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1、初中初一各单元重点知识冠词 Its an orange Its a map Listen and number the pictures冠词考点不定冠词 a , an1)表泛指,可用来表示数量 “1”2)“a”用在以辅音因素开头的单数名词前。 a jacket 3)An 用在以元音因素开头的单数名词 an orange4)定冠词 the 1) 表示 特指的人或物。The key on the desk2) 可以和单,复数名词,不可数名词连用1)this is a ruler and that is a pen . the ruler is green and the pen is black

2、2)Its an apple . its a red apple. Unit 1 grammar 1. 人称代词(主)和物主代词(形)2. Be动词My name is whats your name his name is i am I m 常见考点 人称代词主格 人称变化和基本用法 形容词性物主代词 人称代词和基本用法人称代词表格 Be 动词的形式 表格 am 肯定 否定 Is 肯定 否定 Are 肯定 否定记忆口诀 我(I)用 am 你(you)用are ,is 跟着他(he)她(she) 它(it) 单数 is 复数 are 变否定更容易 be 后 not 莫忘记Be动词的缩写 I a

3、m = ImYou are = youre She is =shesIt is = its We are = wereThey are= theyre Unit 2 指示代词的用法名词复数的变化 Grammar 指示代词 Thats my family those are my parents This is my sister Kate These are my brothers 强调 that 单数 those 复数 This 单数 these 复数用法 This 一般指 较近的人或物,后接单数名词 this is a bookThat 一般指较远的人或物, 后接单数名词 that is

4、a book These 一般指较近的人或物, 后接复数名词 these are my booksThose 一般指较远的人或物 后接复数名词 those are his books 重要容易被忽略的问题: 温馨提示:1. This is a pear 。that is a banana This is an apple that is a banana 放在一起的两样东西,要先从this,然后that 介绍 2. hello is that li ming ? hello this is li ming 打电话时,介绍自己是谁用this is ,询问别人时用 whos that ? is t

5、hat . ? 3. this is lucy , lucy, this is limei 说明 向别人介绍某人时说 this is 。 不说 that is 4. this is a Jacket , that is a coat 。 注意 this is 不能缩写, 但 that is 可以缩写为thats 名词复数变化 That is my family, those are my parents This is my sister kate These are my brothers Unit 3 Be 动词的一般疑问句 人称代词的宾格和名词性物主代词 Is that your sch

6、oolbag ? Yes it is ./ no it isnt . its his Are these your books ? Yes they are. / no, they arent Be动词的一般疑问句 结构 回答 肯定 否定陈述变疑问句 主语+be(am/is are)+其他 it is my pen is it your pen ? Be(am/is/are +主语+其他) 答 yes,it is / isnt 关注:主语为this,that,these, those 时的答语。this is my pen . is this your pen ? 答 yes, it

7、 is /no it isnt Those are your pens Are those your pens? Yes they are (回答时不能缩写) No they arent (回答时可以缩写)人称代词宾格和名词性物主代词 Email me at 邮件地址Would you like to cook with us The blue pen is his This watch is not mine and mine is in my schoolbag. 代词 人称代词主格 人称变化和基本用法 名词性物主代词 人称变化和基本用法人称代词宾格 单数 复数人称代词宾格用法 1 做及物

8、动词的宾语 my mom loves me very much 2 做介词的宾语 after class, jim always plays with them (they) on the ground 名词性物主代词 名词性物主代词特点 具有名词特点,相当于 形容词性物主代词+名词 My apple is small, but hers is big hers = her apple 名词性物主代词用法 1) 做主语 his shoes are white and mine are black 2 做表语 these are yours 温馨提示 there are many apples

9、on the tree on the tree指树本身生长出来的 There are many birds in the tree in the tree 指不是本身有的,外来的。 主格宾格 形容词物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词(做宾语)I memymineMyselfyouyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishisHimselfsheherherhersHerselfitititsitsItselfweusouroursourselvesyouyouyouryoursyourselftheythemtheirtheirsthemselvesUnit 4 Where 疑问词

