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本文(学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 5 强化2次练 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 5 强化2次练 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高中新创新一轮复习英语浙江专版必修1 Unit 5 强化2次练 Word版含答案必修1 Unit 5 强化2次练一、单元基础训练(限时25分钟).翻译句子1为了不受处罚,他开得尽可能快。(escape doing)He_drove_as_fast_as_he_could_in_order_to_escape_being_punished.2只有当他完成全部的任务后,才被允许短暂休息一下。(allow)Only_when_he_had_finished_all_the_tasks_was_he_allowed_to_take_a_short_break._3今天,老师责备我迟到。你本该向她解

2、释一下,你在上学路上把一个生病的老人送去了医院。(should have done)The_teacher_scolded_me_for_my_being_late_today.You_should_have_explained_to_her_that_you_had_sent_a_sick_old_man_to_hospital_on_your_way_to_school.4像我国的许多城市一样,深圳在过去30年里发生了巨大的变化。(change)Like_many_cities_in_our_country,_Shenzhen_has_changed_greatly_in_the_past

3、_thirty_years.5因为无人可求助,日本发生地震时,外国游客感到非常无助。(turn to)With_no_one_to_turn_to,_when_the_earthquake_in_Japan_happened,_the_foreign_tourists_felt_helpless.6只有对未来抱有希望,我们才能勇敢地面对所有的困难。(only引导状语从句)Only_when_we_are_hopeful_for_our_future_can_we_be_brave_enough_to_face_all_the_difficulties.7正是因为他的巨大贡献,他被授予了诺贝尔和

4、平奖。(award)It_was_because_of_his_great_contributions_that_he_was_awarded_the_Nobel_Peace_Prize._8每次我浏览旧照片时,我就会回想起童年时的快乐日子。(be back to)Every_time_I_go_through_the_old_photos,_the_happy_days_spent_in_my_childhood_were_back_to_me.9在他一生中,他总是试图去帮助那些比他更加不幸的人。(unfortunate)In_his_life,_he_has_always_tried_to

5、_help_those_more_unfortunate_than_himself._10起床后,他总是喝杯水,他觉得这对健康有益。(after doing sth.)After_getting_up,_he_always_drinks_a_glass_of_water,_which_he_believes_is_good_for_his_health._.完形填空A year ago, when my siblings (兄弟姐妹) and I left home, my parents moved to the other side of the country. They had bui

6、lt a beautiful house and they love their new, pleasant _1_. My dad still works, but Mum _2_ early last year and is now _3_ and becoming increasingly unhappy and _4_. She has tried joining clubs, _5_ people and integrating (融入群体) into her new community but without any luck.She still knows no one desp

7、ite her best _6_. The area they have moved to is closed and _7_ to strangers. She is many miles from her old friends and family, _8_ all day, every day with only pets for company. She is very intelligent, artistic, loyal and funny a truly amazing person. She has always had lovely friends and been _9

8、_ and busy. It is breaking my heart to watch her _10_ loneliness and so many knockbacks (挫折)Recently, when I chat to her, I have noticed her low _11_ she jokes that she feels as if she is _12_ a bit of craziness from the quiet and _13_. After many years of working and _14_ a family, she should be fi

9、nally free to enjoy herself. _15_, my siblings and I do not live nearby so we cannot visit her frequently we all keep in contact with her by phone. My dad doesnt understand her _16_ as he is out at work all day. He is busy with his job and cannot understand how she can be so unhappy when living in s

10、uch a beautiful place and without the pressure of work. He is at a loss how he can _17_ things and feels guilty and _18_ for how she feels. It has got so bad that they are _19_ moving again to a different area. However, I am in favor of that.Friendship and _20_ are far more important than a fancy ho

11、use.语篇解读:母亲退休后,搬了新家,尽管房子很漂亮,但在新的地方,习惯了忙碌的母亲却感到不快乐和孤独,作者由此得出:在人生中,友谊和快乐远比昂贵奢华的房子重要。1A.scenery BsurroundingsCatmosphere Dattraction解析:选B根据前文的“my parents moved to the other side of the country . love their new, pleasant”可知,他们在那里建造了新家并且也很喜欢那儿的环境。故选B。scenery“景色,风景”;surroundings“环境”;atmosphere“气氛”;attract

