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高考英语 阶段性专题综合测试 新人教版.docx

1、高考英语 阶段性专题综合测试 新人教版阶段性测试专题综合(用时100分钟,分值120分).单项填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)1. Have you ever seen a tiger in the wild?Yes.I sawwhen I visited the National Park in India. A. itB. one C. that D. which 答案:B 提示:考查不定代词的用法,指同类事物中的一个,因此用one。 2. No one has been able to prove that fish is _ better for the brain than

2、 many other kinds of food. A. some B. so C. as D. any 答案:D 提示:本题考查代词和副词的用法。四个选项中只有any能够用来修饰比较级形式。3. Television has so many advantages.It keeps us _ about the _ news, and also provides entertainment in the home. A. informed; latest B. to know; later C. learning; later D. to think; latest 答案:A 提示:由the

3、 latest news首先排除B、C两项;根据句意“电视能使我们了解最新消息”,构成keep sb./sth.done及inform sb.(us) about/of sth.结构,所以A项正确。 4. Martin _ freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color,race and creed(信条).A. stands up B. stands forC. sets out D. sets up 答案:B 提示:此题考查词语辨析。stands up意为“起立”;stands for意为“代表”;sets out意为“出发”;sets

4、 up意为“建起,搭起”。根据题意选B项。 5. Have you finished your homework, Lisa?No.I _ my mother clean up the house yesterday. A. would help B. had helped C. helped D. was helping 答案:D 提示:表示过去某段时间一直在做某事。 6. Why did he walk to work?His mother was badly ill so he had to _ $1 000 for his car. A. take B. buy C. pay D. c

5、ost 答案:A 提示:表示卖车得1000美元。 7. Why ask me to take that early bus?Because that bus _ the 9:30 a.m.train at Boston. A. joins to B. joins up C. unites with D. connects with 答案:D 提示:考查词语辨析。joins to意为“把连接到”;joins up意为“参军,入伍”;unites with意为“联合起来”;connects with意为“与相连”。由题意可知D项正确。 8. The news was a terrible blow

6、 to her, but she will _ the shock soon. A. get out B. get through C. get off D. get over 答案:D 提示:此题考查动词短语。A项表示“拨出,传开”;B项表示“完成,通过”;C项表示“下车,动身”;D项表示“克服,从中恢复过来”。此题意为“这消息对她来说是巨大的打击,但是她将很快从震惊中恢复过来”。 9. His failure in the experiment suggested that he _ his teachers proper instructions.A. should not have f

7、ollowed B. should not follow C. mustnt have followed D. hadnt followed 答案:D 提示:本题考查动词suggest的用法。根据suggest的用法要求,当表示“建议”时,宾语从句用虚拟语气;当表示“表明,预示” 时,使用陈述语气。10. All of them thought it necessary that he _ the meeting. A. attend B. would have attended C. attended D. was to attend 答案:A 提示:本题考查虚拟语气中的谓语动词用法。根据语

8、法要求,在It is+adj. +that.的句型中,从句的谓语动词可以使用should do 的省略形式,即动词原形。 11. _ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region. A. Unless B. As long as C. If only D. Only if 答案:D 提示:本题考查连词的用法。后面的结构为倒装句,所以此处用only引导条件状语从句。12. The old couple have been married for 40 years and nev

9、er once _ with each other.A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 答案:C 提示:本句中否定词组never once位于句首时,句子要用倒装语序,故排除A、B两项,D项不合语法。 13. The job wasnt very interesting, but _ it was well-paid. A. on the contrary B. on the other hand C. however D. meanwhile 答案:

10、B 提示: on the contrary意思为“正好相反”,用来表相反的意见;on the other hand意思是“然而也是对的”,是为了表明问题的另一个方面。句意为“那个工作没多大意思,但另一方面工资却很高”。14. This new model of car is so expensive that it is _ the reach of those with average incomes.A. over B. within C. beyond D. below 答案:C 提示:beyond表示“超出能力范围”。句意为“这种新式的车很昂贵,一般收入的人买不起”。15. Who d