10、引导的特殊疑问句 提问地点 My map is in my grandparents room 划线部分提问 where is my map ? 方位介词 in on under behind next to in front of sb think 某人认为 Unit 5 一般疑问句 Do you have a soccer ball ? 否定句 I dont have a Soccer ball. 当谓语动词为实义动词时,变成否定句时需要借助 助动词do +not . 放在实义动词前。变成疑问时,将助动词放到主语前面,其他语序不变,句号改成问号。 Lets go lets +动词原型The

11、 same same 前必须加the Play With sb和某人玩Only 仅仅 adv 表强调,放在动词前it is easy for sb 它对于.来说容易It is difficult for sb 它对于.来说困难After class 下课后Unit 6 一般疑问句 主语第三人称单数 名词单数 复数, 不可数名词 名词复数变化 规则变化 与不规则变化 不规则变化 改a 为 e 型 man men woman women Englishman Englishmen Englishwoman Englishmen Frenchman Frenchwoman Policeman Pol

12、icewoman 改oo 为ee型 foot feet Goose geese Tooth teeth 在词尾加ren child children 单复数同型 sheep Deer Chinese Japanese 其他特殊 mouse mice 词汇Think about 考虑 How about 咨询意见 , what about Sound 听起来 +adj Let sb do sth 让某人做.Ask sb about sth 问某人关于.Eating habits 饮食习惯 Healthy adj. Health n. Last question 最后一个问题 What do yo

13、u have for supper/ breakfast 晚饭,午饭After dinner 正餐后 Want to do sth 想要做.Unit 7 . 语法:问价格 How much 引导的特殊疑问句How much is the sweater ? 毛衫多少钱 How much is it ? 词汇:One pair of socks 一双 Two pairs of socks两双 在量词后需要变复数On sale 促销 At great sale 大减价 At good prices 价格合理Need 需要 We have .only for .yuan 我们卖的.仅需.元 What

14、 do you need ? 你需要什么 I need socks Unit 8 语法:When is your birthday ? When 引导的特殊疑问句提问日期用when 数词 序数词 1-31. first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth nineteenth twentieth twenty- first twenty -second twenty-third twenty-ninth thirtieth 22nd 21st 23rd 26th 具体某天前加 介词on on 10th October 词汇:Intere

15、sting 物做主语 be interested in 人做主语This term Have a school trip In the afternoon in the morning in the evening Come to Art festival A book sale 图书展销 Have a good time Unit 9语法:由why ,what , who 引导的特殊疑问句 Why do Frank and Bob like P.E? because it is fun Who is your music teacher ? my music teacher is Ms Xi

16、e What is your favorite subject ? my favorite subject is science . At +时间点 时间点前 加 at 在.点词汇Favorite subjectPlay games with sb Boring 物做主语 be bored with 人做主语Thats for sure 确定 Be busy with 忙于 .Useful useless Difficult difficulty Relaxing 物做主语 be relaxed 人做主语 七年级下册 Unit 1 语法:Can you play the guitar ? 情态

17、动词构成的疑问句 情态动词+动词原型 构成句子谓语。变否定句和疑问句在后面加not 或者直接提到句首。 肯定回答 Yes sb can 否定回答 No sb can not 词汇:Join a club 加入俱乐部 Be good at doing sthTell storiesLike to do sth like doing sth Lets do sth 在演奏乐器的前面要加定冠词 the Play the guitar play the piano play the violin play the drums 在球类前面不加 Play soccer play basketball pl

18、ay volleyball Also 也 位置: 放在实义动词前,助动词情态动词后 Need sb to do sth Help sb with sth 在.方面帮助某人English-speaking adj. 说英语的Call sb at 打电话.给. Be free 有空 Talk to sb 和.谈话 Make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 Unit 2 语法:What time do you go to school ? 提问时间点 用 what time 或者 when I usually get up at 6.00 in the morning 提问划线时间点

19、what time do you get up in the morning ? When do you get up in the morning 词汇:At radio station 在广播站Radio show 广播节目 从.到.At night 在晚上Eat breakfast / have breakfast 吃早饭 Be late for work / be late for school 上班迟到,上学迟到Take a shower 冲澡Get up early 早起So 因此 连词 连接句子 For +时间段 for one hour for one year

