aloneB) spiteC) regardless ofD) carelesswith5.Most events take about two hours and are _ limited to 20 places,sobooking in advance is essentia

3、l.A) naturally B) specially C) normally D) particularly6. When carbon is added to iron in proper _ the result is steel.A) proportions B) densities C) rates D) thicknesses7.The article gives us a real _ into the causes of the present economic crisis.-.A) fancyB) outlookC) imaginativeD) insight8.The g

4、irl was a shy, _ person, never one to push herself forward.A) moderateB) modestC) mobileD) moist9.There are very _ penalties for drug dealing.A) badB) seriousC) heavyD) severe10.This is a computer system that _ maximum flexibility with absoluteaccuracy.A) condenses B) combines C) concentrates D) con

5、sists11.Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them _food andmedicine.A) contribute B) drift C) distribute D) attribute12. This hotel _ $60 for a single room with bath.A) claims B) charges C) prices D) demands13.Many scientists _ the new damage to the forests to be the result ofhigher

6、 levels of pollution.A) presumeB) resumeC) consumeD) assume14.We must continue to _ greater efficiency.A) stick toB) strike atC) strive forD) stand for15.Grain production in the world is _, but still millions go hungry.-.A) staggeringB) soaringC) suspendingD) shrinking16.Buddhism _ in India and came

7、 to China in the first century A.D.A) generatedB) originatedC) speculatedD)manufactured17.You must get a doctor s certificate if you are off work sick for morethan three_ days.A) conservativeB) consecutiveC) consequentD)confident18.The financial problem of this company is further _ by the rise in in

8、terestrates.A) increased B) strengthened C) reinforced D)aggravated19.The interactions between China and US will surely have a significant_on peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.A) importance B) impression C) impact D)implication20. I m sorry, that swimsuit is com

9、pletely _ in your size.A) in stock B) out of stocks C) in stocks D) out of-.stock二、 语法1.It is advisable _ some warm clothing with you, as the weather can change quite suddenly.A) take B) to taking C) taking D) to take2. _ player scores the highest number of points will be the winner.A) Whichever B)

10、Whomever C) Whatever D) Whoever3.We have been told that _ may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A) under no circumstancesB) under the circumstancesC) in the circumstancesD) under no circumstance4.The firm _ before the building work was completedA) rushed bankruptB) walked bankr

11、uptC) went bankruptD) ran bankrupt5.The US government was accused of supplying the rebels _ armsand equipment.A) toB) forC) byD) with6.You are quite _ to make an official complaint if you wish.A) on libertyB) at libertyC) under libertyD) in liberty7.Baker is keen _ more collaborative projects in key

12、 technologies.A) onB) forC) inD) at8.I m not accustomed _ up so early.-.A) to getting B) get C) to get D) getting9. We are all fully capable _ that responsibility.A) to manage B) of managing C) for managing D) withmanaging10.Recent studies show that moderate amounts of alcohol are beneficial_ health

13、.A) for B) to C) with D) of11. When _ with the evidence of her guilt, Mary confessed.A) be confronted B) confrontedC) having been confronted D) confronting12. The majority of Americans increased their wealth in the past decade._, the gains were substantial.A) Furthermore B) However C) Though D) Wher

14、eas13. Students are selected solely _.A) on merit B) in merit C) by merit D) with merit14. People who cope successfully _ difficult situations usually lookahead and anticipate the circumstances.A) at B) for C) with D) in15.The talks _, with no apparent hope of achieving a peaceful solution.A) dragge

15、d down B) dragged in C) dragged up D)dragged on-.16. _ a lot of contemporary war movies, particularly movies aboutVietnam, we wanted to make a movie that would be very pro-solider.A) In contrast to B) In contrast ofC) In contrast against D) In contrast at17. Some of the older staffs were _ the new e

16、quipment.A) reluctant in use B) reluctant to usingC) reluctant in using D) reluctant to use18.It s raining, which _ means that your football match will be cancelled.A) seemingly B) likely C) eventually D)presumably19. A woman could inherit the throne _ male heirs.A) in default to B) in default of C)

17、 in default for D) in defaultwith20.A series of events for teachers and students will _ a Shakespeare festival next year.A) culminate at B) culminate for C) culminate in D) culminateto三、 阅读理解Passage One-.If movie trailers are supposed to cause a reaction, the preview forUnited 93 more than succeeds.

18、 Featuring no famous actors, it beginswith images of a beautiful morning and passengers boarding an airplane.It takes you a minute to realize what the movies even about. That swhen a plane hits the World Trade Center. the effect is visceral( 震撼心灵的 ). When the trailer played before Inside Man last we

19、ek at aHollywood theater, audience members began calling out, T oo soon! InNew York City, the response was even more dramatic. The Loews Theaterin Manhattan took the rare step of pulling the trailer from its screensafter several complaints.United 93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with

20、the eventsof September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate. Is ittoo soon? Should the film have been made at all? More to the point, willanyone want to see it? Other 9/11 projects are on the way as the fifthanniversary of the attacks approaches, most notably Oliver Stones World Tr

21、ade Center. but as the forerunner, United 93will take most ofthe heat, whether it deserves it or not.The real United 93 crashed in a Pennsylvania field after 40passengers and crew fought back against the terrorists. Writer-directorPaul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in hisdepi

22、ction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securingthe approval of every victims family. Was I surprised at the agreement?-.Yes. Very. Usually there re one or two families whore more reluctant,Greengrass writes in an e-mail. I was surprised at the extraordinary waythe United 93 fami

23、lies have welcomed us into their lives and shared theirexperiences with us. Carole OHare, a family member, says, They werevery open and honest with us, and they made us a part of this wholeproject. Universal, which is releasing the film, plans to donate 10% of itsopening weekend gross to the Flight

24、93 National Memorial Fund. Thathasnt stopped criticism that the studio is exploiting a national tragedy.OHare thinks thats unfair. This story has to be told to honor thepassengers and crew for what they did, she says. But more than that, itraises awareness. Our ports arent secure. Our borders arent

25、secure. Ourairlines still arent secure, and this is what happens when youre notsecure. That s the message I want people to hear.1. Where did the trailer for “ United 93 ” succeed in, when it playedinthe theaters in Hollywood and New York City?_2.What does the movie“ Unite 93 ” give rise to?_3.What d

26、id writer-director Paul Greengrass obtain before he proceededwith the movie?_4. Why did people criticize the “ Universal ” that releasing the film?-._5.Besides honoring the passengers and crew for what they did, what the purpose of telling the story?_Passage TwoThere is nothing new about TV and fash

27、ion magazines giving girlsunhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to beconsidered beautiful. What is surprising is the method psychologists atthe University of Texas have come up with to keep girls from developingeating disorders. Their main weapon against super skinny (role) models:a brand of civil disobedience dubbed “ body activism. ”Since 2001, more than 1,000 high school and college students in theU.S. have participated in the Bo

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