11、o you suggest _ to work there at once?How about Hu Dong?Hes the person for the work.And what do you suggest now?A. send; do B. be send; do C. be sent; doing D. send, doing 答案:C 提示:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。第一句为suggest表示“建议” 时,后跟宾语从句的用法,宾语从句谓语用(should) do形式,即虚拟语气;第二句为动词suggest在表示“建议” 时,后跟动词 ing形式作宾语的用法。16. Attent

12、ion, please, everybody !Please stay _ while I take your photograph. A. still B. calm C. quiet D. alive 答案:A 提示:still意为“静止的;不动的”,强调不运动;calm意为“镇定的”,强调不激动,从容不迫;quiet意为“安静的”,强调弄出声音;alive意为“活着的”。题意为“大家请注意,在我给你照相时,请保持不动”。 17. Doctor Godwin says that _ what forceful arguments against cigarette harm there a

13、re, many people insist on smoking.A. though B. however C. no matter D. even if 答案:C 提示:从语意上讲,此处只能是“无论”。B项不能引导一个句子,而C项则常与wh句子连用。18. Sarah, can you help me with this work?Sure, it doesnt take me too much time.A. but B. unless C. if D. as 答案:C 提示:本题考查状语从句连词的用法。从语境和sure一词的意思分析,此处应该表示同意的条件。19. Jack is a

14、student and studies at the No.1 Middle School. _.A. It was the same with Mike B. So it is with Mike C. So is Mike D. So does Mike 答案:B 提示:表示遵照别人的话或自己的许诺去办了,就用“主语+do+so” 形式。对别人的话作出肯定反应时用“so+主语+do” 形式。so的意义相当于indeed,certainly,表示“不错”“对了”。“so+do+主语” 这种结构中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的,词序倒装,助动词do 位于主语之前,so的意义相当于in the s

15、ame way,有“同样”“也那样” 的含义。若一句话中包含不同种类的动词,且当后面说的情况也符合前文所说的情况时,(无论肯定还是否定),常用句型为:It is/was the same with sb.或So it is/was with sb.。 20. Do me a favor to lend me 5.I dont have enough _.A. at hand B. by hand C. at my hand D. in hand 答案:A 提示: at hand意为“在手边”;at one s hand意为“出自某人之手”;by hand意为“手工制作,完成的”;in hand

16、意为“所有,在控制下,已经着手,正在考虑中”。题意为“我手头钱不够,借我五美元”。21. _ he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of our help. A. Even though B. Never until C. Only before D. Ever since 答案:B 提示:否定词位于句首用倒装结构,C项语意欠妥。22. Controlling water-pollution is necessary _ it will be expensive. A. so that B. as if C. even

17、 though D. ever since 答案:C 提示:even though意为“即使” 符合句意。 23. Unless _, I wont say anything about that matter. A. requiring B. required C. be required D. to be required 答案:B 提示:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。从非谓语动词和主句主语之间的关系分析,此处应该表示被动,所以使用过去分词,相当于unless I am required这一状语从句形式。 24. Did Mary come to the party?I dont know.S

18、he _ while I was out.A. may have come B. must have come C. might come D. could come 答案:A 提示:本题考查情态动词表示推测的用法。从答语的第一句话I dont know分析,此处没有太大的把握,且是对过去的动作进行推测,所以使用may have done形式。 25. Mrs.Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?A. is he B. isnthe C. doesnt she D. does she 答案:D 提

19、示:本题考查反意疑问句的结构。反意疑问句式由“陈述句+一般疑问句” 构成,当陈述句是一个带有that分句作宾语的主从结构时,疑问句一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。本题中疑问句部分应与Mrs.Black doesnt believe保持一致,故选D。但是,当陈述句的主句是I suppose,I think,I believe等结构时,疑问句则往往与从句的主语和谓语动词保持一致,但要注意否定转移。如:1) She said that I did it, didnt she? 2) I dont think she said so, did she?.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,

