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1、63T2500电液伺服折弯机参数电液伺服折弯机 Electro-hydraulic Servo bendingmachine一主要参数 Major parameterNoNameand序号model No 名称型号数值 value单位 UnitWE67K-63T/2500电液伺服折弯机Electro-hydraulicServo bending machine1公 称 力Nominal630Kncapacity2工作台长度 Length of2500Mmthe working table3立柱间距离2530mmDistance between stand4喉口深度260mmThroat dep

2、th5滑块行程120mmSlide stroke6最大开启高度370mmMax open height8驱进速度110mm/smigration velocity9工作速度12mm/sWorking speed10返程速度110mm/sBack speed11主电机功率5.5KWMain motor power12三相工作电源380/ 50V/ HzThree phaseworkingpower13压力31.5Mpastress轴向柱塞泵流量40Ml/rAxialflowplunger型号10MCY14-1Bpumpmodel14油缸直径Oil125Mmcylinder diameter15X

3、 轴行程600MmX axis stroke16长 度2200Mm外形尺寸LengthDimension宽 度1150mmwidth高度1800mmHeight二、供货范围:Suply itmes:1.电液伺服折弯机一台 ( 含标准模具一套 )Electro-hydraulic Servo bending machine one set(including standard tooling one set)2.DA65W 数控系统一套(带数控专用吊臂)DA65W digital control system on set ( with digital controlexclusive cran

4、e arm)三本机优势Advantage1主机控制轴Main engine control shaft1)Y1 、Y2 轴为滑块行程控制轴,用来控制折弯角度。在机床两端装有两个光栅尺 (Y1-Y2) ,它们用来测定滑块与工作台的确切位置; 光栅尺与工作台相连接, 这样立柱弹性变形不会影响滑块的定位。 滑块位移数据立即反馈到数控系统, 它便可以测算出输出伺服阀控制信号。Y1,Y2 shaft is to control stroke of slider, and to control bending angle.The 2 ends of the machine are equipped wit

5、h 2 grating ruler(Y1-Y2) to measure the exact position of slide and the table; the ruller are connected withthe table, sothat elastic deformation of the stand would not effect the positioning of slide. The data of slider go back to control system immediately, and come out of output servo valve contr

6、ol signal.2)X 轴为后挡料控制轴, 用来控制折弯翻边尺寸。 X轴是选用进口的伺服电机通过同步齿形带轮驱动滚珠丝杆运动。 两挡料爪在运动中始终保持同步。传动平稳,精度高,噪声低。X shaft is for back gauge to control bending turnup dimension.The theory is to drive ball screw via simultaneous gear belt which is run by imported servo motor. The 2 material carrier claw keep always synch

7、roniztion in movment, the transmission are stable, precise and with little noise.3)V轴为加凸控制轴,用来补偿工作台和滑块在受载时的弹性变形。V shaft is to make up the elastic deformation while the table and slider are loading.采用独特的加凸工作台设计及制造技术,可形成一组理想的加凸曲线,在全长上实现完美的补偿, 以抵消滑块和工作台在受力状态下的变形,提高制件质量。Apply unique raised working table

8、 design and facrication technique, a groupand perfect raising curve is avail with it, and to realize perfect comensation all the way, to counteract deformation of the slider and table in impact, improve quality of the finished piece.4)R 轴控制轴 , R 轴带两个后挡料升降挡指,可调升降,上下自由运动,实现高难度工件折弯R control shaft, has

9、2 back gauge up/down finger to adjust vertical direction,and to move freely up or down, it is to realize bending of material with high difficulty.5)Z 轴控制轴 , 控制后挡料挡指的左右运动,实现宽度不一致的异型工件折弯Z control shaft is to control left/right movment of the back gauge finger, to realize bending of special material wi

10、th different width.6).可直接输入角度,实现多次连续折弯,操作简单轻松The angle could input directly to realize repeated bending, operation easy and convenient.7).进口滚珠丝杠,进口直销导轨Imported ball screw, imported straight lead rail.8).进口的同步轮,同步带Imported synchronizing wheel, imported synchronizing tape.9).两个进口的伺服电机驱动( Y 轴和 X 轴),折弯精