12、ion“吸引人的事物”。2A.dismissed BdisplacedCretired Dremoved解析:选C根据前文的“My dad still works”及“but”可知,此处前后是转折关系,所以这里表示母亲已经退休。故选C。dismiss“解雇”;displace“取代”;retire“退休”;remove“搬走”。3A.struggling BimaginingCseeking Dattempting解析:选A根据空后的“and becoming increasingly unhappy and _4_”可知,母亲不太适应新的环境,所以此处表示母亲正努力适应环境。故选A。stru

13、ggle“奋斗,努力”;imagine“想象”;seek“寻找”;attempt“企图”。4A.available BsatisfiedCpainful Dalone解析:选D根据后文的“She has tried joining clubs,_5_ people and integrating (融入群体) into her new community but without any luck.”可知,她变得越来越不开心和孤独。故选D。available“可获得的”;satisfied“满足的”;painful“痛苦的”;alone“孤独的”。5A.meeting BrecognizingC

14、tracking Dcalling解析:选A根据前文的“She has tried joining clubs”可知,此处与前后文在语义上形成并列,即她曾经尝试着加入俱乐部,结识周围的人们,融入新的社区,但都不是那么幸运,故选A。meet“结识,相识”;recognize“辨别出,承认”;track“跟踪”;call“打电话”。6A.comments Bregards Cefforts Dpains解析:选C根据前文的“. but without any luck”可知,尽管母亲付出了很大的努力但仍一个人也不认识,故选C。comment“评论”;regards“致意,问候”;effort“努力

15、”;pain“痛苦”。7A.illegal BunfriendlyCdishonest Dinnocent解析:选B此处表示我父母搬来的这个地方很封闭,对待陌生人也不友好,故选B。空前的closed“封闭的,闭关自守的”是解题的关键。illegal“不合法的”;unfriendly“不友好的”;dishonest“不诚实的”;innocent“纯真的,无辜的”。8A.stuck BlostCsleepy Daddicted解析:选A分析句子结构可知,空处作状语修饰句子的主语She。根据前文的“She is many miles from her old friends and family”及

16、后文的“every day with only pets for company”可知,此处表示她整天困在家中,故选A。stuck“困住的”;lost“迷失的”;sleepy “瞌睡的”;addicted“入迷的,上瘾的”。9A.graceful BmessyCaggressive Dhappy解析:选D根据倒数第二段中的“He is busy with his job and cannot understand how she can be so unhappy”可知,母亲曾经是很幸福快乐的,搬家前后的生活形成了对比,故选D。graceful“优雅的”;messy “凌乱的”;aggress

17、ive“好斗的,声势浩大的”;happy“高兴的,幸福的”。10A.escape BbearCundertake Dsolve解析:选B此处表示看到母亲忍受孤独和打击,我的心就要碎了,故选B。escape“逃跑”;bear“忍受”;undertake“从事”;solve“解决”。11A.attitude BconditionCdetermination Dmood解析:选D此处表示我注意到母亲的情绪有点低落,故选D。attitude“态度”;condition“状况,状态”;determination“决心”;mood“情绪”。12A.making up Bgoing throughCpurs

18、uing Dwitnessing解析:选B此处表示母亲开玩笑似的说她好像正在经历来自安静和孤独的一丝疯狂,故选B。make up “编造,化妆”;go through“经历”;pursue“追求”;witness“目击,见证”。13A.pressure BlossCloneliness Dambition解析:选C根据前文“It is breaking my heart to watch her _10_ loneliness and so many knockbacks(挫折)”可知,此处为原词复现,故选C。pressure“压力”;loss“丢失”;loneliness“孤独”;ambit

19、ion“野心,志向”。14A.supporting BprovidingCprotecting Deducating解析:选A此处表示多年的工作和养育一家人后,她本可以自由地享受生活。此处supporting a family意为“养育一家人”,符合语境,故选A。support“养活,赡养,维持”;provide“提供”;protect“保护”;educate“教育”。15A.Unbelievably BRemarkablyCUnfortunately DEspecially解析:选C根据后文的“my siblings and I do not live nearby so we cannot

20、 visit her frequently we all keep in contact with her by phone”可知,我和兄弟姐妹由于住的离母亲远,只能通过电话与她联系,所以此处应填Unfortunately“不幸地”,故选C。unbelievably“难以置信地”;remarkably“非凡地,引人注目地”;especially“尤其”。16A.intention BexperienceCcharacter Dsituation解析:选D根据后文的“as he is out at work all day”可知,父亲整天在外面上班,他不能够理解母亲现在的状况,故选D。inten