20、Get home get to 到达 home . here, there 副词前不加介词 Arrive in /at 加大地点,小地点 Reach + 地点 Either .or . 要么.要么 . I either watch TV or play computer games . Brush teeth 刷牙Go to bed 睡觉 Play computer games 玩电脑游戏 Lots of =a lot of 很多 后加可数名词复数或不可数名词 It is good for sb 对.身体不好 Taste 尝起来 后+adj taste good Do homework 做家庭

21、作业 Take a walk 散步 Unit 3 语法:How do you get to school ? How /how long/ how far 提问距离引导的特殊疑问句 how long提问时间段 / how far 提问距离How提问方式How does she go to school ? she usually takes the bus How far is it from your home to school ? it is only two kilometers from my home to school . How long does it take to get

22、 to school ? It takes about 14 minutes 词汇:ride a bike 骑自行车Take the bus 坐公交车It takes +时间段to do sth 做.花.时间Have a good day 玩的开心Cross the river 过河 By bus/by train / by bike / by plane 乘坐. it is +adj+for sb+to do sth 对.来说做.是.的 There be 某地有某物,be动词 就近原则 Between.and.两者之间 Go on a ropeway to do sth乘揽绳去做. Scho

23、ol day 上学日 work day 工作日Be afraid 害怕 be afraid of sth 害怕.Love to do sth爱做.Many of +名词复数 .的很多 many of the students 学生中的很多.It is +n+for+sb + to do sth对.来说做.是. Dream come true 梦想实现 Unit 4 Dont eat in class语法:祈使句否定: 不要做. Dont run in the hallways 不要在走廊跑 Can 引导的疑问句 Can we eat in the classroom ? No, you can

24、t , yes you can Have to do sth 不得不做. Does he have to wear a uniform at school ? yes she does / no she doesnt 词汇:A lot of rules 许多规则 Must be on time一定,必须准时 Too many 太多 后加可数名词复数 Make the bed 整理床In the kitchen 在厨房Run to school 跑去学校Cant do 不能做.Must +v 必须做 On weekends 在周末Either 放否定句末,表示也 i cant relax eit

25、her . Terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 terribly adv. Think about 考虑,思考Be strict with sb 对.严格Follow rules 遵守规则Unit 5 语法:Why do you like pandas ? Why 引导的特殊疑问句 提问原因 Why do you like pandas ? because they are kind of interesting. 词汇:Want to save 想要保护.,.One of +n复数 .之一 Symbol of good luck 幸运的象征 For a long time 很长时间 Get l

26、ost 迷路 In danger 处于危险中 in great danger 处于极大的危险中 Cut down trees 砍树Kill sth for sth 为.而杀. Remember 记住 remember doing 记得做过 remember to do 记得去做 Unit 6 语法:现在进行时 结构: 主语+am/is/are+ving+其他 I am watching TV What are you doing ? 词汇:Live with 和.住Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Boat race 龙舟比赛 Read story to sb 给.讲故事Talk

27、 on the phone to 和.打电话 Wish to do sth 希望做.Host family 寄宿家庭Unit 7 语法:现在进行时 How is the weather ? It is raining . 词汇:Have great time doing sth 做.时非常开心Some of +n复数 一些的.Be happy to do sth 做.是开心的Right now 现在Have fun 玩的开心On a vocation 度假Unit 8 语法:Is there a post office near here ? There be 句型 某地有某物 be 动词的单

28、复数要根据后面的名词数来决定 There is a book and two pen on the table There are two pen and a book on the table . 词汇:In ones neighborhood 在某人的社区Spend time doing sth 花时间做.Watch sb doing sth看某人正做.Look like 看起来像Walk along .沿着.走On the right 在右边On the left 在左边 Near .离.近Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做.Time goes quickly 时间飞逝Turn le

29、ft 向左转 Turn right 向右转 Unit 9 语法:What does he look like 描述身体特征What does he look like? He is tall / he has long hair / he is of medium height词汇:Draw a picture of sb 画一副.的画Put it in the newspaper 登报 The same way 同样的方式Describe people differently不同的描述人In the end 最后 finallyUnit 10 I would like some noodles 表达意愿 语法:Would like to do sth / sth 想要.What kind of noodles would you like ?I would like beef noodles, please Would you like a large bowl ? yes please is there any me

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