11、度和速度最大化提高Two imported server motor driver (Y axis and X axis), bending accracy and speed is imporved.10).精度高的同时大大提高折弯速度,工作效率更高Besides precision, the speed is largely increased, higher efficiency.2.液压系统 Hydraulic system1)采用国 BOSCH公司折弯机同步专用控制系统,能得到及极高的同步控制精度。液压系统有超负荷溢流保护,安全可靠。Apply BOSCH Company, Germ

12、any control system exclusively for shearing machine, enable the machine with very high control precision. The hydraulic system has overload flow protetion, safty and assuring.2)油泵选用日本 NACHI公司高压内齿泵可承受高压,噪音低。The oil pump is high pressure internal gear pump from NACHI company, Japan,could sustain high

13、pressure and with low noise.3)油缸: 45#钢调质处理,内孔精镗、珩磨。Oil cylinder: Material is 45# steel with tempering treatment, the inner hole is refined boning bore.4)活塞:45#钢调质处理, 外圆镀铬、精磨、振动磨削(超精磨削) 。Valve: Material is 45# steel with tempering treatment,the round surface are chroming, vibrate grinding (Supergrind

14、ing)5)密封圈选用德国 MERKEL公司,密封性能好,工作可靠,寿命长。The seal ring, we select MERKELcompany, Germany, good sealing, assuring and long performance life.6)有清晰直观的油位高度。Visual and clear oil level.7)液压系统分粗、精两级过滤,过滤精度高。The hydraulic system are serparate into rough, refined 2 stage filter, high filter precision.3滑块 Slide1

15、)上动式折弯设计,工作平稳、操作方便、安全。Up mobile type bending design, stability at working, easy and safe in operation.2)在下死点有保压延时功能,确保工件精度。The bottom dead point has pressure maintain and postpone function to ensure accuracy of the workpiece.3)滑块行程大,两侧平行公差 0.02mm。Large stroke, parrellel tollerance at 2 sides is 0.02

16、mm4)在国家相关标准条件下,折弯角度精度可达 30The bending accuracy could reach 30 under national standard condition.5)有慢速回升控制的功能,操作者能更好地控制工件。With low speed elevated control function for better control of the workpiece.6)选择 Y 轴控制状态,操作电子手轮能使滑块向上(向下)任意移动;Choose Y axis control, the electronic control wheel could move the s

17、lide up and down freely.4电气控制系统Electronic control system1)关键电气元件采用国外进口件, 符合国际标准,安全可靠,寿命长,抗干扰能力强,电控柜有散热功能。The key electronic parts are imported, follow international standard, safty and assuring, long performance life, anti intererence, and the electronic control cabinet has heat release function.2)附

18、带可移动的脚踏操作站,有紧急停机功能。With mobile foot control stop, has emergency shut down fuction.5、机器的抗偏载能力Unbalance laoding resistance of the machine.本机的电液伺服系统是一种位置控制系统, 它通过光栅尺动态地检测出滑块的同步误差, 经数控系统给定电液伺服阀信号纠正滑块的同步误差,使滑块在完全偏载的情况下始终能与工作台保持平行。Electro-hydraulic servo system of the machine is position control system, a

19、ndvia grating ruler this system could detect synchronization error of the sider dynamically, and correct the error via signal of electro-hydraulic servo valve,so that the slider could keep in parallel with the table even in completely unbalance loading condition.官方网址: 四数控系统Digital Control System荷兰 D

20、eIem DA65W数控系统。Holand Delem DA65W digital control system.采用 Windows XP 操作系统,系统稳定操作简单。Apply Windows XP Control system, stable while the operation is easy10.2 ” TFT 彩色液晶显示器,二维图形方式编程、显示与后置处理10.2 TFT multic-color LCD display, stereogram mode programming.高品质大型防水防污轻触式键盘,寿命长久High quality big water and dirt