21、tion“意图”;experience“经历”;character“性格”;situation“情况,状况”。17A.change BobserveCappreciate Dincrease解析:选A此处表示他也不知道如何改变现状,故选A。change“改变”;observe“观察”;appreciate“欣赏,感激”;increase“提高”。18A.confused BslimCsad Drelaxed解析:选C此处表示父亲不知道如何改变现状,对母亲的感受感到内疚和忧伤,故选C。confused“迷惑的”;slim“小的,苗条的”;sad“忧伤的,难过的”;relaxed“放松的”。19A

22、.admitting BconsideringCenjoying Davoiding解析:选B根据前文的“He is at a loss how he can _17_ things and feels guilty and _18_ for how she feels”可知,此处表示家人正在考虑搬到另外一个地方,故选B。admit“承认”;consider“考虑”;enjoy“享受”;avoid“避免”。20A.excitement BembarrassmentCdisappointment Denjoyment解析:选D此处表示友谊和快乐远比昂贵奢华的房子重要。故选D。excitement

23、“兴奋”;embarrassment“尴尬”;disappointment“失望”;enjoyment“快乐”。二、阅读理解提速练(限时25分钟)AWhen Sarah Hansen first came to Bonnie Schlachtes ballet studio, she jokingly called herself a “weeblewobble”, telling her ballet teacher that she would fall when she tried to walk.“She couldnt walk across the room without hol

24、ding onto something,” recalled Schlachte.“She would immediately fall.”Hansen was only in middle school, but a progressive neurological (神经性的) disease prevented her from walking, let alone doing ballet.But Hansen had a strong spirit and desperately wanted to learn ballet.Hansen took weekly group clas

25、ses at Schlachtes ballet studio called Ballet for all Kids, a studio that teaches children with and without disabilities.Soon after she began classes and private lessons, her family saw a vast improvement in her ability to move.She worked tirelessly in the studio, focusing on what her instructor wan

26、ted from her.“At the time, her foot wouldnt fully rest on the floor,” explained Schlachte.“Thats why she couldnt stand on her own if there was no support.” Schlachte pushed her student, explaining to Hansen that her brain has neuroplasticity (神经可塑性), so eventually it will receive the message.Holding

27、 a degree in psychology, Bonnie Schlachte was the perfect person to push Hansen to do her best.Schlachte put herself through college with dance and theater scholarships.After graduation, she came across a chance to help children with disabilities.She fell in love with and chose to focus on jobs in t

28、hat field.Years later, Schlachte found herself watching and celebrating Hansen, who at one point could barely walk, but now could move across the floor on her own two feet.“One day, her ankle dropped, and she put her whole foot on the ground,” said Schlachte.“I was crying and her mom was crying.It w

29、as a great moment.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,从小患有神经系统疾病的Sarah Hansen不能走路,然而她却喜欢跳芭蕾。在老师的耐心教导和自己的努力下,她终于能够独立行走了。1Why did Sarah Hansen call herself a “weeblewobble”?AShe had difficulty in walking.BShe was a poor ballet dancer.CShe had no idea about her brain.DShe made slow progress at school.解析:选A细节理解题。由第一段的“telli

30、ng her ballet teacher that she would fall when she tried to walk”可知,当她走路时,她就会摔倒,这是她称呼自己为weeblewobble的原因。2What kind of person was Sarah Hansen?AEnergetic and confident.BOptimistic and generous.CIndependent and outgoing.DDetermined and hardworking.解析:选D推理判断题。由第二段的“But Hansen had a strong spirit and de

31、sperately wanted to learn ballet”和第三段的第一句可推知,她是一个意志坚定而且勤奋的人。3What made Schlachte and Hansens mother cry?AHansens degree in psychology.BHansens improvement in moving.CHansens willingness to learn ballet.DHansens winning dance scholarships.解析:选B细节理解题。由最后一段的“could move across the floor on her own two feet”和“she put her whole foot on the ground”可知,Hansen能够自己走路了,她在走路方面取得的进步让她的老师和母亲喜极而泣。BWe have slow food, slow travel, even slow journalism.The slow food movement reminds us of the value of locally

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