20、满分30分) (2006湖北黄冈三月模拟)One day,a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods from door to door found that he only had one dime left.He was hungry so he decided to 26 for a meal at the next house. However,he lost his nerve 27 a lovely young woman opened the door.Instead of a

21、meal he asked for a drink of water.She thought he looked 28 so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it 29 ,and then asked,“How much do I owe you?” “You dont owe me anything,” she 30 “Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a 31 ” He said,“Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

22、 As Howard Kelly left that house,he not only felt stronger 32 ,but it also increased his faith in God and human race.He was about to give up and quit before this point. Years later the young woman became critically ill.The local doctors were baffled.They finally sent her to the big city, where speci

23、alists can be called 33 to study her rare disease. Dr.Howard Kelly,now 34 ,was called in for the consultation.When he heard the name of the town she came from,a strange light 35 his eyes.Immediately,he 36 and went down through the hospital hall into her room. 37 in his doctor s gown he went in to se

24、e her.He 38 her at once.He went back to the consultation room and 39 to do his best to save her life.From that day on,he gave 40 attention to her case. After a long 41 the battle was won.Dr.Kelly 42 the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval .He looked at it and then wrote someth

25、ing on the side.The bill was sent to her room.She was afraid to open it because she was 43 that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off.Finally she looked,and the note on the side of the bill caught her 44 .She read these words. “Paid in full with a glass of milk.”(Signed) Dr.Howard Kelly T

26、ears of joy flooded her eyes as she 45 silently.“Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.” 26. A. call B. make C. beg D. prepare 答案:C 提示:beg for意为“向要”,也可以用ask for,其他选项不合语境。 27. A. while B. when C. though D. unless 答案:B 提示:when=and suddenly;and at that moment。 28. A. thirs

27、ty B. lazy C. tired D. hungry 答案:D 提示:通过文章内容可以知道the poor boy当时是hungry,上文已经有提示。 29. A. slowly B. unexpected C. steadily D. hurriedly 答案:A 提示:小男孩十分懂礼貌,故慢慢地喝完牛奶,以示斯文。 30. A. announced B. shook C. replied D. doubted 答案:C 提示:replied=answered。 31. A. reward B. kindness C. aid D. value 答案:B 提示:the young wo

28、man在需要的时候帮助了the poor boy这当然是一个善意的行为。 32. A. physically B. mentally C. normally D. properly 答案:A 提示:上文已经交代了作者是饿了,所以是身体上的stronger。 33. A. up B. for C. on D. in 答案:D 提示:call in指“召来(专业人员作咨询或救助)”。 34. A. rich B. famous C. observant D. vivid 答案:B 提示:由下文的“requested the business office to pass the final bil

29、l to him for approval” 可以判断。35. A. fixed B. consulted C. filled D. concentrated 答案:C 提示:由后面的eyes可以推断。此时,Kelly马上想起孩提时的那一件印象很深的事。 36. A. rose B. raised C. got D. left 答案:A 提示:rose(rise的过去式)在此意思是“起身”;C应该说“get from.”;D项后加宾语才对。 37. A. Worn B. Having C. Putting D. Dressed 答案:D 提示:be dressed in.为固定搭配,wear后

30、直接接宾语。 38. A. recognized B. knew C. spared D. regained 答案:A 提示:recognize意思是“认出”,其他选项不能表达这个意思。 39. A. desired B. declared C. determined D. declined 答案:C 提示:determined to do sth.是“下决心做事”。其他选项不合逻辑。 40. A. special B. ordinary C. normal D. no 答案:A 提示:special attention是“特殊的照顾”,表达Kelly对那个woman的感激之情。 41. A. decision B. preparation C. struggle D. debate 答案:C 提示:由上文的“rare disease”可以判断。 42. A. ordered B. requested C. confused D. compromised 答案:B 提示:医生要求事务办公室把账单给他签署。 43. A. negative B. uncertain C. positive D. obvious 答案:C 提示:the woman根据自己的病情推出费用一定昂贵。po

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