21、 proof tickel keyboard with long life400 Mhz 中央处理器 CPU;256M主存储器400Mhz CPU; 256M major storage unit.1.44MB/3.5 ”软盘驱动器, 1 GB 的内存。1.44MB/3.5 soft disk driver, 1GM internal storage.以太网 RJ45 网络接口Etherlink RK45 network interface标准 COM串行接口 / 标准打印机接口 1 个/ 标准键盘及鼠标接口 1 个Standard COM serial interface/ 1 standa

22、rd printer interface/ standard keyboard and 1 mouse interfface1 个标准 VGA视频输出接口,可外接显示器1 standard VGA viedo output interface,could connect with display机床外型、模具、工件以图形方式按 1:1:1 自由缩放The machine body, module and material are scaling freey in diagram, 1:1:1全方位碰撞检测功能;错误警示系统Full angle hit detection function; e

23、rror alarm system.折弯工序自动编制与折弯模拟,操作方式实时指引Bending process automatically created and simutilated, and operation with guide function.含中文的多种文字显示Multi language available including Chinese滑块运行速度监控Slider running speed monitoring公/ 英制转换Metriic/ Inch transform freely自动计算折弯位置、展开长度、折弯力、变形补偿、模具安全保护区上死点、转换点、夹紧点、挡

24、料退让等Automatically caculate bending position, developed length, bending strength, deformation remedy, dead pointon module security protected area, shifting point, clamp point, back gauge, etc.Y1-Y2 可人工输入(或通过仪表、传感器采样数据,)自动角度校正值计算,并可 Y1-Y2 单独校正(配仪表、传感器是选项)Y1-Y2 could input manually(or through instrumen

25、t, sensor to collect data,) angle corrected value be caculated automatically, and Y1-Y2 seperated correction is available ( instrument, sensor could be choosed)夹紧点、折弯力、补偿、左右板厚校正Clamping point, bending strength, remedy, thickness of material could be corrected.PC1200_PC二维离线编程软件可安装在个人电脑上,进行编程计算,模拟加工等,

26、提高工作效率PC1200_PC two-dimension offline programming software could be installed on personnal computer to carry out programming caculation, simulating machining to improve working efficiency.主要进口件清单 Major import parts list数控系统 Digital control system: 意大利 ESA 公司EAS Company, Italia伺服阀组 Server valve unit:

27、 美国 FIRST公司First Company USA压力阀组 Pressure valve unit: 美国 FIRST公司First Company USA滤 油 器 filter devic: 德国 BOSCH公司BOSCH Company,Germany油 泵 Oil Pump: 日本 NACHI公司NACHI Company, Japan杆密封圈 Pole seal ring : 德国 MERKEL公司MEKKEL Company, Germany密封圈 Seal ring : 德国 MERKEL公司MEKKEL Company, Germany缸密封圈 Cylinder seal

28、 ring 德国 MERKEL公司MEKKEL Company, Germany防尘圈 Dust proof ring 德国 MERKEL公司MEKKEL Company, GermanyRing 型圈 德国 MERKEL公司MEKKEL Company, Germany导向带 Lead tape 德国 B+S公司B+S company, Germany电气系统 Electronic system 法国施耐德公司Schneier Company, France减速电机 reducer motor日本 SANYO公司Sanyo Company, Japan减 速驱动 reducer drive

29、日本 SANYO公司Sanyo Company, Japan齿型带 Gear tape 5M-15-HP L=M 意大利 CONTITECH公司CONTITECH Company, Italia滚珠丝杠 直线导轨 Ball screw, linear guideway瑞典 SKF 公司SKF Company, Sweden光栅尺 LS629 Grating ruler 德国 HEIDENHAIN公司HEIDENHAIN Company, Germany六、机床精度 Machine tool precision项目Y1 轴Y2 轴X 轴R 轴Z 轴NameY1Y2XRZShaftShaftShaftShaftShafeControl0.

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